

:= (assignment operator), 568

≪  ≫ (guillemets), 606

+= (assignment operator), 568


absolute coordinates (Draw2d), 323–324

abstract syntax

definition of, 4

developing with EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework)

Model Compare, 11

Model Query, 11

Model Search, 11

Model Transaction, 10

Model Validation, 10

persistence alternatives, 11

AbstractCommand class, 463

AbstractEditPart (GEF), 325

AbstractProviderConfiguration class, 378

AbstractTransactionalCommand, 464

access keyword, 553

accessorCall() function, 219

ActionFilterProvider extension-point, 424–426

ActionFilterService, 423–426

actions. See also specific actions

selection actions, 342

subtopic actions, 90–93

for user interface plug-ins, 307–310

activate() method, 336

add() operation, 582

addChild() method, 334–335

addChildVisual() method, 335

addFields() method, 206

addFixedChild() method, 166

addNotationalListeners() method, 211, 546

addNotify() method, 335

addSuffixNumber() operation, 593

AdviceContent operations, 627

AdviceContent properties, 626

Aggregation Link Mapping (color modeling diagram), 198–200

aliases. See shortcuts

Align Bottom toolbar element, 356

Align Center toolbar element, 355

Align Left toolbar element, 355

Align Middle toolbar element, 356

Align Right toolbar element, 355

Align Top toolbar element, 355

AlignmentAction, 349

All Compartments toolbar element, 356

allSubobjects() operation, 579

allSubobjectsOfKind() operation, 579

allSubobjectsOfType() operation, 579

Amalgam, 15

Amalgamation project, 20

anchors, 94–96, 323


annotation figure definition (color modeling diagram), 188–189

Annotation Mapping (color modeling diagram), 195

in Ecore metamodel, 33

Ant, 649

Ant tasks, OML and, 243–244

Appearance properties (diagrams), 358–359

AppearancePreferencePage class, 206

AppearancePreferencePage.xpt template, 216–217

Apply Appearance Property toolbar element, 355

archetype figure definition (color modeling diagram), 182–184

AROUND statement (Xpand), 617–619

Arrange All toolbar element, 355

Arrange Selected toolbar element, 355

artifacts (DSL Toolkit)

abstract elements, 17

Practitioner, 18–19

Toolsmith artifacts, 17–18

artwork, adding to products, 304–305

asBoolean() operation, 591

asFloat() operation, 592

asInteger() operation, 592

asList() operation, 583

asOrderedTuple() operation, 578

aspects (Xpand), 647–648

assert expression, 576–577

assignment operator (:=), 568

assignment operator (+=), 568

asTransformation() operation, 582

ATL (Atlas Transformation Language), 231

AttributeParserProvider class, 221–224


audits and metrics model, 532–533

for mindmap diagram, 97–103

Auto Size toolbar element, 356


Background Color property (figures), 508

BDM (Business Domain Modeling), 22

bending connections (GEF), 351–352

Boolean operations, 622

Border Layout, 513

Border property (figures), 508


Border Layout, 513

Compound Border, 510

Custom Border, 510

Line Border, 510

Margin Border, 510

Both command (Diagram menu), 361

BPDM (Business Process Definition Metamodel), 50, 665

BPEL, mapping with BPMN, 231

BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation), 50, 665

BPMN2, 14

mapping with BPEL, 231

Bring Forward command (Order menu), 361

Bring to Front command (Order menu), 361

business domain model, 51–53

Business Domain Modeling (BDM), 22

Business Process Modeling Notation. See BPMN


cached extensions (Xtend), 639

canExecute() method, 483

canonical containers, 547

Canvas, 505–506

Canvas Mapping, 520

mindmap diagram, 71

requirements diagram, 108

casting, 635

chain expression, 634–635

Checks language, 228

ChopboxAnchor (Draw2d), 323

class2columns() query, 600

classes. See specific classes

clipboardSupport extension-point, 457–458

clipping in Draw2d, 321

clone() operation, 579

Coad, Peter, 57

code generation

in EMF, 34–35

for mindmap domain model, 43–45

code modification, GMF customization options, 65

collapsible compartments, 518

collect() operation, 564, 631–632

collections, 630

operations, 623–624

properties, 623

collectselect imperative iterate expression, 567

color in graphical notations, 57

color modeling diagram, 22, 181–182

annotation figure definition, 188–189

archetype figure definition, 182–184

color preferences, 205–220

addNotationalListeners() method, 211

DiagramAppearancePreferencePage class, 207–208

getPreferenceColor() method, 211

initializeDefaultPreferences() method, 209

initPreferenceStoreListener() method, 211

Messages class, 209 file, 210

NodeEditPart.xpt template file, 212, 215–216

preference page templates, 216–220

PreferencePropertyChangeListener class, 211, 214

setForegroundColor() method, 211

setForegroundColor() method, overriding, 205

toPreferenceConstant() function, 213

updateArchetypeColor() method, 211

custom parsers, 220

AttributeParserProvider class, 221–224

OperationParserProvider class, 224–225

generalization link definition, 186–187

generation, 201

gradient figures, 201–205

mapping definition

Aggregation Link Mapping, 198–200

Annotation Mapping, 195

DNC Association Mapping, 195–197

DNC Canvas Mapping, 190

Generalization Mapping, 200–201

Moment-Interval Archetype Mapping, 191–192

Package Mapping, 194

Role Archetype Mapping, 193

package figure definition, 185–186

tooling definition, 189

CombinedTemplateCreationEntry, 344

combining layouts, 515

comma-separated values (CSV) files, generating, 281–282

command infrastructure (GMF runtime), 462–464

commands. See specific commands


OML, 593

Xtend, 637

Compartments, 518

compliance, specification compliance, 668


Compound Border, 510

concrete syntax development, 4, 12

GMF (Graphical Modeling Framework). See GMF runtime; GMF Tooling

TMF (Textual Modeling Framework), 12

configuration properties (transformations), 555

configureGraphicalViewer() method, 327

connection bend interactions (GEF), 351–352

connection creation interactions (GEF), 349–350

connection edit interactions (GEF), 350–351

connection EditParts, 330–331

Connection figures, creating for scenario diagram, 155–158

connection handles (diagrams), 364–365

connection navigation, 657–658

ConnectionBendpointTracker, 352

ConnectionCreationTool (GEF), 349

ConnectionEndpointEditPolicy, 351

ConnectionRouter (Draw2d), 322

Connections, 517

bending, 351–352

creating, 349–350, 479–484

in Draw2d, 322–323

editing, 350–351

constraints, node constraints, 526

ContainerEditPolicy, 348

containers, canonical, 547

Contains Shortcuts To property (Gen Diagram), 536

context menus, 363–364

contributing to GMF (Graphical Modeling Framework), 546

contributionItemProvider extension-point, 409–418


contributionItemProvider extension-point, 409–418

overview, 408

coordinate systems in Draw2d, 323–324

copy() operation, 582

Copyright Text property (Gen Editor Generator), 534

Core language (QVT), 231, 549

Core properties (diagrams), 358

create expression, 635

createDecorators() method, 498

createDefaultEditPolicies() method, 385, 474

createEditPart() method, 334

createEditPolicies() method, 333–335, 385, 481

createEmptyDocument() method, 126

createEmptyModel() operation, 582

createFigure() method, 328

createGraphicEditPart() method, 382

createMainFigure() method, 114

createNodePlate() method, 516

createPages() method, 129–130

createPartControl() method, 139

creation interactions (GEF)


consuming, 345

producing, 344

creation sequence, 345–347

Creation Wizard, 137–138

Creation Wizard Category ID property (Gen Diagram), 538

CSV (comma-separated values) files, generating, 281–282

Custom Behavior element, 539

Custom Border, 510

custom EditPolicy, 493–497

custom figures, 89–90

custom layout, 82–84

custom parsers (color modeling diagram), 220

AttributeParserProvider class, 221–224

OperationParserProvider class, 224–225

Custom Property Tab (requirements diagram), 140

custom style, 490–493

customization options (GMF)

