Subject Index


  1. abatement technology
  2. access
    1. to capital
    2. to decision-makers
    3. to education
    4. to information
    5. to politicians and regulators
  3. achieving sustainable development
  4. acid rain
    1. impact of
    2. interfirm permit trade
  5. active solar power
  6. administrative simplicity
  7. advertising, regulation of
    1. for controlling consumption
    2. effective
    3. “good” vs “bad” commercials
    4. pollution tax on
  8. agency building
  9. agrarian transition
  10. agreements as public goods
  11. agricultural breeding
  12. agricultural output
  13. agricultural subsidies
  14. airborne mercury
  15. air pollution
    1. control
  16. air toxics
    1. regulation
  17. Alaska Permanent Fund
  18. Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection
  19. ambient air quality
  20. American Clean Energy and Security Act
  21. American Paper Institute
  22. American Petroleum Institute
  23. Antarctic Treaty
  24. anthropocentrism
  25. aquaculture
  26. ARCO
  27. auto emissions tax


  1. backstop technology
  2. Baltimore, air pollution control in
  3. bandwagon effect
  4. ‘bean-counting’ exercises
  5. behavioral economics
  6. behavior change
  7. benefit-cost analyses
    1. advantage of
    2. benefit measure for pollution reduction
      1. consumer surplus
      2. prospect theory
      3. willingness to accept (WTA) compensation
      4. willingness to pay (WTP)
    3. of climate-change policy
    4. contingent valuations (CVs)
    5. environmental protection, balance of investment for
    6. under FIFRA
    7. good
    8. hedonic regression
    9. monetary value on human life
    10. police departments’ homicide budget based on
    11. political influence in
      1. control the scientific agenda
      2. hard numbers illusion
      3. paralysis by analysis
    12. real-world benefit-cost
    13. technical studies of
    14. travel-cost method
  8. benefit-cost analysis
  9. best available control technology (BACT)
  10. best available technology (BAT)
  11. best practical technology (BPT)
  12. bias against land disposal
  13. Billite industry
  14. biocentrism
  15. biodiversity
  16. biofuels
  17. biomass
  18. birth control
  19. BP Chemicals
  20. Bruntland Commission Report
  21. bubble policy
  22. “business-as-usual” warming
  23. bycatch


  1. California energy crisis of 2000–2001
  2. campaign finance reform
  3. CAMPFIRE (Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources)
  4. cap-and-trade system
  5. carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects
  6. carbon dioxide (CO2)
    1. emissions
      1. global
      2. Kyoto compliance
    2. greenhouse gases
    3. price of CO2-based services
    4. tax
  7. carbon monoxide (CO)
  8. carbon tax
  9. carbon trading
  10. catastrophic outcomes
  11. cattle ranching
  12. Celanese
  13. chemical explosion in Bhopal, case of
  14. chemical-intensive farming
  15. Chemical Manufacturers Association
  16. Chlorine Institute
  17. chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
  18. choke price
  19. Clean Air Act (CAA)
    1. accomplishments
    2. ambient air quality
    3. amendments
      1. benefits
    4. ample margin of safety
    5. and climate change
    6. control emissions of criteria pollutants
    7. corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards
    8. criteria air pollutants
      1. reducing concentrations of
    9. MACT rules
    10. mobile sources
    11. safety mandate
    12. state implementation plan
    13. stationary sources
    14. steps to reduce greenhouse gas pollution
    15. technology-based regulation
    16. three-tiered system for air quality
  20. Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR)
  21. Clean Car law
  22. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
  23. clean electricity infrastructure
  24. cleaner technology, promoting
  25. Clean Power Plan
  26. clean technologies (CTs)
    1. adding-up problem
    2. alternative agriculture (case study)
    3. characteristics
      1. cost competitive on a market basis
      2. environmentally superior
      3. providing comparable-quality services
    4. defined
    5. direct benefit
    6. early stage
    7. economies of scale
    8. energy savings
    9. government obstacles to
    10. indirect benefits
    11. lack of a substantial profit advantage for
    12. late stage
    13. life-cycle analysis
    14. long-run average cost curve
    15. market obstacles facing
      1. access to capital
      2. high discount rates
      3. marketing commitment
      4. sunk costs
      5. thin market problem
    16. objections
    17. path dependence and
    18. picking the winning path
    19. policies to promote
      1. bureaucratic errors and political influence, minimizing
      2. least-cost approach
    20. promoting measures
      1. adjustment costs
      2. consumer subsidies
      3. Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards
      4. early stage
      5. free riders
      6. informational barriers and
      7. infrastructure investment
      8. late stage
      9. loan guarantees
      10. low-interest loans/grants
      11. minimum design standards
      12. policy tools
      13. price preference
      14. procurement contracts
      15. producer subsidies
      16. product labeling and certification
      17. R&D funding
      18. Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)
      19. smart grid
      20. tax credits
      21. technical assistance programs
      22. technology-forcing standard
      23. utility marketing
    21. recycling
    22. solid waste management (case study)
    23. upstream pollution
  27. clean technology strategy
  28. Clean Water Act
  29. climate change. see also global warming
    1. discounting of
    2. greenhouse effect
  30. climate club
  31. climate club tariff
  32. clunker program
  33. clunker purchase program
  34. coal-fired electric power production
  35. coal resources
  36. Coase theorem
  37. Coase theorem corollary
  38. colonization projects
  39. command-and-control (CAC) regulation
    1. air pollution in Baltimore, case of
    2. vs incentive-based (IB) regulation
  40. common property resources
  41. compensation funds
  42. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)
  43. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
  44. Conference of the Parties (COP) meetings
  45. conspicuous consumption
  46. consumer culture
  47. consumer surplus
    1. contingent valuation
  48. consumption
    1. environmental impact of
    2. pollution, link with
    3. social norms
      1. bandwagon effect
      2. budget–budget choices as
      3. conspicuous consumption
      4. material consumption
      5. rat race
      6. in rich countries
      7. snob effect
      8. social motives for consumption
      9. social satisfaction and
      10. utilitarian functions
      11. Veblen effect
  49. consumption externalities
  50. consumption taxes
  51. contingent valuations (CVs)
    1. approach to eliciting WTP
    2. embedding bias
    3. existence value
    4. free riding
    5. hypothetical bias
    6. method of measuring consumer surplus
    7. as “stated preference” approach
    8. strategic bias
  52. conventional logging
  53. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES Treaty)
  54. corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards
  55. corporatist model of regulation
  56. cost-effectiveness of safety standard
    1. costs of cleaning drinking water
    2. criticism
  57. cost savings
  58. credentials inflation
  59. critical habitat
  60. cultural services
  61. Cynamid
  62. CYRO Industries


