Chapter 17. Concurrency with Futures

The people bashing threads are typically system programmers which have in mind use cases that the typical application programmer will never encounter in her life. […] In 99% of the use cases an application programmer is likely to run into, the simple pattern of spawning a bunch of independent threads and collecting the results in a queue is everything one needs to know.1

Michele Simionato, Python deep thinker

This chapter focuses on the concurrent.futures library introduced in Python 3.2, but also available for Python 2.5 and newer as the futures package on PyPI. This library encapsulates the pattern described by Michele Simionato in the preceding quote, making it almost trivial to use.

Here I also introduce the concept of “futures”—objects representing the asynchronous execution of an operation. This powerful idea is the foundation not only of concurrent.futures but also of the asyncio package, which we’ll cover in Chapter 18.

We’ll start with a motivating example.

Example: Web Downloads in Three Styles

To handle network I/O efficiently, you need concurrency, as it involves high latency—so instead of wasting CPU cycles waiting, it’s better to do something else until a response comes back from the network.

To make this last point with code, I wrote three simple programs to download images of 20 country flags from the Web. The first one,, runs sequentially: it only requests the next image when the previous one is downloaded and saved to disk. The other two scripts make concurrent downloads: they request all images practically at the same time, and save the files as they arrive. The script uses the concurrent.futures package, while uses asyncio.

Example 17-1 shows the result of running the three scripts, three times each. I also posted a 73s video on YouTube so you can watch them running while an OS X Finder window displays the flags as they are saved. The scripts are downloading images from, which is behind a CDN, so you may see slower results in the first runs. The results in Example 17-1 were obtained after several runs, so the CDN cache was warm.

Example 17-1. Three typical runs of the scripts,, and
$ python3
20 flags downloaded in 7.26s  2
$ python3
20 flags downloaded in 7.20s
$ python3
20 flags downloaded in 7.09s
$ python3
20 flags downloaded in 1.37s  3
$ python3
20 flags downloaded in 1.60s
$ python3
20 flags downloaded in 1.22s
$ python3  4
20 flags downloaded in 1.36s
$ python3
20 flags downloaded in 1.27s
$ python3
20 flags downloaded in 1.42s

The output for each run starts with the country codes of the flags as they are downloaded, and ends with a message stating the elapsed time.


It took an average 7.18s to download 20 images.


The average for was 1.40s.


For, 1.35 was the average time.


Note the order of the country codes: the downloads happened in a different order every time with the concurrent scripts.

The difference in performance between the concurrent scripts is not significant, but they are both more than five times faster than the sequential script—and this is just for a fairly small task. If you scale the task to hundreds of downloads, the concurrent scripts can outpace the sequential one by a factor or 20 or more.


While testing concurrent HTTP clients on the public Web you may inadvertently launch a denial-of-service (DoS) attack, or be suspected of doing so. In the case of Example 17-1, it’s OK to do it because those scripts are hardcoded to make only 20 requests. For testing nontrivial HTTP clients, you should set up your own test server. The 17-futures/countries/README.rst file in the Fluent Python code GitHub repository has instructions for setting a local Nginx server.

Now let’s study the implementations of two of the scripts tested in Example 17-1: and I will leave the third script,, for Chapter 18, but I wanted to demonstrate all three together to make a point: regardless of the concurrency strategy you use—threads or asyncio—you’ll see vastly improved throughput over sequential code in I/O-bound applications, if you code it properly.

On to the code.

A Sequential Download Script

Example 17-2 is not very interesting, but we’ll reuse most of its code and settings to implement the concurrent scripts, so it deserves some attention.


For clarity, there is no error handling in Example 17-2. We will deal with exceptions later, but here we want to focus on the basic structure of the code, to make it easier to contrast this script with the concurrent ones.

Example 17-2. sequential download script; some functions will be reused by the other scripts
import os
import time
import sys

import requests  1

            'MX PH VN ET EG DE IR TR CD FR').split()  2

BASE_URL = ''  3

DEST_DIR = 'downloads/'  4

def save_flag(img, filename):  5
    path = os.path.join(DEST_DIR, filename)
    with open(path, 'wb') as fp:

def get_flag(cc):  6
    url = '{}/{cc}/{cc}.gif'.format(BASE_URL, cc=cc.lower())
    resp = requests.get(url)
    return resp.content

def show(text):  7
    print(text, end=' ')

def download_many(cc_list):  8
    for cc in sorted(cc_list):  9
        image = get_flag(cc)
        save_flag(image, cc.lower() + '.gif')

    return len(cc_list)

def main(download_many):  10
    t0 = time.time()
    count = download_many(POP20_CC)
    elapsed = time.time() - t0
    msg = '
{} flags downloaded in {:.2f}s'
    print(msg.format(count, elapsed))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main(download_many)  11

Import the requests library; it’s not part of the standard library, so by convention we import it after the standard library modules os, time, and sys, and separate it from them with a blank line.


List of the ISO 3166 country codes for the 20 most populous countries in order of decreasing population.


The website with the flag images.2


Local directory where the images are saved.


Simply save the img (a byte sequence) to filename in the DEST_DIR.


Given a country code, build the URL and download the image, returning the binary contents of the response.


Display a string and flush sys.stdout so we can see progress in a one-line display; this is needed because Python normally waits for a line break to flush the stdout buffer.


download_many is the key function to compare with the concurrent implementations.


Loop over the list of country codes in alphabetical order, to make it clear that the ordering is preserved in the output; return the number of country codes downloaded.


main records and reports the elapsed time after running download_many.


main must be called with the function that will make the downloads; we pass the download_many function as an argument so that main can be used as a library function with other implementations of download_many in the next examples.


