List of Main Symbols

  • a,b: amplitude of the waves.
  • cijkl (CI J): stiffnesses (Voigt notation).
  • D: directivity factor.
  • image: electric induction (displacement) vector.
  • E: Young modulus.
  • image: electric field vector.
  • ek(ep): kinetic (potential) energy per unit volume.
  • eijk (εij): piezoelectric (dielectric) constants.
  • image: force density per unit mass.
  • H(t): Heaviside step function.
  • I: acoustic intensity.
  • image: Poynting vector.
  • K: bulk modulus.
  • image: wave vector (number).
  • K M: electromechanical coupling coefficient (mode M).
  • image: unit vector normal to a surface.
  • image: unit vector of the propagation direction.
  • P: transported power.
  • pa: acoustic pressure.
  • p(p0)thermodynamic pressure (at rest).
  • image: polarization vectors.
  • Ps(ps): power supplied by the source (per unit volume).
  • r(t): amplitude reflection (transmission) coefficients.
  • R(T): intensity reflection (transmission) coefficients.
  • s: entropy per unit volume.
  • image: phase slowness vector.
  • Tabsolute temperature.
  • image: mechanical traction, stress vector.
  • U: internal energy per unit volume.
  • image: mechanical displacement vector.
  • image: particle velocity vector.
  • image: energy velocity vector.
  • V(Vg): phase (group) velocity.
  • VL(VT): velocity of longitudinal (transverse) bulk waves.
  • W(w): work (per unit volume).
  • image: position vector.
  • X, Y, Z: crystallographic axes.
  • Ze(Y): electrical impedance (admittance).
  • image: acoustic (mechanical) impedance.
  • α: attenuation coefficient.
  • image: elastic (piezoelectric) Christoffel tensor.
  • δij: Kronecker’s symbol.
  • δ(t): Dirac function.
  • image: linearized strain tensor (piezoelectric solid).
  • η: viscosity coefficient.
  • θi, r, t: angle of incidence, reflection, transmission.
  • Θ: dilatation.
  • κ: bulk wave velocity ratio (VT /VL).
  • λ, μ: Lamé constants.
  • v: Poisson’s ratio.
  • ρ: mass density.
  • ρee): electric charge density per unit volume (area).
  • σ(σd): effective (differential) scattering cross-section.
  • image: Cauchy stress tensor.
  • image: scalar (vector) potential.
  • Φ: electric potential.
  • χ: decay factor.
  • ω: angular frequency.
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