Cluster setup

We will need to provision our cluster master and nodes beforehand. For the moment, we are limited to the operating systems and version listed earlier. Additionally, it is recommended that you have at least 1 GB of RAM and all the nodes must have network connectivity to one another.

For this walk through, we will need one t2.medium (master node) and three t2.mirco (nodes) sized instances on AWS. These instance have burstable CPU and come with the minimum 1 GB of RAM needed. We will need to create one master and three worker nodes.

We will also need to create some security groups for the cluster. The following ports are needed for the master:

Type Protocol Port range Source
All Traffic All All {This SG ID (Master SG)}
All Traffic All All {Node SG ID}
SSH TCP 22 {Your Local Machine's IP}
HTTTPS TCP 443 {Range allowed to access K8s API and UI}
Master Security Group Rules

The next table shows the ports node security groups:

Type Protocol Port range Source
All Traffic All All {Master SG ID}
All Traffic All All {This SG ID (Node SG)}
SSH TCP 22 {Your Local Machine's IP}
Node Security Group Rules

Once you have these SGs, go ahead and spin up four instances (one t2.medium and three t2.mircos) using Ubuntu 16.04. If you are new to AWS, refer to the documentation on spinning up EC2 instances at the following URL:

Be sure to identify the t2.medium instance as the master and associate the master security group. Name the other three as nodes and associate the node security group with those.

These steps are adapted from the walk-through in the manual. For more information or to work with an alternative to Ubuntu refer to
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