The requests library by Kenneth Reitz is available on PyPI and is more powerful and easier to use than the urllib.request module from the Python 3 standard library. In fact, requests is considered a model Pythonic API. It is also compatible with Python 2.6 and up, while the urllib2 from Python 2 was moved and renamed in Python 3, so it’s more convenient to use requests regardless of the Python version you’re targeting.

There’s really nothing new to It serves as a baseline for comparing the other scripts and I used it as a library to avoid redundant code when implementing them. Now let’s see a reimplementation using concurrent.futures.

Downloading with concurrent.futures

The main features of the concurrent.futures package are the ThreadPoolExecutor and ProcessPoolExecutor classes, which implement an interface that allows you to submit callables for execution in different threads or processes, respectively. The classes manage an internal pool of worker threads or processes, and a queue of tasks to be executed. But the interface is very high level and we don’t need to know about any of those details for a simple use case like our flag downloads.

Example 17-3 shows the easiest way to implement the downloads concurrently, using the method.

Example 17-3. threaded download script using futures.ThreadPoolExecutor
from concurrent import futures

from flags import save_flag, get_flag, show, main  1


def download_one(cc):  3
    image = get_flag(cc)
    save_flag(image, cc.lower() + '.gif')
    return cc

def download_many(cc_list):
    workers = min(MAX_WORKERS, len(cc_list))  4
    with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(workers) as executor:  5
        res =, sorted(cc_list))  6

    return len(list(res))  7

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main(download_many)  8

Reuse some functions from the flags module (Example 17-2).


Maximum number of threads to be used in the ThreadPoolExecutor.


Function to download a single image; this is what each thread will execute.


Set the number of worker threads: use the smaller number between the maximum we want to allow (MAX_WORKERS) and the actual items to be processed, so no unnecessary threads are created.


Instantiate the ThreadPoolExecutor with that number of worker threads; the executor.__exit__ method will call executor.shutdown(wait=True), which will block until all threads are done.


The map method is similar to the map built-in, except that the download_one function will be called concurrently from multiple threads; it returns a generator that can be iterated over to retrieve the value returned by each function.


Return the number of results obtained; if any of the threaded calls raised an exception, that exception would be raised here as the implicit next() call tried to retrieve the corresponding return value from the iterator.


Call the main function from the flags module, passing the enhanced version of download_many.

Note that the download_one function from Example 17-3 is essentially the body of the for loop in the download_many function from Example 17-2. This is a common refactoring when writing concurrent code: turning the body of a sequential for loop into a function to be called concurrently.

The library is called concurrency.futures yet there are no futures to be seen in Example 17-3, so you may be wondering where they are. The next section explains.

Where Are the Futures?

Futures are essential components in the internals of concurrent.futures and of asyncio, but as users of these libraries we sometimes don’t see them. Example 17-3 leverages futures behind the scenes, but the code I wrote does not touch them directly. This section is an overview of futures, with an example that shows them in action.

As of Python 3.4, there are two classes named Future in the standard library: concurrent.futures.Future and asyncio.Future. They serve the same purpose: an instance of either Future class represents a deferred computation that may or may not have completed. This is similar to the Deferred class in Twisted, the Future class in Tornado, and Promise objects in various JavaScript libraries.

Futures encapsulate pending operations so that they can be put in queues, their state of completion can be queried, and their results (or exceptions) can be retrieved when available.

An important thing to know about futures in general is that you and I should not create them: they are meant to be instantiated exclusively by the concurrency framework, be it concurrent.futures or asyncio. It’s easy to understand why: a Future represents something that will eventually happen, and the only way to be sure that something will happen is to schedule its execution. Therefore, concurrent.futures.Future instances are created only as the result of scheduling something for execution with a concurrent.futures.Executor subclass. For example, the Executor.submit() method takes a callable, schedules it to run, and returns a future.

Client code is not supposed to change the state of a future: the concurrency framework changes the state of a future when the computation it represents is done, and we can’t control when that happens.

Both types of Future have a .done() method that is nonblocking and returns a Boolean that tells you whether the callable linked to that future has executed or not. Instead of asking whether a future is done, client code usually asks to be notified. That’s why both Future classes have an .add_done_callback() method: you give it a callable, and the callable will be invoked with the future as the single argument when the future is done.

There is also a .result() method, which works the same in both classes when the future is done: it returns the result of the callable, or re-raises whatever exception might have been thrown when the callable was executed. However, when the future is not done, the behavior of the result method is very different between the two flavors of Future. In a concurrency.futures.Future instance, invoking f.result() will block the caller’s thread until the result is ready. An optional timeout argument can be passed, and if the future is not done in the specified time, a TimeoutError exception is raised. In “asyncio.Future: Nonblocking by Design”, we’ll see that the asyncio.Future.result method does not support timeout, and the preferred way to get the result of futures in that library is to use yield from—which doesn’t work with concurrency.futures.Future instances.

Several functions in both libraries return futures; others use them in their implementation in a way that is transparent to the user. An example of the latter is the we saw in Example 17-3: it returns an iterator in which __next__ calls the result method of each future, so what we get are the results of the futures, and not the futures themselves.

To get a practical look at futures, we can rewrite Example 17-3 to use the concurrent.futures.as_completed function, which takes an iterable of futures and returns an iterator that yields futures as they are done.

Using futures.as_completed requires changes to the download_many function only. The higher-level call is replaced by two for loops: one to create and schedule the futures, the other to retrieve their results. While we are at it, we’ll add a few print calls to display each future before and after it’s done. Example 17-4 shows the code for a new download_many function. The code for download_many grew from 5 to 17 lines, but now we get to inspect the mysterious futures. The remaining functions are the same as in Example 17-3.

