
They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, so I want to thank not only the people that watched, helped, and guided me as I took the steps to make this journey a success, but those that also carried me when I felt like I couldn’t walk any more. No one walks alone on the journey of life, and nothing great that has ever been accomplished was done without the support of a great team. Where do you start to thank those that served as my crutches, confidants, council and companions? I guess at the beginning....

Thanks to all who listened to me share the W.E.A.L.T.H. Concept with them and shared their feedback. Thanks for the therapeutic conversations that took place across the country as we began the “W.E.A.L.T.H. Movement” that was created to get people to change their minds and ultimately their lives by increasing streams of income and managing their resources. Thanks to Steven “Bo” Beaudoin who ensured I had a positive mindset and has served as my wise council. Tenisha Taylor Bell, what can I say, Sis, but thanks for seeing something in me and being willing to take a chance on me by putting me in front of millions on a weekly basis. You are definitely a game changer. This book and its pages will be seen as “thanks” to the tens of thousands of you who have helped make my life what is today. Much of what I have learned over the years came as the result of sharing, hearing, reading, being transparent, and helping you to go from where you are to where you want to be. A huge source of inspiration originates from being a father to my three wonderful little ladies who I call my princesses, Taylor, Cayden, and Mackenzie, all of whom, in their own ways, inspired me and, subconsciously contributed to the mindset that pushes me daily to be the best me possible and never say “I can’t.” A piece of each of them will be found here weaving in and out of the pages—thanks ladies! Thank you to my mother Gwendolyn who taught me humility, how to care for others, and to share my values, thoughts, and expressions with those who are in need by showing me how to understand their needs. You are the best mother in the entire world! I also have to thank Reverend Charles G. Adams who showed me what a true orator is and can be. Thanks to Dennis Kimbro, a wonderful man who changed my thought process completely and showed me what was possible. I continue to think and grow rich, and I owe much of that to you.

Thanks to all who helped to show me how to maneuver the streets of Detroit and how to be a man when my father was gone. It is through the teachings, encouragement, and support of so many that I have gained and grown. Through this book and my travels I will continue to spread a message of fundaMENTAL techniques that help people live the lives they envision and leave their comfort zone to reach their destination of freedom. I will continue to share the method to change minds and watch lives follow.

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