
  • “America first”  72, 73, 281
  • America Online (AOL)  116, 188, 194, 195, 285
  • AMSD (Audiovisual Media Services Directive; Television without Frontiers Directive)  158
  • analog era  76, 81, 87, 88
  • Android mobile operating system  119, 146
  • animation  13, 110, 112–113
    • China  238
    • Japan  239–244
  • Anonymous  26
  • AOL  116, 188, 194, 195, 285
  • Apple  120–121, 264–265
  • Apple Music  121, 171–172
  • Apple News  220
  • Apple TV  84, 121, 266–267
  • APTN  144, 146
  • Arab countries and Middle East  223–234
    • Arab Spring revolutions  223, 233
    • change (of media) in  227–229
      • agents of  229–230
      • emerging models  232–233
    • counter‐revolution  223, 233–234
    • history of media  224–225
    • US broadcasting to  203
  • Arab League Satellite Media Charter  229
  • Arab News231
  • Arena network  110
  • Arnett, Peter  189–190, 191
  • ARPA and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)  74, 75, 88–89
  • ARPANET  89, 96, 97
  • art(s) (culture and)  14
    • music  178–179
  • artificial intelligence (AI)  72, 73, 173, 264, 270
  • artists and repertoire (A&R)  177
  • Asharq Alawsat224, 227, 232
  • Asia  235–259
  • Associated Press (AP)  210, 212–213
  • AT&T–Time Warner merger  102, 105, 114, 116, 196
  • ATSC (Advance Television Systems Committee)  76, 82
  • Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AMSD; AVMS; AVMSD; Television without Frontiers Directive)  158
  • Australia
    • Arena network  110
    • Freemantle Radio  137
    • News Corp in  106, 108
    • NITV (government‐supported TV channel)  146
  • automobiles (cars), music in  176
  • AVMS/AVMSD (Audiovisual Media Services Directive; Television without Frontiers Directive)  158
  • Axel Springer  136, 141
  • Azcárraga family
    • Emilio Azcárraga Jean  147
    • Emilio Azcárraga Milmo  147
  • Baghdad
  • Baidu  85, 92, 93, 145, 175, 263, 263–264
  • Bangladesh, Internet access  83
  • banner ads  92
    • blocking and blindness  261
  • Barclay’s Risk Analytics and Index Solutions  216
  • Barron’s107, 217
  • BAT Companies  252–254, 262–264
  • Baywatch6, 13, 24, 283
  • BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)  14, 47, 140, 155–156, 156, 163, 166–167, 176–177, 197–200, 206
    • Royal Charter  199–200
    • Saville scandal  200
    • television  176, 197–199, 200
    • Voice of America and, distinction between  203
  • BBC One  198
  • BBC Prime  199
  • BBC Two  198
  • BBC World (TV)  198
  • BBC World News  166
  • BBC Worldwide  166
  • Berne Convention  76, 181
  • Berners‐Lee, Tim  75, 89, 97, 98, 99
  • Bertelsmann  136–138, 178, 285
  • bias
    • Al Jazeera/Arabic media  225, 226
    • embedded journalists in Second Gulf War  196
    • Reuters principle of freedom from  214
    • Xinhua  215
  • bin Laden, Osama  225–226
  • bloggers, Middle East  230–232
  • Blogsmusik  172
  • Bloomberg  216
  • BMG (Bertelsmann Music Group)  138
  • Bolloré, Vincent Bolloré  269
  • Bollywood  149–150, 244–250
  • Bravo  110–112
  • Brazil, Globo  94, 145–146, 147
  • bribery and corruption, Arab world  231–232
  • Britbox  140
  • British Broadcasting Corporation see BBC
  • British Empire  279
  • Broadband Commission (US)  72
  • broadcast networks, terrestrial see terrestrial TV
  • Broadcasting Board of Governors  202, 203, 205
  • browsers  86
    • Apple (Safari)  266
  • Bulgaria  163, 164
    • UNESCO General Assembly in  59, 61
  • Bush, GW, and his administration  59, 62, 189, 190, 225, 226, 229
  • Bush, Jeb  194
  • business and financial news  107, 112, 210, 216, 217
  • BuzzFeed  216–217
  • cable see satellite and cable systems
  • Cable News Network see CNN
  • Cambridge Analytica  94, 265
  • Canada  281–282
    • film industry  21–22
    • John Roberts (Secretary of State)  55–56
    • stakeholders  144
    • TV program import quotas  158
  • Canal+  143
  • Cannes Film Festival  135, 238, 268
    • Netflix and  40, 124–125
  • capitalism  19, 20, 21, 276
  • cars, music in  176
  • cartoon(s), Prophet Muhammad in  232
  • Cartoon Network  107
  • CB (citizens‐band) radio  157
  • CBS  2, 26, 114, 115, 137
  • CCTV (China Central Television)  236–237
  • CD see compact disc
  • cell phones see mobile phones
  • Cengage  214
  • censorship  10
    • South Korea  256
  • Central America see Latin America
  • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)  4
    • Chilean government overthrow and  6–7
  • centrality of communication (in development process)  43
  • CGE (Compagnie Générale des Eaux)  143
  • Channel NewsAsia  201
  • Channel V  251
