
For the Complete Technology & Database Professional

IOUG represents the voice of Oracle technology and database professionals - empowering you to be more productive in your business and career by delivering education, sharing best practices and providing technology direction and networking opportunities.

Context, Not Just Content

IOUG is dedicated to helping our members become an #IOUGenius by staying on the cutting-edge of Oracle technologies and industry issues through practical content, user-focused education, and invaluable networking and leadership opportunities:

  • SELECT Journal is our quarterly publication that provides in-depth, peer-reviewed articles on industry news and best practices in Oracle technology

  • Our #IOUGenius blog highlights a featured weekly topic and provides content driven by Oracle professionals and the IOUG community

  • Special Interest Groups provide you the chance to collaborate with peers on the specific issues that matter to you and even take on leadership roles outside of your organization

  • COLLABORATE is our once-a-year opportunity to connect with the members of not one, but three, Oracle users groups (IOUG, OAUG and Quest) as well as with the top names and faces in the Oracle community.

Who we are...

... more than 20,000 database professionals, developers, application and infrastructure architects, business intelligence specialists and IT managers

... a community of users for users that shares experiences and knowledge on issues and technologies that matter to you and your organization

Interested? Join IOUG’s community of Oracle technology
and database professionals at

Independent Oracle Users Group | phone: (312) 245-1579 | email: [email protected]
330 N. Wabash Ave., Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60611

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