Chapter 7: Exploring Loops and Iterations

Some operations need to be repeated one or more times before their result is completely evaluated. The code to be repeated could be copied the required number of times, but this would be cumbersome. Instead, for this, there are loops – for()…, while()…, and do … while() loops. Loops are for statements that must be evaluated multiple times. In this chapter, we will explore C loops. After considering loops, we'll move on to the much-maligned goto statement.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • Understanding brute-force repetition and why it might be bad
  • Exploring looping with the while()… statement
  • Exploring looping with the for()… statement
  • Exploring looping with the do … while() statement
  • Understanding when you would use each of these looping statements
  • Understanding how loops could be interchanged, if necessary
  • Exploring the good, the bad, and the ugly of using goto
  • Exploring safe alternatives to gotocontinue and break
  • Understanding the appropriate use of loops that never end

Technical requirements

As detailed in the Technical requirements section of Chapter 1, Running Hello, World!, continue to use the tools you have chosen.

The source code for this chapter can be found at

Understanding repetition

Very often, we need to perform a series of statements repeatedly. We might want to perform a calculation on each member of a set of values, or we might want to perform a calculation using all of the members in a set of values. Given a collection of values, we also might want to iterate over the whole collection to find the desired value, to count all the values, to perform some kind of calculation on them, or to manipulate the set in some way – say, to sort it.

There are a number of ways to do this. The simplest, yet most restrictive way is the brute-force method. This can be done regardless of the language being used. A more dynamic and flexible method is to iterate or repeatedly loop. C provides three interrelated looping statements – while()… , for()…, and do … while(). Each of them has a control or continuation expression, and a loop body. The most general form of these is the while()… loop. Lastly, there is the archaic goto label method of looping. Unlike other languages, there is no repeat … until() statement; such a statement can easily be constructed from any of the others.

Each looping statement consists of the following two basic parts:

  • The loop continuation expression
  • The body of the loop

When the loop continuation expression evaluates to true, the body of the loop is executed. The execution then returns to the continuation expression, evaluates it, and, if true, the body of the loop is again executed. This cycle repeats until the continuation expression evaluates to false; the loop ends, and the execution commences after the end of the loop body.

There are two general types of continuation expressions used for looping statements, as follows:

  • Counter-controlled looping, where the number of iterations is dependent upon a count of some kind. The desired number of iterations is known beforehand. The counter may be increasing or decreasing.
  • Condition- or sentinel-controlled looping, where the number of iterations is dependent upon some condition to remain true for the loop to continue. The actual number of iterations is not known. A sentinel is a value that must attain a certain state before the loop completes.

We will explore counter-controlled looping in this chapter and return to sentinel-controlled looping in later chapters when we get input from the console and read input from files.

C also provides some additional looping control mechanisms, such as break, which we saw in the switch()… statement in Chapter 6, Exploring Conditional Program Flow, and continue. These provide even greater looping control when simple counters or sentinel values aren't enough to meet our needs in special circumstances.

To boost our motivation for iteration and repetition, let's visit a problem that was presented to the young, brilliant mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss in the 17th century. When Gauss was in elementary school, to fill time before a recess, the teacher assigned the task of adding numbers 1 to 100 (or some such range). While all the other students were busily performing the tedious task of adding each number one by one (brute-force), young Gauss came up with a simple yet elegant equation to perform the task nearly instantly. His general solution was the following equation:

sum(n) = n * (n+1) / 2

Here, n is the highest number in a sequence of natural numbers (integers) beginning at 1.

So, throughout this chapter, we will explore the problem presented to the young Gauss – starting with his insightful equation and then moving on to various programmatic solutions – first, using brute-force addition, which Gauss cleverly avoided, and then, performing the task using each of the looping constructs C provides, and, finally, looping with the dreaded goto statement.

The following code snippet shows Gauss's equation in a sumNviaGauss() C function:

int sumNviaGauss( int N )  {
   int sum = 0;
   sum = N * ( N+1 ) / 2;
   return sum;

The input parameter is N. The result is the sum of 1 .. N integer values. This function is a part of the gauss_bruteforce.c program, and there are links in that program for delightful explanations of this equation, along with the variations of it, which we need not go into here. The curious reader can download gauss_bruteforce.c and explore the links given there.

Note that the N * ( N+1 ) / 2 equation requires ( ) because * and / have higher precedence than +. ( ) has higher precedence than all the operators here and thus gives us the desired result.

