Libraries and Frameworks

This chapter looks at how applications work with libraries and frameworks. Numerous frameworks and libraries work with Webpack. Typically, these are JavaScript frameworks. They are becoming an increasingly central part of programming and knowing how to integrate them into your application bundle will likely be an increasing need.

Working with libraries and frameworks is a little bit different from working with other Webpack elements. By following typical examples and use cases, this book will explore Angular and how to structure the Angular framework to facilitate package bundling. This includes what to expect from the Webpack bundling, the desired outcomes, the advantages, and the limitations.

Once you have completed this chapter, you should be confident in how to use these major frameworks and libraries with Webpack. You will also know how to integrate and install them, as well as how to use best practices in your integrations.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Best practices
  • Working with JSON 
  • Working with YAML
  • Working with Angular
  • Working with Vue.js
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