

Accidental Empires (Cringely)

Accounting, gender dimensions of professionalization efforts



Adair, Bill

Adams, Jane

ADAPSO (Association for Data Processing Service Organizations)

Advertising, computer-related

“Beautifully executed” game ad

Greek study of gender and computing through images

men vs. women portrayals in



for training school

Aerospace industry

Aftenposten (newspaper), treatment of gender in articles about computers

Allen, Fran

Alpha Micro PC

American Library Association (ALA)

Amstrad computers

Antonelli, Kathleen McNulty Mauchly. See McNulty, Kathleen

Apple Computer

Applications services. See Software and computer services

Applied Data Research

Aptitude testing, in computer industry

Argonaut Information Systems

Army, U.S.

Aspray, William

Association for Computing Machinery

Association for Data Processing Service Organizations (ADAPSO)

Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)


Automation in the Office (Hoos)

Avram, Henriette


Babbage, Charles

Backus, John. See also FORTRAN.

Bajcsy, Ruzena

Baker, Charles

Barlow, John Perry

Baron, Ava

Bartik, Jean. See Jennings, Betty Jean

Beautiful Code (2007 book)

Beaver, Donald B.

Beck, Glen

Berman, Fran

Bernstein, Alex

Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat (MIT Press)

Beyond the Typewriter (Strom)

Bilas, Frances

Bisquier, Arthur

Blue boxes

Blue collar work, punch-card work as

Blum, Lenore

Bond, Susan


Borg, Anita

Brand, Stewart

Brandon, Richard


Central Computing Bureau

civil service grade for Automatic Data Processing work

computing work in public sector jobs

decline as world power

equal pay issues

gender and computing work

high-tech labor shortages

machine operators in public sector

pre-electronic history of data processing

British Overseas Airways Corporation

Brown, Helen Gurley

Bryan, Alice

Burkintere, Horace


Butler, Judith


Cannon, William

Canon printers

Captain Crunch

Carlson, Walter M.

Carmelite nuns

Carnegie-Mellon University (CMU)

Carson, Helene

Cassell, Justine

Catz, Safra

Census Bureau, U.S.

1890 census, use of punch-card machines

Current Population Survey data

Certification programs

Chandler, Alfred

Chaplin, Charlie, likeness in computer ads

Charles Babbage Institute

Charlie Chaplin figure, in computer ads

Chess players

Cisco Systems

Civil War, U.S. government as place of clerical employment for women

Clapp, Judy

Clerical work. See also Data entry

becomes feminized

as library “housekeeping”

women as data entry clerks

women as newcomers to

for women in 19th century


Cockburn, Cynthia

“Coding” work. See also Programmers and programming

Colleges. See Education, computer-related

.com domain

Company Men (Clark)


Compensation. See Wages

Computer education. See Education, computer-related; Training, computer-related

Computer engineers, in job status hierarchy. See also Programmers and programming; STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) disciplines

Computer for All (Greek home computing journal)

Computer gaming

“Computer girls”

Computer History Museum

Computer operators

Computer phobia

Computer printers, gender in advertising

Computer science. See also Education, computer-related

comparison of with other STEM disciplines

comparison with data processing

development of public identity

emergence as discipline

external perceptions of geek culture as deterrent for women

future direction for making needed changes

growth and decline as field of undergraduate study

growth relative to other disciplines

organizational shift in consideration as separate “discipline”

proportion of women in

Computer Science Corporation

Computer screens, gender in advertising

Computer training. See Education, computer-related; Training, computer-related



comparison with punch-card machines

early history

gender dynamics of MetLife jobs

impact on women workers

negative impact for women workers

refining of data processing tasks

as ubiquitous

Computing Research Association

Computing work. See also Data processing; Programmers and programming

association with mathematics

barriers to women’s full acceptance

correlation with computer science education

countering stereotypical “male geek” image

culture of computing

currently male-dominated

growth in U.S. workforce without regard to gender

historical perspective on gendered identity

presence of women early on

proportion of women workers

Consumer Systems

Control Data Corporation

Conway, Lynn

Cosmopolitan (magazine), “Computer Girls” article

Council on Library Resources

Coyle, Karen

Cringely, Robert X. (pen name)

