The relationships we establish and cultivate (or annihilate) between ourselves and our customers are almost the story behind the story. In many of these cases, we’re not talking about the product itself at all. Yummy-tasting ice cream from Carvel, the new electric car from Tesla, or online tax preparation software from Intuit takes a back seat to the cashier who gave a free scoop after Little Johnny dropped his cone on the floor, the dealership that drove 20 miles to help with a stalled engine and brought along a loaner car, or the social networking-community tool that helps members solve the tax problems of other members.
Take CustomInk for example. Who? Exactly. But after my experience with them, it’s more like “Who else?” It all began when I wanted to print some T-shirts advertising my video show, “JaffeJuiceTV (” My first port of call was the recognized name in consumer-generated merchandise, Café Press. However, for some reason that I can’t recall now, I decided to look elsewhere. Upon finding CustomInk via a search engine query, I put together a design and ordered six (dearly priced, I might add) T-shirts.
My first e-mail from CustomInk was on Friday, April 24. It contained an image and link to my design, including the functionality and ability to edit it, print it, share it with friends, get a quote, review sizing information, place the order (of course), and finally, post it to my blog.
I decided to order the T-shirts and then received a second e-mail, a standard confirmation e-mail (acknowledgment) with a guaranteed delivery date of May 8 and instructions on approving a final proof (as I used my own artwork). To be honest, I didn’t even realize I’d have the opportunity to approve my design. I was pleasantly surprised and reassured.
Then, on Monday, April 27, I got this e-mail, titled “Question on your Order”:
Please note that we have a few questions for you that need to be addressed before we can proceed with your order. Please give us a call at your earliest convenience so we can discuss these issues. Our phone number is 866-779-3570; and please reference your order tracking number when you call.
It turned out that I suck at designing, which was not a total surprise to me. What was a surprise, however, was that the folks over at CustomInk had actually taken the time and the care to recognize that I had not optimally designed my T-shirt. I had chosen a font color that would not have shown up well (or “popped”) against the colored background of the T-shirt. Even more surprising was that there was a telephone number to call, and a human being waiting to help me on the other end. When I spoke with the CustomInk representative, I was offered suggestions that I ultimately took.
The next day (April 28), I received a final proof that I subsequently approved.
On May 5, I received a note informing me that my T-shirt had been printed, packed, and shipped ahead of schedule and, later that day, another e-mail confirming delivery and a follow-up to make sure that I was completely satisfied. The word “experience” is appropriately used in terms of my evaluation of the process.
On Friday, May 8, I received an e-mail from CustomInk President Marc Katz. The reply-to e-mail address is [email protected], although Marc’s e-mail address is clearly indicated as the sender’s description: [email protected] (why not send him an e-mail and tell him that you read about his great company in Flip the Funnel? I bet he responds!). Marc asked me to evaluate CustomInk’s service, which I duly did.
On May 19, I received another e-mail, welcoming me to the CustomInk community. I have the opportunity to do the following:
You can win $100! Post a shot of everyone with their t-shirts for the chance to win $100 in our weekly photo contest.
The skinny. Get the inside scoop on new products and special offers—become our fan on Facebook.
Tips, tips, tips! Learn how to design like a pro, save money, be the best-looking group, etc.
Speedy reorders. Need to order more? Contact us for quick and easy reorders 7 days a week.
Did you notice the flipped funnel in action? Acknowledgment. Dialogue. Incentivization. Activation. And a little bit of Sufficiency thrown in for good measure and continuity!
Suffice it to say, I’m a customer for life. Or at least until CustomInk lets me down and/or one of their competitors one-ups them. Hey, no one said this was going to be easy!
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