  1. damage insurance
  2. dam construction
  3. dead zone
  4. debt-for-nature swaps
  5. decentralized nature of problem
  6. defensive expenditures
  7. deforestation
  8. “demand-pull” policy
  9. demand-side management (DSM)
  10. density-dependent growth function
  11. depreciation of natural capital
  12. destructive fishing
  13. development-environmental struggles
  14. discounted benefits
  15. discounted resource rent
  16. discounting
    1. climate change
    2. maximum sustained yield vs golden rule of growth harvest
  17. discount rate
    1. elasticity of marginal utility of consumption
    2. growth rate of the economy
    3. present value of net benefits
    4. Ramsey equation
    5. rate of time preference
  18. dollars
  19. domestic business
  20. dose-response model
  21. double dividend hypothesis
  22. Dow
  23. Ducks Unlimited
  24. DuPont
  25. dynamic efficiency


  1. Earth Day
  2. Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro (1992)
  3. East Coast NOx trading system
  4. Easterlin paradox
  5. ecological accounting of sustainability
  6. ecological economics
    1. environmental protection
    2. measures of sustainability
    3. modern
  7. ecological economists
  8. ecological footprint
  9. ecological production functions
  10. ecological sustainability
  11. economic growth
  12. economic issues of global warming
  13. economic stability
  14. economy-wide trade-off
  15. ecosocialism
  16. ecosystem processes
  17. ecosystem services
    1. benefits
    2. cultural services
    3. ecological production functions
    4. InVEST model
    5. joint production of multiple
    6. natural ecosystems vs
    7. payment for ecosystem services (PES)
    8. provisioning services
    9. reduced impact logging vs conventional logging
    10. regulating services
    11. spatial analysis for
    12. supporting services
    13. sustainable fishing
    14. unintended consequences
    15. value of marketed commodities and biodiversity conservation
  18. efficiency
    1. advantage of pursuing
    2. defined
    3. net monetary benefits of
    4. Pareto-efficient situation
      1. vs fairness
    5. Pareto-improving alternative policy
  19. efficiency standard for pollution reduction
    1. air pollution control in Baltimore
    2. ethical basis of
    3. real-world benefit-cost
  20. efficient pollution levels
    1. marginal analysis
  21. effluent/emission charge
  22. elasticity of marginal utility of consumption
  23. electric batteries
  24. electricity and heat
    1. active solar power
    2. coal resources
      1. sequestration
    3. demand-side management (DSM)
    4. efficiency
    5. geothermal power
    6. hydroelectric power
    7. natural gas
    8. nuclear power
    9. passive solar power
    10. photovoltaic (PV) power
    11. policy options
      1. auto emissions tax
      2. Clean Car law
      3. congestion or peak-load pricing
      4. dedicated traffic lanes
      5. direct promotion of clean technologies (step 3)
      6. equity issue
      7. feebates
      8. feed-in-tariff policy
      9. free riding
      10. for fuel efficiency and fuel switching
      11. infrastructure investment
      12. level the playing field (step 2)
      13. for mode switching
      14. On-Bill-Recovery program
      15. PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy)
      16. pay-by-the-mile option
      17. picking winners (step 1)
      18. problem of rebound effects
      19. purchase power agreements
      20. strategic behavior of subsidy
      21. urban growth boundaries
      22. zero-emissions vehicle (ZEV)
      23. zoning laws
    12. renewables
    13. solar thermal
    14. technology options
      1. biofuels
      2. electric cars
      3. electric vehicles
      4. energy security issue
      5. fuel efficiency
      6. fuel-switching option
      7. hydrogen fuel cell
      8. mode switching
      9. monopsony power
      10. path dependence in technological development
      11. transportation
    15. wind power
  25. electricity production process
  26. electric vehicles
  27. embedding bias
  28. embedding problem
  29. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
  30. Emergency Planning and Right-to-Know Act
  31. emission reduction credits
  32. employment impacts of regulation
    1. context of a “deindustrialization and downsizing” process
    2. economy-wide trade-off
    3. environmental spending and
    4. green jobs
    5. jobs vs environment trade-off
    6. local impacts
    7. mass layoffs
    8. plant shutdowns
    9. pollution havens
    10. structural unemployment
  33. Endangered Species Act (ESA)
  34. endangered/threatened species
  35. end-of-the-pipe strategy
  36. end-use markets
  37. energy efficiency
  38. energy taxes
  39. enforcement capabilities
  40. enforcement mechanisms
  41. environmental benefits of reducing risk
  42. environmental bonds
  43. Environmental Defense Fund
  44. environmental federalism
  45. environmental impact statement (EIS)
  46. Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis
  47. environmental legislation
    1. adequate margin of safety
    2. CAA
    3. carbon dioxide
    4. chemicals and pesticides
    5. cost-ineffective strategy
    6. criteria pollutants
    7. ESA
    8. fishable and swimmable waters
    9. hazardous air pollutants/air toxics