What is the point of providing this solution here? As C programmers, we have all of these wonderful C statements that we can use to construct complex calculations for solving a complex mathematical problem. However, we must remember that there may be an equation or algorithm that exists already that is much simpler and more generalized than anything that we may hope to concoct. For this reason, every programmer should be familiar with the Numerical Recipes in X books that provide complex mathematical solutions in the X language, where X is either C, Fortran, or C++, to some of the most demanding and challenging math problems that have vexed mathematicians, scientists, engineers, computer scientists, and operations researchers alike. Ignore such works at your peril!

Important Note

As an aside, I should mention that some of the most interesting and useful algorithms I've ever encountered as a computer scientist have come from the operations research guys. They seem to be always attempting to solve some really difficult yet important problems. But that is a topic out of scope for this book.

While young Gauss abhorred the use of brute force to solve the problem he was given, sometimes brute force may be the only way or even the best way, but not often. We examine that next.

Understanding brute-force repetition

In brute-force repetition, a statement or series of statements to be repeated is simply copied over and over the required number of times. This is the most restrictive form of repetition because the number of repeats is hardcoded in and can't be changed at runtime.

There are several other downsides to this type of repetition. First, what if you had to change one or more of the statements that have been copied over and over? Tedious would be the word to describe the work required to either change all of them (error-prone) or to delete, correct, and recopy the lines (also error-prone). Another downside is that it makes the code unnecessarily bulky. Copying 10 lines is one thing, but 100 or 1,000 is another thing altogether.

However, there are also times when copying a single statement multiple times is actually necessary. The situation where this occurs is in an advanced topic involving loop unrolling, which we will not cover in this book. If you are still interested after you have finished this chapter, you can perform your own internet search to find out more. It is, as a reminder, an advanced topic related to specialized high-performance situations. You will have many other fish to fry before – if ever – you need to master that topic.

The sum100viaBruteForce() function is a brute-force function to perform our desired task, and is shown in the following code block:

int sum100bruteForce( void )  {
  int sum = 0;
  sum  = 1;
  sum += 2;
  sum += 3;
  sum += 99;
  sum += 100;
  return sum;

Note that we do not include every single line of this over-100-lines function. It is very tedious and dull. Yet, in fact, it correctly calculates the sum of 1 .. 100. This function only works for this sequence and no other. You'd need a different brute-force method to calculate 1 .. 10 or 1 .. 50. Yawn. Even more tedium.

Here is a second version, a bit more general, using some useful C operators – the sum100viaBruteForce2() function, illustrated in the following code block:

int sum100bruteForce2( void )  {
  int sum = 0;
  int num = 1;
  sum  =   num;
  sum += ++num;
  sum += ++num;
  sum += ++num;
  sum += ++num;
  sum += ++num; // 100
  return sum; 

Note, again, that we do not include every single tedious line of this over-100-lines function. While this approach removes the need to actually type in each value from 1 to 100, it is equally tedious. I found that it was actually more difficult to create than the first version (that is, sum100viaBruteForce()) because it was hard to keep track of how many sum += ++num; lines I had copied. You'll see in the gauss_bruteforce.c file that I added comments to help keep things straightforward and simple.

Each of these functions is over 100 lines long. That's like over 100 miles of dry, dusty, dull road to drive across on a hot, arid, boring day with no rest stops and no ice water. The compiler might not care but those who will later have to read/update your code will.

When you enter these functions yourself, it is acceptable in this case to use copy and paste to help overcome the tedium.

The main() function for gauss_bruteforce.c is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int sum100bruteForce( void );
int sum100bruteForce2( void );
int sumNviaGauss( int N );
int main( void )  {
  int n = 100;
  printf( "The sum of 1..100 = %d (via brute force)
" , 
           sum100bruteForce() );
  printf( "The sum of 1..100 = %d (via brute force2)
" ,
           sum100bruteForce2() );
  printf( "The sum of 1..%d = %d (via Gaussian insight)
" ,
           n , sumNviaGauss( n ) );
  return 0;

Create the gauss_bruteforce.c file, and then enter the main() function and the three sum functions. Compile the program with the cc gauss_bruteforce.c -o gauss_bruteforce command. The -o command option followed by a name generates an executable file with that name instead of a.out (the default executable name that we have been using before now). Run the program. You should see the following output from gauss_bruteforce:

Figure 7.1 – Screenshot of gauss_bruteforce.c output

Figure 7.1 – Screenshot of gauss_bruteforce.c output

In the preceding screenshot, you can see that each of the three methods to calculate the sum of 1…100 gives us the same result.

Thankfully, there are better ways (well, still not as good as Gauss's original solution, but better from a C programming perspective) to solve this problem and – happily for us – to illustrate looping.