code modification, 65

decorators, 66, 497–500

dynamic templates, 65–66

extension-points, 65

model extensions, 66


dashboard view (GMF), 66–67

Data Object figure, creating for scenario diagram, 158–159

Data Object Mapping (scenario diagram), 165

database persistence, 177–181

dataType2columns() query, 600

dataType2primaryKeyColumns() mapping, 603–604

deactivate() method, 336–337

deactivating EditParts, 336–337

declaring extension-points, 373–375

decorateView() method, 488


decoratorProvider extension-point, 392–396

overview, 392

decoratorProvider extension-point, 392–396

decorators, custom, 66, 497–500

deepclone() operation, 580

Default Size (diagram elements), 516

DEFINE statement (Xpand), 607–608

definition operations, 627

definition properties, 627

DelegatingLayout (Draw2d), 323

delete interactions (GEF), 342–343

DeleteAction, 342

dependencies (GEF), 318

deploying DSLs, 303

artwork, 304–305

generation models, 310–311

requirements.product, 312

source deployment, 312–313

user interface plug-ins, 305–310

designing graphical notations, 56–57

developing DSLs, 6

development workflow (DSL Toolkit), 18–20

DI (Diagram Interchange), 664

diagram editor, 467–468

cycling between diagram editor and palette, 653–654

Diagram File Extension property (Gen Editor Generator), 534

Diagram Interchange (DI), 664

Diagram Label, 517

Diagram menu commands, 361

DiagramAppearancePreferencePage class, 207–208

DiagramDecoratorProvider, 396

diagramEventBrokerProvider extension-point, 441–443

DiagramEventBrokerService extension-point, 441–443

DiagramRootEditPart (GEF), 326

diagrams. See also specific diagrams

adding EditParts to, 334–336

connection handles, 364–365

constructing from scratch

compared to generated diagrams, 485–486

connections, 479–484

diagram editor, 467–468

domain model, 468–469

EditPart definition, 473–475

New Diagram Wizard, 475–476

palette definition, 470–471

properties view, configuring, 476–479

view definition, 471–473

context menus, 363–364

diagram elements

Compartment, 518

Connection, 517

Diagram Label, 517

Node, 516–517

overview, 516

Diagram menu, 361


custom decorator, 497–500

custom EditPolicy, 493–497

custom style, 490–493

scenario diagram custom view and edit providers, 486–489


changing appearance based on preference changes, 546

changing dynamically, 546

changing properties of, 547

making nonresizable, 547

viewing elements on diagrams, 547

including in multipage editors, 548

navigation, 655

Order menu, 361

Outline view, 366

Palette view, 360

partitioning, 171, 522

Requirements diagram partition, 172–177

subprocess partitions, 171–172

pop-up bars, 365

preferences, 367–368


Appearance properties, 358–359

Core properties, 358

Rulers & Grid properties, 356–358

toolbar elements, 354–356

View menu, 361–363

dialogs. See specific dialogs

disjunction in mapping operations, 562

disjuncts keyword, 562

DNC Association Mapping (color modeling diagram), 195–197

DNC Canvas Mapping (color modeling diagram), 190

documentProviders extension-point, 453–455

doExecuteWithResult() method, 483

Domain File Extension property (Gen Editor Generator), 535

Domain Gen Model property (Gen Editor Generator), 535

domain models, 108, 468–469. See also metamodels

best practices, 30

business domain models, 264–276

business DSL, 51–53

creating DSLs, 29–31

dynamic instance models, 262

dynamic instances, 38–39

Ecore models, 39

importing, 31

mindmap DSL, 39–40

code generation, 43–45

creating, 41–42

generator model, creating, 42

OCL, adding, 45–47

project setup, 40–41

running, 43–45

transformation to requirements domain model, 244–251

transformation to XHTML, 251–258

OCL in, 35–38

requirements DSL, 47–49

scenario DSL, 50–51

synchronizing, 59, 76

doRun() method, 495

downloading DSL Toolkit, 20

DragDropListenerProvider extension-point, 436–438

DragDropListenerService, 436–438

DragTracker, 341

Draw2d, 318

connections and routing, 322–323

coordinate systems, 323–324

figures, 318–319

interaction sequence, 320

layout, 322

LightweightSystem, 318–319

painting, 320–321

text, 319

UpdateManager, 318

DSL Instances

Java DSL Instances, 24–25

mindmap and requirements DSL Instances, 23–24

scenario DSL Instances, 24–25

DSL Project Wizard, 40

DSL Toolkit

abstract elements, 17

BDM (Business Domain Modeling), 22

development workflow, 18–20

downloading, 20

Java DSL Instances, 24–25

mindmap and requirements DSL Instances, 23–24

Practitioner, 18–19

Practitioner’s view of sample projects, 25

REP (Requirements Elicitation Project), 21

RMP (Requirements Management Project), 21

RSP (Requirement Scenario Project), 22

scenario DSL Instances, 24–25

Toolsmith artifacts, 17–18


business DSL, 51–53

creating, 29–31

definition of, 5

developing, 6

graphical notation. See graphical notation

mindmap DSL, 39–40

code generation, 43–45

creating, 41–42

generator model, creating, 42

OCL, adding, 45–47

project setup, 40–41

running, 43–45

transformation to requirements domain model, 244–251

transformation to XHTML, 251–258

object-oriented, 51

packaging and deployment, 303

artwork, 304–305

generation models, 310–311

requirements.product, 312

source deployment, 312–313

user interface plug-ins, 305–310

requirements DSL, 47–49

scenario DSL, 50–51

textual syntaxes

overview, 227–228

TCS (Textual Concrete Syntax), 229

Xtext, 228–229

dynamic instance models, 38–39, 262

dynamic templates, 65–66

Dynamic Templates property (Gen Editor Generator), 535


EAnnotations, 33

Eclipse Packaging Project (EPP), 20

Eclipse Requirements Project (ERP)

BDM (Business Domain Modeling), 22

REP (Requirements Elicitation Project), 21

RMP (Requirements Management Project), 21

RSP (Requirement Scenario Project), 22

Ecore metamodel, 32–33, 39

edit providers, 486–489

Edit Source Folder dialog, 298

editing. See GEF (Graphical Editing Framework)

Editing Domain ID property (Gen Diagram), 538

EditingDomain, sharing, 123–126

EditorProvider extension-point, 427–428

editors, QVT OML editor, 240

EditorService, 427–428

EditPartFactory, 326–327, 372

editpartProvider extension-point, 382–385

EditParts (GEF), 325–326

AbstractEditPart, 325

adding to diagram, 334–336

connection EditParts, 330–331

creating, 326–329

deactivating, 336–337

definition, 473–475

DiagramRootEditPart, 326

EditPartFactory, 326–327, 372

GraphicalEditParts, 325

lifecycle, 334–337

ScalableFreeformRootEditPart, 326

TreeEditParts, 325

EditPartService, 382–385

EditPolicies, 333–334, 493–497

editpolicyProvider extension-point, 386–387

EditPolicyService, 385–387

element creation (GMF runtime), 459–461

element operations (OML)

allSubobjects(), 579

allSubobjectsOfKind(), 579

allSubobjectsOfType(), 579

clone(), 579

deepclone(), 580

_globalId(), 578

_localId(), 578

markedAs(), 580

markValue(), 580

metaClassName(), 578

stereotypedBy(), 580

stereotypedStrictlyBy(), 580

subobjects(), 578

subobjectsOfKind(), 579

subobjectsOfType(), 579

elements. See specific elements

ElementSelectionProvider extension-point, 429–430

ElementSelectionService, 428–430

elementTypeBindings extension-point, 449–451

elementTypes extension-point, 443–449

Ellipse, 509

EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework)

code generation, 34–35

domain models, importing, 31

dynamic instances, 38–39

Ecore metamodel, 32–33

editor, integrating with

requirements diagram

refactoring editor, 127–130

sharing editing domain, 123–126

sharing file extension, 122–123

Model Compare, 11

Model Query, 11

Model Search, 11

Model Transaction, 10

Model Validation, 10

OCL in, 35–38

overview, 10

persistence alternatives, 11

runtime features, 33–34

EMOF (Essential MOF), 663

End Events, 152

endsWith() operation, 587

entry operations (mapping operations), 559–560

enumerationAttributes2columns() query, 602

EPP (Eclipse Packaging Project), 20

equalsIgnoreCase() operation, 589

ERP (Eclipse Requirements Project)

BDM (Business Domain Modeling), 22

REP (Requirements Elicitation Project),

RMP (Requirements Management Project), 21

RSP (Requirement Scenario Project), 22

ERROR statement (Xpand), 616

escape sequences, 594

Essential MOF (EMOF), 663

Event figures, creating for scenario diagram, 152–154

Event Mapping (scenario diagram), 164

execute() method, 378

executing transformations

assert expression, 576–577

log expression, 576

trace model, 575

transform() operation, 577

transformation composition, 577

execution semantics (mapping operations), 558–559

ExecutionStrategy, 376

exists() operation, 633

expand element, 646

EXPAND statement (Xpand), 608–612

exporting figures, 62

expression language (Xpand)

casting, 635

chain expression, 634–635

collect() operation, 631–632

collections, 630

create expression, 635

exists() operation, 633

forAll() operation, 632

let expression, 635

literals, 628–630

reject() operation, 631

select() operation, 630

sortBy() operation, 633

switch expression, 634

ternary expression, 634

typeSelect() operation, 631

expressions. See specific expressions

extending diagrams

custom decorator, 497–00500

custom EditPolicy, 493–497

custom style, 490–493

scenario diagram custom view and edit providers, 486–489

extends keyword, 553

extensibility mechanisms (GMF), 372–373. See also extension-points

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 664

extension keyword, 636

EXTENSION statement (Xpand), 613–614


ActionFilterProvider, 424–426

clipboardSupport, 457–458

contributionItemProvider, 409–418

declaring, 373–375

decoratorProvider, 392–396

diagramEventBrokerProvider, 441–443

documentProviders, 453–455

DragDropListenerProvider, 436–438

EditorProvider, 427–428

editpartProvider, 382–385

editpolicyProvider, 386–387

ElementSelectionProvider, 429–430

elementTypeBindings, 449–451

elementTypes, 443–449

GlobalActionHandlerProvider, 420–423

GMF customization options, 65

IconProvider, 397–399

layoutProvider, 406–408

logListeners, 452–453

MarkerNavigationProvider, 400–401

modelingAssistantProvider, 404–406

overview, 373–375

paletteProvider, 388–392

ParserProvider, 402–403

Pathmaps, 459

perspectiveExtensions, 306

perspectives, 306

preferencePages, 306

propertiesConfiguration, 453

PropertiesProvider, 431–433

PropertyModifier, 434–435

renderedImageFactory, 456–457

TransferAdapterProvider extension-point, 439–441

viewProvider, 379–382

ExtensionMap element, 643

extensions (Xtend)