    10. hazardous waste disposal, land
    11. incentive-based “cap-and-trade” programs
    12. low-emission vehicles program
    13. MACT command-and-control techniques
    14. mobile sources
    15. plant-by-plant chemical emissions
    16. principal resource protection laws
    17. state implementation plan
    18. stationary sources
    19. stringent technology-based regulation
    20. technology-based regulation
  48. environmentally damaging subsidies
  49. environmental protection
    1. benefits, measuring
      1. consumer surplus
      2. contingent valuations (CVs)
      3. demand curve derived from
      4. embedding bias
      5. existence value
      6. external factor for
      7. free riding
      8. hedonic regression
      9. hypothetical bias
      10. method of measuring consumer surplus
      11. monetary value on human life
      12. nonmarket benefits
      13. option value
      14. prospect theory
      15. recreational benefits of Florida beaches, study of
      16. reliability of
      17. risk assessment, pollution
      18. as “stated preference” approach
      19. strategic bias
      20. total value
      21. travel-cost method
      22. use value
      23. willingness to accept (WTA) compensation
      24. willingness to pay (WTP)
    2. costs, measuring
      1. context of a “deindustrialization and downsizing” process
      2. context of industrial business
      3. cost-saving opportunities
      4. cost uncertainties
      5. economy-wide trade-off
      6. employment impacts of regulation
      7. engineering costs
      8. environmental spending and
      9. general equilibrium (GE) effects
      10. green jobs
      11. health and ecosystem benefits
      12. jobs vs environment trade-off
      13. local impacts
      14. mass layoffs
      15. opportunity cost
      16. plant shutdowns
      17. pollution havens
      18. productivity impacts on regulation
      19. pro-regulation arguments
      20. regulatory impact analysis
      21. short-run efficiency of resource use
      22. structural unemployment
      23. summary of the EPA’s estimates
      24. technology-forcing role
  50. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  51. environmental racism
  52. environmental regulation. see also Clean Air Act (CAA); Clean Water Act; hazardous waste facilities; political economy of environmental regulation
    1. accomplishments of
    2. administrative simplicity of
    3. for “a quiet life”
    4. balance of power
    5. bureaucratic discretion in
      1. agency growth
      2. external career building
      3. ideology, power and quiet life
      4. job satisfaction
      5. regulatory decision-making
    6. Cold War secrecy
    7. cost-ineffective
    8. decision-making process
    9. demand for environmental protection
    10. direct pollution tax
    11. effect on point sources of water pollution
    12. enforceability of
    13. EPA-Amoco study of benzene air pollution
    14. gasoline tax
    15. imperfect information and
    16. incentive-based system
    17. incentive-compatible regulation
      1. command-and-control (CAC) regulation
      2. cost-effective reductions
      3. innovative—and cost-saving—pollution-reduction options
      4. new-source bias
      5. uniform emission standards
    18. indirect pollution taxes
    19. information-gathering and public-comment phase
    20. in-house analytic capability of agency
    21. monitoring and enforcement, political constraints
      1. administrative actions
      2. budget pressures
      3. citizen suits
      4. civil case
      5. criminal case
      6. enforcement procedure
      7. monetary penalty
      8. political climate
      9. political-economic constraint
      10. political influence
      11. proving a violation
      12. turnover
    22. political influence in
      1. campaign finance reform
      2. corporatist model of regulation
      3. environmental federalism
      4. European countries
      5. hypothetical regulatory decision
      6. lobbying strategy
      7. prisoner’s dilemma model
      8. reform
      9. tax-deductible business expense
      10. United States
    23. practice of “mountaintop removal” to mine coal in Appalachia
    24. process of
      1. EPA drafts regulations (Step 2)
      2. judicial model of regulation
      3. state governments implement and enforce regulations (Step 3)
      4. U.S. congress passes bill (Step 1)
    25. “right-to-know” TRI regulation
    26. royalties
    27. staff capacity
    28. technical studies of benefits and costs
    29. technology-based regulatory approach
    30. trade challenges to
    31. use of votes and dollars
  53. environment as a source of raw materials
  54. equal marginal utility of consumption
  55. ethics and economics
    1. anthropocentrism
    2. biocentrism
    3. safety standard
    4. social welfare
    5. sustainability standard
    6. utilitarianism
  56. European Emissions trading system
    1. challenges
    2. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
    3. distinct periods of price collapse
    4. Kyoto treaty and
    5. member states
    6. 2020 target
  57. European-style vacations
  58. European Trading System
  59. existence value
    1. for the rain forest
  60. external career building
  61. extinction and profit maximization


