
Note: Page numbers in italics indicate tables.


above-the-line: costs 220; money 136, 176; people 36, 220

Abrams, J. J. 60

action/adventure genre 90

administrative expenses, forecasting 1934

adolescent/young adult audience 97

advances 1678

Adventures in the Screen Trade (Goldman) 701

advertising see print and advertising (P&A) costs

affiliated groups 112; market segment 948

affinity groups 90

AFFRM (African-American Festival Releasing Movement) 120

African-American filmmakers 94

Alchemy 145

Allen, Paul 159

All the Wrong Reasons 273

Altman, Robert 70

Amazon 85

Amazon Prime 62; Video on Demand 85

Amazon Studios 85, 141, 1423

Amblin Entertainment 75

Amblin Partners 66

AMC Theaters 188

American Film Market (AFM) 88, 130

American Jobs Creation Act 168

American Pavilion 111

Amy 239

ancillary (secondary) markets 61, 208

ancillary revenues: domestic 1867; foreign 188

animated films: business plan outline 237; financials 24951, 250; independents 247; industry 2478; markets 2489

Annapurna Pictures 159

Anschutz, Phillip 159

Apatow, Judd 91

Apple iTunes Store 85

Apple TV 85

Apted, Michael 146

Are We Done Yet? 95


art films vs. specialty 912

Artisan Entertainment 73, 119

art vs. profit 910

assumptions, business plan 18990

attachments 504; books 501; money 534; options 50; real-life stories 512; stars 523

attorney advice: development money proposals 49; distribution deals 121, 1234, 1334, 138, 140, 147; Investor Offering 12, 55; legal form of business 34; limited liability company (LLC) 172; presales 111; real-life stories 52; risk statements 14951

Audax Group 119

average foreign revenues 185


Bad Santa 2 76

Bailey, Miranda 76

Bain Capital 119

bankable stars 52

bank loans 1723

Barber, Gary 64

Barnes, Joslyn 273

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 131

Beastie Boys 159

Beasts of No Nation 120, 142

BeIN Media Group 723

below-the-line: costs 176; deals 54; personnel 67, 220; production spending 169

Bernard, Tom 123

Berney, Bob 75, 85, 142

Bhargava, Manoj 120

BH-Tilt 120

Big Film Shorts 144

Big Picture, The 70

Big Short, The 92

“Big Six” studio dynasties 645

BillBlock Media 77

Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk 77

Birnbaum, Roger 64

Black Bear Pictures 159

black bloc audience 94

Blackstone 159

Blair Witch Project, The 73, 93; as commercial project 5; independent companies and 119; as mockumentary 82

Bleecker Street Media 120

Block, Alex Ben 169

Block, Bill 77

block booking 82

Bloom 120

Blum, Jason 91, 120

Blumhouse Productions 66, 120

books, as attachments 501

Borgnine, Ernest 267, 268, 269

Boss, The 131

Bowling for Columbine 238

box office revenues 63

Boxtrolls, The 248

Boy, The 77

Boyhood 99

Break Point 76

Bridge of Spies 94

Bristol Bay 159 159

Broad Green Pictures 76

Brokeback Mountain 94

Brooklyn 901, 100

Brooklyn’s Finest 94

Brunetti, Dana 76

budgets: distributor, slow distributing and 133; film 547; incentives and 556; size of 567

Buena Vista Social Club 238

Bully 239

business: legal form of 334; steps for starting 335

business cards 33

business goals vs. personal goals 267

business plan: Company section of 1920, 2342; described 67; developing 78; as discovery process 16; Distribution section of 21; Executive Summary in 1517; Film section of 20; Industry section of 201; investment opportunity/financial highlights section of 212; Markets section of 21; raising money with 6; role of 10; sample (see sample business plan); structure of 11; see also individual sections