cached extensions, 639

extension invocation, 637–638

Java extensions, 639

private extensions, 639

Externalizer.xpt template, 216–218

extractor (TCS), 229


factories, 7–8

feature initialization, 527–528

feature properties, 625

Figure Gallery, 61, 504

Border Layout, 513

Compound Border, 510

Custom Border, 510

custom figures, 89–90

Ellipse, 509

figure properties, 507–508

Flow Layout, 511–512

Grid Layout, 513–515

Label, 510

Line Border, 510

Margin Border, 510

overview, 506–507

Polygon, 509

Polyline, 509

Polyline Connection, 509

Rectangle, 509

Rounded Rectangle, 509

Stack Layout, 512

subtopic figures, 84–89

TemplatePoint, 509

XY Layout, 512

figure plug-ins, 62

FigureDescriptor, 503

FigureRef, 504

figures, 318–319

Border Layout, 513

changing appearance based on preference changes, 546

changing dynamically, 546

changing properties of, 547

in color modeling diagram

annotation figure definition, 188–189

archetype figure definition, 182, 184

generalization link definition, 186–187

package figure definition, 185–186

Compound Border, 510

Custom Border, 510

Ellipse, 509

exporting, 62

Flow Layout, 511–512

Grid Layout, 513–515

Label, 510

Line Border, 510

making nonresizable, 547

Margin Border, 510

Polygon, 509

Polyline, 509

Polyline Connection, 509


common properties, 507–508

Flow Layout figure properties, 511

shape figure properties, 508

Rectangle, 509

Rounded Rectangle, 509

in scenario diagram, 145–146

Connection figures, 155–158

Data Object figure, 158–159

Event figures, 152–154

Gateway figure, 149–152

Subprocess figure, 147–149

Task figure, 146–147

Stack Layout, 512

TemplatePoint, 509

viewing elements on diagrams, 547

XY Layout, 512

FigureUtilities class, 501

FILE statement (Xpand), 612

Fill property (shape figures), 508

fillGradient() method, 202

fillShape() method, 202

filters in graphical notations, 57–58

find() operation, 589

findFeature() method, 474

FIRST service execution strategy, 377

firstElementOnly element, 644

firstToUpper() operation, 586

fixed anchor locations, 94–96

Flow Layout, 511–512

Font property (figures), 508

Fontoura, Marcus, 56

forAll() operation, 632

Force Single Line property (Flow Layout figure), 511

forEach loop expression, 565

FOREACH statement (Xpand), 612–613

Foreground Color property (figures), 508

format() operation, 584

forOne loop expression, 565

FORWARD service execution strategy, 377

Frankel, David, 4


Gateway figure, creating for scenario diagram, 149–152

Gateway Mapping (scenario diagram), 163–164

GEF (Graphical Editing Framework)

Commands, 332

connection interactions

connection bend interactions, 351–352

connection creation interactions, 349–350

connection edit interactions, 350–351

creation interactions

connection creation interactions, 349–350

consuming CreateRequests, 345

creation sequence, 345–347

producing CreateRequests, 344

delete interactions, 342–343

dependencies, 318

editing support

Commands, 332

EditPolicies, 333–334

Requests, 331–332

EditParts, 325–326

AbstractEditPart, 325

adding to diagrams, 334–336

connection EditParts, 330–331

creating, 326–329

deactivating, 336–337

DiagramRootEditPart, 326

EditPartFactory, 326–327

GraphicalEditParts, 325

lifecycle, 334–337

ScalableFreeformRootEditPart, 326

TreeEditParts, 325

EditPolicies, 333–334

graphical view

ScrollingGraphicalViewer, 326

setting up, 327–328

Model-View-Controller (MVC)

