About the Author

Clyde Anderson is the author of the bestselling book What Had Happened Was... and a seasoned Finance Expert, lending his advice and valuable expertise to radio and television for more than 6 years and appearing on CNN more than 400 times. With more than 12 years invested in the personal finance sector, Clyde has guided thousands of families from coast to coast to financial independence. He has also consulted with hundreds of national corporations and trained dozens of industry professionals on the principles of economic empowerment using his practical approach to encourage and inspire.

Selected as a CNN “New Guard,” which identifies and honors current and next generation newsmakers, Clyde is a nationally acclaimed speaker, commentator, consultant, coach, author, blogger, and trainer covering topics from the state of the housing market to blueprints for financial success. Clyde’s ability to relate to “Middle America” has established consumer loyalty, respect from industry heavy weights, and a stream of noted accolades. Clyde has been featured in several national publications, television, and radio shows. Clyde’s experience has not only taught him how to persevere, but how to plan and appreciate the value of a dollar. He is the premier authority on personal finances because he has lived through challenges and achieved success by “practicing what he preaches.” He is an example of how to achieve financial empowerment and entrepreneurship through practical planning, innovation, and strong relationships.

Clyde currently lives in Atlanta with his wife and three daughters.

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