

access to capital, 23–24, 221–222

Acid Rain Program, 133–135

Acumen Fund, 166

Adams, John Quincy, 59

ADB (Asian Development Bank), 170

adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), 97

Advance Market Commitment, 207

advance purchase agreements for vaccines, 206–209

affordable housing solutions, 108–109

Africa, infrastructure development, 171

agency problems, 39–41

AIDS vaccine development, 206

AIG, CDS (credit default swaps) and, 78

Alexander the Great, 11

American Research and Development (ARD), 68

American Stock Exchange, 67

Ameriprise Financial, history of, 66

Anderson, Harlan, 68

arbitrage, 45

ARD (American Research and Development), 68

Aristotle, 17

ARMs (adjustable-rate mortgages), 97

Asian Development Bank (ADB), 170

Asian Financial Crisis of 1997–1998, 170

asset bubbles, 216

asset prices, sustainability of, 103

asymmetric information, 39–41


back-end plans, as antitakeover technique, 76

Bank of America, history of, 65

Banker’s Trust, 62

Barbary Company, 13

Bayer Healthcare AG, 205

Bayh–Dole Act of 1980, 197

Becker, Gary, 152

biodiversity banking, 141–142

biodiversity value, 123

biomedical development finance

capital structure, 188–193

current business model, 185–187

donor bonds, 209–210

financial innovations, types of, 187

funding sources, 193–204

CEFF, 197

collaborative development, 196

credit enhancement strategies, 201–204

CRO-linked financing, 197

designated funds, 197

incubators, 197

projected royalty streams, 195

public equity and venture capital, overcoming limitations of, 199–201

traditional funding, 193–195

university partnerships/private equity/public-sector investing, 197–199

nonprofit pharmaceutical companies, 210

public–private partnerships, 204–209

social change via, 223

Black, Fischer, 44

Black–Scholes model, 44–46

formula for, 225

in history of corporate finance, 70

bond-warrant units in history of corporate finance, 71–72


covered bonds, 106

defined, 6

donor bonds for vaccine and treatment development, 209–210

for food security, 173–174

high-yield bonds in history of corporate finance, 70–71

zero-coupon bonds in history of corporate finance, 73

Boyle, Phelim, 46

Brandeis, Louis, 220

Brown, Gordon, 207

Bugg-Levine, Antony, 167

building and loan societies in history of housing finance, 88

Burton, Ellison, 133

Bush, George H. W., 130

Bush, George W., 153

business cycles, origin of theory, 63

business failures, financial innovation in, 63

business finance. See corporate finance


call options, 45

cap, in cap-and-trade, 132


in environmental finance, 123

in pollution markets, 132

Acid Rain Program, 133–135

for carbon emissions, 135–137


access to, 23–24, 221–222

democratization of access to, in history of corporate finance, 65–66

history of, 10–12

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), 43–44

in history of corporate finance, 69

capital market, housing crisis solutions in, 106–107

capital structure

of biomedical development funding, 188–193

in corporate finance, 55–57

in financial innovation, 221

in history of corporate finance, 69–74

of railroad industry, 60

capital structure models, 27–29

Black–Scholes model, 44–46

formula for, 225

in history of corporate finance, 70

CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model), 43–44

Modigliani–Miller capital structure propositions, 27–36

Monte Carlo methods, 46

uncertainty in, 28

capitalism, history of, 13–16

CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model), 43–44

in history of corporate finance, 69

carbon emissions cap-and-trade system, 135–137

cash flow model for SRFs, 126

catch-share programs, 138–140

CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange), 38

CDM (clean development mechanism), 137

CDOs (collateralized debt obligations), role in housing crisis, 98

CDS (credit default swaps)

in history of corporate finance, 77–79

role in housing crisis, 100

CEFF (committed-equity financing facilities), 197

cellphones, access to, 158–159

charter amendments, as antitakeover technique, 75

Chase National, 62

Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), 38

Chicago Climate Exchange, 136


as development finance example, 175–178

infrastructure development, 170

Clean Air Act, 133

clean development mechanism (CDM), 137

Clean Water Act, 124, 141

climate change, cap-and-trade system to avoid, 135–137. See also environmental finance

clinical trials, phases of, 192

CLTs (community land trusts), 108

CLTV (combined loan-to-value ratio), 104

CMOs (collateralized mortgage obligations), 93

Coase, Ronald, 122

coinage, history of, 11

collaborative development for biomedical development funding, 196

collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), role in housing crisis, 98

collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs), 93

combined loan-to-value ratio (CLTV), 104

commercial paper, origin of, 60

committed-equity financing facilities (CEFF), 197

commodities, standardization, 16

commodity-linked securities in history of corporate finance, 73

community land trusts (CLTs), 108

competition among prescription drugs, 190

complexity of financial products, 217–219

Comptom, Karl, 68

conservation. See environmental finance

conservation project funding

debt-for-nature swaps, 129–132

SRFs (state revolving funds), 124–129

contract research organization (CRO)–linked financing, 197

convertible bonds in railroad industry, 60

convertible debt, 40

Cornell, Bradford, 4, 56

corporate finance, 51, 55

capital structure and, 55–57

history of

Alexander Hamilton, role of, 57–59

capital structure innovations, 69–74

CDS (credit default swaps), 77–79

creative destruction (finance and technology), 63–64

credit scoring, 77

democratization of capital, 65–66

investment banking, 61–62

LBOs (leveraged buyouts), 75–77

nineteenth century innovations, 59–61

private equity, 74–75

venture capital, 66–69

social change via, 222

corporate governance, antitakeover techniques, 75–77

covered bonds, 106

creative destruction in history of corporate finance, 63–64


defined, 21

history of, 10–12

leverage and, 219–220

credit default swaps (CDS)

in history of corporate finance, 77–79

role in housing crisis, 100

credit enhancement strategies in biomedical development finance, 201–204

credit scoring in history of corporate finance, 77

crisis. See financial crisis of 2007–2009

CRO-linked financing, 197

Curb Exchange, 67


D&O (directors and officers) insurance, 204

Danish mortgage model, 107

Dannone, Grameen Bank and, 162

de Soto, Hernando, 17


convertible debt, 40

relationship with returns, 33–34

relationship with risk, 34–35

debt-equity ratio

in corporate finance, 55–57

Modigliani–Miller capital structure propositions, 29–36

debt-for-nature swaps, 129–132

debt-reduction methods, 64

DeLong, Bradford, 62

Demirguc-Kunt, Asli, 159

democratization of capital in history of corporate finance, 65–66

designated funds for biomedical development funding, 197

development finance, 149, 152. See also poverty

China and India examples, 175–178

economic growth and, 157–160

for food security, 172–175

history of, 153–157

for infrastructure development, 169–172

infrastructure needed for, 152, 157–160


history of, 160–161

Muhammad Yunus, 162–163

for SMEs

financial innovations, 166–169

limitations of, 162–166

social change via, 223

terminology changes, 154

Dickson, Peter, 14

Digital Equipment, 68

directors and officers (D&O) insurance, 204

diversification, CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model), 43–44

donor bonds for vaccine and treatment development, 209–210

Doriot, George, 68

double-bottom-line investing. See impact investing

Draper, Gaither, and Anderson (venture capital firm), 68

Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), 128

drug pipelines, selling to pharmaceutical companies, 195

DWSRF (Drinking Water State Revolving Fund), 128

dynamic trading, 45


earnings per share (EPS), calculating, 30

East India Company, 13

economic development. See development finance

economic growth, development finance and, 157–160

education in developing world, 152

EIB (European Investment Bank), 198

emerging markets, 154. See also development finance

Endangered Species Act, 142

environmental finance, 117, 120

for conservation projects

debt-for-nature swaps, 129–132

SRFs (state revolving funds), 124–129

externalities, 120–122

innovations in, 123–124

in pollution markets, 132

Acid Rain Program, 133–135

carbon emissions cap-and-trade, 135–137

property rights and, 122

in public goods markets

biodiversity banking, 141–142

catch-share programs in fisheries, 138–140

wetlands mitigation banking, 141–142

social change via, 223

EPS (earnings per share), calculating, 30


debt-equity ratio

in corporate finance, 55–57

Modigliani–Miller capital structure propositions, 29–36

defined, 7, 21

European Investment Bank (EIB), 198

European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), 136

exchanges, 17

externalities in environmental finance, 120–122


failures. See business failures

Fannie Mae, 92, 99

Farlow, Andrew, 208

FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), origin of, 91

Federal Housing Administration (FHA), origin of, 91

Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), origin of, 91

Fenn, George, 74

FHA (Federal Housing Administration), origin of, 91


history of, 5–7

purpose of, 3–4, 9

as social construct, 5–7

financial crisis of 2007–2009, 1

causes of, 19–22, 215–217

corporate finance in, 51

financial engineering, 45

financial innovation. See also biomedical development finance; corporate finance; development finance; environmental finance; housing finance