As we examine the various forms of repetitive methods, we will solve Gauss's problem each time. This approach affords a couple of advantages. As you work with loop iteration counters, any starting or stopping errors made in the loop counter condition will result in a different sum; so, by using the same problem that we have already solved, we can verify our code. Also, since we've already solved the problem in two ways, it will not be new and will even become familiar. Therefore, we can focus more on the variations in the syntax of each looping method.

Introducing the while()… statement

The while()… statement has the following syntax:

while( continuation_expression ) statement_body

It consists of a continuation_expression and a loop body. At each iteration of the while loop, the continuation_expression is evaluated. If its result is true, statement_body is executed and continuation_expression is evaluated again. When the continuation_expression evaluates to false, the loop ends; the execution resumes after statement_body. If continuation_expression initially evaluates to false, the statement_body loop is never executed.

statement_body is – or may be – a single statement, or even the null statement (a single ; without an expression), but most often, it is a compound statement. Note that there is no semicolon specified as a part of the while()… statement. A semicolon would appear as a part of a single statement in statement_body, or would be absent in the case of statement_body consisting of a { … } compound statement.

Also note that within statement_body, there must be some means to change the value(s) used in the continuation_expression. If not, the loop will either never execute, or it will never terminate once begun. The latter condition is also known as an infinite loop. Therefore, in counter-controlled looping, the counter must be changed somewhere in the body of the loop.

Returning to Gauss's problem, we'll use a while()… loop in a function that takes N as a parameter, which is the highest value of the sequence to sum, and returns that sum of 1 to N. We need a variable to store the sum that is initialized to 0. We'll also need a counter to keep track of our iterations, also initialized to 0. The counter will have a range of 0 to (N-1). Our loop condition is, is the counter less than N? When the counter reaches the value of N, our loop condition will be false (N is not less than N) and our loop will stop. So, in the body of our loop, we accumulate the sum and increment our counter. When looping is complete, the sum is returned.

The sumNviaWhile() function is shown in the gauss_loops.c program, as follows:

int sumNviaWhile( int N )  {
  int sum = 0;
  int num = 0;
  while( num < N )  { // num: 0..99 (100 is not less than 
                      // 100)
    sum += (num+1);   // Off-by-one: shift 0..99 to 1..100.
  return sum;

There is a bit of a wrinkle; this wrinkle is known as the off-by-one problem. This problem has many forms in other programming languages and not just in C. Note that our counter starts at 0 and goes to N-1, to give us N iterations. We could start at 1 and check whether the counter is less than N+1. Or, we could also start at 0 and test whether the counter is less than or equal to N. This second approach would give a correct answer for this problem but would give us N+1 iterations instead of just N iterations. Starting at 0 and going to, say 10, would altogether be 11 iterations.

There is a valid reason we have chosen to start our counter at zero. It has more to do with C array indexes, which we will encounter in Chapter 11, Working with Arrays. This may seem confusing now, yet zero-based counting/indexing is a very consistent principle in C. Getting accustomed to it now will save many more headaches when working with array indexing and pointer addition later.

To help mitigate any possible confusion with counter ranges, I have found it is always helpful to indicate the expected range of values (that the counter or index will take) in comments. In that way, necessary adjustments, as done previously, can be made to any other calculations that use that counter.

On the other hand, there is another way. (There is always another way in C, as in most programming languages!) In this second way of implementing the while()… loop, instead of counting up, we'll count down. Furthermore, we'll use the N input parameter value as the counter so that we don't need a separate counting variable. Remember that the function parameters are copied from the caller and also that they then become local variables within the function. We'll use N as a local variable to be our counter. Instead of incrementing our counter, we'll decrement it. The valid range will thus be from N down to 1. In this way, we'll let 0 be the stopping condition because it also evaluates to false.

Our continuation_expression is simply evaluating whether N is non-zero to continue. We could have also used while( N > 0 ), which would be only slightly more explicit, even if redundant. In addition, we get some minor benefits of not having to deal with the off-by-one problem. Then, our counter is also an accurate representation of the value that we want to add.

The revised sumNviaWhile2() function in the gauss_loops2.c program is shown in the following code block:

int sumNviaWhile2( int N )  {
  int sum = 0;
  while( N>0 )  {      // N: N down to 1 (stops at 0).
    sum += N;
  return sum;

Is one approach better than the other? Not really. And certainly not in these examples, because our problem is rather simple. When statement_body becomes more complex, one approach may be better in terms of clarity and readability than the other. The point here is to show how thinking about the problem in a slightly different way can make the code clearer sometimes. In this instance, the difference is in how the count is performed.