buzz 82, 112


Cannes Film Market 82, 85, 142

Cape Fear 93

Captain America: The Winter Soldier 61

Carol 92

Carolco 72

Cartel Land 120

Cash, Johnny 242

cash flow statement 1913

Castle Rock 73

CBS 143

Chariots of Fire 10

chick flicks 91

China Lion 121

Cinedigm Corp. 1445

CinemaCon 95, 97, 98, 142

CinemaNow 85

cinematograph 59

Cinepix Film Properties 119

Citic Guoan Group Co. Ltd 188

Clark, Jeff 126

Clearance and Copyright (Donaldson) 47

Cleveland Cavaliers 159

CNBC 117

Cohen, Charles 120

Cohen Media Group 120

Cold Iron Pictures 76

Columbia Pictures 65

Comcast Corporation 3, 64, 75

comedy genre 90; subgenres of 92

coming-of-age films 99

commercial, defined 5

companies: defined 23; failure of 234

Company section, business plan: beginning statement (who question) 301; business goals 27; catch-22 experience 379; film distribution (where question) 35; goals 247; honesty and 2930; how question 36; management/organization portion of 367; mission statement (why question) 2830; overview of 1920; partnerships and 3940; personal goals 267; pitching 278; production team portion of 367; in sample business plan 198200, 2012; size of 42; starting 234; start-up timeline (when question) 325; strengths/weaknesses, assessing 402; summary of intentions (what question) 312

comparative film data, forecasting and 1812

completion guarantors 1734

Corcoran, Patrick 142

Corporation, The 238

Courageous 96

Covert Media 76

craftspeople 67

Crash 96

Creative Projects Group 270

Creep 120

Cross Creek Pictures 66

crowdfunding: for donations 1634; for equity investment 1645

Crumb 238

Crying Game, The 72

Cuban, Mark 159

cycle theory 934


Dalian Wanda Group 188

Danny Collins 120

Dark Knight, The 94

Darkroom 267 164

Deadpool 98

deals, independent distribution 1236

deliverables 1389

demographics, market segment and 98100

Deutsch, Levy & Engel 168

Devil in a Blue Dress 94

Devil Inside, The 93

Diary of a Teenage Girl, The 76

Dick, Kirby 91, 239

Dick Cook Studios 188

digital film 824

digital remastering (DMR) 252

Diller, Barry 73

Dimension 95

direct-to-DVD/Blu-ray films 1445

direct-to-smartphones 141

Dirty Dancing 72

Dirty Producer 76

Disney Company 95

distribution, nontheatrical: Amazon Studios as 1413; business models 1467; defined 141; digital only distributors 1467; direct-to-DVD/Blu-ray and 1445; history of 141; investors and 1457; Netflix as 1413; second screens and 144; short films and 1434; YouTube as 143

distribution, theatrical: agreement 115; defined 113; filmmaker strategies for 1359; independent 11728; strategies 12835; studio 11517

“Distribution Deal Points” (Seigel) 139

distribution rights 114

Distribution section, business plan: distribution system details 11314; investors and 13940; overview of 21; in sample business plan 21617

distribution system 11314

distributors: defined 11415; distribution deals 1236; fees 124, 1278; as financier 128; power of 115; strategies 12835

distributor strategies 12835; film elements observed 12930; film festivals and 130; filmmaker relationship and 1289; release strategies for films 1315

Divergent Series, The 99

Divergent Series: Insurgent, The 70

documentary films: business plan outline 237; forecasting 2424, 2456; history of 2389; interviews 2401; markets for 2412; synopses 23940

Dodd, Christopher 634

Dogtown and the Z-Boys 238

domestic ancillary revenue 1867

domestic distribution 1213

domestic rights 122

domestic theatrical rentals 186

Donaldson, Michael 47

Dope 72, 92, 98

Do You Believe? 120

Drafthouse 121

drama genre 90

DreamWorks Animation 74, 75, 145, 248

DreamWorks Pictures 159

DreamWorks SKG 74

DreamWorks Studios 66, 75

Duff, The 98

Du Vernay, Ava 1201


E! 117

Eastman, George 60

Eastman Kodak Company 60

eBay 159

Eberts, Jake 10

Edison, Thomas Alva 5960

Edwards Cinemas 159

Eisenberg, Joel 273

elevator pitch 25961

Ellison, Allison 159

Ellison, Larry 159

Ellison, Megan 81

EMO Films 273

Endgame 9

End of the Spear 96

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room 238

Entourage 70

entrepreneurs: goals 25; independent filmmakers as 89; as investors 15860; strengths/weaknesses of films, evaluating 401

eOne 75

equity investors: budgets and 54, 136; crowdfunding for 1645; filmmaker’s experiences/advice about 26573; film shares for 161; nontheatrical distribution and 1423

