Modular outputting

You should always, and in the best of circumstances, keep output modular. Loader-generated modules should adhere to the same design heuristics as normal modules.

This may be for obvious reasons, but compatibility with existing projects would mean that this standard should be followed. It will also be of increasing importance for the chaining of loaders, as discussed previously. Loaders are often used in sequence with each other, and many Webpack projects require the installation and usage of many of them.

Therefore, the adherence to a modular output convention will prevent projects from becoming overly complicated and, in fact, possibly cause a reversal in the purpose of Webpack bundling, which is making a smaller, more succinct, and optimized application.

This conventional adherence or standard formatting is something that will be second nature to most developers, but when working with Webpack, there may be some compatibility considerations you have overlooked as they are so peculiar to bundling. One of these considerations is the "state" of the loader.

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