Cullinane Corporation

Cultural change, local

Current Population Survey, U.S. Census Bureau

Cusumano, Michael


Data entry. See also Word processing

accuracy issue

after advent of electronic computers

becomes more taxing chore

follow-on occupation to punch-card workers

as women’s work

Data processing

addition of programming job

British government requirements

carryover from office administrative work

carryover from tabulating machine work

Census Bureau gender data

chance for men to elevate positions within corporate hierarchy

comparison with computer science

data entry task for electronic computers

gender history

jobs in increasing order of pay and prestige

mirroring of punched-card departments

name changes involving “information”

pre-electronic history in Britain

redefined in electronic computer age

salaries and employment patterns

trade literature reinforcement of gender divisions

view of academic computer specialists toward

Data Processing Management Association (DPMA)


Datamicro computers

Davies, Margery

Davis, Clark

Desk Set (movie)

Detlefsen, Ellen Gay

Dewey, Melvil

Diebold, John

Dijkstra, Edsger

Discourse theory, defined

Discursive logic

Doctoral degrees

proportion of computer science degrees awarded to women

proportion of Greek women doctoral students in computer science

proportion of women in all fields earning

Domain names, defining

Donkey Kong (game) bubble

Douglas, Nikki

Downey, Greg

DPMA (Data Processing Management Association)

Dragon’s Lair (game)

Draper, John

DTK computers



Eckert, John Presper

Eckert-Mauchly Computer Company


Education, computer-related. See also Training, computer-related

comparison of women by country

correlation of computer science graduates with computing workforce

first undergraduate department established

gendered job differences among graduates in Greece

growth and decline of computer science as field of undergraduate study

hybrid of technical vs. business knowledge

nonuniversity training paths for women

number of bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees awarded in U.S.

proportion of doctoral degrees awarded to women

proportion of undergraduate degrees awarded to women

proportion of women as faculty members

proportion of women earning BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees

proportion of women in undergraduate programs

universities as patterned on medieval monastic model

Edwards, Melvin

Electronic computers. See Computers

Electronic Data Systems (EDS)

Elliot, Cal

Engh-Kittlesen, Karsten

Engineering. See also STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) disciplines

gender-independent approaches to making changes to image

organizational relationship to computer science education

percentage of women earning doctoral degrees

ENIAC computer

hardware vs. software


status hierarchy of workers

women recruited for “set up”

Entrepreneurs, women as


Equal pay demands, first

Equal Rights Amendment

Eriqson Soft Education

Esquire (magazine)

Estrin, Judith

Evaluation bias, defined

Evgenides Institute Library


Fairchild, Mary Salome Cutler

Family wage

Faulkner, William

Feinler, Elizabeth “Jake”

Females. See Women

Feminist movement

Field, F. Bernice

Fiorina, Carly

Fisher, Allan

FORTRAN. See also Backus, John

Freedman, Janet

Friedan, Betty

Frieze, Carol

From Barbie to Mortal Kombat (MIT Press)


Gaming, computer

Gard, Toby

Gates, Bill

Gay men

Geeks, hackers, and nerds



in ads for computer training schools

approaches to changing images that are independent of stereotypes

approaches to changing stereotypical images

differences in treatment in Norwegian Aftenposten articles about computers

discursive model of analysis

in history of data processing

how relationship to computer technology developed in popular discourse

jobs for computer science graduates in Greece

keypunch operations as low-paid work

portrayals of men vs. women in computer advertising

as social construct


and U.K. computing jobs

where women differ from men in what they seek from computing work

Gender gap


international aspects

media-driven stereotypes

General Electric

Gentry, Grace

Gentry, Richard

Geodatic, Inc.