Example 17-4. replacing with executor.submit and futures.as_completed in the download_many function
def download_many(cc_list):
    cc_list = cc_list[:5]  1
    with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as executor:  2
        to_do = []
        for cc in sorted(cc_list):  3
            future = executor.submit(download_one, cc)  4
            to_do.append(future)  5
            msg = 'Scheduled for {}: {}'
            print(msg.format(cc, future))  6

        results = []
        for future in futures.as_completed(to_do):  7
            res = future.result()  8
            msg = '{} result: {!r}'
            print(msg.format(future, res)) 9

    return len(results)

For this demonstration, use only the top five most populous countries.


Hardcode max_workers to 3 so we can observe pending futures in the output.


Iterate over country codes alphabetically, to make it clear that results arrive out of order.


executor.submit schedules the callable to be executed, and returns a future representing this pending operation.


Store each future so we can later retrieve them with as_completed.


Display a message with the country code and the respective future.


as_completed yields futures as they are completed.


Get the result of this future.


Display the future and its result.

Note that the future.result() call will never block in this example because the future is coming out of as_completed. Example 17-5 shows the output of one run of Example 17-4.

Example 17-5. Output of
$ python3
Scheduled for BR: <Future at 0x100791518 state=running>  1
Scheduled for CN: <Future at 0x100791710 state=running>
Scheduled for ID: <Future at 0x100791a90 state=running>
Scheduled for IN: <Future at 0x101807080 state=pending>  2
Scheduled for US: <Future at 0x101807128 state=pending>
CN <Future at 0x100791710 state=finished returned str> result: 'CN'  3
BR ID <Future at 0x100791518 state=finished returned str> result: 'BR'  4
<Future at 0x100791a90 state=finished returned str> result: 'ID'
IN <Future at 0x101807080 state=finished returned str> result: 'IN'
US <Future at 0x101807128 state=finished returned str> result: 'US'

5 flags downloaded in 0.70s

The futures are scheduled in alphabetical order; the repr() of a future shows its state: the first three are running, because there are three worker threads.


The last two futures are pending, waiting for worker threads.


The first CN here is the output of download_one in a worker thread; the rest of the line is the output of download_many.


Here two threads output codes before download_many in the main thread can display the result of the first thread.


If you run several times, you’ll see the order of the results varying. Increasing the max_workers argument to 5 will increase the variation in the order of the results. Decreasing it to 1 will make this code run sequentially, and the order of the results will always be the order of the submit calls.

We saw two variants of the download script using concurrent.futures: Example 17-3 with and Example 17-4 with futures.as_completed. If you are curious about the code for, you may peek at Example 18-5 in Chapter 18.

Strictly speaking, none of the concurrent scripts we tested so far can perform downloads in parallel. The concurrent.futures examples are limited by the GIL, and the is single-threaded.

At this point, you may have questions about the informal benchmarks we just did:

  • How can perform 5× faster than if Python threads are limited by a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) that only lets one thread run at any time?

  • How can perform 5× faster than when both are single threaded?

I will answer the second question in “Running Circles Around Blocking Calls”.

Read on to understand why the GIL is nearly harmless with I/O-bound processing.

Blocking I/O and the GIL

The CPython interpreter is not thread-safe internally, so it has a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), which allows only one thread at a time to execute Python bytecodes. That’s why a single Python process usually cannot use multiple CPU cores at the same time.3

When we write Python code, we have no control over the GIL, but a built-in function or an extension written in C can release the GIL while running time-consuming tasks. In fact, a Python library coded in C can manage the GIL, launch its own OS threads, and take advantage of all available CPU cores. This complicates the code of the library considerably, and most library authors don’t do it.

However, all standard library functions that perform blocking I/O release the GIL when waiting for a result from the OS. This means Python programs that are I/O bound can benefit from using threads at the Python level: while one Python thread is waiting for a response from the network, the blocked I/O function releases the GIL so another thread can run.

That’s why David Beazley says: “Python threads are great at doing nothing.”4


Every blocking I/O function in the Python standard library releases the GIL, allowing other threads to run. The time.sleep() function also releases the GIL. Therefore, Python threads are perfectly usable in I/O-bound applications, despite the GIL.

Now let’s take a brief look at a simple way to work around the GIL for CPU-bound jobs using concurrent.futures.

Launching Processes with concurrent.futures

The concurrent.futures documentation page is subtitled “Launching parallel tasks”. The package does enable truly parallel computations because it supports distributing work among multiple Python processes using the ProcessPoolExecutor class—thus bypassing the GIL and leveraging all available CPU cores, if you need to do CPU-bound processing.

Both ProcessPoolExecutor and ThreadPoolExecutor implement the generic Executor interface, so it’s very easy to switch from a thread-based to a process-based solution using concurrent.futures.

There is no advantage in using a ProcessPoolExecutor for the flags download example or any I/O-bound job. It’s easy to verify this; just change these lines in Example 17-3:

def download_many(cc_list):
    workers = min(MAX_WORKERS, len(cc_list))
    with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(workers) as executor:

To this:

def download_many(cc_list):
    with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:

For simple uses, the only notable difference between the two concrete executor classes is that ThreadPoolExecutor.__init__ requires a max_workers argument setting the number of threads in the pool. That is an optional argument in ProcessPoolExecutor, and most of the time we don’t use it—the default is the number of CPUs returned by os.cpu_count(). This makes sense: for CPU-bound processing, it makes no sense to ask for more workers than CPUs. On the other hand, for I/O-bound processing, you may use 10, 100, or 1,000 threads in a ThreadPoolExecutor; the best number depends on what you’re doing and the available memory, and finding the optimal number will require careful testing.

A few tests revealed that the average time to download the 20 flags increased to 1.8s with a ProcessPoolExecutor—compared to 1.4s in the original ThreadPoolExecutor version. The main reason for this is likely to be the limit of four concurrent downloads on my four-core machine, against 20 workers in the thread pool version.

The value of ProcessPoolExecutor is in CPU-intensive jobs. I did some performance tests with a couple of CPU-bound scripts:

Encrypt and decrypt a dozen byte arrays with sizes from 149 KB to 384 KB using a pure-Python implementation of the RC4 algorithm (listing: Example A-7).

