Describe some of the characteristics of good implementations and the best
practices that help achieve them.
Understand the role of comments in producing a good program and the
characteristics of good comments.
Learn some of the techniques for effectively debugging programs.
Analyze the concept of refactoring and a few refactoring techniques.
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9.1 Introduction to Implementation
The ultimate goal of most software engineering projects is to produce a working program.
The act of transforming the detailed design into a valid program in some programming
language, together with all its supporting activities is referred to as implementation. To
simplify matters in this chapter, we assume a traditional software engineering life cycle,
with an explicit, detailed design being produced. In many cases the detailed design is not
done explicitly but is left as part of the implementation. Chapter 7 discussed techniques
for software design, and Chapter 8 described how to evaluate good designs.
Doing the detailed design as part of the implementation is usually faster, but it may
result in a less cohesive and less organized design, because the detailed design of each
module will usually be done by a different person. In small projects, the detailed design
is usually left as part of the implementation. In larger projects, or when the programmers
are inexperienced, the detailed design will be done by a separate person. Of course, this
decision does not have to be the same for all modules. The most important modules may
be explicitly designed by the most experienced personnel, with the less important ones
left to other programmers.
The implementation phase involves more than just writing code. Code also needs
to be tested and debugged as well as compiled and built into a complete executable
product. We usually need to utilize configuration management in order to keep track of
different versions of the code.
In this chapter we cover all aspects of implementation except testing, which is cov-
ered in Chapter 10, and building and configuration management, which is covered in
Chapter 11.
9.2 Characteristics of a Good Implementation
It is always a good idea to keep in mind the following characteristics that should be
found in a good implementation:
Readability: The code can be easily read and understood by other programmers.
Maintainability: The code can be easily modified and maintained. Note that this is
related to readability, but it is not exactly the same; for example, this involves the use
of Hungarian notation, first put forward by Charles Simonyi of Microsoft (see Simonyi,
1976), in which variable names include abbreviations for the type of variable.
Performance: All other things being equal, the implementation should produce code
that performs as fast as possible.
Traceability: All code elements should correspond to a design element. Code can be
traced back to design (and design to requirements).
Correctness: The implementation should do what it is intended to do (as defined in the
requirements and detailed design).
Completeness: All of the system requirements are met.
The first instinct of many programmers would be to concentrate on correctness, and
then maybe on performance, without too much emphasis on readability and main-
tainability. For many software engineers engaged in large, multiple-release software
projects, maintainability is as important as correctness (or even more important), and
performance is of lesser importance in most cases.
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It is important to realize that achieving these characteristics requires serious effort
and that there are interactions and trade-offs between these desirable characteristics.
Readability usually helps maintainability, and both of these usually help achieve cor-
rectness. Performance optimizations often reduce readability and maintainability, and
sometimes even performance.
9.3 Programming Style and Coding Guidelines
Almost all software development organizations have some sort of coding guidelines.
These guidelines usually specify issues such as naming, indentation, and commenting
styles, issues that may be contentious for many programming teams. Notice that there
are many tools that will automatically indent and reformat your code, so such issues do
not need to be as contentious as might be expected.
The most important thing to realize is that most of those issues—especially those
dealing more with syntax (such as capitalization and indentation guidelines)—are not
terribly important, and basically are simply a matter of getting accustomed to a particular
style. However, we strongly recommend that you be consistent in your notation to avoid
confusion when others are debugging or maintaining your code later. In large software
projects, there are usually some programming conventions. These conventions may
seem to be of little value at first, but they may become extremely helpful in the build
and integration cycle when, for example, all the parts with a prefix of
a001 need to be
compiled together, where the
a001 prefix signifies a certain component.
A similar scheme is used for issuing error messages. For example, you want to write
a message to users that is informative and clear, but along with that, you can prefix the
message with some identifier that allows the programmers to identify, for debugging
purposes, where the message was issued from.