advantages of, 2–3

in agency problems, 39–41

in asymmetric information, 39–41

in business failures, 63

capital access with, 23–24

capital structure. See capital structure models

explained, 8–10

financial crisis of 2007–2009 and, 215–217

history of, 2–3

in age of discovery, 12–13

in ancient world, 10–12

capitalism, 13–16

in incomplete markets, 37–39

information infrastructure for, 16–19

risk management in, 22–23

rules of

access to capital, 221–222

capital structure, 221

complexity of products, 217–219

leverage and credit, 219–220

positive social change, 222–224

transparency, role of, 220

for SMEs, 166–169

in taxes and regulations, 41–42

technology and, 63–64

in transaction costs, 39–41

financial services, accessing via cellphone, 158–159

First Bank of the United States, 59

First National Bank, 62

fisheries, catch-share programs, 138–140

Flint, Charles Ranlett, 62

flip-over plans, as antitakeover technique, 76

FNMA (Federal National Mortgage Association), origin of, 91

food security, financial innovations for, 172–175

foreclosures, Genesee County Land Bank example, 110–111

foreign aid. See development finance

forwards, 18

Freddie Mac, 92, 99

fundamental analysis, 23

funding sources for biomedical development, 193–204

CEFF, 197

collaborative development, 196

credit enhancement strategies, 201–204

CRO-lined financing, 197

designated funds, 197

incubators, 197

projected royalty streams, 195

public equity and venture capital, overcoming limitations of, 199–201

traditional funding, 193–195

university partnerships/private equity/public-sector investing, 197–199

futures, 17–18

risk sharing, 38


Gabaix, Xavier, 21

Gates, John W., 62

GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), 210

Genesee County Land Bank, 110–111

Giannini, A. P., 65–66, 89

GIIN (Global Impact Investing Network), 167

Ginnie Mae, 92–93

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals (GSK), 206

Global Alliance for TB Drug Development, 205

Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), 210

Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), 167

global warming. See climate change; environmental finance

Goldstein, John, 167

Grameen Bank, 160

Dannone and, 162

green finance. See environmental finance

greenhouse gases cap-and-trade system, 135–137

growth. See economic growth

GSK (GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals), 206

Guaranty Trust, 62


Hale, Victoria, 210

Hamilton, Alexander, 57–59

Hardin, Garrett, 121

healthcare finance. See biomedical development finance

HEFI (home equity franctional interest security), 109

Hickman, W. Braddock, 70

high-yield corporate bonds

history of, 15

in history of corporate finance, 70–71


of corporate finance

Alexander Hamilton, role of, 57–59

capital structure innovations, 69–74

CDS (credit default swaps), 77–79

creative destruction (finance and technology), 63–64

credit scoring, 77

democratization of capital, 65–66

investment banking, 61–62

LBOs (leveraged buyouts), 75–77

nineteenth century innovations, 59–61

private equity, 74–75

venture capital, 66–69

of development finance, 153–157

of finance, 5–7

of financial innovation, 2–3

in age of discovery, 12–13

in ancient world, 10–12

capitalism, 13–16

of housing finance, 86–95

increased demand for, 89–92

savings and loan crisis, 92–93

securitization, 93–95

of microfinance, 160–161

HIV/AIDS vaccine development, 206

home equity fractional interest security (HEFI), 109

Home Owner’s Loan Corporation, 91

homeownership statistics, 96

Homestead Act, 88

Hoover, Herbert, 90

hostile takeovers. See LBOs (leveraged buyouts)

housing bubble

avoiding in future, 103–105

as cause of 2007–2009 financial crisis, 19–22

explanation of, 95–103

solutions to, 105–109, 112

housing finance, 85

history of, 86–95

increased demand for, 89–92

savings and loan crisis, 92–93

securitization, 93–95

housing bubble

avoiding in future, 103–105

as cause of 2007–2009 financial crisis, 19–22

explanation of, 95–103

solutions to, 105–109, 112

private capital in, 110–112

social change via, 222

humanitarian needs, financial innovations for, 172–175


IAVI (International Aids Vaccine Initiative), 206

IFFIm (International Financing Facility for Immunisation), 174, 210

IFQs (individual fishing quotas), 139

impact investing, 166–167

imperfections. See market imperfections

incentives in housing finance, misalignment of, 104

income bonds in railroad industry, 60

incomplete markets, 37–39

incubators for biomedical development funding, 197


as development finance example, 175–178

infrastructure development, 170

individual fishing quotas (IFQs), 139

individual transferable quotas (ITQs), 139

industrial companies, investment banking and, 61–62

infrastructure development, financing for, 169–172

infrastructure for financial innovation, 16–19

initial public offerings (IPOs), 68

for biomedical development funding, 194

insurance with options, 45

interest rate derivatives, history of, 15

internal cash flow, 52

International Aids Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), 206

International Financing Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm), 174, 210

