Appendix. The standard query operators


Operator name


OfType Selects values, depending on their ability to be cast to a specified type.
Where Selects values, depending on a predicate function.


Operator name


Select Selects values, depending on a selector function.
SelectMany Selects values, depending on a selector function, and combines resulting sequences into one sequence. SelectMany performs a one-to-many element projection over a sequence. It differs from Select in that the selector function is expected to return a sequence that is then expanded.


Operator name


Skip Skips n elements from a sequence.
SkipWhile Skips elements based on a predicate function until an element does not satisfy the condition.
Take Takes n elements from a sequence.
TakeWhile Takes elements based on a predicate function until an element does not satisfy the condition.


Operator name


GroupJoin Joins two sequences based on key selector functions and groups the resulting matches for each element.
Join Joins two sequences based on key selector functions and extracts pairs of values.


Operator name


Concat Concatenates two sequences to form one sequence.


Operator name


OrderBy Sorts values in ascending order.
OrderByDescending Sorts values in descending order.
ThenBy Performs a secondary sort in ascending order.
ThenByDescending Performs a secondary sort in descending order.
Reverse Reverses the order of the elements in a sequence.


Operator name


GroupBy Groups elements that share a common attribute. Each group is represented by an IGrouping<TKey, TElement> object.
ToLookup Inserts elements into a Lookup<TKey, TElement> (a one-to-many dictionary) based on a key selector function.


Operator name


Distinct Removes duplicate values from a collection.
Except Returns the set difference, which means the elements of one sequence that do not appear in a second sequence.
Intersect Returns the set intersection, which means elements that appear in each of two sequences.
Union Returns the set union, which means unique elements that appear in either of two sequences.


Operator name


AsEnumerable Returns the input typed as IEnumerable<T>.
AsQueryable Converts a (generic) IEnumerable to a (generic) IQueryable.
Cast Casts the elements of a sequence to a specified type.
OfType Selects values, depending on their ability to be cast to a specified type.
ToArray Converts a collection to an array. This method forces query execution.
ToDictionary Puts elements into a (one-to-one) Dictionary<TKey, TValue> based on a key selector function.
ToList Converts a collection to a List<T>.
ToLookup Inserts elements into a Lookup<TKey, TElement> (a one-to-many dictionary) based on a key selector function.



By convention, the “ToXXX” operators cause the queries to execute. The “AsXXX” operators do not. This applies to the conversion operators, but should be respected for clarity for other operators as well, including custom ones.



Operator name


SequenceEqual Determines whether two sequences are equal by comparing elements in a pair-wise manner.


Operator name


ElementAt Returns the element at a specified index in a sequence.
ElementAtOrDefault Returns the element at a specified index in a sequence or default(T) if the index is out of range.
First Returns the first element of a sequence, or the first element that satisfies a condition.
FirstOrDefault Returns the first element of a sequence, or the first element that satisfies a condition. Returns default(T) if no such element exists.
Last Returns the last element of a sequence, or the last element that satisfies a condition.
LastOrDefault Returns the last element of a sequence, or the last element that satisfies a condition. Returns default(T) if no such element exists.
Single Returns the only element of a sequence, or the only element that satisfies a condition. Raises an InvalidOperationException if the sequence does not contain exactly one element.
SingleOrDefault Returns the only element of a sequence, or the only element that satisfies a condition. Returns default(T) if no such element exists. Raises an InvalidOperationException if the sequence contains more than one element.


Operator name


DefaultIfEmpty Replaces an empty sequence with a default valued singleton sequence.
Empty Returns an empty sequence.
Range Generates a sequence of integral numbers within a specified range.
Repeat Generates a sequence that contains one repeated value.


Operator name


All Determines whether all the elements in a sequence satisfy a condition.
Any Determines whether any elements in a sequence satisfy a condition.
Contains Determines whether a sequence contains a specified element.


Operator name


Aggregate Performs a custom aggregation operation on the values of a sequence.
Average Calculates the average value of a sequence of values.
Count Counts the elements in a sequence, optionally only those elements that satisfy a predicate function.
LongCount Counts the elements in a large sequence, optionally only those elements that satisfy a predicate function.
Max Determines the maximum value in a sequence.
Min Determines the minimum value in a sequence.
Sum Calculates the sum of the values in a sequence.



In general, operators that return something other than an IEnumerable<T> will cause immediate query execution.


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