Part 4. Manipulating XML

XML has become an important piece of technology within the applications we build. Whether we’re integrating with a third-party web site via its public XML API, building RSS capabilities into our application, or reading an XML configuration file, XML has become an integral component within our applications. In this section, we explore how we can use LINQ against our XML data. We’ll explore how to query XML using the standard LINQ query syntax covered in the first three parts of this book, as well as how we can use the new XML API provided with LINQ to manipulate XML documents.

Chapter 9 introduces you to LINQ to XML and the new lightweight XML programming API it provides. In chapter 10, we look at how we can use LINQ to query XML, as well as how LINQ to XML can be used to transform XML into alternate formats. Chapter 11 covers many of the common scenarios that you’ll encounter as you begin to work with LINQ to XML.

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