Permissions and Acknowledgements

Chapter 1, ‘Edith Cavell: And Bravely Fought the Nurse’: Extracted from, accessed on 7 March 2012.

Chapter 2, ‘The Story of a British Nurse’: Extracted from Margaret Ledger, ‘A Queen Alexandra's Nurse in India’, Stockport Libraries,, accessed on 7 March 2012.

Chapter 3, ‘A Doctor for All Seasons’: Reprinted with permission from, accessed on 8 December 2011.

Chapter 4, ‘Aarohi: Himalayan Care’: Extracted from, accessed on 7 March 2012.

Chapter 5, ‘Communication in Healthcare: The Perspective of a Nurse’: Reprinted with permission from Philip Burnard and Paul Gill, Culture, Communication and Nursing, Pearson Education, ©Pearson Education Ltd, United Kingdom.

Chapter 6, ‘Private and Public Partnership in Healthcare’: Extracted from The Lancet, Vol. 372, Issue 9642, Pages 878–879, 13 September 2008, ©Elsevier, reprinted with permission from CCC.

Chapter 7, ‘Managing Pain’: Reprinted with permission from Philip Burnard and Paul Gill, Culture, Communication and Nursing, Pearson Education, ©Pearson Education Ltd, United Kingdom.

Chapter 8, ‘Stress in Nursing’: Extracted from P. P. Kane, ‘Stress Causing Psychosomatic Illness among Nurses’, Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2009, 13:28–32.

Chapter 9, ‘The Quiet Soldiers of Compassion’: Reprinted with permission from Tehelka, Vol 5, Issue 33, 23 August 2008.

Chapter 10, ‘The Story of a Caribbean Nurse’: Extracted from, accessed on 7 March 2012.

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