  1. face-to-face bargaining process
  2. family size, economic approach to
    1. economic benefits
    2. economic costs
    3. economic insurance
    4. high-investment strategy
    5. income supplement
    6. low-investment strategy
    7. poverty-fertility relationship
  3. faulty telescopic facility
  4. fear of future liability
  5. Federal Army Corps of Engineers
  6. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
  7. Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA)
  8. feebates
  9. Fertilizer Institute
  10. flow pollutants
  11. food availability
    1. agricultural technology and
    2. increases in population and
    3. Salmon fisheries, case of
  12. food security
  13. “food versus fuel” conflicts
  14. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
  15. fossil fuel industry
  16. fracking
    1. environmental impacts of
    2. technology
  17. free-market environmentalists
  18. free ride
  19. free-rider problem
  20. free riding
  21. fuel-blending techniques


  1. gasoline tax
  2. gene pool for agriculture
  3. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
  4. general equilibrium (GE) effects
  5. genuine progress indicator (GPI)
    1. 1970s and 1980s
  6. genuine savings
  7. geometric population growth, Malthusian assumption
  8. geothermal power
  9. Girl Scouts
  10. global environmental agreements
  11. global warming
    1. consequences of
      1. agricultural output
      2. catastrophic outcomes
      3. destruction of biodiversity
      4. economic growth process
      5. impact on poor countries
      6. impact on United States
      7. natural ecosystems
      8. ocean acidification
      9. sea-level rise
    2. economic issues of
    3. factors contributing
    4. global issues, resolving, question of
      1. public good
    5. greenhouse effect
    6. “nonmarket” costs of
    7. positive and negative feedback
    8. reduction measures
      1. cap-and-trade law for global-warming pollution
      2. command-and control regulation
      3. conservatives view governmental intervention
      4. efficiency standard for
      5. imperfect information
      6. incentive-based regulation
      7. opportunity for political influence
      8. pollution taxes
      9. progressives view governmental intervention
      10. R&D of clean-energy technologies
      11. zoning laws
    9. runaway greenhouse effect
    10. slowing of
    11. stopping
      1. reality
      2. theory
  12. global warming treaty
  13. God Squad
  14. golden rule of growth
  15. golden rule of growth harvest
  16. Good benefit–cost analysis
  17. government obstacles to CTs
    1. direct or indirect subsidies
  18. grants to municipalities
  19. greenhouse effect
  20. greenhouse gases
  21. green jobs
  22. Greenpeace
  23. Green Revolution
  24. Green Seal
  25. “green stimulus” package recommendation
  26. gross domestic product (GDP)
    1. genuine savings vs percentage change in
    2. vs growth in GPI
    3. as a measure of market activity
    4. per capita basis
    5. problems with
      1. excluding nonmarket production value
      2. failing to account for production capital depreciation
      3. reflecting ‘average’ rather than ‘typical’ person
    6. from sustainability perspective
  27. Ground-level ozone
  28. growth
    1. golden rule of
    2. marginal
  29. growth function of renewable resources
    1. biological resources
  30. growth rate of the economy


  1. hard numbers illusion
  2. harvesting of wild products
  3. hazardous air pollutants (HAP)
  4. hazardous waste, definition
    1. disposal of waste
      1. bias against land disposal
      2. common disposal methods
      3. Love Canal case
  5. hazardous waste facilities
    1. cleaning up sustainability costs
    2. disposal of waste
      1. clean up of
    3. income distribution and
    4. race and
    5. safety vs efficiency
  6. health risks
    1. EPA’s regulations
    2. willingness to accept annual tax credits for, case of
  7. hedonic regression
    1. challenges
    2. to control for home improvements
    3. PCB contamination, damages from, study of
    4. to value life
  8. high-level waste
  9. high market discount rates
  10. high-speed rail
  11. Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation
  12. Hotelling model
  13. Hotelling’s rule
    1. dynamic efficiency
    2. Hotelling price and production path through time
    3. for renewable resources
    4. resource use
  14. hot spots
  15. housing in desirable neighborhoods
  16. human capital
  17. human development index (HDI)
  18. hydraulic fracturing
    1. environmental impacts of
  19. hydroelectric power
  20. hydrogen fuel cell
  21. hypothetical bias


  1. ideology
  2. imperfect information
  3. incentive-based (IB) regulation
    1. advantages
    2. burden of information and
    3. vs CAC
    4. cap-and-trade system
    5. command-and-control (CAC) regulation
    6. cost-effectiveness and
      1. bankruptcy constraint
      2. Coase theorem corollary
      3. labor market efficiency
      4. pollution taxes
      5. revenue neutral
    7. cost-effectiveness rule
    8. cost-effective reductions
    9. Grimeville City Council, case of
    10. imperfect information and
    11. innovative—and cost-saving—pollution-reduction options
    12. marketable permits and acid rain
    13. new-source bias
    14. pollution tax
    15. pollution taxes vs market permits
    16. potential problems with
      1. banking
      2. with cap-and-trade systems
      3. concentrated pollutant issue
      4. development of market power
      5. in general
      6. government-set price floor
      7. hot-spot issue
      8. monitoring and compliance
      9. nonuniformly mixed pollutant
      10. with permit systems
      11. price ceiling
      12. price volatility
      13. with taxes
      14. thin market problem
      15. uniformly mixed pollutant issue
    17. technological progress and
      1. incentives under
      2. long-run
    18. theoretical perspective
    19. uniform emission standards
  4. incentive-compatible regulation
  5. incentive to cheat
  6. inclusive wealth (IW)
    1. measuring
    2. prospects for achieving sustainability
    3. rate of growth per capita
    4. resource rents from GDP and
  7. indicator species
  8. indirect pollution taxes
  9. individual transferable quota (ITQ)
  10. indoor air pollution
  11. industrialization
  12. infrastructure development
  13. infrastructure investments
  14. in-house analytic capability
  15. intergovernmental organization (IGO)
  16. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
  17. internalizing the externalities
  18. International Energy Agency
  19. InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) model
  20. IPAT equation
  21. irreversibility