Giddens, Don

Gilbert, Heather

Gilder, George

Gillespie, Cathy

Girl gamers movement

Girl Scouts

Gladwell, Malcolm

Goldberg, Adele

Goldstine, Herman

Goldstine, Irwin

.gov domain

Graham, Fan Chung


gender differences in computing work

jobs for computer science graduates

study of gender and computing through images

women in lower-status and lower-paying computing work

Greenbaum, Joan

Greenberg, Herman

Grier, David

Groovy Net

Grosch, Herb

Grundy, Frances


Hackers, nerds, and geeks

Hafter, Ruth

Halbt, Lois

Hall of Fame, Women in Technology International

Hamilton, Judith

Hammer, Carl

Hard drives, gender in advertising

Hardy, Ann

Harris, Roma

Hawthorn, Paula

Hazle, Marlene

Hegenomic discourse

Hepburn, Katharine

Hewlett, Walter

Hewlett-Packard. See also Fiorina, Carly

Hildenbrand, Suzanne

Hill, Grace Marie. See Gentry, Grace

Hill, Lester E.

History. See Oral history interviews

Holberton, Frances (Betty) Snyder

Hollerith, Herman

Home computers. See Personal computers and Kitchen computer.


Hoos, Ida

Hopper, Grace Murray

Horowitz, Roger

Hotel Plan advertisement


IBM (International Business Machines)

IBM Fellows

IBM PCs. See also Personal computers

IBM Programmer Aptitude Test (PAT)

ICP Software Directory

ICs. See Independent contractors

ICT (information and communication technology)

IEEE Computer Pioneer Award

Images of gender and computing. See also Stereotypes

IMC-Prince IBM clone

Imlay, John

Implicit Association Test

Independent contractors




Informatics, Inc.

Information science


International Computer Products (ICP)


availability in Norway

defining of domain names

Intersection rhetoric

IT services businesses

IT workers, as professionals

ITAA (Information Technology Association of America)

Ivory Coast


Jenkins, Henry

Jennings, Betty Jean

Jobs, Steve

Johnson, Christine

Johnson, Luanne

Johnson, Nancy

Jolie, Angelina

Jones, Shirley


Kalok hard drives

Karamesini, Maria

Keller, Arnold E.

Keypunch operations. See also Punch-card machine operations

comparison with punch-card machine operation

keypunchers, defined

as low-paid work

as women’s work

workers not welcome in NMAA

Kircher, Mary

Kitchen computer

Kourouvakalis, Dimitrios

Kraft, Philip

Kyocera printers


Laclau-Mouffe discourse theory

Lambda Technologies

Lara Croft character

Lesbian women

Levy, Steven

Lexmark printers


cataloging becomes technical services

clerical work as “housekeeping”

dreams of library computerization

and feminist movement

gender-based personality tests for library hiring

as gendered profession

history of computing in libraries

“push-button” libraries

role of libraries in women’s engagement with computers

types of libraries

Library catalogs

Library of Congress

Library schools

Licensing requirements

Lichteman, Ruth

Light, Jennifer


Lisa computers

Liskov, Barbara

Local change


Lovegrove, Gillian

Lovelace, Ada

Lowenthal, Helen

Lucent Technologies


Maack, Mary Niles

Machine men, origin of term

Machine operators

as programmers

in U.K. public sector

vs. programmers

Macho culture

Macho vocabulary

Mahoney, Mike


women in lower-status and lower-paying computing work

women in university computer education

Males. See Men

Management Science America (MSA)

Mandel, Lois

MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging)

Margolis, Jane

Marian the Librarian

Marriage bar

Masculinity. See also Men

association with inherent programming ability

and computer culture

status anxiety problem

up-grading of “machine men”

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


organizational relationship to computer science education

proportion of women awarded bachelor’s degrees

proportion of women awarded doctoral degrees

relationship to computer programming

Mauchly, John

McIroy, Douglas

McNulty, Kathleen

Meade, Carver


and gender-based computing stereotypes

how relationship of gender to computer technology developed in popular discourse

Norwegian newspaper focus on computer stereotypes

Medieval monastic model

Meltzer, Marlyn Wescoff. See Wescoff, Marlyn


in ads for computer training schools

criminal and otherwise negative use of computers

dominance of popular image

image as nerds, hackers, geeks

jobs for computer science graduates in Greece

“machine men”

as nonusers of computers

“organization man”

overrepresentation in computing

portrayals in computer advertising

treatment in Norwegian Aftenposten articles about computers

two kinds of masculine identity

Mentoring. See also Role models

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company


Microtek printers

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

MITA printers

Moeller, Lou

Monastic model

Moore, James P.

