Listing protocols supported by a remote host

An IP Protocol scan is useful for determining what communication protocols are being used by a host. This information serves different purposes, including packet filtering testing and remote operating system fingerprinting.

This recipe shows how to use Nmap to enumerate all of the IP protocols supported by a host.

How to do it...

Open a terminal and type the following command:

$nmap -sO <target>

The results will show what protocols are supported, along with their states.

# nmap -sO

Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0021s latency).
Not shown: 253 open|filtered protocols
1        open   icmp
6        open   tcp
132      closed sctp
MAC Address: 5C:4C:A9:F2:DC:7C (Huawei Device Co.)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 3.67 seconds

How it works...

The flag -sO tells Nmap to perform an IP Protocol Scan. This type of scan iterates through the protocols found in the file nmap-protocols, and creates IP packets for every entry. For the IP protocols TCP, ICMP, UDP, IGMP, and SCTP, Nmap will set valid header values but for the rest, an empty IP packet will be used.

To determine the protocol state, Nmap classifies the different responses received, as follows:

  • If it receives an ICMP protocol unreachable error type 3 code 2, the protocol is marked as closed
  • ICMP unreachable errors type 3 code 1,3,9,10 or 13 indicate that a protocol is filtered
  • If no response is received, the protocol is marked as filtered|open
  • Any other response will cause the protocol to be marked as opened

There's more...

To specify what protocols should be scanned, we could set the argument -p:

$nmap -p1,3,5 -sO <target>
$nmap -p1-10 -sO <target>

Customizing the IP protocol scan

The file containing the IP protocol list is named nmap-protocols and is located at the root folder of your Nmap installation. To add a new IP protocol, we simply need to add its entry to this file:

#echo "hip 139 #Host Identity Protocol" >> /usr/local/share/nmap/nmap-protocols

See also

  • The Fingerprinting the operating system of a host recipe
  • The Discovering hostnames pointing to the same IP address recipe
  • The Matching services with known security vulnerabilities recipe
  • The Spoofing the origin IP of a port scan recipe
  • The Brute forcing DNS records recipe
  • The Discovering stateful firewalls with a TCP ACK scan recipe
  • The Discovering UDP services recipe
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