Appendix B
This Appendix presents a survey you can take regarding your current level of knowledge and skill relative to the four main activities outlined for each of the executive coaching phases detailed in Chapters Five through Eight. By taking the survey you can see a quick snapshot of three major professional skill areas needed to use the executive coaching approach in this book:
1. Foundational coaching ability. These skills are necessary for all coaches, whether they are personal, career, or business coaches.
2. Use of your signature presence with clients’ work relationship challenges. These skills come from your ability to use yourself as the main intervention tool. You use your presence with your clients to help them tolerate their discomfort enough to head in new directions in which they have not had success in the past.
3. Knowledge and use of organization models to increase the impact of your interventions with clients. These skills allow you to choose the most relevant maps to use with your clients and target your coaching interventions specifically to the situations they face. This gives you much greater flexibility than using only one perspective with executives.
Once you take and score your self-assessment survey, you can then decide how satisfied you are with your results.
Executive Coaching Skills Self-Assessment Survey
Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 6 (see rating scale) on each skill as you see your ability at this time.
Rating Scale
1. I don’t understand this idea.
2. I understand the idea but do not notice opportunities to use it.
3. I notice opportunities but do not know how to apply relevant tools.
4. I apply this with limited effectiveness.
5. I occasionally apply this with moderate to high effectiveness.
6. I consistently apply this with moderate to high effectiveness.

Executive Coaching Phase 1: Contracting

1.Elicit and show understanding of the client’s core concerns.___________
2.Give feedback, using immediacy—your here-and-now experience of the client, raising the client’s awareness of her role in the situation.___________
3.Negotiate mutual expectations of the responsibilities in the coaching contract.___________
4.Focus the client on the Three Key Factors in this situation, and help her identify specific, measurable goals.___________

Executive Coaching Phase 2: Planning

5.Help the client identify a next step, with specific actions to be taken.___________
6.Ensure the client’s strategy aligns with key change management models.___________
7.Direct the client’s attention to a key pattern that needs to shift.___________
8.Prepare the client to deal with both the positive and corrosive effects of resistance to the change.___________

Executive Coaching Phase 3: Live Action

9.Clearly define your role in the specific type of live-action option chosen.___________
10.Ensure sponsorship and clarity of structure for the live-action session.___________
11.Follow and intervene around the client’s goals (business and work relationship challenge goals) for this live-action session.___________
12.Intervene effectively on the level of the pattern change.___________

Executive Coaching Phase 4: Debriefing

13.Encourage the client to self-assess the results of her actions: strengths, challenges, pattern changes, and change management issues.___________
14.Give supportive and challenging feedback to the client.___________
15.Help the client identify specific next steps.___________
16.Invite the client to give feedback on the effectiveness of your coaching.___________

Scoring Your Results

Transcribe your answers for each of the sixteen skills in the following list. You will notice that a couple of the skills are listed in two of the columns because they apply to both areas. When you have filled all three columns with your results, add up each column. The sum of each column will be between 0 and 36.
Foundational Coaching Ability Using Your Signature Presence with Clients’ Work Relationship Challenges Knowledge and Use of Organization Models to Increase the Impact of Your Interventions with Clients
1 _____________2 _____________4 _____________
3 _____________7 _____________6 _____________
5 _____________8 _____________7 _____________
13 _____________11 _____________8 _____________
15 _____________12 _____________9 _____________
16 _____________14 _____________10 _____________
Total: ___________Total: ___________Total: ___________
The results can be interpreted as follows:
0-18Low knowledge of these skills. You need more con ceptual training to increase your understanding of the skills and to learn to recognize when to use them.
19-29You have conceptual understanding of these skills but have low skill in using them, have just become aware of them and have yet to put them into practice, or have limited opportunities to use them. You could benefit from further training, or you need additional repetitions of these skills in order to increase your effectiveness.
30-36You have knowledge and moderate to high skill level in this area. The more you use these skills, the more they can become a strength area of your coaching practice.
There may be one or more areas where you want to further develop your skills. This can be done through a variety of methods depending on your needs: going through a foundational coaching training course, working with a coach to increase your skills, creating a peer consult group to debrief and prepare for your challenging situations with clients, or further training explicitly in these executive coaching phases. (MBO Consulting offers further training through the Executive Coach Training Seminar Series. You can learn about the series by going to
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