investment banking in history of corporate finance, 61–62

investment-grade bonds, high-yield bonds versus, 71

IPOs (initial public offerings), 68

for biomedical development funding, 191, 194

ITQs (individual transferable quotas), 139


Jackson, Andrew, 60

Jansen, Robert, 159

Jarrow, Robert A., 38

Jefferson, Thomas, 58

Jensen, Michael, 39

joint stock companies, history of, 12–13

JSE Securities Exchange, 168

junk bonds. See high-yield bonds

Kane, Edward, 42

Kennedy, John F., 153

Kildee, Dan, 110

Krugman, Paul, 100

Kyoto Protocol, 137


Laibson, David, 21

land acquisition with SRFs, 128–129

land banks, 109

Genesee County Land Bank, 110–111

LAPPs (limited access privilege programs). See catch-share programs

LBOs (leveraged buyouts) in history of corporate finance, 75–77

Levant Company, 13

leverage, credit and, 219–220

leveraged buyouts (LBOs) in history of corporate finance, 75–77

Levine, Ross, 159

Liang, Nellie, 74

limited access privilege programs (LAPPs). See catch-share programs

Lincoln, Abraham, 88

Lintner, John, 43

loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, 104

lotteries in history of corporate finance, 58

Lovejoy, Thomas, 130

LTV (loan-to-value) ratio, 104


M&A (mergers & acquisitions) among biotech companies, 195

malaria vaccine development, 207

Mandela, Nelson, 149

market failure in environmental finance, 120–122

market imperfections

agency problems, 39–41

asymmetric information, 39–41

incomplete markets, 37–39

role in determining capital structure models, 35–36

taxes and regulations, 41–42

transaction costs, 39–41

Markowitz, Harry, 43

Marshall Plan, 153

MBS (mortgage-backed securities)

covered bonds versus, 106

history of, 15

McCaw Cellular, 73

MCI, 72

MDGs (Millennium Development Goals), 155

Meckling, William, 39

medical financing. See biomedical development finance

mergers & acquisitions (M&A) among biotech companies, 195

Merrill, Charles, 66–67

Merton, Robert, 8, 41, 44

MFIs (microfinance institutions), 161

microcredit, limitations of, 156


history of, 160–161

Muhammad Yunus, 162–163

microfinance institutions (MFIs), 161

Milken, Michael, 70–71, 79

Milken Institute, xi

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 155

Miller, Merton, 2, 27, 69

Mint Act of 1792, 59

mission-related investing. See impact investing

mobile technology, access to, 158–159

Modigliani, Franco, 27, 69

Modigliani–Miller capital structure propositions, 27–36, 69

monetary policy as cause of 2007–2009 financial crisis, 20

Monte Carlo methods, 46, 69

Morgan, J.P., 61–62

mortgage-backed securities (MBS)