Compute the SHA-256 hash of a dozen 1 MB byte arrays with the standard library hashlib package, which uses the OpenSSL library (listing: Example A-9).

Neither of these scripts do I/O except to display summary results. They build and process all their data in memory, so I/O does not interfere with their execution time.

Table 17-1 shows the average timings I got after 64 runs of the RC4 example and 48 runs of the SHA example. The timings include the time to actually spawn the worker processes.

Table 17-1. Time and speedup factor for the RC4 and SHA examples with one to four workers on an Intel Core i7 2.7 GHz quad-core machine, using Python 3.4
Workers RC4 time RC4 factor SHA time SHA factor





















In summary, for cryptographic algorithms, you can expect to double the performance by spawning four worker processes with a ProcessPoolExecutor, if you have four CPU cores.

For the pure-Python RC4 example, you can get results 3.8 times faster if you use PyPy and four workers, compared with CPython and four workers. That’s a speedup of 7.8 times in relation to the baseline of one worker with CPython in Table 17-1.


If you are doing CPU-intensive work in Python, you should try PyPy. The example ran from 3.8 to 5.1 times faster using PyPy, depending on the number of workers used. I tested with PyPy 2.4.0, which is compatible with Python 3.2.5, so it has concurrent.futures in the standard library.

Now let’s investigate the behavior of a thread pool with a demonstration program that launches a pool with three workers, running five callables that output timestamped messages.

Experimenting with

The simplest way to run several callables concurrently is with the function we first saw in Example 17-3. Example 17-6 is a script to demonstrate how works in some detail. Its output appears in Example 17-7.

Example 17-6. Simple demonstration of the map method of ThreadPoolExecutor
from time import sleep, strftime
from concurrent import futures

def display(*args):  1
    print(strftime('[%H:%M:%S]'), end=' ')

def loiter(n):  2
    msg = '{}loiter({}): doing nothing for {}s...'
    display(msg.format('	'*n, n, n))
    msg = '{}loiter({}): done.'
    display(msg.format('	'*n, n))
    return n * 10  3

def main():
    display('Script starting.')
    executor = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3)  4
    results =, range(5))  5
    display('results:', results)  6
    display('Waiting for individual results:')
    for i, result in enumerate(results):  7
        display('result {}: {}'.format(i, result))


This function simply prints whatever arguments it gets, preceded by a timestamp in the format [HH:MM:SS].


loiter does nothing except display a message when it starts, sleep for n seconds, then display a message when it ends; tabs are used to indent the messages according to the value of n.


loiter returns n * 10 so we can see how to collect results.


Create a ThreadPoolExecutor with three threads.


Submit five tasks to the executor (because there are only three threads, only three of those tasks will start immediately: the calls loiter(0), loiter(1), and loiter(2)); this is a nonblocking call.


Immediately display the results of invoking it’s a generator, as the output in Example 17-7 shows.


The enumerate call in the for loop will implicitly invoke next(results), which in turn will invoke _f.result() on the (internal) _f future representing the first call, loiter(0). The result method will block until the future is done, therefore each iteration in this loop will have to wait for the next result to be ready.

I encourage you to run Example 17-6 and see the display being updated incrementally. While you’re at it, play with the max_workers argument for the ThreadPoolExecutor and with the range function that produces the arguments for the call—or replace it with lists of handpicked values to create different delays.

Example 17-7 shows a sample run of Example 17-6.

Example 17-7. Sample run of from Example 17-6
$ python3
[15:56:50] Script starting.  1
[15:56:50] loiter(0): doing nothing for 0s...  2
[15:56:50] loiter(0): done.
[15:56:50]      loiter(1): doing nothing for 1s...  3
[15:56:50]              loiter(2): doing nothing for 2s...
[15:56:50] results: <generator object result_iterator at 0x106517168>  4
[15:56:50]                      loiter(3): doing nothing for 3s...  5
[15:56:50] Waiting for individual results:
[15:56:50] result 0: 0  6
[15:56:51]      loiter(1): done. 7
[15:56:51]                              loiter(4): doing nothing for 4s...
[15:56:51] result 1: 10  8
[15:56:52]              loiter(2): done.  9
[15:56:52] result 2: 20
[15:56:53]                      loiter(3): done.
[15:56:53] result 3: 30
[15:56:55]                              loiter(4): done.  10
[15:56:55] result 4: 40

This run started at 15:56:50.


The first thread executes loiter(0), so it will sleep for 0s and return even before the second thread has a chance to start, but YMMV.5


loiter(1) and loiter(2) start immediately (because the thread pool has three workers, it can run three functions concurrently).


This shows that the results returned by is a generator; nothing so far would block, regardless of the number of tasks and the max_workers setting.


Because loiter(0) is done, the first worker is now available to start the fourth thread for loiter(3).


This is where execution may block, depending on the parameters given to the loiter calls: the __next__ method of the results generator must wait until the first future is complete. In this case, it won’t block because the call to loiter(0) finished before this loop started. Note that everything up to this point happened within the same second: 15:56:50.


loiter(1) is done one second later, at 15:56:51. The thread is freed to start loiter(4).


The result of loiter(1) is shown: 10. Now the for loop will block waiting for the result of loiter(2).


The pattern repeats: loiter(2) is done, its result is shown; same with loiter(3).


There is a 2s delay until loiter(4) is done, because it started at 15:56:51 and did nothing for 4s.

The function is easy to use but it has a feature that may or may not be helpful, depending on your needs: it returns the results exactly in the same order as the calls are started: if the first call takes 10s to produce a result, and the others take 1s each, your code will block for 10s as it tries to retrieve the first result of the generator returned by map. After that, you’ll get the remaining results without blocking because they will be done. That’s OK when you must have all the results before proceeding, but often it’s preferable to get the results as they are ready, regardless of the order they were submitted. To do that, you need a combination of the Executor.submit method and the futures.as_completed function, as we saw in Example 17-4. We’ll come back to this technique in “Using futures.as_completed”.


