Finding sysadmin accounts with empty passwords on MS SQL servers

Penetration testers often need to check that no administrative account has a weak password. With some help from Nmap NSE, we can easily check that no host (or hosts) has a sysadmin account with an empty password.

This recipe teaches us how to use Nmap to find MS SQL servers with an empty sysadmin password.

How to do it...

To find MS SQL servers with an empty sa account, open your terminal and enter the following Nmap command:

$ nmap -p1433 --script ms-sql-empty-password -v <target>

If an account with an empty password is found, it will be included in the script output section:

1433/tcp open  ms-sql-s 
| ms-sql-empty-password: 
|   [] 
|_    sa:<empty> => Login Success 

How it works...

The parameter -p1433 --script ms-sql-empty-password makes Nmap initiate the NSE script ms-sql-empty-password if an MS SQL server is found running on port 1433.

The script ms-sql-empty-password was submitted by Patrik Karlsson and improved by Chris Woodbury. It tries to connect to an MS SQL server using the username sa (the sysadmin account) and an empty password.

There's more...

If port 445 is open, you can use it to retrieve information via pipes. It is required that you set the arguments mssql.instance-name or mssql.instance-all:

$ nmap -sV --script-args mssql.instance-name=MSSQLSERVER --script ms-sql-empty-password -p445 -v <target>
$ nmap -sV --script-args mssql.instance-all --script ms-sql-empty-password -p445 -v <target>

The output will be as follows:

445/tcp open  netbios-ssn 

Host script results: 
| ms-sql-empty-password: 
|   [] 
|_    sa:<empty> => Login Success 

Force scanned ports only in NSE scripts for MS SQL

The NSE scripts ms-sql-brute, ms-sql-config.nse, ms-sql-empty-password, ms-sql-hasdbaccess.nse,ms-sql-info.nse, ms-sql-query.nse, ms-sql-tables.nse, and ms-sql-xp-cmdshell.nse may try to connect to ports that were not included in your scan. To limit NSE to only use scanned ports, use the argument mssql.scanned-ports-only:

$ nmap -p1433 --script-args mssql.scanned-ports-only --script ms-sql-* -v <target>

See also

  • The Retrieving MS SQL server information recipe
  • The Brute forcing MS SQL passwords recipe
  • The Dumping the password hashes of an MS SQL server recipe
  • The Running commands through the command shell on MS SQL servers recipe
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