Introducing the for()… statement

The for()… statement has the following syntax:

for( counter_initialization ; continuation_expression ; counter_increment ) statement_body

The for()… statement consists of a three-part control expression and a statement body. The control expression is made up of a counter_initialization expression, continuation_expression, and a counter_increment expression, where a semicolon separates each part of an expression. Each one has a well-defined purpose. Their positions cannot be interchanged.

Upon executing the for()… statement, the counter_initialization expression is evaluated. This is performed only once. Then, continuation_expression is evaluated. If its result is true, the statement_body is executed. At the end of statement_body, the counter_increment expression is evaluated. Then, the process repeats, with the evaluation of continuation_expression. When continuation_expression evaluates to false, the loop ends; the execution resumes after statement_body. If the continuation_expression initially evaluates to false, the statement_body loop is never executed.

statement_body may be a single statement or even a null statement (a single ; without an expression) but, most often, it is a compound statement. Note that there is no semicolon specified as a part of the for()… statement. A semicolon would appear as part of a single statement in statement_body or would be absent in the case of statement_body consisting of the { … } compound statement.

In the for()… statement, all of the control elements are present at the beginning of the loop. This design was intentional so as to keep all of the control elements together. This construct is particularly useful when statement_body is either complex or overly long. There is no possibility of losing track of the control elements since they are all together at the beginning.

The counter_increment expression may be any expression that increments, decrements, or otherwise alters the counter. Also, when the counter is both declared and initialized within a for loop, it may not be used outside of that for loop's statement_body, much like the function parameters that are local to the function body. We will explore this concept in greater detail in Chapter 25, Understanding Scope.

Returning to Gauss's problem, we'll use a for()… loop in a function that takes as a parameter N, the highest value of the sequence to sum, and returns that sum of 1 to N. We need a variable to store the sum, initialized to 0. The counter we'll need will be both declared and initialized to 0 in the first part of the for()… statement. The counter will have the range of 0 to (N-1); when it reaches N, our is the counter less than N? loop condition will be false (N is not less than N) and our loop will stop. So, in the body of our loop, we need to only accumulate the sum. When looping has been completed, the sum is returned.

The sumNviaFor() function in the gauss_loop.c program is shown in the following code block:

int sumNviaFor( int N )  {
  int sum = 0;
  for( int num = 0 ; num < N ; num++ ) { 
                             // num: 0..99 (it's a C thing)
    sum += (num+1);          // Off-by-one: shift 0..99 to 
                             // 1..100.
  return sum;

As we saw with the while()... loop, we have encountered and had to deal with the off-by-one problem. But also, as before, there is a second way to perform this loop. In this second way of implementing the for()… loop, instead of counting up, we'll count down. Again, we'll use the input parameter value (N) as the counter, so we don't need a separate counting variable. Remember that function parameters are copied from the caller, and also that they then become local variables within the function. We'll use N as a local variable to be our counter. Instead of incrementing our counter, we'll decrement it and let 0 be the stopping condition (as well as evaluate it to false).

As before, we get the somewhat minor benefit of not having to deal with the off-by-one problem. Then, our counter is also an accurate representation of the value we want to add.

The revised sumNviaFor2() function in the gauss_loop2.c program is shown as follows:

int sumNviaFor2( int N )  {
  int sum = 0;
  for( int i = N ;  // range: 100..1
       i > 0 ;      // stops at 1.
       i--     )  {
    sum += i;       // No off-by-one.
  return sum;

One final thing to notice in sumNviaFor2() is that the parts of the control expression are formatted such that each part is now on its own line. Doing this allows for more complex expressions and comments for each part.

For example, let's assume we want to simultaneously count up and down, using two counters. We can initialize more than one counter in the counter_initialization expression by using the , sequence operator. We can also increment more than one counter in the counter_increment expression, again by using the , operator. Our for()… condition might look like this:

for( int i = 0 , int j = maxLen ;
     (i < maxLen ) && (j > 0 ) ;
     i++ , j-- )  {

However, the indentation should be used to keep the control expression clearly identifiable from the loop body. In this simple example, such code formatting is unnecessary and should only be used where the control expression becomes more complex.

Introducing the do … while() statement

The do…while() statement has the following syntax:

do statement_body while( continuation_expression );

The only difference between this statement and the while()_ statement is that in the do…while() statement, statement_body is executed before continuation_expression is evaluated. If the continuation_expression result is true, the loop repeats. When continuation_expression evaluates to false, the loop ends. Note also the terminating semicolon. If continuation_expression initially evaluates to false, the statement_body loop is executed once and only once.

