Integrating with Angular

Now, let's say we have a component called app-main-body built using Angular (file: main-body.component.ts) that looks something like this:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'app-main-body',
templateUrl: './main-body.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./main-body.component.css']
export class MainBodyComponent implements OnInit {
src: string ;
altText: string;

constructor() {
this.src = '';
this.altText = 'Blue Clouds';

ngOnInit() {


If we want to include the <header-image> web component here, we can simply add the following code:

import HeaderImage from '../web-components/header-image/header-image.js';

export class MainBodyComponent implements OnInit {

ngOnInit() {
customElements.define('header-image', HeaderImage);


Here, we are simply importing the component definition, and then inside the ngOnInit() callback method, we are registering the custom element. If we look at the template file, main-body.component.html, the web component can be included as shown in the following code:

main-body works!
<header-image attr.src={{src}} attr.alttext="{{alttext}}"></header-image>

Here, we are passing in src as well as altText to the <header-image> component as attribute values. In this way, we can have Web Components built outside of Angular for use in Angular projects.

Now that we know how a Vanilla Web Component can be used in Angular projects, let's look at how Web Components can be used in Vue components.

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