architecture, 324–325

moving and resizing interactions, 347–349

overview, 317

palette, 337

Requests, 331–332

selection interactions

keyboard selection, 342

overview, 338–340

selection actions, 342

selection handles, 340–341

selection requests, 342

selection targeting and feedback, 341

Selection Tool, 339

selection with DragTracker, 341

tools, 337

Gen Application element, 543

Gen Diagram

Contains Shortcuts To property, 536

Creation Wizard Category ID property, 538

Editing Domain ID property, 538

Icon Path ID property, 538

Shortcuts Provided For property, 536

Synchronized property, 537

Units property, 537

Updater element, 542

Validation Decorators property, 537

Validation Enabled property, 537

Visual ID property, 538

Without Domain property, 538

Gen Editor Generator

Copyright Text property, 534

Diagram File Extension property, 534

Domain File Extension property, 535

Domain Gen Model property, 535

Dynamic Templates property, 535

Model ID property, 535

Package Name Prefix property, 535

Same File for Diagram and Model property, 535–536

Template Directory property, 535

Gen Editor View element, 540–541

Gen Link, 539

Gen Navigator element, 541–542

Gen Plugin element, 540

generalization link definition (color modeling diagram), 186–187

Generalization Mapping (color modeling diagram), 200–201

generalizations2columns() query, 600

Generate as Eclipse Editor property (Gen Editor View), 541

Generate Domain Model Navigator property (Gen Navigator), 541


color modeling diagram, 201

CSV files, 281–282

HTML with templates (M2T project), 297–301

Java files

with DNC model with templates, 291–297

with Java model and dedicated template, 283–291

requirements diagram, 113

scenario diagram

border item adjustment, 166–167

figures plug-in generation, 168–171

GMF generator model, 166

intermediate event outline, 167–168

generation models, 310–311

Generative Modeling Technologies (GMT), 15

generator model, 64

Custom Behavior, 539

Gen Application, 543

Gen Diagram

Contains Shortcuts To property, 536

Creation Wizard Category ID property, 538

Editing Domain ID property, 538

Icon Path property, 538

Shortcuts Provided For property, 536

Synchronized property, 537

Units property, 537

Validation Decorators property, 537

Visual ID property, 538

Without Domain property, 538

Gen Diagram Updater, 542

Gen Editor Generator

Copyright Text property, 534

Diagram File Extension property, 534

Domain File Extension property, 535

Domain Gen Model property, 535

Dynamic Templates property, 535

Model ID property, 535

Package Name Prefix property, 535

Same File for Diagram and Model property, 535–536

Template Directory property, 535

Gen Editor View, 540–541

Gen Link, 539

Gen Navigator, 541–542

Gen Plugin, 540

mindmap diagram example, 74–76

mindmap generator model, 42

Open Diagram Behavior, 539

overview, 533–534

Property Sheet, 542–543

requirements generator model, 48–49

getActionBarContributor() method, 136

getCommand() method, 332

getContributorId() method, 134

getDecoratorTargetNode() method, 498–500

getDragSourceListener() method, 435

getDropTargetListener() method, 435

getModelChildren() method, 326

getModelSourceConnections() method, 330

getModelTargetConnections() method, 330

getNodeEditPartClass() method, 475, 488

getNotationView() method, 382

getParseCommand() method, 224

getParser() method, 224

getPreferenceColor() method, 211

getPropertySheetPage() method, 134

getReferencedElementEClass() method, 475

getSemanticCommand() method, 482

getSemanticEClass() method, 472

getSourceConnectionAnchor() method, 330

getStrCounter() operation, 592

getTargetConnectionAnchor() method, 330

getTargetEditPart() method, 332

GlobalActionHandlerProvider extension-point, 420–423

GlobalActionHandlerService, 419–423

_globalId() operation, 578

GMF (Graphical Modeling Framework) runtime, 12, 55, 59. See also GMF Tooling

advantages of, 545

canonical containers, 547

color modeling diagram, 181–182

annotation figure definition, 188–189

archetype figure definition, 182–184

color preferences, 205–220

custom parsers, 220–225

generalization link definition, 186–187

generation, 201

gradient figures, 201–205

mapping definition, 190–201

package figure definition, 185–186

tooling definition, 189

command infrastructure, 462–464

contributing to, 546

customization options

code modification, 65

decorator models, 66

dynamic templates, 65–66

extension-points, 65

model extensions, 66

dashboard view, 66–67

diagram creation

compared to generated diagrams, 485–486

connections, 479–484

diagram editor, 467–468

domain model, 468–469

EditPart definition, 473–475

New Diagram Wizard, 475–476

palette definition, 470–471

properties view, configuring, 476–479

view definition, 471–473

diagram extension

custom decorator, 497–500

custom EditPolicy, 493–497

custom style, 490–493

scenario diagram custom view and edit providers, 486–489

diagram structure

connection handles, 364–365

context menus, 363–364

Diagram menu, 361

Order menu, 361

Outline view, 366

Palette view, 360

pop-up bars, 365

preferences, 367–368

properties, 356–359

toolbar elements, 354–356

View menu, 361–363

editor, integrating with requirements diagram

refactoring editor, 127–130

sharing editing domain, 123–126

sharing file extension, 122–123

element creation, 459–461


ActionFilterProvider, 424–426

clipboardSupport, 457–458

contributionItemProvider, 409–418

declaring, 373–375

decoratorProvider, 392, 394–396

diagramEventBrokerProvider, 441–443

documentProviders, 453–455

DragDropListenerProvider, 436–438

EditorProvider, 427–428

editpartProvider, 382–385

editpolicyProvider, 386–387

ElementSelectionProvider, 429–430

elementTypeBindings, 449–451

elementTypes, 443–447, 449

GlobalActionHandlerProvider, 420–423

IconProvider, 397–399

layoutProvider, 406–408

logListeners, 452–453

MarkerNavigationProvider, 400–401

modelingAssistantProvider, 404–406

overview, 373–375

paletteProvider, 388–392

ParserProvider, 402–403

Pathmaps, 459

propertiesConfiguration, 453

PropertiesProvider, 431–433

PropertyModifier, 434–435

renderedImageFactory, 456–457

TransferAdapterProvider, 439, 441

viewProvider, 379–382

extensibility mechanisms, 372–373


changing appearance based on preference changes, 546

changing dynamically, 546

changing properties of, 547

making nonresizable, 547

viewing elements on diagrams, 547

key bindings

connection navigation, 657–658

cycling between diagram editor and palette, 653–654

diagram navigation, 655

palette item navigation, 654

Properties View navigation, 658–659

shape navigation, 655–656

mindmap diagram improvements

audits and metrics, 97–103

custom figures, 89–90

custom layout, 82–84

fixed anchor locations, 94–96

graphical definition model, 76–79

mapping definition model, 80–81

preferences settings, 97

subtopic actions, 90–93

subtopic figures, 84–89

tooling definition model, 79

topic figure layout, 81–82

nodes, sticking to border of parent, 548

notation model, 369–372

online resources, 545

overview, 353–354

prerequisites, 546

requirements diagram

Creation Wizard, 137–138

diagram definition, 104–107

domain model, 108

EMF and GMF editor integration, 122–130

generation, 113

mapping definition, 107–113

menus and toolbar, 135–137

navigator extension, 139

Outline view, 139–140

properties, 140–145

Properties view, 134–135

selection handling, 130–134

