Implementing actions in components

Components can communicate changes with actions. These actions can be sent back to the parent or be handled in the component. Let's take a look at a few recipes that show this.

How to do it...

In this recipe, we'll create a student list that we will then manipulate.

  1. In a new project, generate a student-list component:
    $ ember g component student-list

    This will generate the student-list component and the necessary files.

  2. Update the student-list.js file in the app/components folder. We'll need to create a few actions and a new array:
    // app/components/student-list.js
    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Component.extend({
        init() {
        actions: {
          let st = this.set('listOfStudents',[]);

    The first part of this component is the init method. This will fire as soon as the component is initialized. This is a private method that sets up the component. As we are overriding this framework method, we must call super so that the component is created correctly. The setup method is then called.

    The setup method creates a new listOfStudents array, clears it, and creates three new string objects by popping them onto the array. As we are creating the listOfStudents array in the init method, it will be local to this component instance. It's good practice to declare objects or properties in the init or didInsertElement methods. Otherwise, if the object or array is declared as a property of the component, the component will no longer have its own independent state. We'll be discussing the didInsertElement hook later in the book.

    There are two actions listed, remove and reset. Both will tie back into actions in the component's template that we'll use later. The remove action removes or pops off one object from the top of the array. The reset method calls setup, and this returns the component to its original state.

  3. Add a couple of buttons and use the each helper to list the contents of the array in the student-list.hbs file in the app/templates/components folder:
    // app/templates/components/student-list.hbs
    <button {{action 'remove'}}>Remove</button>
    <button {{action 'reset'}}>Reset</button><br>
    {{#each listOfStudents as |student|}}

    The {{action}} helper will fire when the remove and reset buttons are pressed. The first argument to the action helper is always the action name. The each helper lists the contents of the listOfStudents Ember array.

  4. For the last part, add the student-list component to the application template:
    // app/templates/application.hbs
    <h2 id="title">Welcome to Ember</h2>
    {{student-list }}

    This will display the contents of the student-list component.

  5. After starting ember server, your output will look as follows:
    How to do it...

    Pressing the Remove button will remove each item one by one. The Reset button will reset the array back.

Closure actions with our student component

Ember provides you with a way to send actions from a parent to child component. We can use closure actions to make this possible.

  1. In a new project, generate a new application route and a student-list component:
    $ ember g route application
    $ ember g controller application
    $ ember g component student-list

    This will generate the application.js file in the app/routes folder, the application controller, and the student-list component.

  2. In the application route file, add a new listOfStudents array:
    // app/routes/application.js
    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Route.extend({
        listOfStudents: [],
          return this.get('listOfStudents');
          let st = this.get('listOfStudents');
        actions: {

    This might look familiar to you from the previous example. Here, we are creating a new array called listOfStudents. The beforeModel hook will run before the model is set up. In this beforeModel, the reset method is called. This adds the default data to the array.

    The model hook returns the listOfStudents array. In addition, we added two actions, remove and reset, to remove an item or reset the items back to the original array, respectively.

    This was essentially the same code that we had in the component earlier but we moved it to the route instead.

  3. Edit the application.hbs file and add the component that we just created:
    // app/templates/application.hbs
    <h2 id="title">Welcome to Ember</h2>
    {{student-list onRemove=(action 'removeController' ) onReset=(action 'resetController')}}
    {{#each model as |student|}}

    This template will show a list of students from our model and our student-list component. The onRemove and onReset properties are set to actions that are basically functions in our parent controller that we can pass to the component. This is called a closure action. All closure actions must have parentheses surrounding the (action 'removeController') action.

  4. Add two new actions to the controller:
    // app/controllers/application.js
    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Controller.extend({

    These two actions use this.send to send the action to the removeRoute and resetRoute actions that we defined earlier. You can use the send method to trigger actions from parent routes or controllers.

  5. Update the component template file:
    // app/templates/components/student-list.hbs
    <button {{action 'removeComponent'}}>Remove</button>
    <button {{action 'resetComponent'}}>Reset</button>

    This component displays two buttons that are linked to actions that are defined in the component.

  6. Update the component JavaScript file with the two new actions:
    // app/components/student-list.js
    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Component.extend({
        actions: {

    These actions will be triggered from the component template. At this point, they'll trigger the function that was passed to it from the closure actions, onRemove and onReset.

    To invoke these methods, you can do it using either this.get or this.attrs. The this.get method and the name of the property, in this case onRemove, will invoke the method passed to it.

    In the other case, you can use this.attrs to access the attributes on the property to invoke the function that was passed on, this.attrs.onReset().

    The action will flow this way: application template -> component -> controller -> route. The end result is the route triggering the action to remove or reset the list.

  7. Run ember server and you should see a list that you can now delete or reset:
    Closure actions with our student component
  8. Clicking on the Remove or Reset buttons will trigger an action that was passed in from the controller. This action will bubble up to the route to reset or remove an item from the list.

How it works...

Actions can be handled in a few ways in a component. Actions can be added to different HTML tags and be handled within components. Actions can also be sent to parent components or controllers using closure actions or send.

Closure actions make the passing of actions much easier. We can pass down actions to components that they can then invoke. This helps separate logic between different parent routes, controllers, and components.

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