Appendix 8

Strategy and Action
Plan by Opportunity

The Strategy and Action Plan by Opportunity offers detail behind each known opportunity in the account, including the customer challenge your team is solving for the customer, your value proposition against competitors, and a high-level summary of the strategy to win this opportunity. The Strategy worksheet details each identified opportunity. The Action Plan describes specific near-term actions to advance the opportunity. This section should be reviewed regularly to ensure that the actions are completed and to update with new action items.


Opportunity Name: New Product Development Support
Opportunity Value: $13,700,000


Customer’s Top Challenge
Cutting the cost of operations and converting to CAPX.


Value Proposition

We are uniquely qualified to not only convert operating costs to CAPX but also address your go-to-market needs for new product development and implementation support.


Summary of Strategy

Strengthen customer senior executive relationships with our organization’s senior executives. Provide insights with our research on cost conversion and rapid product innovation. Propose joint investment between our organizations in product development.


Action Plan

Directions: Complete the Strategy section of the worksheet to see detail for each identified opportunity. In the Action Plan section, describe specific near-term actions that your team can use to advance the opportunity. Include the owner of each action and a specific timeline for completion.


Opportunity Name:  
Opportunity Value:  


Customer’s Top Challenge


Value Proposition


Summary of Strategy


Action Plan

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