tooling definition, 107

ToolTips, 114–121

runtime component, 60–61

scenario diagram

Data Object Mapping, 165

database persistence, 177–181

diagram partitioning, 171–177

Event Mapping, 164

figures plug-in generation, 168–171

Gateway Mapping, 163–164

generation, 166–168

graphical definition, 145–159

Link Mapping, 165

mapping definition, 161

Task Mapping, 161–163

tooling definition, 159–161


ActionFilterService, 423–426

ContributionItemService, 408–418

DecorationService, 392, 394–396

DiagramEventBrokerService, 441–443

DragDropListenerService, 435–438

EditorService, 427–428

EditPartService, 382–385

EditPolicyService, 385–387

ElementSelectionService, 428–430

GlobalActionHandlerService, 419–423

IconService, 396–399

LayoutService, 406–408

MarkerNavigationService, 399–401

ModelingAssistantService, 403–406

overview, 375–376

PaletteService, 387–392

ParserService, 401–403

PropertiesModifierService, 433–435

PropertiesService, 430–433

Service class, 376

service execution strategies, 376–377

TransferAdapterService, 438–441

ViewService, 378–382

templates, modifying output of, 547

tooling component, 61–62

FAQs, 547–548

generator model, 64, 74–76

graphical definition model, 61–63, 68–69, 76–79

mapping model, 63–64, 70–74, 80–81

tooling definition model, 63, 69, 79

Xpand, 548

GMF (Graphical Modeling Framework) Tooling. See also GMF runtime

generator model

Custom Behavior, 539

Gen Application, 543

Gen Diagram, 536–538

Gen Diagram Updater, 542

Gen Editor Generator, 534–536

Gen Editor View, 540–541

Gen Link, 539

Gen Navigator, 541–542

Gen Plugin, 540

Open Diagram Behavior, 539

overview, 533–534

Property Sheet, 542–543

graphical definition model

Canvas, 505–506

diagram elements, 516–518

Figure Gallery. See Figure Gallery

figures, 504

overview, 503

mapping model

audits and metrics, 532–533

Canvas Mapping, 520

feature initialization, 527–528

Link Mapping, 529–532

Node Mapping, 522–526

overview, 519–520

side-affixed nodes (pins and ports), 528–529

Top Node Reference, 521–522

tooling definition model, 518–519

GMT (Generative Modeling Technologies), 15

gotoMarker() method, 399

Grab Excess Horizontal Space property (Grid Layout figure), 514

Grab Excess Vertical Space property (Grid Layout figure), 514

Gradient (diagram elements), 516

gradient figures, 201–205

graphical concrete syntax, 4

graphical definition model, 61–63

Canvas, 505–506

diagram elements

Compartment, 518

Connection, 517

Diagram Label, 517

Node, 516–517

overview, 516

Figure Gallery, 504

Border Layout, 513

Compound Border, 510

Custom Border, 510

Ellipse, 509

figure properties, 507–508

Flow Layout, 511–512

Grid Layout, 513–515

Label, 510

Line Border, 510

Margin Border, 510

overview, 506–507

Polygon, 509

Polyline, 509

Polyline Connection, 509

Rectangle, 509

Rounded Rectangle, 509

Stack Layout, 512

TemplatePoint, 509

XY Layout, 512

figures, 504

mindmap diagram example, 68–69, 76–79

overview, 503

of scenario diagram, 145–146

Connection figure, 155–158

Data Object figure, 158–159

Event figures, 152–154

Gateway figure, 149–152

Subprocess figure, 147–149

Task figure, 146–147

Graphical Editing Framework. See GEF

Graphical Modeling Framework. See GMF runtime; GMF Tooling

graphical notations. See also GMF (Graphical Modeling Framework)

design recommendations, 56–57

filters/layers, 57–58

layout, 58

links in, 58

selecting, 55

shortcuts in, 59

synchronization with domain models, 59

graphical view (GEF)

ScrollingGraphicalViewer, 326

setting up, 327–328

GraphicalEditParts (GEF), 325

GraphicalNodeEditPolicy, 350–351

GraphicalViewerKeyHandler, 342

gratuitous graphics, avoiding, 56

Grid Layout, 513–515

Group Icon property (Gen Navigator Child Reference), 542

Group Name property (Gen Navigator Child Reference), 542

guillemets (≪ ≫), 606


handleActivate() method, 131

handleContentOutlineSelection() method, 132–133

handleNotificationEvent() method, 547

hasPersistentClasses() query, 599

Height command (Diagram menu), 361

helper operations (OML), 562–563

Hide Connector Labels toolbar element, 356

Hide If Empty property (Gen Navigator Child Reference), 542

Horizontal Alignment property (Grid Layout figure), 514

Horizontal Indent property (Grid Layout figure), 514

Horizontal Span property (Grid Layout figure), 514

HTML, generating with templates (M2T project), 297–301

HUNT (Human-Usable Textual Notation), 665


Icon Path property

Gen Diagram, 538

Gen Editor View, 540

IconProvider extension-point, 397–399

IconService, 396–399

ID property

Gen Editor View, 541

Gen Plugin, 540

IDiagramWorkbenchPart interface, 137

IDragDropListenerProvider interface, 435

IF statement (Xpand), 614–615

IGlobalActionHandler interface, 419

IGlobalActionHandlerContext interface, 419

IGraphicEditPart interface, 382

IIconProvider interface, 396

IMM (Information Management Metamodel), 14

imperative iterate expressions (OML), 566–567

imperative operations (OML), 565–566

forEach loop expression, 565

forOne loop expression, 565

switch expression, 566

while loop expression, 565–566

import keyword, 606, 636


domain models, 31

XSD, 252–253

in-place transformations, 553

incrStrCounter() operation, 593

indexOf() operation, 586

Information Management Metamodel (IMM), 14

inheritance in mapping operations, 560–561

inherits keyword, 560–561

initArchetypeDefaults() method, 209, 219

initializeDataStore() method, 179

initializeDefaultPreferences() method, 209

initializeEditingDomain() method, 123

initPreferenceStoreListener() method, 211

injector (TCS), 229

inline graphics, 57

insertAt() operation, 583

Insets property (figures), 508

installEditPolicy() method, 335

instance models, 4

instances, 4

integer operations, 621–622

interactions (GEF)

connection bend interactions, 351–352

connection creation interactions, 349–350

connection edit interactions, 350–351

creation interactions, 344

consuming CreateRequests, 345

creation sequence, 345–347

producing CreateRequests, 344

delete interactions, 342–343

moving and resizing interactions, 347–349

overview, 338

selection interactions

keyboard selection, 342

overview, 338–340

selection actions, 342

selection handles, 340–341

selection requests, 342

selection targeting and feedback, 341

Selection Tool, 339

selection with DragTracker, 341


IDiagramWorkbenchPart, 137

IDragDropListenerProvider, 435

IGlobalActionHandler, 419

IGlobalActionHandlerContext, 419

IGraphicEditPart, 382

IIconProvider, 396

IOperation, 378

IParser, 401

IPropertiesProvider, 430

IProvider, 376

ISemanticParser, 224

intermediate elements, 554

Intermediate Events, 152

inv prefix, 573


extensions, 637–638

Java, 648

mappings, 570–571

IOperation interface, 378

IParser interface, 401

IPropertiesProvider interface, 430

IProvider interface, 376

ISemanticParser interface, 224

isPrimitive() query, 601

isQuoted() operation, 590

iterator properties, 627



business domain model transformations to, 264–276

DSL Instances, 24–25

extensions (Xtend), 639

files, generating

with DNC model with templates, 291–297

with Java model and dedicated template, 283–291

JEM (Java EMF Model), 265

JETs (Java Emitter Templates), 34, 665

invocation, 648

Java Modeling in Color with UML (Coad, et al), 22, 57

JavaBeautifier, 296

JEM (Java EMF Model), 265

jemUtil.ext file, 283–286

JETs (Java Emitter Templates), 34, 665

joinfields() operation, 583


key bindings (GMF)

