
Abundance, 127–130

Actor-to-Actor (A2A) hubs, 150

Adam Smith’s demon of scarcity, 53–54


FairPay process, 11, 72

parameterized architectures and policies, 165–167

personalized packaging and product design, 167–168

Ad-blocking, 188–190

All you can eat (AYCE) subscriptions, 113

Ante-pricing, 176

App stores, 119–122

Behavioral economics, 11–12, 203–206

Behavioral engineering, 86–87

Big Data, 38–39

Bundled subscription

pre-bundled, 177, 179

post-bundled, 177, 179

Business models, 36–38

Cloud of value marketing, 38–39, 61–62

Co-creation of value, 59–60

Communal norms, 21–23, 86, 138, 150, 160, 198–200

Computer-mediated commercial dialog, 39

Consumer relationships, 51–53

Co-pricing, 59–60

Creator perspectives, 193–194

Creators Direct-to-Consumers (D2C), 124–126

Customer-centric revolution, 38–39

Customer journeys, 18–19, 34–36

Customer lifetime value, x, 4, 19, 42, 153, 220

Customer relationships, 36–38

Customer response, 170–171

Dialogs about value, 5, 8, 18–19, 32, 34–39, 56–58, 63–64, 86–89, 212–213

Digital businesses

fundamental problems, 5

in networked markets, 4–5

Digital content subscription. See Subscriptions

Dimensions of value, 209–210

Dynamic pricing, 24, 89–90

E-Books, 126–127

Empowerment, 63–64

Entertainment video, 109

Entrepreneurial opportunity, 65–66, 149

Experience goods, 22–23, 83–84

Explicit expressions of value, 39

Extend it forward, 72

Fairness and piracy, 187

FairPay, 177, 180

adaptation process, 165–168

basic economics, 12

behavioral economics, 11–12

behavioral engineering, 86–87

consumer relationships, 51–53

control and predictability, 69–70

as co-pricing, 59–60

core feedback/control cycle, 70–72

core mechanism, 9–11

core process, 6–7

description, 3–4

factors, 6

flexible, extensible architecture, 81

free trial/survey mode, 162–164

game-based marketing, 87–88

game theory, 12

hierarchy of levels, 65

implementation of, 221–223

invisible handshake, 54–58

item sales, 83

loyalty loops, 12

loyalty programs, 87–88

non-digital services, 133–139

nonprofit organizations, 141–143

participative process, 7–8, 71

policy settings, 79–81

price discrimination, 89–91

pro-bono basis, 14

as repeated game, 207

reputation management, 145–150

retention management, 151–156

Richer view of, 75–79

subscription-oriented vs. item-oriented sales, 84–86

subscription relationships, 82–83

testing new customer acquisition, 161

transitioning from free or ad-supported, 161–162

working areas, 12–14

FairPay Manifesto, 223

Flat rate subscriptions, 113

Framing, 73–75

Freemium, 5, 24, 42, 78, 81, 177, 179, 181–183

Freemium subscription, 177, 179

Fuzziness, in pricing, 31

Game-based marketing, 87–88

Games, 111–118

Game theory, 12

Gated FairPay offer, 70

Goods-Dominant Logic, 60

Hard paywall subscription, 177, 179

Implicit signals of value, 39

Indies, 122–124

Internet of Things (IoT), 38–39

Invisible handshake, 54–58

IoT. See Internet of Things

Item-oriented pricing strategies, 177, 179–180

Item-oriented sales, 83–86

Item sales, 83

Item unit sale

bundled, 177, 180

flat, 177, 179

volume discount, 177, 180

personalized by seller, 177, 180

Journalism, 93–100

entertainment video, 109

news aggregators, 108

patronizing, 102–104

spectrum of patronship, 106–108

value proposition of, 104–106

Known buyers, 146

Loyalty loops, 12

Loyalty programs, 87–88

Marketing theory, 106

Micropayments, 108, 177, 180

Music, 111–118

New Ecosystems of Value, 149–150

News aggregators, 108–109

Newspapers, 93–109

Non-digital services

costly real products, 136

price floor, 137–139

trial coupons, 133–136

Nonprofit organizations, 141–143

Nudges, 214–215

Outcomes-based pricing, 6, 60

Participative pricing, 8, 59–60, 71–73, 176–177, 180

Participative process, 7

Paywall, 8, 27–29, 77–78, 102–104, 177, 179

Pay What You Want (PWYW) pricing, 69, 135, 166, 177, 180, 197–203, 217–218

Perceived value tracking, 176

Performance-based pricing, 6

PIPA. See Protect IP Act

Piracy, 187–188

Post-bundling, 178, 190–192

Post-pricing, 176, 178

Pre-bundling/package pricing, 178

Premium Club/Patron segments, 157–160

Price discrimination, 72, 89–91

Price-Dominant Logic, 61

Price floor, 137–139

Price it backward, 72


cloud of value marketing, 38–39

computer-mediated commercial dialog, 39

crisis for digital, 49

customer relationships, 36–38

discovery engine, 33–34

functions of, 21–22

fuzziness in, 31

invisible handshake, 17–18

negotiations, 32–33

paradox of, 22–23

participative, 59–60

personalization of, 25–27

power of, 30–31

psychology of, 27–29

reflecting value, 15–17

rethinking of, 23–24

as a service platforms, 149–150

strategies, 175–180

testing at low risk, 40

on transaction cycles, 29–30

Win–Win customer journeys, 18–19, 34–36

Proactive retention, 156–157

Pro-bono basis, FairPay, 14

Producer perspectives, 193–194

Protect IP Act (PIPA), 186

Pure ante-pricing, 178

Real products, 136

Relationship marketing, 4, 22

Repeated game, 207

Reputation, 63–64

databases, 146–148

description, 145

entrepreneur, 149

known buyers, 146

new Ecosystems of Value, 149–150

platforms, 146

unknown buyers, 146


adaptively customizing offers, 155–156

definition, 151

key to profitability, 153–154

proactive, 156–157

stages of development, 155–157

Richer view, FairPay process, 75–79

Sample FairPay offer, 45–47

Service-Dominant Logic, 60

Service relationships, 18–19

Shared social responsibility, 217–218

Shared value, 211–214

Social value orientation, 198–200

Societal perspectives

nudges, 214–215

shared social responsibility and pricing, 217–218

shared value, 211–214

values, 215–216

SOPA. See Stop Online Piracy Act Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), 186

Subscription economy, 100–102

Subscription-oriented pricing strategies, 177, 179

Subscription-oriented vs. item-oriented sales, 84–86

Subscription relationships, 82–83


description, 42

examples of, 41

FairPay process, 42–43

flat rate, 113

quality services, 44

Superdistribution, 130–131

Supply chain, 193

Survey mode, 162–164

Sustainable market, 58–59

Sweet spots, 152

Tiered subscription, 177, 179

Tipping, 206–207

Transitioning from free or ad-supported FairPay, 161–162

Transparency, 88–89

Trial coupons, 133–135

Trial mode, 162–164

Trials and testing, 151–164, 169–170

True post-pricing, 178

Unknown buyers, 146

Usage-priced subscription

flat per unit, 177, 179

volume discount, 177, 179

Usage pricing, 178

Value-based pricing, xvii–xviii, 6, 9, 16, 35, 76, 106, 176–177, 180

Value-Dominant Logic, 61–62

Value gap, 112

Value-pricing demon, 49–51

Value proposition, 114–116

Vendor lifetime value, 219–220

Video, 93–109

Virality, 130–131

Viral superdistribution, 130–131

Volume-discounted usage pricing, 178

Win–Win customer journeys, 18–19, 34–36

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