The combination of executor.submit and futures.as_completed is more flexible than because you can submit different callables and arguments, while is designed to run the same callable on the different arguments. In addition, the set of futures you pass to futures.as_completed may come from more than one executor—perhaps some were created by a ThreadPoolExecutor instance while others are from a ProcessPoolExecutor.

In the next section, we will resume the flag download examples with new requirements that will force us to iterate over the results of futures.as_completed instead of using

Downloads with Progress Display and Error Handling

As mentioned, the scripts in “Example: Web Downloads in Three Styles” have no error handling to make them easier to read and to contrast the structure of the three approaches: sequential, threaded, and asynchronous.

In order to test the handling of a variety of error conditions, I created the flags2 examples:

This module contains common functions and settings used by all flags2 examples, including a main function, which takes care of command-line parsing, timing, and reporting results. This is really support code, not directly relevant to the subject of this chapter, so the source code is in Appendix A, Example A-10.

A sequential HTTP client with proper error handling and progress bar display. Its download_one function is also used by

Concurrent HTTP client based on futures.ThreadPoolExecutor to demonstrate error handling and integration of the progress bar.

Same functionality as previous example but implemented with asyncio and aiohttp. This will be covered in “Enhancing the asyncio downloader Script”, in Chapter 18.

Be Careful When Testing Concurrent Clients

When testing concurrent HTTP clients on public HTTP servers, you may generate many requests per second, and that’s how denial-of-service (DoS) attacks are made. We don’t want to attack anyone, just learn how to build high-performance clients. Carefully throttle your clients when hitting public servers. For high-concurrency experiments, set up a local HTTP server for testing. Instructions for doing it are in the README.rst file in the 17-futures/countries/ directory of the Fluent Python code repository.

The most visible feature of the flags2 examples is that they have an animated, text-mode progress bar implemented with the TQDM package. I posted a 108s video on YouTube to show the progress bar and contrast the speed of the three flags2 scripts. In the video, I start with the sequential download, but I interrupt it after 32s because it was going to take more than 5 minutes to hit on 676 URLs and get 194 flags; I then run the threaded and asyncio scripts three times each, and every time they complete the job in 6s or less (i.e., more than 60 times faster). Figure 17-1 shows two screenshots: during and after running running with progress bar
Figure 17-1. Top-left: running with live progress bar generated by tqdm; bottom-right: same terminal window after the script is finished.

TQDM is very easy to use, the simplest example appears in an animated .gif in the project’s If you type the following code in the Python console after installing the tqdm package, you’ll see an animated progress bar were the comment is:

>>> import time
>>> from tqdm import tqdm
>>> for i in tqdm(range(1000)):
...     time.sleep(.01)
>>> # -> progress bar will appear here <-

Besides the neat effect, the tqdm function is also interesting conceptually: it consumes any iterable and produces an iterator which, while it’s consumed, displays the progress bar and estimates the remaining time to complete all iterations. To compute that estimate, tqdm needs to get an iterable that has a len, or receive as a second argument the expected number of items. Integrating TQDM with our flags2 examples provide an opportunity to look deeper into how the concurrent scripts actually work, by forcing us to use the futures.as_completed and the asyncio.as_completed functions so that tqdm can display progress as each future is completed.

The other feature of the flags2 example is a command-line interface. All three scripts accept the same options, and you can see them by running any of the scripts with the -h option. Example 17-8 shows the help text.

Example 17-8. Help screen for the scripts in the flags2 series
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [-a] [-e] [-l N] [-m CONCURRENT] [-s LABEL]
                            [CC [CC ...]]

Download flags for country codes. Default: top 20 countries by population.

positional arguments:
  CC                    country code or 1st letter (eg. B for BA...BZ)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             get all available flags (AD to ZW)
  -e, --every           get flags for every possible code (AA...ZZ)
  -l N, --limit N       limit to N first codes
                        maximum concurrent requests (default=30)
  -s LABEL, --server LABEL
                        Server to hit; one of DELAY, ERROR, LOCAL, REMOTE
  -v, --verbose         output detailed progress info

All arguments are optional. The most important arguments are discussed next.

One option you can’t ignore is -s/--server: it lets you choose which HTTP server and base URL will be used in the test. You can pass one of four strings to determine where the script will look for the flags (the strings are case insensitive):


Use http://localhost:8001/flags; this is the default. You should configure a local HTTP server to answer at port 8001. I used Nginx for my tests. The README.rst file for this chapter’s example code explains how to install and configure it.


Use; that is a public website owned by me, hosted on a shared server. Please do not pound it with too many concurrent requests. The domain is handled by a free account on the Cloudflare CDN so you may notice that the first downloads are slower, but they get faster when the CDN cache warms up.6


Use http://localhost:8002/flags; a proxy delaying HTTP responses should be listening at port 8002. I used a Mozilla Vaurien in front of my local Nginx to introduce delays. The previously mentioned README.rst file has instructions for running a Vaurien proxy.


Use http://localhost:8003/flags; a proxy introducing HTTP errors and delaying responses should be installed at port 8003. I used a different Vaurien configuration for this.


The LOCAL option only works if you configure and start a local HTTP server on port 8001. The DELAY and ERROR options require proxies listening on ports 8002 and 8003. Configuring Nginx and Mozilla Vaurien to enable these options is explained in the 17-futures/countries/README.rst file in the Fluent Python code repository on GitHub.

By default, each flags2 script will fetch the flags of the 20 most populous countries from the LOCAL server (http://localhost:8001/flags) using a default number of concurrent connections, which varies from script to script. Example 17-9 shows a sample run of the script using all defaults.

