This chapter is for organizational consultants, human resource leaders, or organizational trainers who want to move more into the role of executive coach. This assumes that you have the necessary traits of an executive coach, including those that have been explored in this book, such as the following:
• You know how business functions operate and interrelate.
• You are business and results focused.
• You can make connections between bottom-line results and work relationship behaviors.
• You are an excellent listener and are well versed in basic coaching skills.
• You can steer conversations from the global to the specific.
• You hold a systems perspective.
• You have a strong sense of self. You are not intimidated by people in positions of authority.
• You can work in the middle of others’ anxiety.
• You can give immediate feedback.
• You are equally able to support and to challenge.
• You have a sense of humor about human foibles—your own and those of others.
• You can let others create their own successes and mistakes.
That’s an impressive and enviable list of characteristics and skills! Who wouldn’t want to use you as a coach?
You may be working in companies with dozens of leaders throughout the organization, yet none are asking you for coaching, even though you possess the necessary skills to be an executive coach. This was my situation when I was director of training for a corporation that had a team of seven executives and twenty-five next-level leaders who directed the efforts of the organization. However, I was not hired to coach them. Initially I was expected to carry out training duties for the organization. Offering to coach anyone, let alone the top executive, would have seemed absurd to them. Yet later I found myself in the enviable position of being sought after as a coach by those very executives when leadership dilemmas intersected with their strategic and tactical issues. You too can bridge the gaps between your current situation and the more developed coaching relationships you want in your practice.

Concerns About Making the Transition

Typical questions and dilemmas people have in making this transition include the following:
• What do I do when I have an executive who doesn’t know how to use me as a coach?
• How do I start from where I am now? How do I create an opportunity?
• What if the leader has a completely different map for change and my role within that change?
• How do I deal with the executive’s resistance to spending time on coaching?
• How do I get the leader to view me differently?
• How can I ensure that an executive’s initial experience with me as a coach will be a positive one?
• What do I do when I have a good idea before the leader does?
• How do I deal with an inadequate or weak executive?
• How can I help the leader see my coaching role as leverage toward the leader’s greater effectiveness?
These concerns about role expectations boil down to three areas:
• Anxiety that you do not see eye-to-eye with your sponsor about what your role should be
• The need to get the right contract for coaching, so you can be successful with the executive and help her succeed
• The skill and presence needed to get into the right conversation with the leader in order to address the first two concerns

Concerns over Your Role

There are clues that indicate your sponsor does not see your role in the same way that you do. Here’s one clue: when you offer to coach him on his leadership dilemmas, he gives you a quizzical, somewhat impatient look, which leaves you squirming. Or he approaches any work with you from the Rescue Model. He wants you to take things into your own hands rather than help him address them. You might hear him make comments such as these:
“So what can you do to get this implementation off the ground?”
“Just go tell them that the deadline is unacceptable.”
“Why are you coming to me when you need to be spending your time getting the team going?”
These reactions and others like them indicate a mismatch in understanding about your role. They come from an executive who will not consider his own responsibilities to provide strong leadership for the organization. He will often assume you should engage in activities that, from a Client Responsibility perspective, are really his responsibility as a sponsor and not yours as a change agent. He may be unable or unwilling to view you as a resource able to help him think through and maintain those sponsor activities, the most important ones being communicating the direction and goals of the organization, ensuring commitment to the goals, clarifying decision-making authority with key players, managing performance expectations and consequences, and providing resources.

The Contract

This situation demands that you negotiate the right contract as a change agent (remember, coaches are change agents) in the project, including offering to initiate conversations that would lead to executive coaching. You know you have the right contract when the leader and you are both working from the same page, that is, from the Client Responsibility Model. The executive understands her responsibilities as the sponsor and sees you as a resource to keep her honest about them. You may also be assigned other duties as a change agent to help get a project under way. You can better leverage that agent role when it is pursued in tandem with the sponsor responsibilities that the executive maintains herself.
Here are a couple of common questions and complaints about leaders in these situations:
“I have an inadequate sponsor who doesn’t accept his responsibilities but thinks of plenty of activities to dump off on me.”
“What if my sponsor does not know the Client Responsibility Model? Do I have to teach it to her?”
Very few people are born great sponsors; most have to develop into the role. Some sponsors are lucky enough to connect with a great coach who can develop them. The coach does this by acting as an effective change agent who evokes stronger sponsorship from the executive. Rather than looking at the inadequacy of your sponsor, perhaps the question is, “Are you being a great change agent?” And, if not, “What can you do to be a stronger one?”