Eros 121

Exclusive Media 120

Executive Summary: as bait 18; as hook 1516; investment opportunity/financial highlights section of 212; investors and 1718; lay out 1922; risk statements 14951; Strategic Opportunity section of 1921; style of 18; writing, last 1518; see also individual sections

Exit Through the Gift Shop 239

Ex Machina 92, 96

Exotica 94

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed 239

Eye in the Sky 120


Facebook 99, 112

Facing the Giants 96, 158

Fahrenheit 9/11 238

faith-inspired films 96

family and friends as investors 158

Family Christian Entertainment 77

Family Christian Stores 77

family films 95

family-friendly films 98

Fargo 94

fast film release 131

federal film incentive 1689

Filiaci, Pete 97

film business operation 667

FilmDistrict 74

film festivals: introducing yourself guidelines 1067; marketing strategy 10611; submitting to 1078

Film Festival Secrets: A Handbook for Independent Filmmakers (Holland) 107

filmmaker distribution strategies 1359; control over projects and 1378; deliverables and 1389; negotiation meetings and 138; studio vs. independent decision 1357, 136

filmmakers: distribution strategies 1359; linked to genres 91

filmmaker’s experiences/advice: about investors 2738; with equity investors 26573

film markets: attending, advice on 10811; introducing yourself guidelines 1067; marketing strategy 10611

film matching 1834

film noir 93

films: animated 24751, 251; art vs. specialty 912; coming-of-age 99; direct-to-DVD/ Blu-ray 1445; documentary 23844, 2456; faith-inspired 96; family 95; family-friendly 98; gay and lesbian 945; inspirational 96, 112; large format 2535, 254; Latino/Hispanic 978; presales of as-yet-unmade 1667; release strategies for 1315; short 1434; slacker/stoner 98; strengths/weaknesses of 401; teen 989

Film section, business plan: attachments 504; books 501; budget 547; engaging readers 46; money 534; options 50; overview of 20; project scope 436; real-life stories 512; right to know 446; in sample business plan 2036; scripts 479; stars 523

financial plan: financing types 16376; guidelines to consider/follow 1557; investor information 1767; investor types 15860; locating investors 1601; overview of 1535; profit shares and 1613; in sample business plan 2203, 22336

financials: animated films 24951, 250; large format films 2535, 254

financier, distributors as 128

financing: economic climate effect on 7; guidelines to consider/follow for 1557

financing, types of 16376; advances 1678; bank loans 1723; completion guarantors 1734; crowdfunding for donations 1634; crowdfunding for equity investment 1645; federal film incentive 1689; international coproduction deals 1756; international investors 1745; limited liability company (LLC) 1712; negative pickups 1701; presales 1667; state film incentives 16970

financing schemes, explaining 157

financing section, business plan: best investor fit and 1556; financing schemes and, explaining 157; guidelines for 1557; overview of 212; promises, filmmaker and investor 1567; reality and 155

