
The Docker Engine creates three types of networks by default. These are bridged, host, and none.

The bridged network is the default choice unless otherwise specified. In this mode, the container has its own networking namespace and is then bridged via virtual interfaces to the host (or node in the case of K8s) network. In the bridged network, two containers can use the same IP range because they are completely isolated. Therefore, service communication requires some additional port mapping through the host side of network interfaces.

Docker also supports a host network, which allows the containers to use the host network stack. Performance is greatly benefited since it removes a level of network virtualization; however, you lose the security of having an isolated network namespace. Additionally, port usage must be managed more carefully since all containers share an IP.

Finally, Docker supports a none network, which creates a container with no external interface. Only a loopback device is shown if you inspect the network interfaces.

In all these scenarios, we are still on a single machine, and outside of a host mode, the container IP space is not available, outside that machine. Connecting containers across two machines then requires NAT and port mapping for communication.

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