connection navigation, 657–658

cycling between diagram editor and palette, 653–654

diagram navigation, 655

palette item navigation, 654

Properties View navigation, 658–659

shape navigation, 655–656

keyboard selection (GEF), 342

keyboard shortcuts, adding to elements, 90–93

keywords. See specific keywords


Label Offset (diagram elements), 516

labels, 510

Diagram Label, 517

Label Offset (diagram elements), 516

Lanza, Michele, 57

LAST service execution strategy, 377

lastToUpper() operation, 586

late operator, 574–575

launch configurations

arguments, 43

in OML, 240–242

layers in graphical notations, 57–58

LayoutEditPolicy, 345

layoutProvider extension-point, 406–408


Border Layout, 513

combining, 515

custom layout, 82–84

with Draw2d, 322

Flow Layout, 511–512

of graphical notations, 58

Grid Layout, 513–515

Stack Layout, 512

of topic figures, 81–82

XY Layout, 512

LayoutService, 406–408

LET statement, 615–616, 635

libraries. See Stdlib

lifecycle of EditParts, 334–337

LightweightSystem (Draw2d), 318–319

Line Border, 510

Line Kind property (shape figures), 508

Line Width property (shape figures), 508

Link Mapping, 529–532

Link Mapping (scenario diagram), 165

links in graphical notations, 58

lists, 624

lite runtime (GMF), 60–61

Literal Strings, 594

literals (Xpand), 628–630

Load Resource dialog, 188

_localId() operation, 578

Location property (figures), 508

log expression, 576

logListeners extension-point, 452–453


forEach loop expression, 565

forOne loop expression, 565

while loop expression, 565–566


M2M (Model-to-Model Transformation), 12–13

M2T (Model-to-Text Transformation) project

CSV files, generating, 281–282

HTML, generating, 297–301

Java files, generating with DNC model with templates, 291–297

dncUtil.ext file, 295

Entity bean template, 291–294

workflow file, 296

Java files, generating with Java model and dedicated template, 283–291

Address type output, 287–288

jemUtil.ext file, 283–286

Person class, 289–290

Phone class, 290–291

workflow, 286–287

overview, 277

Xpand, 278–281

Xtend, 278–281

main keyword, 559

Major Alignment property (Flow Layout figure), 511

Major Spacing property (Flow Layout figure), 511

map keyword, 570

mapping definition

Aggregation Link Mapping, 198–200

Annotation Mapping, 195

DNC Association Mapping, 195–197

DNC Canvas Mapping, 190

Generalization Mapping, 200–201

Moment-Interval Archetype Mapping, 191–192

Package Mapping, 194

requirements diagram mapping definition, 107–113

Canvas mapping, 108

Requirement link mappings, 112

Requirement node mapping, 111–112

RequirementGroup link mapping, 110

RequirementGroup node mapping, 109–110

Requirements Dependency link mappings, 113

Role Archetype Mapping, 193

of scenario diagram

Data Object Mapping, 165

Event Mapping, 164

Gateway Mapping, 163–164

Link Mapping, 165

Task Mapping, 161–163

mapping model, 63–64

audits and metrics, 532–533

Canvas Mapping, 520

feature initialization, 527–528

Link Mapping, 529–532

mindmap diagram example, 70–74, 80–81

Node Mapping, 522–524

containment, 524

node constraints, 526

phantom nodes, 524–526

references, 524

overview, 519–520

side-affixed nodes (pins and ports), 528–529

Top Node Reference, 521–522

mapping operations (OML). See also transformations

BPMN and BPEL, 231

disjunction, 562

entry operations, 559–560

execution semantics, 558–559

inheritance, 560–561

invoking mappings, 570–571

mapping body, 558

merger, 561

return statement, 559

syntax, 556–558

Margin Border, 510

Marinescu, Radu, 57

markedAs() operation, 580

MarkerNavigationProvider extension-point, 400–401

MarkerNavigationService, 399–401

markValue() operation, 580

Match Minor Size property (Flow Layout figure), 511

match() operation, 589

matchBoolean() operation, 590

matchFloat() operation, 591

matchIdentifier() operation, 591

matchInteger() operation, 591

MatchSizeAction, 349

Maximum Size property (figures), 508

MDA (Model-Driven Architecture)

implemented standards

Business Process Modeling Notation, 665

Diagram Interchange, 664

Extensible Markup Language, 664

Human-Usable Textual Notation, 665

Meta-Object Facility, 662–663

MOF Models to Text Transformation Language, 664

Object Constraint Language, 663

overview, 662

Query/View/Transformation, 664

Software Process Engineering Metamodel, 666

Unified Modeling Language, 663

overview, 661–662

working relationship

implementations influencing specifications, 668

membership, 666–667

open and transparent nature, 668–669

specification compliance, 668

specification delivery, 667–668

MDSD (Model-Driven Software Development)

metamodels, 3–4

overview, 7

MDTs. See Model Development Tools

menuAboutToShow() method, 136


adding to elements, 90–93

requirements diagram, 135–137

merges keyword, 561


in mapping operations, 561

models, 237

Messages class, 209 file, 210

Meta-Object Facility (MOF), 662–663

metaClassName() operation, 578

metaModel element, 646

Metamodel Explorer view, 240–241

metamodels, 3–4, 32–33. See also domain models

methods. See specific methods

metrics for mindmap diagram, 97–103

migration of models, 233–237

mindmap and requirements DSL Instances, 23–24

mindmap domain model, 39–40

code generation, 43–45

creating, 41–42

generator model for, 74–76

generator model, creating, 42

graphical definition model for, 68–69, 76–79

improvements to

audits and metrics, 97–103

custom figures, 89–90

custom layout, 82–84

fixed anchor locations, 94–96

graphical definition model, 76–79

mapping definition model, 80–81

preferences settings, 97

subtopic actions, 90–93

subtopic figures, 84–89

tooling definition model, 79

topic figure layout, 81–82

mapping model for, 70–74, 80–81

OCL, adding, 45–47

project setup, 40–41

running, 43–45

tooling definition model for, 69, 79


to requirements domain model, 244–251

to XHTML, 251–258

mindmap2csv.mwe file, 282

mindmap2csv.xpt template, 281

mindmap2requirements transformation, 308–309

Minimum Size property (figures), 508

Minor Alignment property (Flow Layout figure), 511

Minor Spacing property (Flow Layout figure), 511

Model Compare (EMF), 11

Model Development Tools (MDT), 662

BPMN2, 14

IMM (Information Management Metamodel), 14

OCL (Object Constraint Language), 14

UML2, 13

UML2 Tools, 14

XSD (XML Schema), 13

Model Driven Architecture: Applying MDA to Enterprise Computing (Frankel), 4

Model-Driven Architecture. See MDA

Model-Driven Software Development. See MDSD

model extensions, 66

Model ID property (Gen Editor Generator), 535

model merge, 237

model migration, 233–237

model operations (OML)

add(), 582

asList(), 583

asTransformation(), 582

copy(), 582

createEmptyModel(), 582

insertAt(), 583

joinfields(), 583

objects(), 581

objectsOfType(), 581

prepend(), 582

removeElement(), 581

rootObjects(), 581

Model Query (EMF), 11

model refactoring, 232–233

Model Search (EMF), 11

Model Transaction (EMF), 10

model transformations. See transformations

Model Validation (EMF), 10

Model-to-Model Transformation (M2M), 12–13

Model-to-Text Transformation project. See M2T project

Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, 324–325

model2RDBModel() mapping, 598

Modeling Amalgamation Project, 15

modeling, overview of, 3–5

modelingAssistantProvider extension-point, 404–406

ModelingAssistantService, 403–406

models. See specific models

modelSlot element, 644

modeltype declaration, 550–553

MOF (Meta-Object Facility), 662–663

MOF2Text, 664

Moment-Interval Archetype Mapping (color modeling diagram), 191–192

monitor size for graphical notations, 56

moving and resizing interactions (GEF), 347–349

MultiPageSelectionProvider, 130–131

MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, 324–325


Name Compartment Onl toolbar element, 356

Name property (figures), 508


connection navigation, 657–658

diagram navigation, 655

palette item navigation, 654

Properties View navigation, 658–659

shape navigation, 655–656

Navigator Child Reference property (Gen Navigator), 541–542

navigator extension (requirements diagram), 139

New Diagram Wizard, 475–476

NodeEditPart.xpt template file, 212, 215–216

Nodes, 516–517

node constraints, 526

Node Mapping, 86, 522–524

containment, 524

node constraints, 526

phantom nodes, 524–526

references, 524

sticking to border of parent, 548

nonresizable figures, creating, 547

NonResizeableEditPolicy, 547

normalizeSpace() operation, 588

notation model, 369–372

notations. See graphical notations

null in transformation declarations, 556

number type operations (OML), 583


Object Constraint Language (OCL), 14, 663

object keyword, 568

object operations (OML), 578

object-oriented DSLs, 51

Object-Oriented Metrics in Practice (Lanza and Marinescu), 57

objects. See also specific objects

creating, 568–570

operations, 620

populating, 568–570

objects() operation, 581

objectsOfType() operation, 581

Oblique Style Routing toolbar element, 355

OCL (Object Constraint Language), 14, 663

adding to mindmap domain model, 45–47

in EMF, 35–38

OML and, 243

testing, 35


MDA (Model-Driven Architecture). See MDA

working relationship

implementations influencing specifications, 668

membership, 666–667

open and transparent nature, 668–669

specification compliance, 668

specification delivery, 667–668

OML (Operational Mapping Language)