Mosely, Tom

Moynihan, Patrick

Ms. PacMan (game)

Murphy, Evelyn

Murphy, Phyliss

The Music Man (movie)

Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company


National Academy of Engineering

National Association of Computer Consultant Businesses (NACCB)

National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT)

National Machine Accountants Association (NMAA)

National Organization for Women

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Navy, U.S.

Negroponte, Nicholas


Nelson, Donna J.

Nerds, hackers, and geeks

New York World’s Fair

NMAA. See National Machine Accountants Association (NMAA)

Noble, David

Noble, Sid

Nonhegemonic men and women

Norway, cultural perceptions of computers

Noyce, Robert


Occupational sex typing

Ohio College Library Center (OCLC)

OKI printers

Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)


Oral history interviews

.org domain

Organization man, origin of term

Out of Their Minds (1995 book)



Pair programming

Panasonic monitors

Parker, Ralph H.

(PAT) IBM Programmer Aptitude Test

Pay. See Wages

Péré, Wayne

Perry, Dallis

Personal computers

availability in Norway

impact on data processing

vs. minicomputers

Personality profiles

role in computer industry hiring

testing for library school admission and library hiring

Personnel Group of America (PGA)

Philips monitors

Phyliss Murphy & Associates

Physical sciences, percentage of women earning doctoral degrees. See also STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) disciplines

Pink-collar sweatshop

Pinnacle Systems

Pioneers. See ENIAC computer; Oral history interviews

Pleger, Gary

Point-of-sale retailing

Pong (game)

Priesthood, programming as

Printers, computer, gender in advertising

Professionalization, in computer fields

Programmers and programming

adoption of term

association of masculine personality characteristics with inherent programming ability

backgrounds of males involved early

as “black art”

Bureau of Labor Statistics adds job

compensation statistics

craft techniques needed to work with limits of primitive computer hardware

delegitimizing of women

disparities between individuals

ENIAC women as first

gender statistics

job appeal for women

in job status hierarchy

making masculine

management efforts to routinize work

programming as priesthood

question of professional status

relationship to mathematics

role of aptitude tests

role of personality profiles

traits for success

in U.K.

vs. “coders”

vs. machine operation

women as “computer girls” according to 1967 Cosmopolitan

women as independent contractors

women as programmers

Programmers at Work (1986 book)

Prudential Insurance

Punch-card machine operations. See also Keypunch operations

comparison of men’s work and women’s work

as gender-segregated

transition to electronic computers

use by Census Bureau in tabulating 1890 census

Purdue University


Radar Research Establishment, U.K.

Rand Corporation

Remington Rand

Revenge of the Nerds (movie)

Rizopoulos, Konstantinos

Roberts, Marvis

Rockmael, Valerie

Role models. See also Mentoring

Rometty, Ginni

Rosenbaum, Ron

Rosie the Riveter

Rossiter, Margaret

Rotella, Elyce

Royal Air Force, U.K.

Ryan, Libby

Ryan Aeronautical


Salaries. See Wages

Sammet, Jean

Saravakos, Dimitris

Sayce, Anne

Scanners, gender in advertising

Schiller, Anita

Schools. See Education, computer-related

Schuman, Pat

Seattle World’s Fair

Second Life (game)

Second wave feminism

Section 1706, 1986 U.S. tax bill

Service Bureau Corporation

Services. See Software and computer services industry

Sex typing, occupational


Shera, Jesse

Shirley, Steve

Shutt, Elsie

Sims (game)

Smiddy, Alma

Smith, Peggy

Social pleasures

Social Security Administration (SSA)

Software and computer services industry

Software developers. See also Programmers

comparison with bachelor degree graduates

in job status hierarchy

women as

Space Travel (game)

Spacewar (game)