The Conversation

You do not have to teach your sponsor the Client Responsibility Model. Rather, you must embody it without using fancy jargon. This requires getting into the right conversation with the executive. It means shifting with your sponsor into the Client Responsibility perspective, not jumping there yourself and then blaming her for staying unknowingly in the Rescue Model. To manage yourself in your relationship with the leader, you should focus on acting differently with the leader rather than waiting for her to act differently with you.
You should focus on acting differently with the leader rather than waiting for her to act differently with you.

Guidelines for the Conversation

We will explore several guidelines for the coach-client partnership that you may recognize from other chapters. These guidelines will help you initiate and sustain conversations that promote your coaching skills:
• Act as though you and the sponsor are both already in the Client Responsibility Model.
• Focus on the executive’s goals.
• Provide a sample of what you can offer; demonstrate it right in the conversation.
• Find a way to say yes to the leader’s goals.
• Have goals for managing yourself in the conversation.
• Offer loyal resistance, a form of advocacy, if necessary.
In acting as though you are in the Client Responsibility Model, always maintain focus on the executive’s responsibility for keeping a strong connection with his people and establishing clear expectations. Define explicitly how you will help him build greater clarity and stronger relationships. Act as though your sponsor is capable of joining you in this perspective, even if he has never demonstrated this ability before.
What should you actually discuss? Build credibility as a business partner by talking about business goals and results. Then link business challenges to the leader’s challenges, which provides a natural segue into executive coaching. Therefore, you need to discuss the executive’s goals, not your aspirations to coach. What you wish to accomplish professionally is not what executives stay up at nights fretting about. Concentrating on anything besides what preoccupies executives is fundamentally counterproductive to your own interests. Therefore, engage them in what they care about. You need to define your role within the context of what they are motivated to achieve. This is a realistic approach to leaders: they sponsor best when they have vested self-interests. Expand their horizons by linking new ideas, insights, and your capabilities to their passions, concerns, and interests.
Once you find yourself talking with an executive about his goals, here are some typical questions to ask in order to get more deeply into the conversation (Schachter, 1997, p. 1):
• What do you want to accomplish in this effort?
• What is your best thinking about this issue?
• Have you met this type of challenge successfully before?
• What are the barriers to surmounting the same kind of challenge this time?
• How urgent do you feel this issue to be?
• How do you account for not being able to accomplish this?
• Do you have any sense of your part in not meeting the challenge this time?
• In your position as leader, what challenges do you personally face regarding this effort?
• What outcomes do you want?
• What would be achievable results in what specific time frame?
• To what extent do the people who report to you hold the same perspective or urgency that you do?
• Does your team know as much about what you’re thinking as I now know?
You probably recognize these questions as conversation starters for the contracting phase of coaching. The contracting phase is the perfect opportunity for focusing on the leader’s goals and strategies for attaining them.
These questions are potent tools for developing the executive’s thinking about his relationship with his team and the expectations he has of them. Congratulations! Just by asking these goal and team relationship questions, you open the door to coaching conversations and help the leader reflect on issues that may conceal ingrained challenges to the leader.
However, it is not wise to define the discussion beforehand as a coaching conversation, which can scare off many leaders. Instead, you can give your potential coaching customer a sample of what you can do. The experience, plus a debriefing of the conversation afterward (what was helpful about it, what further clarity he now has, and so forth), establishes a track record for your coaching skills. After a number of these conversations, you can point to the experiences and offer to facilitate further coaching conversations about the projects the executive finds particularly challenging. To the extent that you have managed your relationship well with the executive, he is more likely to take you up on your offer.
Find a way to say yes to the leader’s goals. Most organization consultants who also provide executive coaching take on other change agent responsibilities: facilitating, training, data gathering, mediation, or project management. The sponsor may draw you both back into the rescue perspective. This is the critical moment in the sponsor-agent relationship. Find a way to say yes to his goal by redefining for him which change agent tasks will better help him achieve his goal. Articulate your role and responsibilities in the light of the sponsor’s goals and responsibilities and discuss the interplay between the roles.
You may be asking yourself, What kind of dialogue can I have that would attend to both of our roles and work to align them? An example of this kind of conversation follows (it also gives your sponsor a heads-up on chances for success of his goals):
Agent: You say you want the managers to enact the new performance standards.
Leader: You got it.
Agent: And you want me to train them on the new approach.
Leader: I can’t think of a better person for the job.
Agent: And you said you are unable to take the time before the training to talk to the managers about their reservations about the new system.
Leader: You’ve seen my schedule! We’ve barely had time for this conversation.
Agent: Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy to do the training. But let me be frank about the chances of this training “sticking” with the managers. They will know how to do it, but if you neglect their concerns, you have less than a 40 percent chance of putting an organizationwide system in place. If you deal with their concerns beforehand, even if that means having some tough discussions, you dramatically increase your chances of successfully initiating and introducing the new standards.