Fine Line Pictures 73

Fireproof 96, 186

First Run 121

Fithian, John 63, 823, 95, 98

Focus Features 74, 76, 94, 117

Fogelson, Adam 77

Fog of War, The 238

Forbes 104

forecasting 181; assumptions 18990; cash flow statement 1913; comparative film data and 1812; documentary films 2424, 2456; film matching data and 1834; information sources 1845; to investors 2614; numbers analysis and 1869; for one-film plan 194; overhead expenses 1934; overview of 17980; revenues and expenses 1901; without fear 18994

foreign ancillary revenue 188

foreign distribution 1223

foreign theatrical revenue 1878

Fosun Group 77, 188

four Ps of marketing 103

four-walling 133

Four Weddings and a Funeral 72

Fox, Jennifer 164

Fox Searchlight 73, 117, 125

Freeman, Jim 251

Free State of Jones 77

Frida 98

Friendster 112

Friese-Greene, William 59

Fundraising Houseparty, The (Warshawski) 161


Gallows, The 90

gay and lesbian films 945

Geffen, David 74

General Electric 64

genres: cycle theory and 934; descriptive adjectives for 90; filmmakers linked to 91; to match films 183; producer 91; size/types of 901; subgenres/themes and 923; target audience and 8991; term use of 90

Giant Screen Theater Association 253

Gibran, Kahlil 270

Gibran 270

Gift, The 20, 77

Gilbert, Gary 159

Gilbert Films 159

Giver, The 97


Glickman, Dan 239

Global Entertainment and Media Outlook, 20152019 63

Glover, Danny 273

goals 247; formulating 256; personal vs. business 267; setting 24

GoDigital 146

God’s Not Dead 61, 96, 120, 162

Gold Circle Films 66, 73

Goldman, William 701

Goldwyn, Samuel 96

Good Machine 74, 94

Good Machine International 74

Google 85, 143, 144

Google Play 85

Gore, Al 239

Gracenote 185

Gramercy Pictures 73

Granados, Javier Delgado 98

Grandma 92

Gravitas 146

Great Train Robbery, The 5960

Green, Harry 268

greenlit 67

Grob, Hector 110

gross profit (loss) 1889

Guangchang, Guo 77

Guest, Christopher 70


Haggis, Paul 96

Hammond, Daniel 76

Hammond, Gabriel 76

handshake agreements 3940

Hanson, Paul 76

Hardcore Henry 77

Harold and Kumar 98

Harry Potter 97


Heaven Is for Real 96

Hello, He Lied (Obst) 71

Hello, My Name Is Doris 82

hired gun 127

Hispanic market 978

Hitchcock, Alfred 239

Holiff, Jonathan 242

Holland, Christopher 107

Hollywood Reporter, The 103, 142, 164, 169

Home Shopping Network 267

Homework 125

honesty 2930

Hony Capital 77, 188

Hoop Dreams 238

Hoover 267

Hope, Ted 85, 142

horror genre 90; subgenres of 923

House of Wax 84

Howard, Ron 66

Huayi Bros. Media Corp 188

Hulu 141

Hulu Plus 85

Hunger Games, The 47, 97, 99

Hurricane Film Partners, LLC 108

Hustle & Flow 125

hype 128


I Am Number Four 97

IDP/Samuel Goldwyn 121

IFC Films 73, 121, 146

I Know What You Did Last Summer 93

Ilya Salkind Company 108

IMAX Corporation 251, 252

Imitation Game, The 95

I’m Trying to Break Your Heart 238

incentives: budgets and 556; federal film 1689; production costs and 102; state film 16970

Income Statement 1901

Inconvenient Truth, An 2389

independent distribution 11728; companies 11921; deals 1236; distributors, as financier 128; distributor’s fees and 124, 1278; domestic vs. foreign 1213; players 11718; print and ad money 1267; process of 118; pros and cons of 136; theatrical marketplace and 118; video on demand and 123

independent distributor, defined 119

independent film: animated 247; defined 56, 71, 77; dollar, tracking 7880, 79; motion picture production and 7182; new production companies 767; production process 78; pros and cons 801; revenues for 63; theatrical exhibition 812

Independent Film and Television Alliance (IFTA) 71, 122

independent filmmakers, as entrepreneurs 89

independent filmmaking: advantages of 80; disadvantages of 80; money for 801; reasons for entering 3