  1. job satisfaction
  2. jobs vs environment trade-off
    1. economy-wide trade-off
    2. environmental spending and
    3. green jobs
    4. plant shutdowns
    5. structural unemployment
  3. Joint Implementation procedure
  4. joint production of multiple ecosystem services
  5. judicial model of regulation


  1. Kyoto global warming treaty
  2. Kyoto Protocol
  3. Kyoto targets
  4. Kyoto treaty


  1. L.A. Basin’s RECLAIM and mobile emissions trading programs
  2. labor market efficiency
  3. laissez-faire market system
  4. lead banking program
  5. lead trading program
  6. leakage problem
  7. least-cost technology
  8. life-cycle analysis
  9. life-support system for humans
  10. limits to growth
  11. locally unwanted land uses (LULUs)
  12. long-run cost effect
  13. long-run marginal costs
  14. Love Canal case
  15. lowest achievable emission rate (LAER) technology
  16. low-level waste


  1. Malthusian population trap
    1. population growth
  2. Malthusian predictions
  3. Malthus’s theory
    1. agricultural technology and food production
    2. challenges of technological advances
    3. geometrical increase of population
    4. Green Revolution technologies
    5. limits imposed by natural resources
    6. rising affluence and population
  4. mandate European-style vacations
  5. manufactured capital
  6. March Air Force Base
  7. marginal analysis
  8. marginal benefits
    1. of cleanup
    2. of pollution reduction
  9. marginal cost–marginal benefit (MC-MB)
  10. marginal cost of production
  11. marginal costs
  12. marginal growth (MG)
  13. marginal unit
  14. marine protected areas for species recovery
  15. market for “loanable funds”
    1. demand curve for
    2. at equilibrium
    3. interest rate determination in
  16. market goods
  17. market obstacles facing CTs
    1. access to capital
    2. high discount rates
    3. marketing commitment
    4. sunk costs
    5. thin market problem
  18. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  19. maximum achievable control technology (MACT)
  20. maximum sustainable yield (MSY)
  21. maximum sustained yield (MSY)
  22. medicine
  23. mercury emissions
  24. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
  25. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
  26. minimum standard (MS)
  27. mobile source trading program
  28. monetary damages from pollution
  29. monetary value on human life
    1. “acceptance” of risk
    2. median value for a statistical life
  30. money and happiness
  31. monitor compliance
  32. monitoring and enforcement
  33. Monsanto
  34. Montreal Protocol
  35. more is better
  36. “mountaintop removal”
  37. multinational business


  1. National Academy of Sciences
  2. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
    1. criteria air pollutants
    2. nonattainment areas
    3. NSPS technology
  3. National Audobon Society
  4. national environmental organizations
  5. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
  6. National Wildlife Federation
  7. natural capital
    1. and ecosystem services
  8. natural capital depreciation
    1. rule for
  9. natural ecosystems
  10. natural gas, electricity from
  11. natural resource economics
    1. declining extraction costs for
    2. impacts of new technology
    3. upward movement in prices
  12. natural resources
  13. Natural Resources Defense Council
  14. Nature Conservancy
  15. negative effect of pollution
  16. negative externality
  17. negative feedback
  18. neoclassical economics
  19. neoclassical economists
    1. environmental protection
  20. Neo-Malthusians
  21. net benefits
  22. net monetary benefits of
  23. net national product (NNP)
  24. Net National Welfare (NNW)
    1. adjustment for changes in income distribution
    2. calculation of
    3. defined
    4. prospects for achieving sustainability
    5. rate of growth of
    6. resource rents from GDP and
  25. net primary production
  26. netting policy
  27. New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
  28. nonattainment areas
  29. nonbinding standards
  30. “nonconfrontational” approach
  31. nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
  32. nonmarket benefits of environmental protection
    1. existence value
    2. option value
    3. total value
    4. use value
  33. nonmarket goods
  34. nonrenewable resources
    1. Hotelling model and
    2. oil prices
    3. oil production
    4. resource rent from
    5. testing of
  35. Nordhaus, William
  36. normative issue
  37. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  38. NOx trading program
    1. East Coast
  39. nuclear power
  40. nuisance law
  41. numerical emission reduction targets


  1. occupational hazards
  2. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  3. ocean acidification
  4. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
  5. offset policy
  6. Oil Pollution Act
  7. oil prices
  8. oil production
    1. environmental impact of
    2. Hotelling’s prediction
    3. world demand and
  9. On-Bill-Recovery program
  10. OPEC oil cartel
  11. open access problem
    1. common ownership of resources and exhaustion
    2. common property resources
    3. graphical analysis of
    4. overexploitation issue
    5. overfishing issue
    6. resource rents
  12. open-access resource harvesting
  13. opportunity cost
  14. opportunity for political influence
  15. option value
  16. overconsumption
    1. environmental impact of
    2. policy solutions
  17. “overregulation”
  18. ozone depletion
  19. ozone hole
  20. ozone layer
    1. biodiversity
    2. depletion