Leader: Increase it by how much?
Agent: You call the shots on that one. You decide what percentage you’re satisfied with. You work their commitment until you get the percentage you want.
Leader: Why don’t you just explain the need for it at the start of the training?
Agent: Even if I said it eloquently, they would continue to covertly resist you by not doing it. Hearing me talk about it is no substitute for airing their concerns directly to you. And you know what? They deserve that from you.
Leader: You sure know how to increase my workload.
Agent: It’s a pay-now or pay-later scenario. You either deal with their commitment on the front end, or try to get it from them later while the project unravels. The second option takes up more of your time, as you and I have both painfully learned from experience.
This kind of conversation requires your signature presence in managing yourself in the whitewater rapids of the leader’s urgency, anxiety, and impatience. This conversation will succeed if you avoid blaming the sponsor for his shortcomings, or giving up on him for being stubbornly resistant to strongly sponsoring the very changes he wants. Replace the impulse to blame or criticize with offering neutral information that is related to the sponsor’s interests. You are painting pictures of outcomes that the sponsor most cares about, for example, an organizationwide change in implementing standards. You describe your role relative to his and link both to the results that he wants.
Replace the impulse to blame or criticize with offering neutral information that is related to the sponsor’s interests.
It is also important to solicit the executive’s reaction to your position. What is his best thinking about what you just said? What are its merits, and what are his nagging concerns?
Agent: So what do you think about what I just said?
Leader: Okay, okay, I see your point. I can’t wiggle out of this one. But I still don’t see how I’m going to pull this off. I haven’t got the time for it!
Here is a critical juncture in the conversation: Do you rescue the leader from his responsibility or continue to let him struggle with it?
Agent: You’re in a tough spot. And you know what strikes me as ironic? Lack of time to implement is exactly one of the managers’ reservations about this new system. You are struggling with the same issues they are. By dealing openly with your own challenges as you assign priority to the project, you serve as a model and a resource to the managers on how they can make it a priority in their work. Positioning the challenge as a common dilemma among all of you allows you to build your credibility and connect with them regarding this issue.
Leader: That’s a tall order.
Agent: That’s what you and I can talk about: how you’re going to fill that tall order [the coaching opportunity].
The critical juncture in this conversation is when the change agent avoids becoming distracted by the leader’s frustration. Instead, the agent stays on course by keeping the challenge front and center with the leader and bringing immediacy to the conversation (his time constraint is the same issue that the managers face).
The more often you find these moments of immediacy, the more powerful your coaching will be, and the more likely the leader is to see you as a coaching resource. In this case, using immediacy segues to the real issue of how daunted the leader feels in dealing with time pressures and managing his leadership team.
As this example demonstrates, you can have a jargon-free conversation while operating within the perspective of the Client Responsibility Model. One of the model’s requirements is to stay on the task of building the sponsor’s responsibility, even if you feel obliged to rescue him from that responsibility. You do not have to be eloquent or graceful, just effective.
The kinds of conversations I have been promoting in this chapter are what I call coaching moments. They happen outside the context of a formal coaching contract but within the context of the executive’s work world and high-priority concerns. Opportunities to have these conversations are plentiful. They happen as the leader is focused on something else. You can build your credibility as a resource for the leader in ways he may not have imagined at first. Coaching moments can cover some of the same territory as the coaching phases, though in smaller increments. You can still:
• Listen carefully to the executive.
• Help him get more clarity about what the issue is, the goal he wants to accomplish, and a next step.
• Give feedback on his dilemma that can shed light on how he is leading this particular effort.
These moments over time build your portfolio of coaching skills that can later develop into more formal coaching relationships. When you enter conversations with the leader that highlight the need for him to exercise stronger sponsorship, you get closer to his personal leadership challenges. When you show that you are calm enough, sturdy enough, and direct enough to have these leadership challenge conversations with him, he is more likely to invite you into more of those conversations. And leadership challenge conversations are coaching conversations.
Having goals for managing yourself within this kind of conversation is essential for staying on course (these are the same as the process goals from Chapter Two). Goals keep you from getting sidetracked by your own anxiety in the face of the leader’s impatience or irritation. Here are some examples of goals that I have had for myself, taken from several of these kinds of meetings in the past:
• When the executive gets impatient, focus on results.
• Don’t jump into awkward silences. Let the leader take the initiative with pauses in the conversation.
• Stick with only one personal bottom line. Don’t complicate the picture with too many requirements from your side.
• Find a moment to be immediate; the pattern “out there” is going on “in here” between the two of you.
• He doesn’t need to hear how this project complicates your life. You must tell him whether you think it will work.
• Don’t speak for other people. Speak for yourself, and invite the leader to seek out the opinions of others.
I do not pursue all these goals in each meeting. They are tailored to the executive, the situation, and my particular anxieties at the moment. It is best to have only one or two of them in a specific conversation.