Ant tasks and, 243–244

comments, 593

described, 238

element operations, 580

helper operations, 562–563

imperative iterate expressions, 566–567

imperative operations, 565–566

forEach loop expression, 565

forOne loop expression, 565

switch expression, 566

while loop expression, 565–566

launch configurations, 240–242

libraries, 556

mapping invocation, 570–571

mapping operations

disjunction, 562

entry operations, 559–560

execution semantics, 558–559

inheritance, 560–561

mapping body, 558

merger, 561

return statement, 559

syntax, 556–558

Metamodel Explorer view, 240–241

model operations, 580

object creation and population, 568–570

OCL statements and, 243

OCL synonyms, 596

operations and iterators

collect() operation, 564

select() operation, 563

overview, 550

QVT OML editor, 240

QVT Operational Project wizard, 238–239

resolution operators

inv prefix, 573

late, 574–575

resolve, 571–572

resolveIn, 573

resolveone, 573

resolveoneIn, 573

shorthand, 594–595

Std library

add() operation, 582

addSuffixNumber() operation, 593

allSubobjects() operation, 579

allSubobjectsOfKind() operation, 579

allSubobjectsOfType() operation, 579

asBoolean() operation, 591

asFloat() operation, 592

asInteger() operation, 592

asList() operation, 583

asOrderedTuple() operation, 578

asTransformation() operation, 582

clone() operation, 579

copy() operation, 582

createEmptyModel() operation, 582

deepclone() operation, 580

endsWith() operation, 587

equalsIgnoreCase() operation, 589

find() operation, 589

firstToUpper() operation, 586

format() operation, 584

getStrCounter() operation, 592

_globalId() operation, 578

incrStrCounter() operation, 593

indexOf() operation, 586

insertAt() operation, 583

isQuoted() operation, 590

joinfields() operation, 583

lastToUpper() operation, 586

_localId() operation, 578

markedAs() operation, 580

markValue() operation, 580

match() operation, 589

matchBoolean() operation, 590

matchFloat() operation, 591

matchIdentifier() operation, 591

matchInteger() operation, 591

metaClassName() operation, 578

normalizeSpace() operation, 588

objects() operation, 581

objectsOfType() operation, 581

prepend() operation, 582

quotify() operation, 590

range() operation, 583

removeElement() operation, 581

replace() operation, 588

repr() operation, 578

restartAllStrCounter() operation, 593

rfind() operation, 589

rootObjects() operation, 581

size() operation, 584

startStrCounter() operation, 592

startsWith() operation, 587

stereotypedBy() operation, 580

stereotypedStrictlyBy() operation, 580

subobjects() operation, 578

subobjectsOfKind() operation, 579

subobjectsOfType() operation, 579

substringAfter() operation, 585

substringBefore() operation, 584

toLower() operation, 585

toString() operation, 583

toUpper() operation, 585

trim() operation, 587

unquotify() operation, 590

strings, 594

trace model, 242–243

transformation declarations

access keyword, 553

configuration properties, 555

extends keyword, 553

in-place transformations, 553

intermediate elements, 554

modeltype declaration, 550–553

null, 556

predefined variables, 555

renaming elements, 555

transformation execution

assert expression, 576–577

log expression, 576

trace model, 575

transform() operation, 577

transformation composition, 577

UML to RDB Transformation Project, 596–603

associationAttributes2columns() mapping, 604

class2columns() query, 600

dataType2columns() query, 600

dataType2primaryKeyColumns() mapping, 603

enumerationAttributes2columns() query, 602

generalizations2columns() query, 600

hasPersistentClasses() query, 599

isPrimitive() query, 601

model2RDBModel() mapping, 598

package2schema() query, 599

package2schemas() mapping, 598

persistentClass2table() query, 599

primitiveAttributes2columns() query, 601

relationshipAttribute2foreignKey() mapping, 603

relationshipAttributes2columns() query, 602

transformation declaration, 597

open and transparent nature, 668–669

Open Diagram Behavior element, 539

Operational Mapping Language. See OML

OperationParserProvider class, 224–225

operations (OML). See specific operations


inv prefix, 573

late, 574–575

resolve, 571–572

resolveIn, 573

resolveone, 573

resolveoneIn, 573

Order menu commands, 361

org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.render plug-ins, 501

org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.gef.ui plug-in, 502

outlet element, 646

Outline property (shape figures), 508

Outline view (diagrams), 139–140, 366

outlineShape() method, 167

overwriting user code modifications, avoiding, 35


package figure definition (color modeling diagram), 185–186

Package Mapping (color modeling diagram), 194

Package Name Prefix property (Gen Editor Generator), 535

Package Selection dialog, 116

package2schema() query, 599

package2schemas() query, 598

packaging DSLs, 303

artwork, 304–305

generation models, 310–311

requirements.product, 312

source deployment, 312–313

user interface plug-ins, 305

actions, 307–310

preferences, 306–307

wizard and perspective, 305–306

paint() method, 320

paintBorder() method, 321

paintChildren() method, 321

paintClientArea() method, 320

paintFigure() method, 320

painting with Draw2d, 320–321


cycling between diagram editor and palette, 653–654

definition, 470–471

GEF (Graphical Editing Framework) palette, 337

palette item navigation, 654

Palette view (diagrams), 360

paletteProvider extension-point, 388–392

PaletteService, 387–392

ParserProvider extension-point, 402–403

ParserService, 401–403

partitioning. See diagram partitioning

PasteTemplateAction, 345

Pathmaps extension-point, 459

performFinish() method, 137–138

performRequest() method, 333


database persistence, 177–181

persistence alternatives (EMF), 11

persistentClass2table() query, 599

Person class, 289–290

perspectiveExtensions extension-point, 306

perspectives extension-point, 306

phantom nodes, 524–526

Phone class, 290–291

platformUri element, 642

Plug-in Project wizard, 305–306

plug-ins, developing

actions, 307–310

preferences, 306–307

wizard and perspective, 305–306

policies. See specific policies

Polygon, 509

Polyline, 509

Polyline Connection, 322, 509

polymorphism, Xpand support for, 610–612

pop-up bars (diagrams), 365

populating objects, 568–570

postprocessor element, 646–647

Practitioner (DSL Toolkit), 18–19

predefined variables, 555

preference page templates (color modeling diagram), 216–220

PreferenceInitializer.xpt template, 219

preferencePages extension-point, 306

PreferencePropertyChangeListener class, 211, 214


diagrams, 367–368

mindmap diagram improvements, 97

user interface plug-ins, 306–307

Preferred Size property (figures), 508

prepend() operation, 582

primitiveAttributes2columns() query, 601

Printing Enabled property (Gen Plugin), 540

private extensions (Xtend), 639

product line engineering, 7–8

project interaction, 15–16

project setup, mindmap DSL, 40–41


of diagrams

Appearance properties, 358–359

Core properties, 358

Rulers & Grid properties, 356–358

of figures

common properties, 507–508

Flow Layout figure properties, 511

shape figure properties, 508

of Gen Diagram

Contains Shortcuts To property, 536

Creation Wizard Category ID property, 538

Editing Domain ID property, 538

Icon Path property, 538

Shortcuts Provided For property, 536

Synchronized property, 537

Units property, 537

Validation Decorators property, 537

Validation Enabled property, 537

Visual ID property, 538

Without Domain property, 538

of Gen Editor Generator

Copyright Text, 534

Diagram File Extension, 534

Domain File Extension, 535

Domain Gen Model, 535

Dynamic Templates, 535

Model ID, 535

Package Name Prefix, 535

Same File for Diagram and Model, 535–536

Template Directory, 535

of Gen Editor View

Generate as Eclipse Editor, 541

Icon Path, 540

ID, 541

of Gen Navigator

Generate Domain Model Navigator, 541

Navigator Child Reference, 541–542

of Gen Plugin

ID, 540

Printing Enabled, 540

Provider, 540

Required Plugin Identifiers, 540

Version, 540

of requirements diagram, 140–145

Custom Property Tab, 140

Property tab, 144

RequirementDescriptionPropertySection class, 142–143

of workflow configuration files, 641

transformation configuration properties, 555

Properties View, 134–135, 476–479, 658–659

propertiesConfiguration extension-point, 453

PropertiesModifierService, 433–435

PropertiesProvider extension-point, 431–433

PropertiesService, 430–433

property operations, 626

Property Sheet element, 542–543

Property tab (requirements diagram), 144

PropertyModifier extension-point, 434–435

PROTECT statement (Xpand), 615

Provider property (Gen Plugin), 540

ProviderPriority, 376

provides() method, 224, 376, 498


Query/View/Transformation. See QVT

quotify() operation, 590

QVT (Query/View/Transformation), 664. See also transformations

Core language, 549

OML (Operational Mapping Language). See OML

Operational Project wizard, 238–239

Relations language, 549

QVTO scripts, 307


range() operation, 583

RDBMS, UML to RDB Transformation Project, 596–603

associationAttributes2columns() mapping, 604

class2columns() query, 600

dataType2columns() query, 600

dataType2primaryKeyColumns() mapping, 603

enumerationAttributes2columns() query, 602

generalizations2columns() query, 600

hasPersistentClasses() query, 599

isPrimitive() query, 601

model2RDBModel() mapping, 598

package2schema() query, 599

package2schemas() mapping, 598

persistentClass2table() query, 599

primitiveAttributes2columns() query, 601

relationshipAttribute2foreignKey() mapping, 603

relationshipAttributes2columns() query, 602

transformation declaration, 597

Reader (Xpand), 644

real operations, 622

Rectangle, 509

Rectilinear Style Routing toolbar element, 355

recursion (Xtend), 638–639

refactoring editors, 127–130

refactoring models, 232–233

Reference Type property (Gen Navigator Child Reference), 542

refines keyword, 554

refresh() method, 335, 500

refreshChildren() method, 335

refreshVisuals() method, 329–331, 335

RegisterEcoreFile element, 643

RegisterGeneratedEPackage element, 642–643

reject() operation, 631

Relations language (QVT), 231, 549

relationship link mapping (mindmap diagram), 73–74, 77–80

relationshipAttribute2foreignKey() mapping, 603

relationshipAttributes2columns() query, 602

relative coordinates (Draw2d), 323–324

REM statement (Xpand), 616

removeChild() method, 335–336

removeElement() operation, 581

renaming elements, 555

*.render.awt plug-ins, 501

renderedImageFactory extension-point, 456–457

REP (Requirements Elicitation Project), 21

replace() operation, 588

repr() operation, 578

Requests (GEF), 331–332


consuming, 345

producing, 344

selection requests, 342

Required Plugin Identifiers property (Gen Plugin), 540

Requirement link mappings (requirements diagram), 112

Requirement node mapping (requirements diagram), 111–112

Requirement Scenario Project (RSP), 22

RequirementDescriptionPropertySection class, 142–143

RequirementGroup link mapping (requirements diagram), 110

RequirementGroup node mapping (requirements diagram), 109–110

Requirements Dependency link mappings (requirements diagram), 113

requirements diagram

Creation Wizard, 137–138

diagram definition, 104–107

domain model, 108

EMF and GMF editor integration

refactoring editor, 127–130

sharing editing domain, 123–126

sharing file extension, 122–123

generation, 113

mapping definition, 107–113

Canvas mapping, 108

Requirement link mappings, 112

Requirement node mapping, 111–112

RequirementGroup link mapping, 110

RequirementGroup node mapping, 109–110

Requirements Dependency link mappings, 113

menus and toolbar, 135–137

navigator extension, 139

Outline view, 139–140

partition, 172–177

properties, 140–145

Custom Property Tab, 140

Property tab, 144

RequirementDescriptionPropertySection class, 142–143

Properties view, 134–135

selection handling, 130–134

tooling definition, 107

ToolTips, 114–121

requirements domain model, 47–48

generator model, creating, 48–49

transformations from mindmap domain model, 244–251

Requirements Elicitation Project (REP), 21

Requirements Management Project (RMP), 21

requirements.product, configuring, 312

RequirementsEditorPart class, 127–128

RequirementsGeneralPreferencePage class, 307

ResizableEditPolicy, 348

resizing interactions (GEF), 347–349

resolution operators (OML)

inv prefix, 573

late, 574–575

resolve, 571–572

resolveIn, 573

resolveone, 573

resolveoneIn, 573

resolve operator, 571–572

resolveIn operator, 573

resolveone operator, 573

resolveoneIn operator, 573

resolveSemanticElement() method, 382

resources, GMF (Graphical Modeling Framework) resources, 545

restartAllStrCounter() operation, 593

result keyword, 569

return statement, 559

revalidate() method, 322

REVERSE service execution strategy, 377

rfind() operation, 589

RMP (Requirements Management Project), 21

Role Archetype Mapping (color modeling diagram), 193

roles of EditPolicies, 333

rootObjects() method, 560, 581

Rounded Rectangle, 509

routing in Draw2d, 322–323

RSP (Requirement Scenario Project), 22

Rulers & Grid properties (diagrams), 356–358

run() method, 309–310, 648

running mindmap domain model, 43–45

runtime, EMF, 33–34

runtime, GMF. See GMF runtime


Same File for Diagram and Model property (Gen Editor Generator), 535–536

Sample Reflective Ecore Model Editor, 39

ScalableFreeformRootEditPart (GEF), 326

scenario diagram, 145

custom view, 486–489

Data Object Mapping, 165

database persistence, 177–181

diagram partitioning

Requirements diagram partition, 172–177

subprocess partitions, 171–172

Event Mapping, 164

Gateway Mapping, 163–164


border item adjustment, 166–167

figures plug-in generation, 168–171

GMF generator model, 166

intermediate event outline, 167–168

graphical definition, 145–146

Connection figures, 155–158

Data Object figure, 158–159

Event figures, 152–154

Gateway figure, 149–152

Subprocess figure, 147–149

Task figure, 146–147

Link Mapping, 165

mapping definition, 161

Task Mapping, 161–163

tooling definition, 159–161

transformations to test cases, 258–264

scenario domain model, 50–51

scenario DSL Instances, 24–25

ScenarioEditPartProvider class, 488

scripts, QVTO scripts, 307

ScrollingGraphicalViewer (GEF), 326

Select All Links toolbar element, 355

Select All Shapes toolbar element, 355

Select All toolbar element, 355

select() operation, 563, 630

SelectAllAction, 342

selecting graphical notations, 55

selection handling (requirements diagram), 130–134

selection interactions (GEF)

