
Accounts receivable, 89

Advisers, 41, 67

Approach phase of Yes

articulating story, 34–36

audience, 33

creativity, 39–40

gatekeepers, 36

knowing geography, 36–37

making appointment, 32–33

strategy, 37–39

Board members, 41, 67

Business plans, 82–84

Channels, 41–42, 67–68

Chinese symbol for listen, 52

Closing a deal

how to close, 72–73

when to close, 71–72

Convince phase of Yes, 40–44

advisers, 41

board members, 41

channels, 41–42

employees, 42

existing customers, 42

financial institutions, 42

investors, 43

partners, 43

suppliers, 43

talent, 43–44

Customer development, 7

Customers, 42, 68

Deliver phase of Yes, 44

Direct approach, closing sale, 72

Employees, 42, 68

Engagement, 45

Entrepreneur-friendly sales model, 15–17

Entrepreneurial endeavor, 5

Entrepreneurs, 4

characteristics, 5–6

definition of, 9


forms of, 4

frameworks for, 8

pillars of, 8

Ethics, 90–91

Financial institutions, 42, 68

First sale

importance of, 10–12

think beyond, 93

Getting appointments, 85

Idea modification, 81–82

Identify phase of Yes, 29–31

Indirect approach, closing sale, 72–73

Industry-specific tradeshows, 79

Investors, 43, 68

Listening, 51–56

Market dynamics and competition, 88–89

Marketing channels, 77–79

Metrics, 73–74


business plans, 82–84

idea modification, 81–82

prototyping, 81–82

New venture sales model, inadequacies, 13–15

Nonverbal signals, 71–72


advisers, 67

board members, 67

channels, 67–68

customers, 68

employees, 68

entrepreneur’s credibility, 60–62

financial institutions, 68

investors, 68

partners, 69

price, 63–65

product efficacy, 58–59

prospects, 69

size, 62–63

suppliers, 69

switching cost, 65–67

talent, 69

Organizational ability, 89–90

Partners, 43, 69

Prototyping, 81–82

Qualify phase of Yes, 31–32

Questioning prospects, 46–49

Questioning yourself, 49–51

Right questions, asking, 46–49

Sales challenges and responses

accounts receivable, 89

ethics, 90–91

getting appointments, 85

market dynamics and competition, 88–89

organizational ability, 89–90

resources for growth and scale up, 87–88

selling experience or skill, 86–87

Sales model

entrepreneur-friendly, 15–17

inadequacies, 13–15

Sales team, 95


always be, 93–95

definition of, 10

description of, 3, 9

marketing channels, 77–79

never give up, 98–99

resources for growth and scale up, 87–88

skills/experiences, 86–87

staying true to values, 96–98

tradeshow, 79

what should be, 25

when should I start, 19–20

to whom, 20–22

who should be, 17–19

who should I not sell to?, 22–24

“Six Phases of Yes”

approach, 32–40

convince, 40–44

deliver, 44

identify, 29–31

qualify, 31–32

stay in touch, 44

Stay in touch phase of Yes, 44

Suppliers, 43, 69

Talent, 43–44, 69

Tradeshow selling, 79

Value equation, 82

Verbal signals, 71

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