Listing MySQL users

MySQL servers support granular access to databases, meaning that there could be several users in a single installation.

This recipe shows how to use Nmap to enumerate users in MySQL servers.

How to do it...

Open a terminal and type the following command:

$ nmap -p3306 --script mysql-users --script-args mysqluser=<user>,mysqlpass=<pass> <target>

A list of usernames will be included in the mysql-users section:

3306/tcp open  mysql
| mysql-users:  
|   root
|   crm
|   web
|_  admin 

How it works...

The argument -p3306 --script mysql-users --script-args mysqluser=<user>,mysqlpass=<pass> makes Nmap launch the script mysql-users if a MySQL server is found on port 3306.

The script mysql-users was submitted by Patrik Karlsson and it enumerates usernames in MySQL servers using the given authentication credentials. If no authentication credentials are set with the script arguments mysqluser and mysqlpass, it will attempt to use the results of mysql-brute and mysql-empty-password.

There's more...

To enumerate databases and users in MySQL installations with root accounts with an empty password use the following command:

$ nmap -sV --script mysql-empty-password,mysql-databases,mysql-users <target>

If the MySQL server is running on a different port than 3306, you may use Nmap's service scan, or set the port manually with the argument -p.

$ nmap -p3333 --script mysql-users <target>$ nmap -sV --script mysql-users <target>

See also

  • The Listing MySQL databases recipe
  • The Listing MySQL variables recipe
  • The Finding root accounts with empty passwords in MySQL servers recipe
  • The Brute forcing MySQL passwords recipe
  • The Detecting insecure configurations in MySQL servers recipe
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