  1. PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy)
  2. Pago por Servicios Ambientales (PSA)
  3. paralysis by analysis
  4. Pareto-efficient situation
  5. Pareto improvement
  6. Paris Climate Agreement
  7. passive solar power
  8. path dependence theory
  9. pay-by-the-mile option
  10. payment for ecosystem services (PES)
  11. peak oil
  12. peak production of oil
  13. perfectly competitive firms
  14. Permanent Fund
  15. personal liberty
  16. pesticides, environmental regulation
  17. pharmaceuticals
  18. photosynthetic production
  19. photovoltaics (PVs)
  20. Pigovian tax
  21. planetary boundaries
  22. Plan International
  23. plant shutdowns
  24. political-economic elite
  25. political economy of environmental regulation
    1. access to information
    2. campaign finance reform
    3. corporatist model of regulation
    4. demand for environmental protection
    5. effective and widespread democracy
    6. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
    7. environmental federalism
    8. European countries
    9. monitoring and enforcement, political constraints
    10. reform
    11. tax-deductible business expense
    12. Toxics Release Inventory
    13. United States
  26. political influence
  27. polluter-pays principle
  28. pollution
    1. and health risks
    2. as negative externality
    3. and resource degradation
      1. electricity production process
      2. internalizing the externalities
      3. occupational hazards
      4. open access problem
      5. public goods problem
      6. sustainable business movement
    4. risk assessment
      1. conservative model
      2. dose-response model
      3. environmental hazards
      4. mortality
      5. public perception of
      6. risk averse
      7. as viewed by the EPA
  29. pollution-control target
  30. pollution-control technology
  31. pollution havens
  32. “pollution-prevention” strategy
  33. pollution reduction
    1. benefit measure for
      1. consumer surplus
      2. prospect theory
      3. regressive pattern
      4. willingness to accept (WTA) compensation
      5. willingness to pay (WTP)
    2. benefits of
      1. market
      2. nonmarket
    3. cap-and-trade law for global-warming pollution
    4. command-and control regulation
    5. conservatives view governmental intervention
    6. costs and benefits of
    7. efficiency standard for
      1. air pollution control in Baltimore
      2. ethical basis of
      3. real-world benefit-cost
    8. efficiency standards
    9. efficient pollution levels
    10. incentive-based regulation
    11. marginal benefits of
    12. marginal costs of
    13. opportunity for political influence
    14. pollution taxes
    15. progressives view governmental intervention
    16. R&D of clean-energy technologies
    17. safety standard
    18. sustainability standard for
    19. zoning laws
  34. pollution taxes
    1. carbon tax
    2. energy
    3. environmental bonds
    4. indirect
    5. insurance and liability requirements
    6. revenue neutral
    7. unit-pricing program
    8. user fees
  35. polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
  36. population status
    1. consumption and global environment
    2. controlling growth
      1. access to education
      2. balanced growth and redistribution
      3. China’s One-Child Policy
      4. coercive birth control methods
      5. education
      6. family planning services
      7. land reforms
      8. opportunity cost of parents’ time
      9. patriarchal cultures
      10. redistribution of wealth
      11. reduced infant and childhood mortality
    3. demographic transition
    4. environmental problems and
    5. family size
    6. growth span 1900–2100
    7. Malthusian perspective
    8. poverty-fertility relationship
    9. 1990s
    10. vicious cycle
  37. Porter hypothesis
  38. positional competition
  39. positional goods
  40. positive feedback
  41. positive harm
  42. positive rate of time preference
  43. poverty and environment quality
    1. affortability of poor in conservation
    2. political demand for pollution control
    3. pollution control demand by rich people
    4. population growth slows with increased income
    5. problems of poverty for poor
      1. inadequate sewage
      2. indoor air pollution
      3. unsafe drinking water
    6. relative risk considerations
    7. sustainable future, envisioning
      1. Bruntland Commission report
      2. food security
      3. improved technology
      4. population and human resources
      5. resource conservation
  44. power
  45. precautionary principle
    1. adverse environmental effects and
    2. aspect of natural capital
    3. European Union’s system of chemical regulation
    4. introduction of new chemicals
      1. genetically engineered crops
    5. irreversibility
    6. technological potential
    7. uncertainty
    8. uniqueness
  46. present discounted value (PDV)
    1. of savings from LED lightbulbs
  47. present value of net benefits
  48. Price–Anderson Act
  49. prisoner’s dilemma model
    1. real-world
  50. private labeling scheme
  51. problems of poverty for poor
    1. inadequate sewage
    2. indoor air pollution
    3. unsafe drinking water
  52. productivity impacts on regulation
    1. cost-saving opportunities
    2. health and ecosystem benefits
    3. pro-regulation arguments
    4. short-run efficiency of resource use
    5. technology-forcing role
  53. productivity of ecosystems
  54. profit-based conservation
  55. profit maximization
  56. profit maximizing yield
  57. property rights/titles
    1. communal ownership
    2. private ownership
    3. state ownership
  58. prospect theory
  59. provisioning services
  60. public goods
  61. public goods problem
    1. free-market environmentalists
    2. free ride
    3. general principle
    4. laissez-faire market system
    5. monetary benefits of preservation
    6. transactions costs
  62. pure positional competition