Another point usually made in coding guidelines is the recommendation of ban-
ning certain language features and practices that have proved, for the organization,
error-prone. For example, many organizations will ban the use of pointers or multiple
inheritance in languages that support them, and of course, almost all organizations will
require the code to compile without any warnings and without using any deprecated
language features.
The most important issues for maintaining a good coding style are to be consistent
and to try to highlight the meaning of your code. The following recommendations are
related to the issues that affect coding style:
Naming: This refers to choosing names for classes, methods, variables, and other pro-
gramming entities. Naming is mainly a semantic issue about choosing good names. It
is also one of the most important issues in improving readability and maintainability.
A well-chosen name that conveys the intent of a module will make the code immedi-
ately understandable, while a badly chosen name will necessitate a comment, or even
mislead the reader. We (and many others) have noticed a strong correlation between
good names and understanding. In many cases, if you cannot think of a good name for
a module, then you do not understand it well enough. We recommend choosing long
names for global entities, and much shorter names for local entities that are used for a
small section of code.
9.3 Programming Style and Coding Guidelines
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Another key issue with naming is consistency. Always use the same word (or abbre-
viation) for a given concept, and avoid using the same word for two different concepts,
even in a different context. When choosing among available words for a concept, we
recommend that you choose one that is consistent with external standards, following
the convention of your particular programming language or platform.
Naming may become a more complex issue when dealing with multicultural and
multilanguage teams. In this case, deciding in advance to take the names from one
particular human language is a good idea.
Separating words and capitalization: Many times a name will be composed of more
than one word. In human languages, we use spaces to separate words, but most
programming languages will not allow us to do so. Different programming languages
have used different conventions for how to combine several words into one identifier.
We strongly recommend using the standard conventions for your language, and mak-
ing sure you follow it in every case.
As a sample of conventions, the C language uses all lowercase identifiers, with
underscores for separating words, as in
do_something, while Java will use no separation
but will capitalize the first letter of the second word, as in doSomething. Java also has
some rules about when to start a name with an uppercase or lowercase letter. See the
Suggested Readings section at the end of this chapter for more resources on this topic.
Indentation and spacing: Indentation refers to adding horizontal spaces before some
lines to better reflect the structure of the code. Spacing refers to both spaces and blank
lines inserted in the code. A common beginner’s mistake is to not indent properly. As
an example, try to understand the following fragment, which is not indented:
public static int largest(int arr[]){
int curLargest=arr[0];
for(int i=1; i<arr.length; ++i) {
return curLargest;
Now look at a version that is indented incorrectly:
public static int largest(int arr[]){
int curLargest=arr[0];
for(int i=1; i<arr.length; ++i)
return curLargest;
(Can you spot the error?) And finally look at this version, with correct indentation:
public static int largest(int arr[]){
int curLargest=arr[0];
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for(int i=1; i<arr.length; ++i) {
return curLargest;
We consider indentation a very important issue affecting readability and maintain-
ability. A common indentation style should be defined, and all programmers should
follow it. The most important issue here is consistency, because programmers will
rapidly grow accustomed to a given indentation style. Many times a de facto indenta-
tion standard style for a language exists, usually the one used in the primary language
reference. We strongly suggest using it, as most programmers will be familiar with it.
Function/method size: Many studies have shown that large functions or methods are
statistically more error-prone than smaller ones. (Up to a certain point, actually, very
small methods will have more errors on average; see Hatton [1997] for more details.)
The size issue has been studied since the 1960s and the days of structured program-
ming by the likes of Harlan Mills and Edsgar Dijkstra (see the two articles by Dijkstra
in the Suggested Readings section). Practical considerations also affect method size;
only a certain number of lines can fit in a string or on a printed page, and having the
ability to look at the whole method is important in readability and maintainability. We
recommend limiting the size of each method to around 50 lines whenever possible,
which can comfortably fit on a screen or a page.
File-naming issues: Having a standard for specifying how to name the files, which files
to generate for each module, and how to locate a given file from a module is very
advantageous. You could have a separate document specifying what modules go in
which files, but having a file-naming convention can make things much easier.
