
When any book is written, there are a number of people in the background who help an author to make publication deadlines and make the book a success on the world stage. I would like to thank the staff at Prentice Hall for having the vision to see the need for this book, and the professionalism to follow through and publish the world's first book on this new industry. In particular, my executive editor Michael E. Meehan and Jane Bonnell gave me much needed advice and encouragement to complete the book. A special thanks to Ian O'Sullivan, Jeff Gray, Jim Reeber, David Healey, and Bob Dillon of Enikia, who generously developed content on powerline technologies for this book. Furthermore, Ian has devoted a large amount of personal time to this project and has also provided me with some extremely valuable information about the home networking industry. Staff at the following companies were enormously helpful in reviewing and providing input for this book: Niklas Orup at Ericsson; Paul Shumate and Bill Hagen at IEEE; Bill Bane at Mercer management consultants; Eric McIntyre at Tzolkin Corporation for allowing me to use excerpts from— Bob Dolin and Reza Raji at Echelon; Alec Saunders at Microsoft; Bengt Christensson and Olof Larsson at Axis Communications; Bill Woodcock and Bill Manning at ISI; Brent Miller at IBM; Cyrus Namazi at AMD; Alan Walbeck and Todd Green at Intelogis; Edwin Gib Blair at Media Fusion; Bernardino Camba at Domosys; Melissa Pereira at A+R Partners; and Matt Campbell at Axicom. People from various international home networking organizations have been extremely helpful. In particular I would like to thank Rodger Lea and his team at HAVi; John Barr at OSGi; Salim AbiEzzi at UPnP; Craig McAllister at EPRI; Kurt Scherf at Parks Associates; Cindy Stevens, Glyn Finley, and Matt Swanston at Consumer Electronics Association (CEA); P. S. Vishwanath at CEBus Industry Council (CIC); and Joel Di Girolamo at Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA).

A special and sincere thanks to Andrew Liu, Barry Bonder, Ben Manny (Chairman of HomeRF), Jim Lansford (now working at, and Susan Lubeck at Intel for providing me with invaluable technical information on the exciting home networking technologies that are being developed by Intel architecture labs.

Thanks also to Todd Green at Inari for supplying me with a white paper on the company's powerline networking technologies. Also Wayne Caswell was a great help to me in explaining the positioning of the main wireless technologies.

Additionally I would like to thank David Smith at ShareWave for submitting a detailed white paper on high performance wireless home networking. Also thanks to Kevin Negus for organizing the submission of a number of papers explaining Proxim technologies. A special thanks also goes to Greg Bartlett and his team for developing the chapter on Digital Harmony technologies. The following people have also helped me to develop content for this book, and I sincerely thank all of them: Julie Haywood and Ron Zimmer at CABA; and Craig McAllister at EPRI. Andrew Wajs at MindPort provided me with some expert advice on copyright and watermarking technologies.

Most of all I would like to thank my wife, Olive, for her support in completing this book.

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