Appendix 7

Goal Build by Opportunity

The Goal Build chart helps you understand how you will achieve your quota or revenue goal with this account. It lists your revenue goal for this account, and then each opportunity and its value that will help you advance to that goal.


Revenue Goal $43,000,000
Revenue Identified $13,680,000
New Revenue Needed $29,320,000
Multiple of New Revenue Target 2.5
Multiple of New Revenue Target ($) $73,300,000
Opportunity Value
Systems Infrastructure $5,600,000
Partner Management Program $3,400,000
Support Services $9,000,000
Network Rollout Optimization $12,500,000
Lab Management Outsourcing $14,300,000
Allied Services Partnership $8,500,000
APAC Assessment $1,500,000
New Product Development Support $13,700,000
Market Launch Readiness $2,300,000
NewCo Acquisition Integration $4,500,000
Systems Testing $1,400,000
TOTAL $76,700,000
Surplus (Deficit) $3,400,000


Directions: In the top section, list your Revenue Goal (your financial goal for this account) and Revenue Identified (revenue coming in from prior sales or recurring revenue). Subtract the Revenue Identified from the Revenue Goal and list in the New Revenue Needed row. Next, select a multiple and put it in the Multiple of New Revenue Target row. (Best practices state that you should have between 2.5 and 3 times the revenue needed in your pipeline to meet your financial goals.) Multiply New Revenue Needed by your multiple, and put that number in the Multiple of New Revenue Target ($) row. In the bottom section, list opportunities within this account and their value. This exercise requires some thinking, but you should be able to identify enough opportunities to total to the Multiple of New Revenue Target. This number and the opportunities listed will become a critical focal point for your account plan.


Revenue Goal  
Revenue Identified  
New Revenue Needed  
Multiple of New Revenue Target  
Multiple of New Revenue Target ($)  


Opportunity Value
Surplus (Deficit)  
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