Particular programming constructs: Different programming languages support differ-
ent features; although they usually have good reasons to include certain features,
there are many that can be misused and need special precautions. Examples of fea-
tures considered dangerous are the
GOTO keyword and multiple inheritance. As an
extreme case, C provides the functions
setjmp and longjmp, which allow for a kind of
GOTO; see Dijkstra (2003), a transcription of a letter he wrote to the ACM editor
in 1968.
Most of these constructs were included in languages for a reason, and they have
their applications. We recommend that dangerous constructs be banned by default,
with the programmers being able to get authorization for particular uses if they can
demonstrate that the benefits outweigh the dangers.
Comments are very important and can significantly aid or hurt readability and maintain-
ability. There are two main problems with comments: (1) they may distract from the
actual code and make the program more difficult to read and (2) they may be wrong.
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Comments may become outdated as the code changes, or they may be wrong the first
time they are written because they are not executable and cannot be tested.
We classify comments into six different types, of which the first five correspond to
those defined by McConnell (2004):
1. Repeat of the code: These kinds of comments tend to be done by novice program-
mers and should be avoided. Misguided coding guidelines often require program-
mers to create these kinds of comments by mandating a comment block for each
function, with a line for each parameter. For the most part, these comments will
only be wasted effort and distract the reader. An extreme example would be the
following comment:
// increment i by one
2. Explanation of the code: Sometimes, when the code is complex, programmers are
tempted to explain what the code does in human language. We strongly believe
that in almost every case, if the code is so complex that it requires an explanation,
then it should be rewritten.
3. Marker in the code: It is common practice to put markers in the code to indicate
incomplete items, opportunities for improvement, and other similar information.
We recommend using a consistent notation for these markers, and eliminating all
of them before the code is in production. Sometimes programmers put markers in
the code to keep track of changes and who made them. We believe that informa-
tion is better tracked with version management software, and recommend doing
4. Summary of the code: Comments that summarize what the code does, rather than
just repeating it, are very helpful in understanding the code, but they need to be
kept up to date. It is important to ensure that these comments are really summa-
rizing the code, not just repeating or explaining it. In many cases, the code that is
being summarized can be abstracted into its own function, which, if named cor-
rectly, will eliminate the need for the comment.
5. Description of the code intent: These are the most useful kinds of comments; they
describe what the code is supposed to do rather than what it does. These are
the only kinds of comments that override the code. If the code does not fulfill its
intent, then the code is wrong.
6. External references: These are comments that link the code to external entities, usu-
ally books or other programs. Many times these can be viewed as a kind of intent
statement, as in, “This function implements the XYZ algorithm, as explained in . . .,”
but we believe such comments require special attention. There may also be exter-
nal prerequisites and corequisites for the code, such as the existence of initializing
data in the database tables.
The trade-off that comments imply should be recognized. Comments can help clarify
code and relate it to other sources, but they also represent some level of duplication of
the code. Effort is invested in their creation and, above all, in their maintenance. A com-
ment that does not correspond to the actual code that it accompanies can cause errors
that are very hard to find and correct.
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Another danger comments present is that they can be used to justify bad coding prac-
tices. Many times programmers will be tempted to produce code that is too complicated
or too hard to maintain, and add comments to it, rather than rewrite it to good standards.
In fact, many experts recommend avoiding comments completely, and produce what is
called “self-documented code”—that is, code that is so well written that it does not need
any documentation. We believe that is an ideal that programmers should strive for, but that
comments have their place, especially in the form of describing the programmer’s intent.
We strongly encourage programmers to use good names and good programming
practices and reserve comments mainly for external references and statements of intent.
If the code cannot be abstracted and it is still complex, summary comments may be
appropriate. Code explanations and markers should only be used as temporary mea-
sures, and repetitions of the code should be always avoided.
A problem with comments is that most programming books and tutorials, because
they are geared for beginners (or at least for people who do not know a particular tech-
nique or library), tend to provide too many comments, usually repeating or explaining
the code. Many programmers will either imitate this style, or go to the other extreme and
avoid comments at all costs. McConnell (2004) and Kernighan and Pike (1999) provide
examples of good commenting practices.