  1. quasi-judicial process
  2. quiet life
  3. quota systems


  1. radioactive waste, exposure effects
  2. rainfall regulator
  3. Ramsey equation
  4. rate of growth
    1. of well-being
  5. rate of time preference
  6. rat race
    1. features
    2. prisoner’s dilemma model
  7. REACH (registration, evaluation, and authorization of chemicals)
  8. reasonably available control technology (RACT)
  9. RECLAIM trading system
    1. reported emissions and allowances under
  10. Redefining Progress
  11. reduced impact logging
  12. Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
    1. California’s program
    2. offsets from
  13. regulating services
  14. regulation of advertising
  15. regulatory impact analysis (RIAs)
  16. regulatory success
    1. clean technology
    2. environmental regulation, accomplishments of
    3. incentive-based regulation
    4. monitoring and enforcement, political constraints
  17. renewable energy
  18. renewable portfolio standard (RPS)
  19. renewable resources
    1. competitive firms and
    2. density-dependent growth function
    3. ecosystem services and natural capital
    4. existence value
    5. fisheries and endangered species
      1. bycatch
      2. cap-and-trade system
      3. golden rule of growth harvest
      4. indicator species
      5. individual transferable quota (ITQ)
      6. marine protected areas for species recovery
      7. maximum sustained yield
      8. minimum standard (MS)
      9. open-ocean fisheries
      10. quota systems
      11. safe minimum standard (SMS) for threatened resources
      12. Thailand’s mangrove swamps
      13. total allowable catch (TAC)
    6. Hotelling’s rule
    7. marginal growth and
    8. maximum sustainable yield
    9. open-access resource harvesting
    10. profit-based conservation
    11. profit-maximizing firms and
    12. profit maximizing yield
    13. resource-harvesting firm
    14. sustainable harvest
  20. reporting bias
    1. incentive-compatible regulation
    2. in-house analytic capability
  21. research and development (R&D)
    1. of energy technologies
    2. investments
  22. resource conservation
    1. debt-for-nature swaps
    2. development-environmental struggles
    3. enforcement process
    4. existence value for the rain forest
    5. free ride
    6. gene pool for agriculture
    7. harvesting of wild products
    8. medicine
    9. payments for ecosystem services (PES)
    10. public good
    11. rainfall regulator
    12. sustained-yield farming and ranching methods
    13. sustained-yield resource development
  23. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
    1. control technologies
    2. enforcement process
  24. resource depletion
  25. resource depletion effect
  26. resource-harvesting firm
  27. resource rents
    1. discounted
    2. measuring
    3. from nonrenewable resources
  28. “revealed preference” of consumers
  29. Rio biodiversity treaty
  30. Rio Earth Summit
  31. risk assessment, pollution
    1. conservative model
    2. dose-response model
    3. environmental hazards
    4. mortality
    5. public perception of
    6. risk averse
    7. as viewed by the EPA
  32. risk averse
  33. Royal Dutch Shell
  34. runaway greenhouse effect


  1. safe minimum standard (SMS) for threatened resources
  2. safety, defined
  3. safety proponents
  4. safety standard
    1. attainment of “objectively”
    2. banning smoking as
    3. Clean Air Act Amendments
    4. cost-effectiveness
    5. efficiency criticisms
      1. benefits not quantified by the EPA
      2. narrow-minded view
      3. stringent pesticide regulation
    6. environmental justice/regressive impact
    7. hazardous waste facilities
    8. income equity criticism to
      1. environmental racism
      2. issue of distributional effects
    9. minimal harm and
    10. personal liberty
    11. for pollution reduction
    12. right to safety, defining
    13. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  5. sea-level rise
  6. self-defense
  7. sequestration
  8. short run cost effect
  9. Sierra Club
  10. sink
  11. smart grid
  12. smokestack emissions
  13. snob effect
  14. social capital
  15. social consumption theory
  16. social discount rate
  17. social norms and consumption
    1. bandwagon effect
    2. budget–budget choices as
    3. conspicuous consumption
    4. material consumption
    5. rat race
    6. in rich countries
      1. policies for reducing consumption
    7. snob effect
    8. social motives for consumption
    9. social satisfaction and
    10. utilitarian functions
    11. Veblen effect
  18. social pressure
  19. social welfare function
    1. assumptions in
    2. efficiency standard
    3. equal marginal utility of consumption
    4. net benefits
    5. safety standard
    6. sustainability rule
  20. solar/battery powered cars
  21. solar thermal power
  22. SO2 trading system
  23. spatial analysis
  24. special review process
  25. species extinction
  26. Stern, Sir Nicholas
  27. stock pollutant
  28. strategic bias
  29. strict, joint and several liability
  30. strong sustainability
    1. measuring
  31. structural unemployment
  32. Styrofoam, life cycle of
  33. subsidies
  34. subsidized “downstream” industries
  35. substitutes
    1. for rainforest products
  36. Superfund program
    1. fear of future liability
    2. funding mechanism
    3. liability system under
    4. RCRA regulation
    5. strict, joint and several liability
  37. supply-and-demand analysis
  38. supply-and-demand diagram
  39. supporting services
  40. sustainability
    1. costs
    2. definition of
    3. development, Bruntland Commission
    4. discounting
      1. example of
    5. ecological–neoclassical debate
    6. ecological view
    7. flow pollutants
    8. future benefits
    9. human capital
    10. limits to growth
    11. long-run global
    12. manufactured capital
    13. natural capital
    14. natural capital depreciation
    15. natural resources
    16. neoclassical view
    17. nonrenewable resources
    18. planetary boundaries
    19. prospects for achieving
    20. renewable resources
    21. social capital
    22. stock pollutant
    23. strong
      1. measuring
    24. weak
      1. measuring
  41. sustainability rule
  42. sustainability standard for pollution reduction
  43. sustainable aquaculture
  44. sustainable business movement
  45. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  46. sustainable development, political economy of
  47. sustainable economy
  48. sustainable fishing
  49. sustainable future, envisioning
    1. Bruntland Commission report
    2. food security
    3. improved technology
    4. population and human resources
    5. resource conservation
  50. sustainable harvest
  51. sustainable technology
    1. as a clean technology. see also clean technologies (CTs)
    2. development and transfer
      1. multinational corporations
      2. private sector
    3. multinational corporations and
    4. policies for
    5. short-term cost-effectiveness
  52. sustained maximum yield
  53. sustained yield
  54. sustained-yield farming and ranching methods
  55. sustained-yield resource development


