List of Listings

Chapter 1. The basics of unit testing

Listing 1.1. A simple parser class to test

Listing 1.2. A simple coded method that tests the SimpleParser class

Listing 1.3. Running coded tests via a simple console application

Listing 1.4. Using a more generic implementation of the ShowProblem method

Chapter 2. A first unit test

Listing 2.1. Using [SetUp] and [TearDown] attributes

Listing 2.2. The LogAnalyzer filename-validation logic we’d like to test

Listing 2.3. Testing the property value by calling IsValidLogFileName

Listing 2.4. Testing a class by calling a method and checking the value of a property

Listing 2.5. The Add() and Sum() methods

Listing 2.6. The simplest test for Calculator’s Sum()

Listing 2.7. The two tests, with the second one calling the Add() method

Chapter 3. Using stubs to break dependencies

Listing 3.1. Extracting a class that touches the filesystem, and calling it

Listing 3.2. Extracting an interface from a known class

Listing 3.3. Simple stub code that always returns true

Listing 3.4. Injecting our stub using constructor injection

Listing 3.5. Injecting a stub by adding property setters to the class under test

Listing 3.6. Setting a factory class to return a stub when the test is running

Listing 3.7. Faking a factory method

Listing 3.8. Returning a result rather than a stub object from an extracted method

Listing 3.9. Exposing internals to the tests assembly

Listing 3.10. Using special build flags

Chapter 4. Interaction testing using mock objects

Listing 4.1. Testing the LogAnalyzer with a mock object

Listing 4.2. Testing the LogAnalyzer with a mock and a stub

Chapter 5. Isolation (mock object) frameworks

Listing 5.1. Implementing complicated interfaces with handwritten stubs

Listing 5.2. Asserting against a handwritten mock object

Listing 5.3. Creating a dynamic mock object using Rhino Mocks

Listing 5.4. Creating a nonstrict mock

Listing 5.5. Returning a value from a mock object using the LastCall class

Listing 5.6. Creating a stub is remarkably similar to creating a mock object

Listing 5.7. Verifying expectations on a stub object can’t fail a test

Listing 5.8. Faking an exception using the LastCall class

Listing 5.9. The method under test and a test that uses handwritten mocks and stubs

Listing 5.10. Converting the previous test into one that uses dynamic mocks and stubs

Listing 5.11. Using a string constraint in a test

Listing 5.12. Using the Property constraints by using the Property static class

Listing 5.13. Combining constraints with And and Or

Listing 5.14. Comparing full objects

Listing 5.15. Using an anonymous delegate to verify a parameter

Listing 5.16. Using a regular method instead of an anonymous delegate

Listing 5.17. Testing that an event was registered properly

Listing 5.18. Triggering an event via the EventRaiser class in Rhino Mocks

Listing 5.19. Using an anonymous delegate to register to an event

Listing 5.20. Using the EventsVerifier class to test for event values

Listing 5.21. Record-and-replay versus AAA-style isolation

Listing 5.22. Stubs in AAA-style isolation

Chapter 6. Test hierarchies and organization

Listing 6.1. An example of not following the DRY principle in test classes

Listing 6.2. A refactored solution

Listing 6.3. A derived test class with its own setup method

Listing 6.4. Overriding a setup method purely for clarity

Listing 6.5. An outline of a test class for StandardStringParser

Listing 6.6. An abstract test base class with test logic for IStringParser interface

Listing 6.7. A derived test class that overrides a small number of factory methods

Listing 6.8. Implementing test case inheritance with .NET generics

Chapter 7. The pillars of good tests

Listing 7.1. A simple test against the LogAnalyzer class

Listing 7.2. The changed test using the new semantics of LogAnalyzer

Listing 7.3. A refactored test using a factory method

Listing 7.4. A test with multiple asserts

Listing 7.5. A class under test, and a test that uses it

Listing 7.6. Two tests with duplication

Listing 7.7. LogAnalyzer with changed semantics that now requires initialization

Listing 7.8. Adding the Initialize() call in the factory method

Listing 7.9. Using a setup method to remove duplication

Listing 7.10. A poorly implemented Setup() method

Listing 7.11. Constrained test order: the second test will fail if it runs first

Listing 7.12. One test calling another breaks isolation and introduces a dependency

Listing 7.13. Shared-state corruption by a test

Listing 7.14. A test that contains multiple asserts

Listing 7.15. A refactored test class with three different tests

Listing 7.16. A refactored test class using parameterized tests

Listing 7.17. Testing multiple aspects of the same object in one test

Listing 7.18. Comparing objects instead of using multiple asserts

Listing 7.19. Implementing ToString() in compared classes for cleaner output

Listing 7.20. An overspecified test that tests a purely internal behavior

Listing 7.21. An overspecified test that uses mocks when stubs would do fine

Listing 7.22. Replacing mocks with stubs and checking outputs instead of interactions

Listing 7.23. A test with three parts in its name

Listing 7.24. An unreadable test name

Listing 7.25. A more readable version of the test

Listing 7.26. A bad assert message that repeats what the test framework outputs

Listing 7.27. Separating the assert from the thing asserted improves readability

Listing 7.28. Not separating the assert from the thing asserted makes reading difficult

Chapter 9. Working with legacy code

Listing 9.1. Faking static methods and creating fake classes with Isolator

Listing 9.2. Using JMockit to swap class implementations

Listing 9.3. Using Vise in Java code to verify values aren’t changed while refactoring

Appendix A. Design and testability

Listing A.1. A class that invokes a delegate that can be replaced by a test

Listing A.2. An untestable singleton design

Listing A.3. The singleton class refactored into a testable design

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