A stateful example

Let's take a look at an example of a stateful application. First, we will want to create and use a StorageClass as we discussed earlier. This will allow us to hook into the Google Cloud Persistent Disk provisioner. The Kubernetes community is building provisioners for a variety of StorageClasses including GCP and AWS. Each provisioner has its own set of parameters available. Both GCP and AWS providers let you choose the type of disk (solid-state, standard, and so on) as well as the fault zone which is needed to match the pod attaching to it. AWS additionally allows you to specify encryption parameters as well as IOPs for Provisioned IOPs volumes. There are a number of other provisioners in the works including Azure and a variety of non-cloud options:

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1beta1
name: solidstate
provisioner: kubernetes.io/gce-pd
type: pd-ssd
zone: us-central1-b

Listing 6-7: solidstate-sc.yaml

Use the following command with the preceding listing to create a StorageClass kind of SSD drives in us-central1-b:

$ kubectl create -f solidstate.yaml

Next, we will create a StatefulSet kind with our trusty httpwhalesay demo (you can refer to more details about this in point 2 in the References section at the end of the chapter). While this application does include any real state, we can see the storage claims and explore the communication path:

apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: StatefulSet
name: whaleset
serviceName: sayhey-svc
replicas: 3
app: sayhey
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10
- name: sayhey
image: jonbaier/httpwhalesay:0.2
command: ["node", "index.js", "Whale it up!."]
- containerPort: 80
name: web
- name: www
mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
- metadata:
name: www
volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class: solidstate
accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
storage: 1Gi

Listing 6-8: sayhey-statefulset.yaml

Use the following command to get to start the creation of this StatefulSet. If you observe pod creation closely, you will see it create whaleset-0, whaleset-1, and whaleset-2 in succession:

$ kubectl create -f sayhey-statefulset.yaml

Immediately after this, we can see our StatefulSet and the corresponding pods using the familiar get subcommand:

$ kubectl get statefulsets
$ kubectl get pods

These pods should create an output similar to the following images:

StatefulSet listing
The get pods output will show the following:
Pods created by StatefulSet

Depending on your timing, the pods may still be creating. As you can see in the preceding image, the third container is still being spun up.

We can also see the volumes the set has created and claim for each pod. First PersistentVolumes themselves:

$ kubectl get pv

The preceding command should show the three PersistentVolumes named www-whaleset-N. We notice the size is 1Gi and the access mode is set to ReadWriteOnce (RWO) just as we defined in our StorageClass:

The PersistentVolumes listing

Next we can look at the PersistentVolumeClaims that reserve the volumes for each pod:

$ kubectl get pvc

Following is the output of the preceding command:

The PersistentVolumeClaims listing

You'll notice much of the same settings here as with the PVs themselves. You might also notice the end of the claim name (or PV name in the previous listing) looks like www-whaleset-N. www is the mount name we specified in the preceding YAML definition. This is then appended to the pod name to create the actual PV and PVC name. One more area we can ensure that the proper disk is linked with it is matching pod.

Another area where this alignment is important is in the network communication. StatefulSets also provide consistent naming here. Before we can do this, let's create a service endpoint so we have a common entry point for incoming requests:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: sayhey-svc
app: sayhey
- port: 80
name: web
clusterIP: None
app: sayhey

Listing 6-9: sayhey-svc.yaml

$ kubectl create -f sayhey-svc.yaml

Now let's open a shell in one of the pods and see if we can communicate with another in the set:

$ kubectl exec whaleset-0 -i -t bash

The preceding command gives us a bash shell in the first whaleset pod. We can now use the Service name to make a simple HTTP request. We can use both the short name, sayhey-svc, and the fully qualified name, sayhey-svc.default.svc.cluster.local:

$ curl sayhey-svc
$ curl sayhey-svc.default.svc.cluster.local

You'll see an output similar to the following image. The service endpoint acts as a common communication point for all three pods:

HTTP Whalesay curl output (whalesay-0 Pod)

Now let's see if we can communicate with a specific pod in the StatefulSet. As we noticed earlier, the StatefulSet named the pod in an orderly manner. It also gives them hostnames in a similar fashion so that there is a specific DNS entry for each pod in the set. Again, we will see the convention of "Name of Set"-N and then add the fully qualified service URL. The following example shows this for whaleset-1, which is the second Pod in our set:

$ curl whaleset-1.sayhey-svc.default.svc.cluster.local

Running this command from our existing Bash shell in whaleset-0 will show us the output from whaleset-1:

HTTP Whalesay curl output (whalesay-1 Pod)

You can exit out of this shell now with exit

For learning purposes, it can also be instructive to describe some of the items from this section in more detail. For example, kubectl describe svc sayhey-svc will show us all three pod IP address in the service endpoints.
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