In Chapter 6, I introduced the distinction between enthusiasts (customers) and influencers (not customers). I broke this down further by segmenting the disproportionate imbalances between the heavy buyers and/or loyalists (enthusiasts) and loud mouths (influencers). I also spoke about the need to treat influencers as customers and vice versa.
Figure 14.5 Merging Enthusiasts and Influencers
And now we get to put it together as Figure 14.5 outlines. This is the metamorphosis; the moment of transformation, where the long-term “commitment” bears fruit: this is where we’re able to merge the two intersecting circles together . . . to the point where they theoretically become concentric. In other words, by flipping the funnel with our customers as the focal point, and in doing so, providing them with tools, incentives, motivation, community, and purpose, we transform our entire customer-force into a salesforce; an army of galvanized advocates or ambassadors for the brand.
This is partnership.
This is equilibrium.
This is win-win.
In its rawest, purest, and/or most informal form, we’re talking about harnessing, activating, and maximizing the potential and impact of customer evangelists. But it’s more than that. Brands have a unique opportunity to formalize this process and convert evangelists into ambassadors. Proud. Persuasive. Powerful.
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