About the Author


Tony Hasler is an independent software consultant specializing in SQL tuning for Oracle databases. He graduated with an honor’s degree in computer studies from Lancaster University in the United Kingdom in 1978 and spent the next 15 years working as a software developer.

Tony worked in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands for the first couple of years of his career and then moved to New Jersey, where he met his wife-to-be, Marianne. Tony returned to the United Kingdom in 1988 to join Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) as a team leader on the OpenVMS operating system development team. During his five years at DEC Tony filed a patent on optimizations for logging protocols, and as a representative of the British Standards Institute (BSI) he participated in the creation of a number of publications from the International Standards Organization (ISO).

Soon after leaving DEC in 1993, Tony began his second career in support work, specializing mainly in performance tuning of an application by Wall Street Systems (http://www.wallstreetsystems.com/). In 2004 Tony moved away from applications and operating systems and began specializing in Oracle database technology. At the time of writing, Tony is working as a full-time SQL performance specialist.

Tony is a well-known speaker in the United Kingdom and has published several articles for the UK Oracle User Group. Tony also occasionally makes an entry in his blog, http://tonyhasler.wordpress.com/, when he finds something interesting to talk about.

Although Tony lives in Scotland with his wife, Marianne, none of his current clients have operations in Scotland; they are global financial institutions with UK headquarters in London. The world of telecommuting has arrived.

Tony has two grown-up children, both of whom have followed in their father’s footsteps. Timothy has a degree in computer gaming from Abertay University in Dundee and is working as a software developer in Edinburgh, while Thomas is working as a software developer in London after obtaining a software engineering degree from Edinburgh.

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