Spence, Frances Bilas. See Bilas, Frances

Sperry-Rand. See UNIVAC

Spertus, Ellen

Spicer, Dag

Standard Register

Star printers

Status anxiety

STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) disciplines

comparison of computer science with other disciplines

fluctuations in growth of undergraduate degrees

growth in percentage of women

percentage of women as faculty members

proportion of undergraduate degrees awarded to women

proportion of women graduates

reasons for women’s difficulty in gaining acceptance

retention of women in computer science vs. other fields

Stephens, Mark

Stereotypes. See also Nerds, hackers, and geeks

approaches to changing images

co-existing positive and negative images

countering “male geek” image


increased public awareness

of librarians

Sternal, Toni

Stop instruction

Strom, Sharon Hartman

Strong Vocational Interest Bank (SVIB)

Summers, Larry

System Development Corporation (SDC)

Systems analysts

comparison with bachelor degree graduates

comparison with software developers


as independent contractors

in job status hierarchy

women as

Systems men, defined


Tabulating machines. See also Punch-card machine operations

Tally printers

Taulbee Survey

Taxan monitors

Technical services, library


Teitelbaum, Ruth Lichteman. See Lichteman, Ruth

Televideo Systems

Terre Haute Brewing Company

Testing. See Aptitude testing, in computer industry; Personality profiles

Tobasi Company

Tomb Raider (game)

Tracy, Spencer

Trade literature

Trade organizations. See also ADAPSO (Association for Data Processing Service Organizations); DPMA (Data Processing Management Association); National Association of Computer Consultant Businesses (NACCB)

Training, computer-related. See also Education, computer-related

certification programs

nonuniversity paths for women

school advertising portrayals

Traudt, Mary Lozier

Turing Award

Turkle, Sherry

Tuttle, Helen

Tymshare, Inc.


Unions, as disadvantageous to women


Universities. See Education, computer-related

University Computing Corporation

Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing (Margolis and Fisher)

U.S. Army

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

U.S. Census Bureau

1890 census, use of punch-card machines

Current Population Survey data

U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)

U.S. Navy


Von Neumann, John


Wacjman, Judy


earnings gap among computer specialists

equal pay issue in Britain

family wage

gendered effects for punch-card vs. computer staffs

initial “equal pay for equal work” demand

at MetLife, before and after computerization

reasons for low-pay in punch-card operations

women in lower-status and lower-paying computing work worldwide

Weinberg, Gerald

Weizenbaum, Joseph

Welke, Larry

Wescoff, Marlyn

Western Digital hard drives

Westra, Roz

Whitman, Meg

Whitney, Telle

Whyte, William H.

Wilbur, Sylvia

Wilensky, Harold

Wilson, Harold

Wingerd, Laura

Wired magazine

Wolfe, Tom


in ads for computer training schools

assumption that their poor job circumstance is “natural”

as computer pioneers

in computer-related occupations

as corporate CEOs in computer industry

employment in large IT enterprises

ENIAC girls

first equal pay demands

future direction for trends in computer science

historical perspective on experiences in computing

as IT entrepreneurs

jobs for computer science graduates in Greece

as leaders in Norwegian IT industry

lower-status and lower-paying computing work worldwide

as nonusers of computers

oral history interviews

portrayal in data processing trade literature

portrayals in computer advertising

proportion earning doctoral degrees in all disciplines

proportion earning undergraduate degrees in all disciplines

proportion in computing

proportion in undergraduate computer science programs

proportion of computer science doctoral degrees awarded to

proportion of computer science faculty

proportion of computer science undergraduate degrees awarded to

proportion of undergraduate STEM degrees awarded to

shrinking representation across disciplines as educational level and status increases

as “superusers” of office computers

in traditionally male-dominated professions

treatment in Norwegian Aftenposten articles about computers

underrepresentation in computing

Women in Technology International’s Hall of Fame

Women in workforce

“Women’s liberation”. See also Feminist movement

Word processing

Work Engendered (Baron)

World’s Fair, New York

World’s Fair, Seattle

Worsley, Beatrice Helen

Wozniak, Steve

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