
abductive reasoning, 77

Blackboard, 84

Cannon, Patrick, 65–66

cognitive empathy, 4–5, 121


analyzing problems from a perspective of, 128–130

controlling your response to a mistake, 21–22

creativity’s connection to, 19–20

cultivating through mindfulness, 124–126

empathy versus, 121–122

forgiveness and, 23–24

influences on levels of, 54–56

lessons from the Dalai Lama, 126–128

loyalty’s connection to, 17–19

outcomes of compassionate management, 23–24

place in the business world, 122–124

taking the employee’s perspective and, 22–23

ways to respond to an employee’s mistake, 16, 21–24

willingness to trust and, 18

compassion fatigue, 101–102

Cuddy, Amy, 21

Dalai Lama, 119–120, 126–128

Doty, James, 15, 18–19, 24

emotional empathy, 5–6, 121

emotional self-management, 46–48

empathic concern, 8–10, 121


attention and, 3, 6

cognitive, 4–5, 121

compassion versus, 121–122

controlling when appropriate, 10–11

developing, 6–7

emotional, 5–6, 121

empathic concern, 8–10, 121

influence of power on (see power and empathy)

leaders’ empathy gap, 57–58

levels of compassion and, 54–56

limits of (see limits of empathy)

product design and (see product design)

psychological truths that reduce, 56–57

role in meetings, 44–46

Empathy Belly, 99, 114

Epley, Nicholas, 105, 113

Facebook security

diverse disciplines used in, 95–96

empathetic language use, 95

empathy incorporated in, 94–95

human element in online security, 89

Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence (Goleman), 48

Folkman, Joseph, 29–40

Force for Good: The Dalai Lama’s Vision for Our World (Goleman), 120

Ford Motor Company, 99–100, 114

Frog Design, 84

Goleman, Daniel, 1–11, 48, 117–130

Grant, Adam, 17, 20

Keltner, Dacher, 64

Kolko, Jon, 71–85

Lee, Fiona, 20

limits of empathy

concept of empathy in organizations, 100

emotional toll of empathy, 101–103

erosion of ethics and, 106–109

giving employees breaks from empathy, 111–113

making empathy less of a sacrifice, 110–111

preferential empathy, 105–106

splitting up work demands and, 109–110

talking with people about their experiences and, 113–114

zero-sum problem in empathy, 103–106

LinkedIn, 83


analysis of listening skills data, 32–33

good listeners’ characteristics, 33–36, 40

levels of, 37–39

poor listeners’ characteristics, 35

presumed qualities of a good listener, 31–32, 40


connection to experiencing compassion, 17

impact of an angry response on, 18–19

Luu-Van, Melissa, 87–96

Martin, Roger, 77

McDonnell, Mary-Hunter, 51–59

McKee, Annie, 41–48

McLaren, 113


emotional self-management’s role in improving, 46–48

empathy’s role in improving, 44–46

importance of happiness at work, 43

neurological link between feelings and cognition, 47

mindfulness, 125–126

Mindwise (Epley), 113

MyEdu, 73

Nordgren, Loran, 51–59

Orrb Technologies, 113

Ovans, Andrea, 117–130

power and empathy

applying empathy in meetings, 44–46

point where a person begins to abuse power, 65–66

response to an employee’s mistake and, 16, 21–24

shift in behaviors when someone is promoted, 8, 63–65

ways to avoid abusing power, 67–69

product design

arriving at a value proposition, 80–82, 83

articulating the “what-if” opportunity, 80, 81

asking “why”-oriented questions, 76–77

chronicling the participants’ collective voice, 75

empathetic research process, 83–84

insight statements creation, 77–78, 79

master and apprentice relationship in, 74–75

qualitative research use, 74, 84–85

result of the development process, 82–84

shift in product management approach, 73

synthesizing research into insights, 76–78

telling stories about the product, 82

Riess, Helen, 6–7

Ruttan, Rachel, 51–59

Security Checkup, 91, 93


cognitive empathy and, 5

emotional intelligence and, 3

facilitation of compassion and, 22

meditation and, 21

using to avoid abusing power, 67–69

Seppala, Emma, 13–24

Singer, Tania, 6

Solomon, Lou, 61–69


compassion fatigue and, 101

creativity and, 19–20

forgiveness’s impact on, 23

impact on creativity, 19, 20

influence on a response to a mistake, 16

value proposition in product design, 80–82, 83

Van Meter, 113

Waytz, Adam, 97–114

Zenger, Jack, 29–40

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