Returning again to Gauss's problem, the similarities to the while()_ statement are clear. In fact, for this problem, there is very little difference between the while()_ and do…while() statements.

The sumNviaDoWhile() function in the gauss_loop.c program can be seen in the following code block:

int sumNviaDoWhile( int N )  {
  int sum = 0;
  int num = 0;
  do {
    sum += (num+1);      // Off-by-one: shift 0..99 to 
                         // 1..100.
  } while ( num < N );   // num: 0..99 (100 is not less 
                         // than 100).
  return sum;

Note that because the statement_body consists of more than one statement, a statement block is required; otherwise, a compiler error would result.

And, as we have already seen before, we can rework this function to use N as our counter and decrement it.

The sumNviaDoWhile2() function in the gauss_loop2.c program can be seen in the following code block:

int sumNviaDoWhile2( int N )  {
  int sum = 0;
  do {
    sum += N;
  } while ( N );    // range: N down to 1 (stops at 0).
  return sum;

Before going any further, it's time to create not one but two programs, gauss_loop.c, and gauss_loop2.c.

The main() function of the gauss_loop.c program can be seen in the following code block:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int sumNviaFor(     int n );
int sumNviaWhile(   int n );
int sumNviaDoWhile( int n );
int main( void )  {
  int n = 100;
  printf( "The sum of 1..%d = %d (via while() ... 
"  , n , sumNviaWhile( n ) );
  printf( "The sum of 1..%d = %d (via for() ... 
"    , n , sumNviaFor( n ) );
  printf( "The sum of 1..%d = %d (via do...while() loop)
          , n , sumNviaDoWhile( n ) );
  return 0;

Create the gauss_loops.c file, and enter the main() function and the three sum functions. Compile the program with the cc gauss_loops.c -o gauss_loops command. Run the program. You should see the following output from gauss_loops:

Figure 7.2 –  Screenshot of the gauss_loops.c output

Figure 7.2 – Screenshot of the gauss_loops.c output

In the preceding screenshot, you can see that each of the three looping methods to calculate the sum of 1..100 gives us the same result as well as the identical result as gauss_bruteforce.

The main body of gauss_loop2.c is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int sumNviaFor2(     int N );
int sumNviaWhile2(   int N );
int sumNviaDoWhile2( int N );
int main( void )  {
  int n = 100;
  printf("The sum of 1..%d = %d (via while() ... loop 2)
" , 
          n , sumNviaWhile2(n) );
  printf("The sum of 1..%d = %d (via for() ... loop 2)
" ,
          n , sumNviaFor2(n) );
  printf("The sum of 1..%d = %d (via do...while() 2)
" , 
          n , sumNviaDoWhile2(n) );
  return 0;

Create the gauss_loops2.c file, enter the main() function, and the three sum functions. Compile the program with the cc gauss_loops2.c -o gauss_loops2 command. Run the program. You should see the following output:

Figure 7.3 –  Screenshot of gauss_loops2.c output

Figure 7.3 – Screenshot of gauss_loops2.c output

In the preceding screenshot, you can see that each of the alternate three looping methods to calculate the sum of 1..100 gives us the same result as we have seen before.

Understanding loop equivalency

After having typed in both versions of each loop and run them, you may have begun to see some similarities between each of the looping statements. In fact, for counter-controlled looping, each of them is readily interchangeable.

To illustrate, let's examine each counter-controlled loop by comparing each of its essential parts.

The counter-controlled while()… loop has the following syntax:

while( continuation_expression )  { 

Note that both counter initialization and counter increments have been added to the basic syntax of the while()… loop and that they are somewhat scattered about.

The counter-controlled for()… loop has the following syntax:

for( counter_initialization ; continuation_expression ; counter_increment ) 

It would be perfectly logical to assume that the for()… loop is really just a special case of the while()… loop.

The counter-controlled do…while() loop has the following syntax:

do { 
} while( continuation_expression );

Note that, as with the while()… loop, the counter-control expressions have been added to the basic syntax of the do…while() loop and are also somewhat scattered about the loop.

For counter-controlled looping, the for()… loop is a natural first choice over the other two. Nonetheless, any of these may be used. However, when we look at sentinel-controlled loops, these equivalencies begin to break down. We will see that the while()… loop provides far more general use in many cases, especially when looking for a sentinel value to end continuation.

Understanding unconditional branching – the dos and (mostly) don'ts of goto

The goto statement is an immediate and unconditional transfer of program execution to the specified label within a function block. goto causes execution to jump to the label. In current C, unlike the bad old days, goto may not jump out of a function block, and so it may neither jump out of one function into the middle of another nor out of one program into another program (neither were uncommon in those days).