Loyal Resistance

You may notice a tone that comes through in the example conversation and these sample goals for the coach. It is what I call loyal resistance. When an executive chooses methods or approaches that I judge to be counterproductive to the very direction she wants to take, I initiate my loyal resistance.
Loyal resistance is a form of advocacy. Actually many of the activities I suggest in this chapter, such as focusing on the leader’s goal, tying your role and aspirations to what the leader wants to achieve, and finding a way to say yes, are forms of effective advocacy. As you recall from Conner’s definition (Chapter Four), advocacy means promoting an idea, solution, or role that you espouse in a way that induces the leader to sponsor it as something she wants and owns as well. Loyal resistance occurs when an executive wants something from me that I cannot support because I do not believe that it will work. Notice that the emphasis is not on whether I want to do it, but rather on whether I think it will work.
Loyal resistance is a form of advocacy.
With loyal resistance, you are positioning yourself in a different, sometimes oppositional, place from the executive. However, since your intent is not to polarize your position with the leader, you show your willingness to support the deeper interests that she holds. In loyal resistance you do three things simultaneously:
1. Get on board the leader’s train. Show that you understand her goal and support it.
2. Articulate clearly how you differ with her approach.
3. Offer alternatives that can satisfy both her interests and your concerns.
When you use this triple focus, you are invaluable to the sponsor.
Getting on board the leader’s train shows her that you deeply understand what she is trying to accomplish. You do so by showing that you understand and support her goal and are finding a way to say yes to her interest behind that goal.
The tricky part is most often articulating your differences with her approach—how she wants to get there. You need to be thoughtful about your own perspective and have weighed its merits and obstacles carefully. If you can offer your viewpoint as useful information rather than a crusade or battle for the “right” position, the leader is more likely to listen to you. This is particularly true when you can tie your thinking to the executive’s desired outcomes. You can save a leader from herself by highlighting what she may not be noticing in a situation. In these circumstances, if you do not share your knowledge and reservations, you are holding out on the leader and withholding your best thinking from her.
When you add the third ingredient in loyal resistance, you add power to your position. Offer alternative solutions that address your concerns while fulfilling what the executive wants to accomplish. After all, leaders are most interested in getting to a destination, not in the pathway to get there. Presenting ideas consistent with their goals can sometimes open leaders up. The ensuing brainstorm can generate options no one had yet mentioned, and the conversation gains renewed synergy. You show again how valuable you are as a business partner. Leaders are very attracted to people who can join them in commitment to their goals, respectfully and robustly bring differences to the table, and offer alternative ways to think about an issue.

Pace Yourself

Once you and your sponsor are in the right conversation, you build your experience base as an executive coach. Success is built on hundreds of these small conversations. You may start out with fifteen-minute discussions that veer in this direction. If you are just embarking on the adventure of coaching leaders, do not sabotage yourself by expecting to have full-blown, brilliant, lengthy executive coaching conversations the first time out. Neither should you call it “executive coaching” until you have a track record with the leader and the two of you begin explicitly to call the conversations “executive coaching.” You need time to evolve your role, and the leader needs time to make changes in her expectations of you in your role.

Chapter Ten Highlights

Identify the Leader’s Understanding of Your Role
1. Look for misalignment in expectations about your role between you and the leader.
2. Avoid taking on Rescue Model activities.
Get the Right Contract
1. Work for sponsor-agent alignment.
2. Ensure that all your change agent duties come from the Client Responsibility Model.
Get in the Right Conversation
1. Evoke stronger sponsorship in the leader.
2. Use the following guidelines for the conversation:
• Act as though you are in the Client Responsibility Model.
• Talk about the leader’s goals.
• Provide a sample of what you offer.
• Find a way to say yes to the leader’s goals.
• Find moments of immediacy.
• Have goals for managing yourself.
3. Offer loyal resistance, a form of advocacy, if necessary:
• Partner with the leader’s goals.
• Articulate your differences.
• Offer alternative ways of approaching the goals.
4. Pace yourself.
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