Independent Moving Pictures Company of America 60

Indiegogo 158, 1634 145

industry, animated films 2478

industry analysis 614

Industry section, business plan: analysis of industry 614; digital film 824; future trends 856; history of industry 5960; independents and 7182; investors 623, 86; motion picture production, studios and 647; overview of 201; in sample business plan 20712; snapshot of industry 634; studio dollars, tracking 68, 689; studio pros and cons 701; tables and graphs 86; theatrical exhibition 812; 3D 845

Inherent Vice 94

Inside Job 239, 244

Insidious: Chapter 3 91

inspirational films 96, 112

Instagram 112

international coproduction deals 1756

international investors 1745

International Retail Christian Show 96

Internet: domestic/international distributors and 1223; market research 1034

Internet Movie Database (IMDB): horror film genre and 90; as independent film source 77; neo-noir designation 94; plot summaries 20

interviews 2401

investment opportunity/financial highlights section, business plan 212; keywords to use 22

Investor Offering 34, 168

investors: artistic expression and 258; big returns and 259; business plan splits for 12; elevator pitch and 25961; entrepreneurs as 15860; Executive Summary and 1718; expectations of 257, 2589; family and friends as 158; filmmaker’s experiences/advice about 2738; forecasting and 2614; international 1745; locating 1601, 2578; low-budget, big-return films and 1623; pitching projects to 25961; profit shares for 1612; risk and 162; special interests and 2589; types of 15860

It Came from Outer Space 84

It Follows 61, 132

iTunes 141


John Wick 94

Jones Apparel Group 159

Jump Start Act 163; Title III of 1645

Jurassic Park 87


Kao, Ken 120

Katz, Daryl 76

Katzenberg, Jeffrey 74

Kendrick, Alex 158

Kendrick, Stephen 158

Kessler, Hal “Corky” 168

Ketchup 145

Kick-Ass 98

Kickstarter 158, 163, 164

Kids Are All Right, The 95

Kid Stays in the Picture, The 238

Kimmel, Sidney 159

kinetograph 59

Kino Lorber 121

Kodak 60, 126

Kujawski, Peter 74


L.A. Confidential 94

Laemmle, Carl 60, 114

Landmark Theaters 159

Large Format Cinema Association 253

large format films: business plan outline 237; financials 2535, 254; formats 252; history of 251; markets 252; synopses 252

Last Shot, The 70

Latino/Hispanic films 978

Lazarus Effect, The 93

Learning to Drive 76

Legendary Entertainment 188

libraries, market research and 104

Library of Congress 47

limited liability company (LLC) 34, 1712

LinkedIn 112

Lionsgate Entertainment 31, 66, 73, 119, 143, 192

Lionsgate Films 119

Lionsgate/Summit 70, 97

Little Miss Sunshine 125

Live Entertainment 119

Look Who’s Talking 72

Lord of the Rings, The 87

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, The 75

Los Angeles Film Festival 9

Lost Highway 94

Louder Than Bombs 120

Louverture Films 273

Lynne, Michael 75


MacGillivray, Greg 251

MacGillivray Freeman Company 251

Madea 187

Mad Hot Ballroom 238

Magic 4 Morons 267

Magic Mike XXL 66

Magnolia Pictures 121, 146, 159

main film genres 89

Majestic, Joe 10811

Majestic World Entertainment 108

Majors, the 65, 117

management team 19

March of the Penguins 96, 238

Marguerite 120

Marketing Sherpa 99

marketing strategy 10211; defined 102; film markets/festivals 10611; libraries 104; market research 103; networking 105; overview of 1023; reading 1034; self-marketing 11112; self-promotion 1056; social media 11112

market research 103; libraries 104; networking 105; reading 1034

market segment 89102; art vs. specialty 912; cycles and 934; defining your 8990; demographics and 98100; genre selection and 901; production cost and 1002; special niche/ affiliated groups 948; subgenres of 923; target 8990

Markets section, business plan: advice from filmmakers and 10711; art vs. specialty 912; cycles and 934; demographics and 98100; film markets/festivals and 1067; financing and 88; genre selection and 901; marketing strategy 10211; market research 103; market segment 89102; networking 105; overview of 21, 879; production cost and 1002; research reading 1034; in sample business plan 21315; self-marketing 11112; self-promotion 1056; special niche/affiliated groups 948; subgenres and 923

