Follow Me! Creating a Personal Brand with Twitter

by Sarah-Jayne Gratton


For Dean, the love of my life. Together we’ve danced around trees, wished on the stars, and achieved immortality through our work together. Waking up beside you every morning is my greatest gift and my greatest honor.

For Charlotte. On the day you were born I was born again, too. You are by far my greatest achievement, and there’s not a day that goes by when you don’t make me proud. I love you so very much, my Charlie-girl.

To Irene, my honorary little sis. For your endless love, for your untiring support, and for being the blessing that you are and will continue to be every day of my life.


It takes a special team of people to turn a good idea into a great book, and I’m fortunate in having the support of such a special team, beginning with Aaron Black, who first presented the idea to me for a new Twitter book and gave me the honor of writing it.

I was then introduced to the incredibly talented Galen Gruman and Carol Person, who worked with my individual style to give the book its unique personality.

My special team extends out to Twitter itself and to those people who have shared their personal branding success stories and who continue to inspire me every day.

I’d like to also give my thanks to the developers of all the amazing Twitter tools I cover in Part Four of the book. Your dedication and talent have helped to make the Twitterverse an ever-evolving platform for personal branding success.

I’d like to extend special thanks to my wonderful husband, Dean Anthony Gratton, who provided several of the unique illustrations for the book.

And finally to you — the readers, followers, and fans — who have supported me throughout my social media journey. This book is for you.

About the Author


Sarah-Jayne Gratton is a celebrity author, television presenter, and former theater performer.

Sarah-Jayne is an influential social media persona (as @grattongirl), speaker, and writer, regularly featured in Social Media Today and other publications, including In-Spires Lifestyle Magazine and

Sarah-Jayne is the winner of a 2012 Shorty Award for the Best Twitter in Social Media and is one of Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women (#BA75). She is also listed as one of the top marketing book authors on Twitter in Social Media Marketing Magazine. Sarah-Jayne is the coproducer and host of online TV talent show TwittersGotTalent.TV, where contestants submit videos to the show and the Twitter community vote for their favorite act. TwittersGotTalent.TV was featured on the BBC’s Click TV program.

Sarah-Jayne is listed in the Top 50 of The Sunday Times Social List.

She has a Bachelor of Arts in educational psychology and later received a doctorate in psychology.

You can contact Sarah-Jayne at [email protected] and follow her on Twitter (@grattongirl) to enjoy her personal branding and social-media-related tweets. You can also read more about her work at

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