In memory of Gene Berger and Sam Norman.
To my loving and supportive wife, Jacqueline, and children, Nick and Vanessa.
I gratefully acknowledge the love and support of my children, Warren, Willy, Ariel, and Miranda Sampson, without whom there would be no point; the inspiration of music by Philip Glass, Frank Zappa, David Byrne, Moby, and Blondie; and the unyielding persistence of the lovely yet talented Spanky Kushner, my lead critic, who keeps me honest.
I dedicate this volume to the memory of James Julius Sampson, whose mission in life was to teach compassion: May the long-time sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and the pure light within you guide you all the way on.
I dedicate this book for my life-partner and spouse Minne Fekkes.
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