  1. tax-deductible business expense
  2. taxes
    1. carbon
    2. pollution
  3. Tea Party politics
  4. technology-based regulatory approach
  5. technology-forcing role
  6. technology-forcing standards
  7. temperature rise, greenhouse gas emission and
  8. total allowable catch (TAC)
  9. totalitarianism
  10. total value
  11. toxic chemicals, regulation of
  12. Toxic Chemicals Substances Act (TSCA)
  13. toxic dumping
  14. Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)
  15. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
  16. tradeable permit/marketable permit systems
  17. trade and environment, in low-income countries
    1. business mobility
    2. free-trade agreements
    3. race to the bottom
    4. trade-based challenges to environmental laws
    5. weak environmental enforcement
  18. trade-in-toxics
  19. trade sanctions
  20. trading system
    1. East Coast NOx
    2. European Emissions
    3. failed efforts
    4. L.A. Basin’s RECLAIM and mobile emissions trading programs
    5. lead trading program
    6. mobile source trading program
    7. NOx trading program
    8. RECLAIM
    9. SO2
    10. United States experience
    11. urban air pollutants, trading of
  21. trading waste
  22. traditional economic development
  23. transactions costs
  24. transfer technology and resources
  25. travel-cost method
    1. consumer surplus
    2. demand curve derived from
    3. external factor for
    4. recreational benefits of Florida beaches, study of
    5. reliability of
  26. true willingness to pay


  1. uncertainty
  2. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
  3. uniform emission standards
  4. uniqueness
  5. United States
    1. advertising, role in consumption
    2. air pollution control in Baltimore
    3. coal-fired electric power production in
    4. consumption of fossil fuels
    5. development decisions
    6. emissions of SO2
    7. environmental regulation
      1. corporate interests
      2. political influence
    8. experience with trading urban air pollutants
    9. free-market environmentalists
    10. global warming impact on
    11. “green stimulus” package recommendation
    12. HDI
    13. housing in desirable neighborhoods
    14. hydraulic fracturing, impact of
    15. investments in energy technology
    16. LosAngeles’s clunker program
    17. median value for a statistical life
    18. money and happiness
    19. oil production
    20. pollution taxes
    21. productivity growth
    22. restrictions on local industries
    23. safety standards
    24. suburbanization of
    25. topsoil losses
    26. trends in water quality
    27. unsustainable economic development process
    28. use of California’s scarce water resources
    29. value of natural capital
    30. Wisconsin taxpayers, case of
  6. unit-pricing program
  7. unsafe drinking water
  8. UN’s International Panel on Climate Change
  9. urban air pollutants, trading of
  10. urban waterfront redevelopment
  11. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    1. bubble policy
    2. “bubble” policy for air pollution control
    3. Emission Trading Program
    4. environmental regulation
    5. lead banking program
    6. lobbyists vs
    7. netting policy
    8. offset policy
  12. user fees
  13. use value
  14. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  15. utilitarianism
    1. social norms and
  16. utility–consumption relationship
  17. utility function


  1. value judgments
  2. Veblen effect
  3. volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  4. votes


  1. waste assimilation
  2. water pollution law
    1. grants to municipalities
    2. nonpoint water pollution
      1. ways to control
  3. Water Quality Act
  4. Waxman-Markey Bill
  5. weak sustainability
    1. measuring
  6. welfare with social consumption
    1. competitive element
    2. economic implications
    3. GDP growth
    4. GPI
    5. noncompetitive element
    6. utility function
    7. willingness-to-pay measures
  7. well-defined problem
  8. Wilderness Society
  9. willingness to accept (WTA)
  10. willingness to pay (WTP)
    1. contingent valuations
    2. Washington State cleanup policy, case of
  11. windfall profits
  12. wind power
  13. World Trade Organization (WTO)
  14. World Wildlife Federation
  15. World Wildlife Fund


  1. yield gap


  1. zero-emissions vehicle (ZEV)
  2. zero-sum game
  3. zero-sum lobbying competition
  4. zoning laws
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