Appendix 1


These charts help you understand your position in the market and where you may need to strengthen your position or be aware of intense competition. The chart in the back lists your direct competitors for this account, their value proposition (what each competitor can specifically offer the customer, such as lowest pricing or broadest range of services), and the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor for that specific account. You can also rank competitors from strongest to weakest by offer, as illustrated in the front chart.

Directions: In the first column, list your direct competitors for this account. In the proceeding columns, list the value proposition and the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor regarding this specific account.

Directions: List your offers (products or services) across the top row. Then, in the columns beneath each offer, rank your competitors for each of those offers, from strongest to weakest. This chart helps you see your position with the customer against your competitors.

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