Example 17-9. Running with all defaults: LOCAL site, top-20 flags, 1 concurrent connection
$ python3
LOCAL site: http://localhost:8001/flags
Searching for 20 flags: from BD to VN
1 concurrent connection will be used.
20 flags downloaded.
Elapsed time: 0.10s

You can select which flags will be downloaded in several ways. Example 17-10 shows how to download all flags with country codes starting with the letters A, B, or C.

Example 17-10. Run to fetch all flags with country codes prefixes A, B, or C from DELAY server
$ python3 -s DELAY a b c
DELAY site: http://localhost:8002/flags
Searching for 78 flags: from AA to CZ
30 concurrent connections will be used.
43 flags downloaded.
35 not found.
Elapsed time: 1.72s

Regardless of how the country codes are selected, the number of flags to fetch can be limited with the -l/--limit option. Example 17-11 demonstrates how to run exactly 100 requests, combining the -a option to get all flags with -l 100.

Example 17-11. Run to get 100 flags (-al 100) from the ERROR server, using 100 concurrent requests (-m 100)
$ python3 -s ERROR -al 100 -m 100
ERROR site: http://localhost:8003/flags
Searching for 100 flags: from AD to LK
100 concurrent connections will be used.
73 flags downloaded.
27 errors.
Elapsed time: 0.64s

That’s the user interface of the flags2 examples. Let’s see how they are implemented.

Error Handling in the flags2 Examples

The common strategy adopted in all three examples to deal with HTTP errors is that 404 errors (Not Found) are handled by the function in charge of downloading a single file (download_one). Any other exception propagates to be handled by the download_many function.

Again, we’ll start by studying the sequential code, which is easier to follow—and mostly reused by the thread pool script. Example 17-12 shows the functions that perform the actual downloads in the and scripts.

Example 17-12. basic functions in charge of downloading; both are reused in
def get_flag(base_url, cc):
    url = '{}/{cc}/{cc}.gif'.format(base_url, cc=cc.lower())
    resp = requests.get(url)
    if resp.status_code != 200:  1
    return resp.content

def download_one(cc, base_url, verbose=False):
        image = get_flag(base_url, cc)
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc:  2
        res = exc.response
        if res.status_code == 404:
            status = HTTPStatus.not_found  3
            msg = 'not found'
        else:  4
        save_flag(image, cc.lower() + '.gif')
        status = HTTPStatus.ok
        msg = 'OK'

    if verbose:  5
        print(cc, msg)

    return Result(status, cc)  6

get_flag does no error handling, it uses requests.Response.raise_for_status to raise an exception for any HTTP code other than 200.


download_one catches requests.exceptions.HTTPError to handle HTTP code 404 specifically…


…by setting its local status to HTTPStatus.not_found; HTTPStatus is an Enum imported from flags2_common (Example A-10).


Any other HTTPError exception is re-raised; other exceptions will just propagate to the caller.


If the -v/--verbose command-line option is set, the country code and status message will be displayed; this how you’ll see progress in the verbose mode.


The Result namedtuple returned by download_one will have a status field with a value of HTTPStatus.not_found or HTTPStatus.ok.

Example 17-13 lists the sequential version of the download_many function. This code is straightforward, but its worth studying to contrast with the concurrent versions coming up. Focus on how it reports progress, handles errors, and tallies downloads.

Example 17-13. the sequential implementation of download_many
def download_many(cc_list, base_url, verbose, max_req):
    counter = collections.Counter()  1
    cc_iter = sorted(cc_list)  2
    if not verbose:
        cc_iter = tqdm.tqdm(cc_iter)  3
    for cc in cc_iter:  4
            res = download_one(cc, base_url, verbose)  5
        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc:  6
            error_msg = 'HTTP error {res.status_code} - {res.reason}'
            error_msg = error_msg.format(res=exc.response)
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as exc:  7
            error_msg = 'Connection error'
        else:  8
            error_msg = ''
            status = res.status

        if error_msg:
            status = HTTPStatus.error  9
        counter[status] += 1  10
        if verbose and error_msg: 11
            print('*** Error for {}: {}'.format(cc, error_msg))

    return counter  12

This Counter will tally the different download outcomes: HTTPStatus.ok, HTTPStatus.not_found, or HTTPStatus.error.


cc_iter holds the list of the country codes received as arguments, ordered alphabetically.


If not running in verbose mode, cc_iter is passed to the tqdm function, which will return an iterator that yields the items in cc_iter while also displaying the animated progress bar.


This for loop iterates over cc_iter and…


…performs the download by successive calls to download_one.


HTTP-related exceptions raised by get_flag and not handled by download_one are handled here.


Other network-related exceptions are handled here. Any other exception will abort the script, because the flags2_common.main function that calls download_many has no try/except.


If no exception escaped download_one, then the status is retrieved from the HTTPStatus namedtuple returned by download_one.


If there was an error, set the local status accordingly.


Increment the counter by using the value of the HTTPStatus Enum as key.


If running in verbose mode, display the error message for the current country code, if any.


Return the counter so that the main function can display the numbers in its final report.

We’ll now study the refactored thread pool example,

Using futures.as_completed

In order to integrate the TQDM progress bar and handle errors on each request, the script uses futures.ThreadPoolExecutor with the futures.as_completed function we’ve already seen. Example 17-14 is the full listing of Only the download_many function is implemented; the other functions are reused from the flags2_common and flags2_sequential modules.