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. 64

MCA Inc. 64

McFarland, USA 95

Media Content Capital (MCC) 76

Merced Media 77

Meridian Entertainment 76, 188

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) 64, 65, 73, 143

Metromedia 73

MGM see Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

Michael Winslow Live 267

Microsoft 145, 159

Minnesota Twins 159

Miramax Films 57, 72, 73

mission statement 2830

mockumentary format 5

moderate film release 1313

Moguls: Hollywood’s Merchants of Myth, The (Zierold) 65

Mom’s Night Out 120

Monando Film Distribution 110

money, as attachments 534

Monterrey Pictures Entertainment 108

Moore, Michael 238, 239

Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) 47, 63; theatrical marketplace overcrowding 118; Theatrical Market Statistics 2015 report 81, 99, 248

Motion Picture Group 77

motion picture production: defined 65; investors 623; steps 667; studio dollars, tracking 68, 689; studio pros and cons 701

movies: as a business 56; as a commercial enterprise 5

Moving Midway 273


Murdoch, Rupert 65

Music Box Films 121

Mustang 120

Muybridge, Eadweard 59

My Architect 238

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 73

My Dog Skip 95

Myers, Peter 131

My Father and the Man in Black 242

My Indecision Is Final: The Rise and Fall of Goldcrest Films (Eberts) 10

My Reincarnation 164

My Space 112


Napoleon Dynamite 125

Nathanson, Jeff 70

National Association of Theater Owners (NATO) 63, 82, 98, 99, 142

National Geographic Cinema Venture 251

NATO see National Association of Theater Owners (NATO)

NBC News 117

NBCUniversal 3, 64, 65, 117

negative costs 67; forecasting 188

negative pickups 1701

negotiation strategies 12, 22

neo-noir 94

Netflix 85, 141, 1423, 267

Netflix original films 62, 85

net profit 78

networking, market research and 105

New Line Cinema 72, 73, 75, 117

Nice Guys, The 77, 120

niche 89; see also market segment 99

nickelodeon 60

Nightmare on Elm Street 72

90 Minutes in Heaven 77

99 Homes 76

Nix, William 2703

No Country for Old Men 94

NoHo Films International 273

Nolan, Christopher 61

nontheatrical distribution 612

Nut Job, The 248

nWave Pictures 251


Oasis, Emmett Furla 77

objectives 25

Obst, Lynda 71

October Films 73

OddLot Entertainment 77, 159

one-film plan, forecasting for 194

Open Road 121

options: as attachments 50; books and 501; defined 50

Oracle 159

Orchard, The 120

Orion Classics 73

Orion Pictures 73

Oscars: documentaries and 238; forecasting and 189; gay and lesbian films 945; goals and 26; Netflix and 142

Oscilloscope Laboratories 159

Oscilloscope Pictures 121

Our Idiot Brother 125

overhead expenses 69; forecasting 1934

Owens, Tim 273


P&A see print and advertising (P&A) costs

Paddington 248

PalmStar Media Capital 77

Pamplin, Rick 8, 26573

Pamplin Film Company 8

paradigm 3

Paramount 65, 66, 73, 74, 756, 125

Paramount Classics 734

Paramount Vantage 76, 117

Paranormal Activity 82, 93

Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension 66

Participant Media 75, 121, 159

partnerships: advantages of 40; contracts and 3940; defined 34; disadvantages of 40; elements for good 40

Passion of the Christ, The 96, 189

Pawn Sacrifice 120

Payne, Patricia 273

Perks of Being a Wallflower, The 97

perpetuity 166

Perry, Tyler 91, 96, 187

personal goals vs. business goals 267

Photographer, The 267

Pianist, The 96

Picturehouse 75, 117

Pierson, John 125

Pitch Perfect 2 66

platform release 126

Player, The 70

Plympton, Bill 164

Pohlad, Bill 159

Polygram Filmed Entertainment (PFE) 73

post-production process 67

prebuy 166

pre-production process 67

presales of as-yet-unmade films 1667

Price, Roy 142

PricewaterhouseCoopers 63

print and advertising (P&A) costs 67, 80; forecasting 188; independent distribution 1267; independently financed films and 71; theatrical distribution 11617, 122

