10. Where Would You Like to Go?

Principle: When you can see your destination, it’s a lot easier to get there.

One day I was outside with my 7-year-old daughter. I turned to her with a challenge. “Let’s race,” I said in my competitive daddy voice. She then looked back at me and asked the most important question that you forget to ask when it comes to your finances. “Where are we racing to?”

Do you start things without knowing what the end looks like or where it is? How can you know if you’ve arrived at your destination if you haven’t designated one? Do you believe that whatever sense of fulfillment you are missing will be achieved by arriving at some place in the future? Or that the power to create it exists outside of what’s already available to you? You go on missing life in the present, so the future becomes your hope for a better life. Tomorrow never comes because all you have is the present moment. You are always in the present moment. You just go on missing out because your attention is always focused on a future destination.

Set Your Goals

I believe the essence of life is to have a dream or a goal. Actively pursuing something of importance is the very thing that will make you feel alive, young, stimulated, and happy.

Creating a plan of action with clear, specific goals is the key to achieve what you want. You must know exactly what you desire to achieve. Write down every detail with as much description as you can. The process of writing the goals down and putting everything into words gives you clarity to keep a vivid image of it in your mind. Then when you read through that description later, you’ll remember exactly where you were headed and remain motivated.

The key to not get overwhelmed is to break down huge goals into smaller steps. You might have heard the saying that you can’t eat the whole elephant in one bite, but if you take smaller portions over time, you will eventually devour it. This applies to your goals as well. Maybe you’ve set up a major goal you’re working toward, but now it’s time to break it down a bit. First start by creating a few big milestones along the way, and then break those down even further until you have a bunch of little steps to walk along.

Ask yourself the following:

Image What are the steps you could take to help you move toward your goals?

Image In what sequence do those steps need to be? What are the actions that need to be done every day to keep you on the right track toward the goal?

When you figure out the answers to these questions, it will be easier to create an action plan. For example, if you want to pay off your credit card debt, you need to first figure out how much you owe and then create a solid set of actions that can help you gather the money to pay off that debt.

You must also make a list of your personal strengths in relation to your goal. For instance, if you have an earning goal, you might want to consider strengths like your level of commitment to working your plan and doing the tasks to make that a reality. It might be that you enjoy cooking and you are an excellent cook. The list of personal strengths you can draw up is endless.

You must define and describe your goal. Write down when you want to achieve it. Write down the reasons why you want it. Write down what it would feel like after you have achieved it and write down your accomplished goals. Figure out exactly what it will take to get it. Be realistic about the time things will take. Many people don’t allow themselves enough time and give up too soon.

Here’s a goal-setting method to help you set the goals that can help you reach the level of success you envision:

Workable: Can you realistically handle your plan? Can it produce the desired effect or result? Don’t create a plan that can easily be broken. If you have been experiencing a shortage in what you need to cover your survival for some time, don’t expect changes to happen overnight. Take your time and understand this will be a lifestyle change for you. Remember your mind is a powerful tool. If you set standards too high at first and you stumble, it will be harder for you to get back up and start again. A goal that can actually be accomplished is realistic.

Empowering: Can you remain strong to accomplish your plan to prioritize your spending? Will your plan improve your current situation and help you take control of your life? Things happen, but this is why willpower and discipline are crucial for a successful execution of your plan. Having words of affirmation and declaration posted on your bathroom mirror or on your desk while you work can help remind you of your plan to overcome your desire to overspend and succeed. A goal that gives you strength can enable you to move closer to achieving desired results.

Asset-producing: Does your plan allow you to do other things with your money? How will it increase your current asset position? If you curb your spending and prioritize your spending to take care of survival needs first, you might have enough left over to save for investments or other financial growth opportunities. Let your money finally work for you, instead of the opposite. A goal that provides an advantage or benefit to your life can be leveraged.

Leverage-able: Can you measure the success of your plan? Will your plan take you from where you are to where you want to be? Stay on track and see if your plan is making a difference in your spending and personal bottom line. If you find that you have been curbing unnecessary spending and you still remain short to cover survival needs, it might be time to evaluate your plan to see what needs to be tweaked. Maybe some of your survival needs can be downsized with better rates from other companies that offer services you need with a lower price point. A goal that can be measured will determine if it yields the appropriate results you desire based on the output of your efforts.

Time-sensitive: Are you giving yourself proper time to achieve success? How long will it take you to have the results you desire? Don’t stress yourself out if things don’t work out for you like you planned in the beginning. Don’t allow yourself to get lazy in your execution either. You know yourself better than anyone, and you know how you are wired financially. With this in mind, allocate enough time to achieve your desired results and watch your progression. Time is a valuable commodity. Don’t abuse it. Use it. If you can, push yourself as far as you can go and do what it takes to get your personal financial life zone in order. A goal that allocates enough time to be achieved will determine the value of success.

Harvestable: Can you change the trajectory of your current financial situation? Will your plan take you from where you are to where you desire to be?

Now visualize. Close your eyes and imagine yourself accomplishing your goals. Where are you? How did you get there? How do you feel? Do this often. Don’t get swayed by the noise and happenings going on outside. Put your attention on what you are working to achieve. Remember your goal, and you will have control over the discomforts and difficulties.


Image Brainstorm ideas. Are there different ways to reach your goal? Write everything down that you can think of in 3 minutes, no matter how silly or impossible it might seem.

Image Revisit, evaluate, and if necessary, adjust your goals. Keep a written record of your goals in a place where you’ll remember to read them every day.


A vision statement is a compass that guides you to a destination you have set for yourself in life. It ensures that you stay focused on your plan to achieve your goals and keeps you on track so that you do not deviate from the course you have set. It is a guiding light and a beacon to lead you through storms and rocky terrain toward your destination.

Without a personal vision statement, most people tend to become aimless drifters in life. They have no definite goals for the future and no long-term direction.

Without direction, you will be caught up with short-term outcomes like paying the bills, watching your favorite TV shows, going shopping, going through the daily motions, and generally just trying to survive the rat race. You will be caught up in a stressed and monotonous existence instead of designing your destiny and truly living.

What does a vision do for you?

Your personal vision statement will usually be derived from your personal value system and beliefs. Values are traits or qualities that are considered worthwhile; they represent your highest priorities and deeply held driving forces. You usually stay true to your values and, therefore, it is important to develop your personal vision statement from the perspective of your values:

Image A personal vision statement makes it easier to develop the objectives, milestones, and strategies that will help you achieve your vision.

Image A personal vision statement acts as a yardstick against which you can measure your current situation and your progress.

Image A personal vision statement also allows you to evaluate your values. If, for example, one of your values is integrity, you will know when you are compromising the fulfillment of your vision if you are acting without integrity.

A few examples of values are honesty, ambition, competency, individuality, integrity, responsibility, respect, dedication, loyalty, credibility, efficiency, dignity, empathy, accomplishment, courage, wisdom, independence, influence, friendliness, order, generosity, optimism, dependability, and flexibility.

Keep in mind that your personal vision statement is a look into the future. It defines what and who you want to become at a set time in the future. It should not be vague, or else you cannot develop a strategy to achieve it.

Now write your personal vision statement. Use the preceding information to craft your personal vision statement. Write in the first person and make statements about the future you want to achieve. Be specific, set goals you want to achieve, set a time frame, and articulate the statements in such a way that they can be evaluated and measured.

Your Vision Statement:







Thought Question

What helps you see your vision so clearly that it appears to be right before you?

Mind Changer

Remember, you are in control of your own life and have the power to make changes. It doesn’t matter where you are as long as you are willing to make a change and ready to do something about it.

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