9.5 Debugging
Debugging is the act of locating and fixing errors in code. The errors are usually discov-
ered through testing, but they can be found by other means, including code inspections
and through normal use of the program. We can identify four phases in the debugging
process (besides discovering the error, which we do not consider part of debugging).
These phases will need to occur in almost every case. Keep in mind that debugging is a
highly iterative process, in which you will be creating a hypothesis about what causes
the errors, writing test cases to prove or disprove the hypothesis, and changing the
code to try to fix the problem. If the hypothesis happens to be false, you will need to go
back to generating and corroborating a new hypothesis. The four phases in the debug-
ging process can be summarized as follows:
1. Stabilization, sometimes called reproduction: The purpose of this phase is to be able
to reproduce the error on a particular configuration (in many cases the developer’s
machine), and to find out the conditions that led to the error by constructing a
minimal test case. We do not need to look at the code at all in this phase; we just
need to identify which input conditions, combined with which program states,
produce the error.
The output of the stabilization phase is a series of test cases that produce the
error, and possibly some cases that perform correctly. Stabilization also involves
minimization of the conditions that led to the error. After you write a test case that
reproduces the error, try to write a simpler one that also fails. Although stabiliza-
tion is a trivial task in many cases, it can be very difficult sometimes. Many errors
will appear to occur at random, and testing the program twice with the same input
will sometimes produce different results, depending on the state the program is in.
Variables that are not initialized, dangling pointers, and the interaction of several
threads tend to produce errors that appear to be random.
9.5 Debugging
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2. Localization: The process of localization involves finding the sections of the code
that led to the error. This is usually the hardest part, although, if the stabilization
phase produces a very simple test case, it may make the problem obvious.
3. Correction: The process of correction involves changing the code to fix the errors.
Hopefully, if you understand what caused the error, you have a good chance of fix-
ing the problem. A common mistake is to try to correct the problem without hav-
ing really stabilized it or located it within the source code, which leads to random
changes that do not fix the code and may introduce new errors.
4. Verification: The process of verification involves making sure the error is fixed,
and no other errors were introduced with the changes in the code. Many times, a
change in the code will not fix the error or may introduce new errors.
Errors in a program can be broadly categorized into syntax and logic errors. Syntax
errors in compiled languages tend to be easy to find, as the compiler will detect them and
can provide some information about its source. Although compiler error messages are not
usually examples of clarity, programmers will quickly learn to use them to find and solve
the problem.
Although debugging is a very complicated task, there are several rules of thumb that
tell you where to find errors. It is important to realize that many routines will have a high
number of errors, either because of complexity, bad design, or problems introduced
by their creator. Some indications may be there from the design or code inspections.
Routines with more than one error will tend to have even more errors. Newly created
code tends to have more errors as it has not been exercised (and so tested) as much as
the old code. You will also need to learn your own heuristics about which parts of your
program, language features, or particular programs, are error-prone and in which ways.
The following tools can help with the debugging process:
Source code comparators that can help you quickly find changes to the code.
Extended checkers that find problems with your syntax, logic, or style. They can
highlight error-prone code and many times find errors before they are detected by
executing the program. The classic example of this kind of tool is lint, used to check C
Interactive debuggers that let you examine variables, step over certain points in your
code, and establish breakpoints and interrupt the program at particular places. Interactive
debuggers can help greatly, but they are commonly misused, especially by beginner pro-
grammers, who try to use them as a substitute for understanding the code.
Specially constructed libraries that reimplement standard libraries but with extra safe-
guards, to detect and prevent errors.
Tools such as profilers, which describe the pre- and postconditions (discussed in
Section 9.6) and coverage tools that are primarily used for other purposes but can help
in testing.