Example 17-14. full listing
import collections
from concurrent import futures

import requests
import tqdm  1

from flags2_common import main, HTTPStatus  2
from flags2_sequential import download_one  3

MAX_CONCUR_REQ = 1000  5

def download_many(cc_list, base_url, verbose, concur_req):
    counter = collections.Counter()
    with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=concur_req) as executor:  6
        to_do_map = {}  7
        for cc in sorted(cc_list):  8
            future = executor.submit(download_one,
                            cc, base_url, verbose)  9
            to_do_map[future] = cc  10
        done_iter = futures.as_completed(to_do_map)  11
        if not verbose:
            done_iter = tqdm.tqdm(done_iter, total=len(cc_list))  12
        for future in done_iter:  13
                res = future.result()  14
            except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc:  15
                error_msg = 'HTTP {res.status_code} - {res.reason}'
                error_msg = error_msg.format(res=exc.response)
            except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as exc:
                error_msg = 'Connection error'
                error_msg = ''
                status = res.status

            if error_msg:
                status = HTTPStatus.error
            counter[status] += 1
            if verbose and error_msg:
                cc = to_do_map[future]  16
                print('*** Error for {}: {}'.format(cc, error_msg))

    return counter

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main(download_many, DEFAULT_CONCUR_REQ, MAX_CONCUR_REQ)

Import the progress-bar display library.


Import one function and one Enum from the flags2_common module.


Reuse the download_one from flags2_sequential (Example 17-12).


If the -m/--max_req command-line option is not given, this will be the maximum number of concurrent requests, implemented as the size of the thread pool; the actual number may be smaller, if the number of flags to download is smaller.


MAX_CONCUR_REQ caps the maximum number of concurrent requests regardless of the number of flags to download or the -m/--max_req command-line option; it’s a safety precaution.


Create the executor with max_workers set to concur_req, computed by the main function as the smaller of: MAX_CONCUR_REQ, the length of cc_list, and the value of the -m/--max_req command-line option. This avoids creating more threads than necessary.


This dict will map each Future instance—representing one download—with the respective country code for error reporting.


Iterate over the list of country codes in alphabetical order. The order of the results will depend on the timing of the HTTP responses more than anything, but if the size of the thread pool (given by concur_req) is much smaller than len(cc_list), you may notice the downloads batched alphabetically.


Each call to executor.submit schedules the execution of one callable and returns a Future instance. The first argument is the callable, the rest are the arguments it will receive.


Store the future and the country code in the dict.


futures.as_completed returns an iterator that yields futures as they are done.


If not in verbose mode, wrap the result of as_completed with the tqdm function to display the progress bar; because done_iter has no len, we must tell tqdm what is the expected number of items as the total= argument, so tqdm can estimate the work remaining.


Iterate over the futures as they are completed.


Calling the result method on a future either returns the value returned by the callable, or raises whatever exception was caught when the callable was executed. This method may block waiting for a resolution, but not in this example because as_completed only returns futures that are done.


Handle the potential exceptions; the rest of this function is identical to the sequential version of download_many (Example 17-13), except for the next callout.


To provide context for the error message, retrieve the country code from the to_do_map using the current future as key. This was not necessary in the sequential version because we were iterating over the list of country codes, so we had the current cc; here we are iterating over the futures.

Example 17-14 uses an idiom that’s very useful with futures.as_completed: building a dict to map each future to other data that may be useful when the future is completed. Here the to_do_map maps each future to the country code assigned to it. This makes it easy to do follow-up processing with the result of the futures, despite the fact that they are produced out of order.

Python threads are well suited for I/O-intensive applications, and the concurrent.futures package makes them trivially simple to use for certain use cases. This concludes our basic introduction to concurrent.futures. Let’s now discuss alternatives for when ThreadPoolExecutor or ProcessPoolExecutor are not suitable.

Threading and Multiprocessing Alternatives

Python has supported threads since its release 0.9.8 (1993); concurrent.futures is just the latest way of using them. In Python 3, the original thread module was deprecated in favor of the higher-level threading module.7 If futures.ThreadPoolExecutor is not flexible enough for a certain job, you may need to build your own solution out of basic threading components such as Thread, Lock, Semaphore, etc.—possibly using the thread-safe queues of the queue module for passing data between threads. Those moving parts are encapsulated by futures.ThreadPoolExecutor.

For CPU-bound work, you need to sidestep the GIL by launching multiple processes. The futures.ProcessPoolExecutor is the easiest way to do it. But again, if your use case is complex, you’ll need more advanced tools. The multiprocessing package emulates the threading API but delegates jobs to multiple processes. For simple programs, multiprocessing can replace threading with few changes. But multiprocessing also offers facilities to solve the biggest challenge faced by collaborating processes: how to pass around data.

Chapter Summary

We started the chapter by comparing two concurrent HTTP clients with a sequential one, demonstrating significant performance gains over the sequential script.

After studying the first example based on concurrent.futures, we took a closer look at future objects, either instances of concurrent.futures.Future, or asyncio.Future, emphasizing what these classes have in common (their differences will be emphasized in Chapter 18). We saw how to create futures by calling Executor.submit(…), and iterate over completed futures with concurrent.futures.as_completed(…).

Next, we saw why Python threads are well suited for I/O-bound applications, despite the GIL: every standard library I/O function written in C releases the GIL, so while a given thread is waiting for I/O, the Python scheduler can switch to another thread. We then discussed the use of multiple processes with the concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor class, to go around the GIL and use multiple CPU cores to run cryptographic algorithms, achieving speedups of more than 100% when using four workers.

In the following section, we took a close look at how the concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor works, with a didactic example launching tasks that did nothing for a few seconds, except displaying their status with a timestamp.

Next we went back to the flag downloading examples. Enhancing them with a progress bar and proper error handling prompted further exploration of the future.as_completed generator function showing a common pattern: storing futures in a dict to link further information to them when submitting, so that we can use that information when the future comes out of the as_completed iterator.

We concluded the coverage of concurrency with threads and processes with a brief reminder of the lower-level, but more flexible threading and multiprocessing modules, which represent the traditional way of leveraging threads and processes in Python.