The goto statement consists of two parts. First, there must be a label declared either as a standalone statement, as follows – label_identifier : – or as a prefix to any other statement, like so – label_identifier : statement.

And secondly, there must be a goto statement to that label_identifier statement. The syntax for the goto statement is as follows:

goto label_identifier;

The reason for the goto statement being shunned comes from the bad old days before structured programming. The main tenet of structured programming was one entry point, one exit point. We don't hear much about this anymore because, well, programmers have been trained better and languages – starting with C – have become more disciplined, so goto is not really needed. The main aim of the structured programming movement was to counter the spaghetti code of earlier programs, where goto ruled because a more disciplined mechanism did not exist, and the use of goto in some cases had got completely out of control. Programs jumped from here to there, and to anywhere, and code became extremely difficult to understand or modify (because the goto statement made it impossible to know all the possible flows of control). Often, the answer to the questions, How did we end up here? and What was the code path that got us to this point? was not easily discernible, if it was discernible at all. Thanks to C, and subsequent derivative languages of C, the undisciplined use of goto was reined in.

The creators of C felt there was occasionally, albeit rarely, a need for goto, and so they left it in the language. In C, goto is highly constrained in terms of where it can – ahem – go to. Unlike the bad old days, you cannot use goto in a label inside another function. You cannot use goto out of the current function. You cannot use goto in another program, nor can you use goto somewhere in the runtime library or into system code. All these things were often done for expediency, only without regard to the long-term maintainability of the code. Mayhem ruled. But no longer, at least with respect to goto.

Today, in C, the goto statement can only jump to a label within the same function. goto is extremely handy in the case of deeply nested if… else… statements or deeply nested looping statements when you just need to get out and move on. While this is sometimes necessary, it should be considered rarely necessary. It is also handy at times in high-performance computing. So, for those reasons alone, we consider it here.

Besides, C provides two other extremely useful and disciplined statements that rein in the undisciplined and chaotic use of goto, as we will see in the next section.

For the remainder of this section, we'll look at structured uses of goto and how to implement the looping statements we've already seen using goto. In each case, there is a pair of labels identifying the beginning and end of what in other statements would be the loop block.

In our first example, the end-of-loop label is not needed; it is there for clarity, as shown in the following example of the sumNviaGoto_Do() function of the gauss_goto.c program:

int sumNviaGoto_Do( int N )  {
  int sum = 0;
  int num = 0;
  sum += (num+1);
  if( num < N ) goto begin_loop; // loop!
  // else fall-through out of loop.
  return sum;

In the sumNviaGoto_Do() function, we find all the elements of the preceding looping statements. There is the loop block beginning at the begin_loop: label. There is the loop block ending at the end_loop: label, and, in this example, the body of the loop block is executed exactly once before the loop condition is evaluated. This, then, is the goto equivalent of a do … while() loop.

So, you might now be wondering what a goto-equivalent while() … loop might look like. Here it is, in the sumNviaGoto_While() function of the gauss_goto.c program:

int sumNviaGoto_While( int N )  {
  int sum = 0;
  int num = 0;
  if( !(num < N) ) goto end_loop;
  sum += (num+1);
  goto begin_loop;
  return sum;

Note how the loop condition had to be slightly modified. Also, note that when that loop condition is true, we go to the label that is after the goto begin_loop statement. This is the only way we get out of the loop, just as in the while() … statement.

Finally, we can implement a for() … loop with goto, as shown here in the sumNviaGoto_For() function of the gauss_goto.c program:

int sumNviaGoto_For( int N)  {
  int sum = 0;
  int num = 0;
  int i = 0;                     // initialize counter
  if( !(i < N) ) goto end_loop;  // test condition
  sum += (num+1);
  i++;                           // counter increment
  goto begin_loop;
  return sum;

To do this, we had to add a local counter variable, i, initialize it to 0, test that its value was not less than N, and, finally, increment it before we unconditionally branch to the top of our loop. You should be able to see how each of these statements corresponds to those in the for() … statement.

In assembler language – a nearly direct translation to machine language – there is no for() … , while() … , or do … while() loops. There is only goto. These goto looping constructs could very well be translated directly into either assembler language or directly to machine language. But we are programming C, so the point of demonstrating these constructs is to show the equivalence between the various looping mechanisms.