9.6 Assertions and Defensive Programming
A very useful technique is the use of assertions, which is related to the more formal
concepts of preconditions and postconditions. A precondition is a condition that your
module requires in order to produce correct results. A postcondition is a condition that
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should hold true after executing your code, if the preconditions were met. It is a good
practice to make your preconditions explicit by the use of assertions—that is, statements
that check a condition and produce an error if the condition is not met. Most modern
programming languages have specific facilities for assertions. By making your assertions
explicit and executable, you can catch many errors. Preconditions and postconditions
can also be used with formal methods to prove that a code actually executes correctly.
9.7 Performance Optimization
Performance is an important aspect of almost any program, but we have to understand
the trade-offs. Optimizing for performance usually (but not always) affects maintainabil-
ity and readability for the worse. Keep in mind that correctness is obviously more impor-
tant than performance, and maintainability is as well, because it helps future correctness.
The only possible exception to this rule is in real-time systems, in which performing an
action within certain time limits is a part of being correct.
One of the most common mistakes programmers make is to worry too early about
performance. The first goal is to make a program that is correct and easy to maintain.
After the program is finished, if the performance is unsatisfactory, then it is time to worry
about it. In many cases, the performance will not be a problem, saving substantial effort.
Another common mistake is to optimize all the code for performance, without measur-
ing first. Most pieces of a program will be executed only a few times and will not impact
performance significantly. There are only a few pieces of a program that will impact
performance and that need to be optimized.
A profiler is a tool that runs a program and calculates how much time it spends on
each part. It will help you find the performance bottlenecks and the modules that need to
be optimized. Armed with this information, you can then review and optimize only those
modules that will have a sizable impact on performance. After making the changes, mea-
sure and profile again to make sure the changes actually improve performance.
In a few cases, bad performance is a symptom of a bad design or bad coding, and
making code simpler and clearer will also result in better performance. In most cases, it
should be possible to modularize the code so that the performance optimizations are
hidden in very specific places, and most of the code is clear. A good optimizing compiler
can also take care of many performance optimizations without the programmer sacrific-
ing any clarity.
As with most other activities, a cost-benefit analysis should be done before undergo-
ing performance optimization. Given that a programmer’s time is much more expensive
than machine time, it may be cheaper to leave the program as is and just buy more
capable hardware. Besides the programmer’s cost, the decrease in maintainability and
the possibility of introducing errors need to be weighed.
This warning about performance optimization should not be construed as a recom-
mendation to produce bloated code. Good programming practices and judicious design
choices can go a long way in producing code that is correct, maintainable, and fast. One
of the best practices is to reuse as much existing high-quality code as possible. Most of
the standard data structures and algorithms that can substantially increase performance
of an application have already been implemented and are available, in many cases, as
9.7 Performance Optimization
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part of the standard library included with your language compiler. Know your library and
which other high-quality code is available, and use such code rather than reimplement
it in new code.
9.8 Refactoring
Even when using best practices and making a conscious effort to produce high-quality
software, it is highly unlikely that you will consistently produce programs that cannot
be improved. You will be learning more about programming and about the particular
problem you are working on as you go.
Programming is, in many ways, similar to writing in a natural language; after all, a
program communicates a process to the computer, and, more importantly, to other pro-
grammers. In the same way that written documents can be improved and polished after
writing them, programs can also be improved for style. An important difference is that,
in programming, we usually do not want to change the interface or observable behavior
of the program or module, because this will impact other modules.
Martin Fowler (1999) popularized the term refactoring to refer to the activity of
improving your code style without altering its behavior. He also uses this term for each of
the individual changes you can do to improve the structure of your code. Fowler defines
a catalog of symptoms indicating that your code needs refactoring, which he calls “bad
smells,” and provides a catalog of useful refactorings.
Recall that the concept of refactoring is also part of Beck’s Extreme Programming
methodology described in Chapter 5. Refactoring is one of the most powerful tech-
niques for producing good code. Of course, you should use good programming prac-
tices and try to produce high-quality code the first time. However, you should also try
to refactor it and improve it as you go.
The catalog of “bad smells” provided by Fowler includes the following:
Duplicated code (clearly a waste).
