Chapter 10. Conclusion

In this book, we have taken a journey through the last half-decade of generative modeling research, starting out with the basic ideas behind variational autoencoders, GANs, and recurrent neural networks and building upon these foundations to understand how state-of-the-art models such as the Transformer, advanced GAN architectures, and world models are now pushing the boundaries of what generative models are capable of achieving, across a variety of tasks.

I believe that in the future, generative modeling may be the key to a deeper form of artificial intelligence that transcends any one particular task and instead allows machines to organically formulate their own rewards, strategies, and ultimately awareness within their environment.

As babies, we are constantly exploring our surroundings, building up a mental model of possible futures with no apparent aim other than to develop a deeper understanding of the world. There are no labels on the data that we receive—a seemingly random stream of light and sound waves that bombard our senses from the moment we are born. Even when our mother or father points to an apple and says apple, there is no reason for our young brains to associate the two and learn that the way in which light entered our eye at that particular moment is in any way related to the way the sound waves entered our ear. There is no training set of sounds and images, no training set of smells and tastes, and no training set of actions and rewards. Just an endless stream of extremely noisy data.

And yet here you are now, reading this sentence, perhaps enjoying the taste of a cup of coffee in a noisy cafe. You pay no attention to the background noise as you concentrate on converting the absence of light on a tiny proportion of your retina into a sequence of abstract concepts that convey almost no meaning individually but, when combined, trigger a wave of parallel representations in your mind’s eye—images, emotions, ideas, beliefs, and potential actions all flood your consciousness, awaiting your recognition.

The same noisy stream of data that was essentially meaningless to your infant brain is not so noisy any more. Everything makes sense to you. You see structure everywhere. You are never surprised by the physics of everyday life. The world is the way that it is, because your brain decided it should be that way.

In this sense, your brain is an extremely sophisticated generative model, equipped with the ability to attend to particular parts of the input data, form representations of concepts within a latent space of neural pathways, and process sequential data over time. But what exactly is it generating?

At this point, I must switch into pure speculation mode as we are close to the edge of what we currently understand about the human brain (and certainly at the very edge of what I understand about the human brain). However, we can conduct a thought experiment to understand the links between generative modeling and the brain.

Suppose that the brain is a near-perfect generative model of the input stream of data that it is subjected to. In other words, it can generate the likely sequence of input data that would follow from receiving the cue of an egg-shaped region of light falling through the visual field to the sound of a splat as the egg-shaped region stops moving abruptly. It does this by creating representations of the key aspects of the visual and auditory fields and modeling how these latent representations will evolve over time. There is one fallacy in this view, however: the brain is not a passive observer of events. It’s attached to a neck and a set of legs that can put its core input sensors in any myriad of positions relative to the source of the input data. The generated sequence of possible futures is not only dependent on its understanding of the physics of the environment, but also on its understanding of itself and how it acts.

This is the core idea that I believe will propel generative modeling into the spotlight in the next decade, as one of the keys to unlocking artificial general intelligence. Imagine if we could build a generative model that doesn’t model possible futures of the environment given an action, as per the world models example, but instead includes its own action-generating process as part of the environment to be modeled.

If actions are random to begin with, why would the model learn anything except to predict random actions from the body in which it resides? The answer is simple: because nonrandom actions make the stream of environmental data easier to generate. If the sole goal of a brain is to minimize the amount of surprise between the actual input stream of data and the model of the future input stream, then the brain must find a way to make its actions create the future that it expects.

This may seem backward—wouldn’t it make more sense for the brain to act according to some policy that tries to maximize a reward? The problem with this is that nature does not provide us with rewards; it just provides data. The only true reward is staying alive, and this can hardly be used to explain every action of an intelligent being. Instead, if we flip this on its head and require that the action is part of the environment to be generated and that the sole goal of intelligence is to generate actions and futures that match the reality of the input data, then perhaps we avoid the need for any external reward function from the environment. However, whether this setup would generate actions that could be classed as intelligent remains to be seen.

As I stated, this is purely a speculative view, but it is fun to speculate, so I will continue doing so. I encourage you to do the same and to continue learning more about generative models from all the great material that is available online and in other books. Thank you for taking the time to read to the end of this book—I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed generating it. <END>

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