The main() function of the gauss_goto.c program is given as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int sumNviaGoto_While( int N );
int sumNviaGoto_Do( int N );
int sumNviaGoto_For( int N );
int main( void )  {
  int n = 100;
  printf( "The sum of 1..%d = %d (via do-like goto loop)
" ,
           n , sumNviaGoto_Do( n ) );
  printf( "The sum of 1..%d = %d (via while-like goto loop)
" ,
           n , sumNviaGoto_While( n ) );
  printf( "The sum of 1..%d = %d (via for-like goto loop)
" ,
           n , sumNviaGoto_For( n ) );
  return 0;

Create the gauss_goto.c file, and enter the main() function and the three sum functions. Compile the program with the cc gauss_goto.c -o gauss_goto command. Run the program. You should see the following output:

Figure 7.4 –  Screenshot of the gauss_goto.c output

Figure 7.4 – Screenshot of the gauss_goto.c output

In the preceding screenshot, you can see that each of the alternate three looping methods to calculate the sum of 1...100 gives us the same result as we have seen before.

So, now, the question before us is, We can loop with goto, but should we?

The answer is quite resoundingly, No! We don't need to, at all. We use for()… , while()…, or do … while() instead!

These complex looping statements exist to make our code clearer as well as to obviate the need for goto. Let the compiler generate the goto statement for us. So, for general-purpose computing, goto should rarely be used, if ever. However, in certain high-performance computing situations, goto may be necessary.

Remember, the overuse and/or improper use of goto is a way to perdition! Use goto wisely.

Further controlling loops with break and continue

Rather than relying on goto to get out of sticky situations inside of deeply nested statements, the creators of C provided two very controlled goto-like mechanisms. These are break and continue.

break jumps out of and to the end of the enclosing statement block, whereas continue is used for looping, which goes immediately to the next iteration of the looping statement, skipping any statements that would otherwise be executed in the loop after the continue mechanism.

We have previously encountered the use of break in the switch statement in the preceding chapter, where break caused the execution to resume immediately after the switch statement block. break can also be used to jump to the end of the enclosing statement_body loop.

In the following isPrime() function, break is used to get out of a loop that determines whether the given number is divisible by the counter value; if so, the number is not prime.

The isPrime() function of the primes.c program can be seen in the following code block:

bool isPrime( int num )  {
  if( num < 2 )   return false;
  if( num == 2 )  return true;
  bool isPrime = true;  // Make initial assumption that 
                       // num is prime.
  for( int i = 2 ; i < num ; i++ )  {
    if( (num % i) == 0 )  {  // We found a divisor of num; 
                             // num is not prime.
      isPrime = false;
      break;             // No need to keep checking; leave 
                         // the loop.
  return isPrime;

Here, we are demonstrating break in a rather simple example. In this case, you may recall, we could also have simply used return false instead, but where's the fun in that? Because break is not in a switch statement but is in a loop, break takes the execution out of the loop to the very next statement after the closing loop } bracket.

The continue statement only works within an enclosing statement_body. When encountered, the execution jumps to immediately before the closing loop } bracket, thereby commencing on the next continuation_expression loop and possible loop iteration (only if the continuation evaluates to true).

Let's say we want to calculate a sum for all prime numbers between 1 and N as well as all non-prime numbers in the same range. We can use the isPrime() function within a loop. If the candidate number is not prime, do no more processing of this iteration and begin the next one. Our function that adds only prime numbers would look like this sumPrimes() function of the primes.c program:

int  sumPrimes( int num )  {
  int sum = 0;
  for( int i = 1 ; i <  (num+1) ; i++ )  {
    if( !isPrime( i ) ) continue;
    printf( "%d " , i);
    sum += i;
  return sum;

Similarly, a function that adds only non-prime numbers would look like this sumNonPrimes() function of the primes.c program:

int  sumNonPrimes( int num )  {
  int sum = 0;
  for( int i = 1 ; i < (num+1) ; i++ )  {
    if( isPrime( i ) ) continue;
    printf( "%d " , i);
    sum += i;
  return sum;

Care must be exercised when using the continue statement to ensure that the loop counter update is performed and not bypassed with the continue statement. Such oversight would result in an infinite loop.

The main() function of primes.c, which illustrates break and continue, does three things. First, it does a simple validation of our isPrime() function using a for()… loop. Then, it calls sumPrimes() via a printf() function, and, finally, it calls sumNonPrimes() again via a printf() function. If the program logic is correct, the sum of both prime and non-prime numbers should be the same as our preceding summing functions; that is how we will verify the correctness of the program. The main() function of the primes.c program is given as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
bool isPrime( int num );
int  sumPrimes(    int num );
int  sumNonPrimes( int num );
int main( void )  {
  for( int i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
    printf( "%d => %sprime
", i , isPrime( i ) ? "" : 
          "not " );
  printf( "Sum of prime numbers 1..100     = %d
" , 
           sumPrimes( 100 ) ); 
  printf( "Sum of non-prime numbers 1..100 = %d
" , 
           sumNonPrimes( 100 ) ); 
  return 0;

Create and type in the primes.c program. Compile, run, and verify its results.