Long method (excessively large or long methods perhaps should be subdivided into
more cohesive ones).
Large class (same problem as long method).
Switch statements (in object-oriented code, switch statements can in most cases be
replaced with polymorphism, making the code clearer).
Feature envy, in which a method tends to use more of an object from a class different
to the one it belongs.
Inappropriate intimacy, in which a class refers too much to private parts of other
Any of these symptoms, as well as the others that Fowler cites
and the ones you will develop, will indicate that your code can be
improved. You can use refactorings to help you deal with these
According to Fowler (1999), refactoring is “a change made to
the internal structure of software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify
Refactoring A change made to the internal
structure of software to make it easier to
understand and cheaper to modify without
changing its observable behavior.
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without changing its observable behavior.” The following are a few of the refactorings
that Fowler discusses:
Extract method: A process that turns a code fragment into its own method, with an
appropriate name, and calls the method.
Substitute algorithm: A process that replaces the body of a method with a new algo-
rithm that is clearer, and returns the same result.
Move method: A process that moves an algorithm from one class to another where it
makes more sense.
Extract class: A process that divides into two.
9.9 Summary
In this chapter we reviewed the following characteristics of good implementation:
We then discussed coding guidelines, naming conventions, commenting, and other
items that contribute to the characteristics of good implementation. Debugging, perfor-
mance considerations, and refactoring were also presented as additional activities that
should be included as part of implementation.
9.10 Review Questions
1. List and explain in your own words three characteristics of a good software imple-
2. Briefly discuss the issues associated with naming variables and procedures in a
3. List the four phases of the debugging process.
4. True or false: You should always optimize your code for performance. Why?
5. List three “bad smells” signaling that your code probably should be refactored.
6. List and briefly explain three of the refactorings mentioned in this chapter.
9.11 Exercises
1. Read a program that you wrote a long time ago (the older the better) and a recent
program. Can you understand the older program? Do you notice any changes in
your programming style?
9.11 Exercises
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2. Consider your favorite programming language (or one assigned by your profes-
sor). What is its most dangerous feature? Would you completely ban it if you were
writing the coding guidelines for your programming team? Why or why not?
3. Find a program that you wrote (or one the professor assigns to you) and analyze
it for style. Is it indented correctly? Are the names well chosen? Can it benefit from
refactoring? Discuss the issues with your fellow students or with other software
9.12 Suggested Readings
M. Bohl and M. Rynn, Tools for Structured Design: An Introduction to Programming Logic,
6th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003).
E. W. Dijkstra, “GOTO Statement Considered Harmful,” letter to the editor, Communica-
tions of ACM (March 1968): 147–148.
—, “Structured Programming,” transcribed by Ham Richards, http://www.cs.utexas.edu
/users/EWD/transcritions/EWD02xx/EWD268.html, last revised July 2003.
M. Fowler, Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (Reading, MA: Addison-
Wesley, 1999).
R. Green, “How to Write Unmaintainable Code,” http://thc.org/root/phun/unmaintain
.html, accessed September 2012.
Les Hatton, “Reexamining the Fault Density-Component Size Connection,” IEEE Software
14, no. 2 (March 1997): 89–97.
“Hungarian Notation—The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,” www.ootips. org/hungarian
-notation.html, May 2005.
A. Hunt and D. Thomas, The Pragmatic Programmer: from Journeyman to Master (Reading,
MA: Addison-Wesley, 1999).
B. W. Kernighan and R. Pike, The Practice of Programming (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley,
S. McConnell, Code Complete, 2nd ed. (Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 2004).
C. Simonyi, “Meta-Programming: A Software Production Method,” PhD diss., XEROX PARC
report CSL-76-7, 1976.
R. Stallman et al., “GNU Coding Standards,” http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards
/standards.html, accessed May 9, 2005.
Sun Microsystems, “Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language,” http://java
.sun.com/docs/codeconv/html/CodeConvTOC.doc.html, accessed May 2005.
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