Production, Integration, and Federated Modules

In this chapter, we will cover production, integration, and federated modules. We will provide an overview of the correct deployment procedures, shortcuts, and alternatives. Even though some of this chapter will discuss subjects that have already been covered in more detail, it's good to go over them again so that you have a clearer understanding of what you've learned so far.

So far, we have discussed and carried out development builds and alluded to going into production, but the procedure for appropriate publication-level production is a little different and involves cross-checking and following best practices.

This section of the book will explore the various options we can use to deploy Webpack 5 with various web utilities. This will provide you with an overview of such web utilities and explain which are more appropriate for specific situations and platforms, including deploying with Babel.

All of these subjects are relevant to our opening section on production bundling, which also covers the topic of deployment for production and publication purposes.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Production setup
  • Shimming
  • Progressive web applications
  • Integrating task runners
  • GitHub
  • Extracting boilerplate
  • Module Federation
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