Create the primes.c file, and enter the main() function, the isprime() function, and the two sumPrime functions. Compile the program with the cc primes.c -o primes command. Run the program. You should see the following output:

Figure 7.5 –  Screenshot of primes.c output

Figure 7.5 – Screenshot of primes.c output

In the preceding screenshot, you can see that for each function, we first validate that the isPrime() function properly determines the primeness of one through seven. Not only can you see the sum of prime numbers and non-prime numbers but you can also see the numbers in each set, for further verification. Note that 1060 + 3990 = 5050 is the expected correct result.

For a complete comparison of break, continue, return, and goto, consider the following code outline:

int aFunction( ... ) {
  for( ... )  {  /* outer loop */
    for( ... )  { /* inner loop */
      if( ... ) break;         /* Get out of inner loop. */
      if( ... ) continue;      /* Next iteration of inner loop. */
      if( ... ) goto ERROR;    /* Get out of ALL loops. */
      /* Next statement after continue; */
      /* Also next iteration of inner-loop. */
    /* Next statement after break; still in outer-loop. */
  return 0;  /* normal function exit */
ERROR:       /* Error recovery */
  return -1; /* abnormal function exit */

In this outline, there is an inner for() … loop nested within an outer for() … loop. break will only go to the end of its immediate enclosing statement_body. In this case, it goes to the end of the inner loop block and executes statements in the outer loop block. continue goes to the point immediately before the end of the enclosing statement_body to repeat the loop iteration. goto ERROR immediately jumps to the ERROR: label at the end of the function body and handles the error condition before returning from the function. In the statement before the ERROR: label, there is a return 0 that returns from the function, thus preventing the execution of the error recovery statements.

Understanding infinite loops

So far, we have considered loops that have an actual end. In most cases, this is both intended and desirable. When loops never end, either unintentionally because we goofed up somewhere or intentionally, they are called an infinite loop. There are a few special cases where an infinite loop is actually intentional. The cases are as follows:

  • When the user interacts with the program until they choose to quit the program.
  • When there is input with no known end, as in networking, where data can come at any time.
  • Operating system event loop processing. This begins upon boot-up and waits (loops) for events to happen until the system is shut down.

When you start a program that accepts user input – keyboard strokes, mouse movements, and so on – it goes into an infinite loop to process each input. We would then need to use a break, goto, or return statement in the statement-body of our infinite loop to end it.

A simplified version using for()… might look something like the following:

void get_user_input( void )   {
 for( ; ; )
 if( ... ) goto exit;
 if( cmd == 'q' || cmd == 'Q' ) break;
 ... // Do exit stuff, like clean up, then end.

When continuation_expression is null, it is evaluated to true. The other parts of the control expression are optional.

The computer's main routine, after it loads all of its program parts, might look something like this:

void system_loop( void  )  {
  while( 1 )
    if( system_shutdown_event ) goto shutdown;
  ...  // Perform orderly shut-down activities, then power off.

This is an extremely oversimplified version of what actually goes on. However, it shows that somewhere in your computer, an infinite loop is running and processing events.


We have encountered various repetitious looping techniques, from the ridiculous (brute-force iteration) to the sublime (various loop statements with break, continue, and goto). You can use loops for a wide variety of purposes: to evaluate all the elements of an array, to traverse lists, trees, and other data structures, to get multiple inputs from the user, and so on. We will encounter these different uses of loops in later chapters. We have explored the use of goto in a variety of ways; in reality, goto should be used sparingly and with great restraint.

With functions, conditional expressions, and – now – looping statements, we conclude our journey through C flow-of-control statements. Nearly all of these concepts can be easily translated into other programming languages.

In the bulk of the remainder of the book, we'll broaden our understanding and ability to manipulate data well beyond the simple forms we have so far encountered. In the next chapter, we will explore custom-named values called enumerations.


  1. What are the four types of looping statements in C?
  2. What is the difference between a counter-controlled loop and a sentinel-controlled loop?
  3. What is the minimum number of times a while()… loop will be executed? What is the maximum number?
  4. What is the minimum number of times a do … while() loop will be executed? What is the maximum number?
  5. Which looping statement(s) are best for counter-controlled looping? Which are best for sentinel-controlled looping?
  6. True or false – you should never consider using goto.
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