covered bonds versus, 106

history of, 15

mortgages. See also housing finance

origin of, 88

securitization of, 104

shared equity, 108–109

subprime mortgages, 97–98

types of, 96

Muscovy Company, 13

mutual savings banks in history of housing finance, 88

Myers, Stewart, 40


National Institutes of Health (NIH), 189

natural resources. See environmental finance

New Zealand catch-share program example, 140

nonprofit pharmaceutical companies, 210

O’Brien, John, 109

O’Hara, Maureen, 38

Obama, Barack, 153

Olson, Kenneth, 68

OneWorld Health, 210

options, 18

Black–Scholes model, 44, 46, 225

explained, 45

Monte Carlo methods, 46

risk sharing, 38

originate-to-distribute model, 93, 96

originate-to-hold model, 93

OTC (over-the-counter) markets, 18

ownership, evidence of, 17


Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso, 207

Paulson, John, 21, 100

payment-in-kind (PIK) in history of corporate finance, 72–73

pharmaceutical companies, selling drug pipelines to, 195

pharmaceutical R&D financing. See biomedical development finance

PIK (payment-in-kind) in history of corporate finance, 72–73

PIPEs (private investments in public equity), 194

pollution markets, 132

Acid Rain Program, 133–135

carbon emissions cap-and-trade, 135–137

poverty statistics, 149–151. See also development finance

preferred stock plans

as antitakeover technique, 76

in railroad industry, 60

prescription drugs. See also biomedical development finance

clinical trial phases, 192

competition sources, 190

private capital in housing finance, 110–112

private equity

for biomedical development funding, 197–199

in history of corporate finance, 74–75

private investments in public equity (PIPEs), 194

ProCredit, 168

projected royalty streams for biomedical development funding, 195

property rights, 17

environmental finance and, 122

Prowse, Stephen, 74

public credit system, origin of, 58–59

public equity, overcoming limitations of, 199–201

public goods markets

biodiversity banking, 141–142

catch-share programs in fisheries, 138–140

wetlands mitigation banking, 141–142

public–private partnerships for vaccine and treatment development, 204–209

public-sector investing for biomedical development funding, 197–199

put options, 45


Quota Management System, 140

R&D financing. See biomedical development finance

railroad industry

capital structure of, 60

reorganization of, 61

rating agencies, 105

ratings, role in housing crisis, 98

real estate bubble. See housing bubble

real estate finance. See housing finance

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), 136


financial innovations in response to, 41–42

need for, 105

Reinhart, Carmen, 19

relationship banking, 61

remittances as part of development finance, 168

reserve model for SRFs, 126

return on equity (ROE), calculating, 30


Modigliani–Miller capital structure propositions, 29–36

relationship with debt, 33–34

RGGI (Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative), 136

risk, relationship with debt, 34–35

risk management

in biomedical development finance, 200–201

CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model), 43–44

in financial innovation, 22–23

in history of corporate finance, 73

risk sharing

with futures, 38

in incomplete markets, 37

with options, 38

risk-sharing finance facility (RSFF), 198

ROE (return on equity), calculating, 30

Rogoff, Kenneth, 19

Roosevelt, Franklin, 91

Root Capital, 167

Ross, Stephen, 41

Roubini, Nouriel, 21, 100

royalty streams for biomedical development funding, 195

RSFF (risk-sharing finance facility), 198


S&L (savings and loan) crisis, 92–93

Sandor, Richard, 135

Sanjour, William, 133

savings and loan crisis, 92–93

Scholes, Myron, 44

Schumpeter, Joseph, 63

SEAF (Small Enterprise Assistance Funds), 169

Second Bank of the United States, 59

securities, standardization, 16


covered bonds versus, 106

in history of housing finance, 93–95

of mortgages, 104

security, defined, 7

Shapiro, Alan, 4, 56

shared equity in housing, 108–109

shared-equity mortgages, 109

Sharpe, William, 43

Shiller, Robert, 22

Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF), 169

SMEs (small and medium-size enterprises), 156

financial innovations for, 166–169

limitations in financing, 162–166

social businesses, 162–163

social change via financial innovation, 222–224

social construct, finance as, 5–7

spreads in CDS (credit default swaps), 78

SRFs (state revolving funds), 124–129

standardization, 16

state revolving funds (SRFs), 124–129


biomedical research spending, 186

foreign aid, 155

microfinance, 160–161

poverty, 149–151

R&D productivity, 189

Stern, Nicholas, 135

stocks, popular ownership of, 66–67

subprime mortgages, 97–98

sulfur dioxide cap-and-trade system, 133–135

Summers, Larry, 8

Sunshine Mining, 73

Symphony Capital, 198


Tappan, John Elliott, 66

Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA), 42


financial innovations in response to, 41–42

role in determining capital structure models, 35–36

Taylor, John, 20

TB (tuberculosis) research, 205–206

TB Alliance, 205

technology, financial innovation and, 63–64

TEFRA (Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of1982), 42

TFCA (Tropical Forest Conservation Act), 131

Thales of Miletus, 17

Third World. See emerging markets

thrifts. See savings and loan crisis

Toffler, Alvin, 62

trade, in cap-and-trade, 132

“trade-off” theory of capital structure, 36

tragedy of the commons, 121

transaction costs, 39–41

Transamerica. See Bank of America


in biomedical development finance, 200–201

role in financial innovation, 220

triple-bottom-line investing. See impact investing

Tropical Forest Conservation Act (TFCA), 131

trust as legal concept, 6

tuberculosis (TB) research, 205–206

Tufano, Peter, 60

Turner Broadcasting, 73


uncertainty in capital structure models, 28

underdeveloped countries. See emerging markets

university partnerships for biomedical development funding, 197–199

vaccine development funding, 204–209

Van Horne, James, 38

venture capital (VC)

for biomedical development, 193

history of, 66–69

overcoming limitations of, 199–201

private equity and, 75

Viacom International, 73


warrants, 64, 71

water quality funding, 124–129

watershed ecosystem services, 123

wetlands mitigation banking, 141–142

World Bank Green Bonds, 172

Worm, Boris, 138

Yunus, Muhammad, 160–163

zero-coupon bonds, 42, 73

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