Retrieving the capabilities of a POP3 mail server

POP3 mail servers may support different capabilities defined in RFC 2449. By using a POP3 command we can list them, and thanks to Nmap, we can automate this task and include this service information in our scan results.

This recipe will teach you how to list the capabilities of a POP3 mail server by using Nmap.

How to do it...

Open your favorite terminal and enter the following Nmap command:

$ nmap -p110 --script pop3-capabilities <target>

A list of server capabilities will be included in the script output section:

110/tcp open  pop3 

How it works...

The script pop3-capabilities was submitted by Philip Pickering, and it attempts to retrieve the capabilities of POP3 and POP3S servers. It uses the POP3 command CAPA to ask the server for a list of supported commands. This script also attempts to retrieve the version string via the IMPLEMENTATION string, and any other site-specific policy.

There's more...

The script pop3-capabilities works with POP3 and POP3S. Mail servers running on a non-standard port can be detected with Nmap's service scan:

$ nmap -sV --script pop3-capabilities <target>

Debugging NSE scripts

If something unexpected happens when you run any of the NSE scripts, turn on debugging to get additional information. Nmap uses the flag -d for debugging and you can set any integer between 0 and 9:

$ nmap -p80 --script http-google-email -d4 <target>

See also

  • The Detecting open relays recipe
  • The Brute forcing SMTP passwords recipe
  • The Enumerating users in an SMTP server recipe
  • The Detecting backdoor SMTP servers recipe
  • The Brute forcing IMAP passwords recipe
  • The Retrieving the capabilities of an IMAP mail server recipe
  • The Brute forcing POP3 passwords recipe
  • The Detecting vulnerable Exim SMTP servers version 4.70 through 4.75 recipe
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