Further Reading

The concurrent.futures package was contributed by Brian Quinlan, who presented it in a great talk titled “The Future Is Soon!” at PyCon Australia 2010. Quinlan’s talk has no slides; he shows what the library does by typing code directly in the Python console. As a motivating example, the presentation features a short video with XKCD cartoonist/programmer Randall Munroe making an unintended DOS attack on Google Maps to build a colored map of driving times around his city. The formal introduction to the library is PEP 3148 - futures - execute computations asynchronously. In the PEP, Quinlan wrote that the concurrent.futures library was “heavily influenced by the Java java.util.concurrent package.”

Parallel Programming with Python (Packt), by Jan Palach, covers several tools for concurrent programming, including the concurrent.futures, threading, and multiprocessing modules. It goes beyond the standard library to discuss Celery, a task queue used to distribute work across threads and processes, even on different machines. In the Django community, Celery is probably the most widely used system to offload heavy tasks such as PDF generation to other processes, thus avoiding delays in producing an HTTP response.

In the Beazley and Jones Python Cookbook, 3E (O’Reilly) there are recipes using concurrent.futures starting with “Recipe 11.12. Understanding Event-Driven I/O.” “Recipe 12.7. Creating a Thread Pool” shows a simple TCP echo server, and “Recipe 12.8. Performing Simple Parallel Programming” offers a very practical example: analyzing a whole directory of gzip compressed Apache logfiles with the help of a ProcessPoolExecutor. For more about threads, the entire Chapter 12 of Beazley and Jones is great, with special mention to “Recipe 12.10. Defining an Actor Task,” which demonstrates the Actor model: a proven way of coordinating threads through message passing.

Brett Slatkin’s Effective Python (Addison-Wesley) has a multitopic chapter about concurrency, including coverage of coroutines, concurrent.futures with threads and processes, and the use of locks and queues for thread programming without the ThreadPoolExecutor.

High Performance Python (O’Reilly) by Micha Gorelick and Ian Ozsvald and The Python Standard Library by Example (Addison-Wesley), by Doug Hellmann, also cover threads and processes.

For a modern take on concurrency without threads or callbacks, Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks, by Paul Butcher (Pragmatic Bookshelf) is an excellent read. I love its subtitle: “When Threads Unravel.” In that book, threads and locks are covered in Chapter 1, and the remaining six chapters are devoted to modern alternatives to concurrent programming, as supported by different languages. Python, Ruby, and JavaScript are not among them.

If you are intrigued about the GIL, start with the Python Library and Extension FAQ (“Can’t we get rid of the Global Interpreter Lock?”). Also worth reading are posts by Guido van Rossum and Jesse Noller (contributor of the multiprocessing package): “It isn’t Easy to Remove the GIL” and “Python Threads and the Global Interpreter Lock.” Finally, David Beazley has a detailed exploration on the inner workings of the GIL: “Understanding the Python GIL.”8 In slide #54 of the presentation, Beazley reports some alarming results, including a 20× increase in processing time for a particular benchmark with the new GIL algorithm introduced in Python 3.2. However, Beazley apparently used an empty while True: pass to simulate CPU-bound work, and that is not realistic. The issue is not significant with real workloads, according to a comment by Antoine Pitrou—who implemented the new GIL algorithm—in the bug report submitted by Beazley.

While the GIL is a real problem and is not likely to go away soon, Jesse Noller and Richard Oudkerk contributed a library to make it easier to work around it in CPU-bound applications: the multiprocessing package, which emulates the threading API across processes, along with supporting infrastructure of locks, queues, pipes, shared memory, etc. The package was introduced in PEP 371 — Addition of the multiprocessing package to the standard library. The official documentation for the package is a 93 KB .rst file—that’s about 63 pages—making it one of the longest chapters in the Python standard library. Multiprocessing is the basis for the concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor.

For CPU- and data-intensive parallel processing, a new option with a lot of momentum in the big data community is the Apache Spark distributed computing engine, offering a friendly Python API and support for Python objects as data, as shown in their examples page.

Two elegant and super easy libraries for parallelizing tasks over processes are lelo by João S. O. Bueno and python-parallelize by Nat Pryce. The lelo package defines a @parallel decorator that you can apply to any function to magically make it unblocking: when you call the decorated function, its execution is started in another process. Nat Pryce’s python-parallelize package provides a parallelize generator that you can use to distribute the execution of a for loop over multiple CPUs. Both packages use the multiprocessing module under the covers.

1 From Michele Simionato’s post Threads, processes and concurrency in Python: some thoughts, subtitled “Removing the hype around the multicore (non) revolution and some (hopefully) sensible comment about threads and other forms of concurrency.”

2 The images are originally from the CIA World Factbook, a public-domain, U.S. government publication. I copied them to my site to avoid the risk of launching a DOS attack on

3 This is a limitation of the CPython interpreter, not of the Python language itself. Jython and IronPython are not limited in this way; but Pypy, the fastest Python interpreter available, also has a GIL.

4 Slide 106 of “Generators: The Final Frontier”.

5 Your mileage may vary: with threads, you never know the exact sequencing of events that should happen practically at the same time; it’s possible that, in another machine, you see loiter(1) starting before loiter(0) finishes, particularly because sleep always releases the GIL so Python may switch to another thread even if you sleep for 0s.

6 Before configuring Cloudflare, I got HTTP 503 errors—Service Temporarily Unavailable—when testing the scripts with a few dozen concurrent requests on my inexpensive shared host account. Now those errors are gone.

7 The threading module has been available since Python 1.5.1 (1998), yet some insist on using the old thread module. In Python 3, it was renamed to _thread to highlight the fact that it’s just a low-level implementation detail, and shouldn’t be used in application code.

8 Thanks to Lucas Brunialti for sending me a link to this talk.

9 Slide #9 from “A Curious Course on Coroutines and Concurrency,” tutorial presented at PyCon 2009.

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