keyboard selection, 342

overview, 338–340

selection actions, 342

selection handles, 340–341

selection requests, 342

selection targeting and feedback, 341

Selection Tool, 339

selection with DragTracker, 341

Selection Tool (GEF), 339

selectionProvider attribute (MultiPageSelectionProvider), 130–131

SelectionTreeEditorPart class, 128

Send Backward command (Order menu), 361

Send to Back command (Order menu), 361

serialization syntax, 4

Service class, 376


ActionFilterService, 423–426

ContributionItemService, 408–418

DecorationService, 392–396

DiagramEventBrokerService, 441–443

DragDropListenerService, 435–438

EditorService, 427–428

EditPartService, 382–385

EditPolicyService, 385–387

ElementSelectionService, 428–430

GlobalActionHandlerService, 419–423

IconService, 396–399

LayoutService, 406–408

MarkerNavigationService, 399–401

ModelingAssistantService, 403–406

overview, 375–376

PaletteService, 387–392

ParserService, 401–403

PropertiesModifierService, 433–435

PropertiesService, 430–433

Service class, 376

service execution strategies, 376–377

TransferAdapterService, 438–441

ViewService, 378–382

setContents() method, 327, 334

setCurrentViewer() method, 131

setForegroundColor() method, 205, 211

setModel() method, 334

setParent() method, 334

setupContentPane() method, 517

shape figures

Ellipse, 509

Polygon, 509

Polyline, 509

Polyline Connection, 509

properties, 508

Rectangle, 509

Rounded Rectangle, 509

TemplatePoint, 509

shape navigation, 655–656

SharedImages class, 396

sharing EditingDomain, 123–126

shortcuts in graphical notations, 59

Shortcuts Provided For property (Gen Diagram), 536

shorthand (QVT), 594–595

Show Connector Labels toolbar element, 356

side-affixed nodes (pins and ports), 528–529

simplicity in graphical notations, 56

Size property (figures), 508

size() operation, 584

software factories, 7–8

Software Process Engineering Metamodel (SPEM), 666

software product lines, 7–8

sortBy() operation, 633

source, deploying, 312–313


compliance, 668

implementations influencing specifications, 668

specification delivery, 667–668

SPEM (Software Process Engineering Metamodel), 666

Stack Layout, 512

StandaloneSetup class

ExtensionMap element, 643

platformUri element, 642

RegisterEcoreFile element, 643

RegisterGeneratedEPackage element, 642–643

uriMap element, 642

Start Events, 152

startStrCounter() operation, 592

startsWith() operation, 587

startup() method, 378

statements. See specific statements

StaticProperty operations, 626

StdLib library, 556

add() operation, 582

addSuffixNumber() operation, 593

allSubobjects() operation, 579

allSubobjectsOfKind() operation, 579

allSubobjectsOfType() operation, 579

asBoolean() operation, 591

asFloat() operation, 592

asInteger() operation, 592

asList() operation, 583

asOrderedTuple() operation, 578

asTransformation() operation, 582

clone() operation, 579

copy() operation, 582

createEmptyModel() operation, 582

deepclone() operation, 580

element operations, 580

endsWith() operation, 587

equalsIgnoreCase() operation, 589

find() operation, 589

firstToUpper() operation, 586

format() operation, 584

getStrCounter() operation, 592

_globalId() operation, 578

incrStrCounter() operation, 593

indexOf() operation, 586

insertAt() operation, 583

isQuoted() operation, 590

joinfields() operation, 583

lastToUpper() operation, 586

_localId() operation, 578

markedAs() operation, 580

markValue() operation, 580

match() operation, 589

matchBoolean() operation, 590

matchFloat() operation, 591

matchIdentifier() operation, 591

matchInteger() operation, 591

metaClassName() operation, 578

normalizeSpace() operation, 588

objects() operation, 581

objectsOfType() operation, 581

prepend() operation, 582

quotify() operation, 590

range() operation, 583

removeElement() operation, 581

replace() operation, 588

repr() operation, 578

restartAllStrCounter() operation, 593

rfind() operation, 589

rootObjects() operation, 581

size() operation, 584

startStrCounter() operation, 592

startsWith() operation, 587

stereotypedBy() operation, 580

stereotypedStrictlyBy() operation, 580

subobjects() operation, 578

subobjectsOfKind() operation, 579

subobjectsOfType() operation, 579

substringAfter() operation, 585

substringBefore() operation, 584

toLower() operation, 585

toString() operation, 583

toUpper() operation, 585

trim() operation, 587

unquotify() operation, 590

stereotypedBy() operation, 580

stereotypedStrictlyBy() operation, 580

StoreController class, 179

string operations (OML), 594, 620

addSuffixNumber(), 593

asBoolean(), 591

asFloat(), 592

asInteger(), 592

endsWith(), 587

equalsIgnoreCase(), 589

find(), 589

firstToUpper(), 586

format(), 584

getStrCounter(), 592

incrStrCounter(), 593

indexOf(), 586

isQuoted(), 590

lastToUpper(), 586

match(), 589

matchBoolean(), 590

matchFloat(), 591

matchIdentifier(), 591

matchInteger(), 591

normalizeSpace(), 588

quotify(), 590

replace(), 588

restartAllStrCounter(), 593

rfind(), 589

size(), 584

startStrCounter(), 592

startsWith(), 587

substringAfter(), 585

substringBefore(), 584

toLower(), 585

toUpper(), 585

trim(), 587

unquotify(), 590

styles, custom, 490–493

subobjects() operation, 578

subobjectsOfKind() operation, 579

subobjectsOfType() operation, 579

Subprocess figure, creating for scenario diagram, 147–149

subprocess partitions, 171–172

substringAfter() operation, 585

subtopic actions, mindmap diagram improvements, 90–93

subtopic figures, mindmap diagram improvements, 84–89

subtopic link mapping (mindmap diagram), 73

switch expression, 566, 634

Synchronized property (Gen Diagram), 537

synchronizing domain models, 59, 76

synonyms (OCL), 596


Task figure, creating for scenario diagram, 146–147

Task Mapping (scenario diagram), 161–163

TCS (Textual Concrete Syntax), 4, 229

Template Directory property (Gen Editor Generator), 535

TemplatePoint, 509


dynamic templates, 65–66

mindmap2csv.xpt, 281

modifying output of, 547

TemplateTransferDragSourceListener, 344

Teneo, 177–180

ternary expression, 634

Test and Performance Tools Project (TPTP), 258–264

test cases, transforming scenarios to, 258–264

testing OCL, 35


Draw2d support for, 319

with inline graphics, 57

Textual Concrete Syntax (TCS), 4, 229

Textual Generic Editor (TGE), 229

Textual Modeling Framework (TMF), 12, 665

textual syntaxes for DSLs

overview, 227–228

TCS (Textual Concrete Syntax), 4, 229

Xtext, 228–229

TGE (Textual Generic Editor), 229

Tiger project, 233

TMF (Textual Modeling Framework), 12, 665

toLower() operation, 585


elements, 354–356

requirements diagram, 135–137

tooling component (GMF), 61–62

FAQs, 547–548

generator model, 64, 74–76

graphical definition model, 61–63, 68–69, 76–79

mapping model, 63–64, 70–74, 80–81

tooling definition model, 63, 69, 79

tooling definition, 63, 518–519

of color modeling diagram, 189

of mindmap diagram example, 69, 79

of scenario diagram, 159–161

of requirements diagram, 107

tools, GEF (Graphical Editing Framework) tools, 337

Toolsmith artifacts (DSL Toolkit), 17–18

ToolTips, 114–121

Top Node Reference, 521–522

topic figure layout, 81–82

topic mapping (mindmap diagram), 72

TopicEditPart class., 475

toPreferenceConstant() function, 213–214

toRequirementsModel() method, 559

toStateful() method, 561

toString() operation, 583

toUpper() operation, 585

TPTP (Test and Performance Tools Project), 258–264

trace model, 242–243, 575

TransactionalEditingDomain, 123–130

TransferAdapterProvider extension-point, 439–441

TransferAdapterService, 438–441

transform() operation, 577


business domain models to Java, 264–276


assert expression, 576–577

log expression, 576

trace model, 575

transform() operation, 577

transformation composition, 577

implementation techniques, 231–232

M2M (Model-to-Model Transformation), 12–13

M2T (Model-to-Text Transformation) project

CSV fies, generating, 281–282

HTML, generating, 297–301

Java files, generating with DNC model with templates, 291–297

Java files, generating with Java model and dedicated template, 283–291

overview, 277

Xpand, 278–281

Xtend, 278–281

mindmap domain model

to requirements domain model, 244–251

to XHTML, 251–258

mindmap2requirements, 308–309

for model merge, 237

for model migration, 233–237

for model refactoring, 232–233

OML transformation declarations

access keyword, 553

configuration properties, 555

extends keyword, 553

in-place transformations, 553

intermediate elements, 554

modeltype declaration, 550–553

null, 556

predefined variables, 555

renaming elements, 555

scenario diagrams to test cases, 258–264

transformation composition, 577

transparent nature, 668–669

Tree Style Routing toolbar element, 355

TreeContainerEditPolicy, 345

TreeEditParts (GEF), 325

trim() operation, 587

Tufte, Edward, 56


API documentation

AdviceContent operations, 627

AdviceContent properties, 626

Boolean operations, 622

collection operations, 623–624

collection properties, 623

definition operations, 627

definition properties, 627

feature properties, 625

integer operations, 621–622

iterator properties, 627

list operations, 624

object operations, 620

object properties, 619

operation operations, 626

property operations, 626

real operations, 622

StaticProperty operations, 626

string operations, 620

string properties, 620

type operations, 625

type properties, 624

type inference (Xtend), 638

type operations, 625

type properties, 624

typeSelect() operation, 631


UML (Unified Modeling Language), 663

UML to RDB Transformation Project, 596–603

associationAttributes2columns() mapping, 604

class2columns() query, 600

dataType2columns() query, 600

dataType2primaryKeyColumns() mapping, 603

enumerationAttributes2columns() query, 602

generalizations2columns() query, 600

hasPersistentClasses() query, 599

isPrimitive() query, 601

model2RDBModel() mapping, 598

package2schema() query, 599

package2schemas() mapping, 598

persistentClass2table() query, 599

primitiveAttributes2columns() query, 601

relationshipAttribute2foreignKey() mapping, 603

relationshipAttributes2columns() query, 602

transformation declaration, 597

UML2, 13

UML2 Tools, 14

The UML Profile for Framework Architectures (Fontoura, et al), 56

umlPrimitive2rdbPrimitive() method, 568

UmlRdbUtil library, 556

UmlUtil library, 556

Unified Modeling Language (UML), 663

Units property (Gen Diagram), 537

unquotify() operation, 590

updateArchetypeColor() method, 211

UpdateManager (Draw2d), 318

updating model versions, 233–237

uri element, 644

uriMap element, 642

user code modifications, avoiding overwriting, 35

user interaction sequence (Draw2d), 320

user interface plug-ins, developing actions, 307–310

preferences, 306–307

wizard and perspective, 305–306


validate() method, 322

validation, 38

Validation Decorators property (Gen Diagram), 537

Validation Enabled property (Gen Diagram), 537

variables, predefined, 555

Version property (Gen Plugin), 540

versions of models, updating, 233–237

Vertical Alignment property (Grid Layout figure), 514

Vertical property (Flow Layout figure), 511

Vertical Span property (Grid Layout figure), 514

View menu commands, 361–363

viewing Ecore models, 39

viewProvider extension-point, 379–382


definition, 471–473

scenario diagram custom view, 486–489

ViewService, 378–382

Visual Facets (diagram elements), 516

Visual ID property (Gen Diagram), 538


while loop expression, 565–566

Width command (Diagram menu), 361

Without Domain property (Gen Diagram), 538


Creation Wizard, 137–138

New Diagram Wizard, 475–476

Plug-in Project wizard, 305–306

workflow engine (Xpand), 641

Ant, 649

aspects, 647–648

EMF setup

ExtensionMap element, 643

platformUri element, 642

RegisterEcoreFile element, 643

RegisterGeneratedEPackage element, 642–643

uriMap element, 642

Java invocation, 648

properties, 641

Reader, 644

Xpand component, 644–647

expand element, 646

metaModel element, 646

outlet element, 646

postprocessor element, 646–647


xcollect imperative iterate expression, 566

XHTML, transforming mindmap domain model to, 251–258

xmap keyword, 570

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 664

XML Schema (XSD), 13

XOR Fill property (shape figures), 509

XOR Outline property (shape figures), 509

Xpand, 665

AROUND statement, 617–619

DEFINE statement, 607–608

ERROR statement, 616

EXPAND statement, 608–612

expression language, 628

casting, 635

chain expression, 634–635

collect() operation, 631–632

collections, 630

create expression, 635

exists() operation, 633

forAll() operation, 632

let expression, 635

literals, 628–630

reject() operation, 631

select() operation, 630

sortBy() operation, 633

switch expression, 634

ternary expression, 634

typeSelect() operation, 631

EXTENSION statement, 613–614

FILE statement, 612

FOREACH statement, 612–613

in GMF (Graphical Modeling Framework), 548

IF statement, 614–615

IMPORT statement, 606

LET statement, 615–616

M2T (Model-to-Text Transformation) project, 278–281

overview, 605–606

polymorphism support, 610–612

PROTECT statement, 615

REM statement, 616

type system, 619–627

workflow engine

Ant, 649

aspects, 647–648

EMF setup, 642–643

Java invocation, 648

properties, 641

Reader, 644

Xpand component, 644–647


cached extensions, 639

comments, 637

examples, 640–641

extension invocation, 637–638

extension keyword, 636

extensions, 637

import keyword, 636

Java extensions, 639

overview, 636

private extensions, 639

recursion, 638–639

type inference, 638

Xpand component, 644–647

expand element, 646

metaModel element, 646

outlet element, 646

postprocessor element, 646–647

XSD (XML Schema), 13, 252–253


cached extensions, 639

comments, 637

examples, 640–641

extension invocation, 637–638

extension keyword, 636

extensions, 637

import keyword, 636

Java extensions, 639

M2T (Model-to-Text Transformation) project, 278–281

overview, 636

private extensions, 639

recursion, 638–639

type inference, 638

Xtext, 228–229

XY Layout, 512

Zoom toolbar element, 356

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