Pritzker, Gigi 77

producer genres 91

production: defined 65; independent film and motion picture 7182; independent film companies 767; independent film process 78; motion picture, defined 65

production costs: budget configurations for 1002; incentives and 102; market segment and 1002

production spending, below-the-line 169

production team 19; business plan 367

profit shares 1613

Projected Income Statements 190

Prophet, The 270

Provoked 266

Prtizker, Gigi 159

Pure Flix Entertainment 120

Purge, The 66


QED 77

Quigg, Jerry 2

Qwest Communications 159


Radius-TWC 132

Rainbow Media 73

Rambo 72

Rams 120

reading, as marketing strategy 1034

real-life stories, as attachments 512

Real Women Have Curves 98

Red Granite 77

Regal Cinemas 159

Relativity Media 76

releasing strategies for films 1315; in sample business plan 21718

Religulous 239

rent-a- distributor 127

Revenant, The 61

revenue cap 166

revenues and expenses, forecasting 1901

Richland, Gordon and Company 119

Riding Giants 238

Rio 2 249

Risen 96

risk factors 14951; in sample business plan 219

risk statements 14951

River Road Entertainment 94, 159

Roadside Attractions 121

Robinov, Jeff 77, 188

Rockefeller, John D. 26

Rock the Kasbah 76

Roger & Me 238

Rogue Pictures 76

Roku 85

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 129

Russell, David 144


saleable commodity 130

sample business plan 195236; executive summary 198200; introduction 196; overview of 195; table of contents 197

Samuel Goldwyn Company 73, 134

Sarandos, Ted 85, 142

Saturday Night Live 117

Saw 87

Schamus, James 74, 76, 188

Schoch, Steve 72

Schwarzman, Stephen 159

Schwarzman, Teddy 159

Scorsese, Martin 60, 66, 93

Scream 923

scripts: Film section of business plan 479; motion picture production and 67; registering 47

Seagram 64, 73

Searching for Sugar Man 239

Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The 95

second screens 144

Secret in their Eyes 77

Section 199 Manufacturer’s Deduction 169

Seigel, Robert 139

self-distribution film release 1345

self-marketing, social media and 11112

self-promotion 1056

Sessions, The 126

Sex, Lies and Videotape 266

Shakespeare In Love 72

Sharknado 82

Shark Tank 26

Shaun of the Dead 93

Shaye, Robert 75

short films 1434

Showtime Anytime 85

Sicario 94

Sicko 239

Sidney Kimmel Entertainment 159

Silver, Joel 76

Silver Pictures Entertainment 76

Simonds, Robert, Jr. 77

Skoll, Jeff 81, 159

slacker/stoner films 98

slow film release 1334

Slumdog Millionaire 189

SnagFilms 146

Snapchat 112

social media, self-marketing and 11112

sole proprietorship 33

Sony Classics 73, 76, 117

Sony Corporation of America 64

Sony Entertainment 120

Sony Pictures Classics 118, 123

Sony Pictures Entertainment 65, 73, 85

Sony Pictures Releasing 77

Soul Surfer 95, 96

Soultrean 77

Spacey, Kevin 76

Spain, Jay 177, 273

special formats 90

special niche groups market segment 948

specialty film divisions 734

specialty films vs. art 91–2specialty market, defined 92

Spectacular Now, The 99

Spectre 70

Spellbound 238

Spielberg, Steven 74

Spyglass Entertainment 64

Spy Kids 95

standard agreement 138

Standing in the Shadows of Motown 238

Standing Tall 120

Stanford, Leland 59

stars, as attachments 523

Star Wars: Episode IX 60

Star Wars: The Force Awakens 70, 87


state film incentives 16970

Statement of Revenues and Expenses 190

Steel, Dawn 71

Step into Liquid 238

Stern, James 9

Strategic Opportunity section of Executive Summary 1921; Company section 1920; components of 19; Distribution section 21; Film section 20; Industry section 201; Markets section 21; in sample business plan 198

strengths, assessing 402

studio: dollars, tracking 68, 689; pros and cons 701

Studio 8 77, 188

studio distribution 11517; advantages to 11617; process of 11516; pros and cons of 136

studio picture 66

studio vs. independent distribution decision 1357, 136

STX Entertainment 77, 188

subgenres 90, 923

Suburbicon 77, 120

Summary Projected Income Statement 190

Summit Entertainment 73

Sundance Film Festival 85, 1256

Superbad 98

Superman 110

Super Size Me 238

Swiss Army Man 76

Symbolic Action 188

Symbolic Exchange 76


Tarantino, Quentin 60, 91

target market profile 8990; see also market segment

target markets: for animated films 2489; for documentary films 2412; large format films 252

Team Marketing 145

teen films 989

theatrical exhibition 812

“the markets,” defined 88

They Can Kill You but They Can’t Eat You (Steel) 71

“30-second pitch” 67

This Film Is Not Yet Rated 239

3ality Technica 251

3D 845

3D Entertainment 251

thriller genre 90

Time Warner 75

Titanic 87

Today 117

Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, The 117

Tortilla Soup 98

total costs 188

total revenue 188

Touching the Void 238

Town, The 94

TPG 77

Trevorrow, Colin 60

Trigger Street 76

Trimark Pictures 119

Trumbo 120

Turner Broadcasting 73

Turner Pictures 73, 75

Twain, Mark 239

tweens 99

Twentieth Century Fox 64, 73, 83

Twentieth Century Fox Entertainment 131

20 Feet From Stardom 239

Twilight 73, 93, 97

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 87

Twitter 99, 112


underlying themes 90

Underneath, The 94

Unfinished Song 72

Un Gallo con Muchos Huevos 98

Unique Features 75

United Artists 159

Universal Pictures 3, 63, 64, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77

Universal Studios 64

University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) 25

Univision 97

USA Networks 73

Usual Suspects, The 93


Vampire Academy 99

Vanity Fair 104

Variety 103

Vertical 145

Viacom 65

video on demand (VOD) 62, 267; independent distribution and 123, 141

Vimeo 85

viral marketing 112

Virtual Print Fee 126

Visit, The 91, 162

Vivendi 64

Vudu 85


Wade, April 273

Wagner, Todd 159

Walden Media 159

Wal-Mart 98, 145

Walt Disney Company, The 65, 72, 144

Walton, Alex 120

Warm Bodies 90, 97

Warner Bros. 64, 66, 73, 74, 75, 77, 117, 251

Warner Independent Pictures 74, 75, 117

Warshawski, Morrie 161

Waypoint Entertainment 120

Way Way Back, The 99

weaknesses, assessing 402

Web K 99

Weinstein, Bob 57, 72

Weinstein, Harvey 57, 72, 117

Weinstein Company, The 31, 57, 66, 72, 125, 146, 192, 248

Well Go USA 145

Whalen, Tony 273

What the Bleep Do We Know? 96, 1345

What We do in the Shadows 120

When the Game Stands Tall 95

Which Lie Did I Tell?: More Adventures in the Screen Trade (Goldman) 71

Whiplash 878, 162

Why We Fight 238

Wii 86

Wild Tales 98

Winter’s Bone 94

Woman On Top Productions 273

women demographics 99100

Working Title Films 76

World of Arriety, The 95

Worldwide Acquisitions 74

wraparound 130

Writers Guild of America 47, 70


Xbox 86, 141

XLrator 145


YA movies 97

Yash Raj 121

Yauch, Adam 159

young adult books, movies made from 97

YouTube 99, 143


Zeitgeist 121

Zierold, Norman 65

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