  • Charter Communications  121–122
  • Chiapas (Mexico), uprising  5
  • Chile, military coup  6–7
  • China  235–239
    • advertising companies based in  262–264, 271
    • Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC)  78
    • gaming  93
    • as global leader  72, 73
    • globalization  235–239
    • Indian entertainment and bilateral exchanges with  247
    • Internet  69
    • Korean cultural product export to  253, 254
    • music streaming  173, 174
    • news agencies  209, 214–215, 220
    • social media  220
    • stakeholders  145, 148
    • Tiananmen Square protests  87, 188–189
    • virtual private networks  87
  • China Central Television (CCTV)  236–237
  • China International Television Corporation  238
  • China Radio International (CRI)  236
  • China Satellite News Gathering Alliance (CSNG)  239
  • Christian colonialism  11
  • Chromecast (Google)  84, 119
  • CIA see Central Intelligence Agency
  • cinema see films
  • CISAC (Confédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Auteurs et Compositeurs)  179, 180
  • Cisneros  145
  • Citizen Exchange Program  202
  • citizen journalism, Arab world  230–232
  • citizens‐band (CB) radio  157
  • civil war
    • Congo  194–195
    • Lebanon  224
    • Somalia  194
    • US  8
  • Clinton, President  61, 207
  • CNA (Channel NewsAsia)  201
  • CNN (Cable News Network)  15, 117, 185–208, 217
    • competitors  195–205
    • historical perspectives  188–193
    • international role and impact  185–208
    • merger matters  194
    • second Gulf War and  196, 198
    • World Report193–194
  • coca cola and colonization (cocacolonization)  132, 278
  • Cold War  1, 4, 31, 67, 81, 89, 99, 203
  • colonialism
  • colour TV, poorer nations  32
  • Comcast  93, 102, 103, 105, 110–112, 116, 122, 143, 245
  • Comcast Spectacor  110
  • commercialism  77, 156, 157, 168
    • BBC and  198
  • communication (basic background)  1–30
  • communism (and its end)  1, 4, 6, 7, 34, 76, 163, 286
  • compact disc (CD)  88, 146
    • video  94
  • Compagnie Générale des Eaux (CGE)  143
  • competition
    • Arab media  227
    • news services  195–205
  • computer hardware and software  286
  • Confédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Auteurs et Compositeurs (CISAC)  179, 180
  • conglomerates (multimedia/multinational corporations) viii, 20, 102–154
    • electronic colonialism and  16–17
    • formation process (=conglomerization)  132
    • impact  273
    • outside US  130–154
    • US  102–129, 147
  • Congo civil war  194–195
  • consultancies, advertising  268
  • Cook, John  194
  • copyright  76
    • music  179–180
  • core zones/nations  18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 33, 37, 39, 40, 64, 70, 127, 271, 279–280, 282, 283, 285, 286
    • colonization  17
    • electronic colonialism and  278, 286
    • news networks based in  206
    • NWICO and  277
  • correspondents (journalists/reporters and journalism/reporting)
    • Arab world  230–231
      • local  228–229
  • corruption and bribery, Arab world  231–232
  • costs of reporting  9–10
  • Creative Europe, MEDIA Program/Sub‐Program  135, 158
  • CRI (China Radio International)  236
  • Crimean War  8
  • cringe, cultural  132
  • Crusades  11
  • CSNG (China Satellite News Gathering Alliance)  239
  • Cuba, US broadcasting to  203–204
  • cultural cringe  132
  • cultural imperialism  15, 39, 40, 51, 125, 130–132, 285
    • Korean wave’s  257
  • culture  3
    • arts and see arts
    • electronic colonialism and  16
    • European  160
    • Korean popular culture  250–257
    • reproduction theory  28
    • UNESCO on diversity of  63
  • cybersecurity see sec urity
  • Czech Republic  163, 164
  • DAB (digital audio broadcasting)  71, 176
  • DAN (Dentsu Aegis Network)  268, 269
  • Danish newspaper, cartoons of Prophet Muhammad  232
  • “dark” web  86
  • DARPA and ARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)  74, 75, 88–89
  • data privacy  18, 74, 119, 266, 288
  • decolonization  12, 48, 51
  • Deezer  172
  • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)  74, 75, 88
  • Denmark, newspaper cartoons of Prophet Muhammad  232
  • Dentsu (Dentsu Aegis Network; DAN)  268, 269
  • dependency theory  18, 22, 23, 276
  • Deutsche Welle  167, 200–201
  • developed nations see industrialized nations
  • developing (poorer/less‐developed) nations and countries ix, 32
  • development communication  31–46
  • development journalism  33, 35, 44, 45, 53
  • diaspora and expatriates
  • Didi Chuxing  262
  • diffusion studies  41–42
  • Digital Agenda for Europe  159
  • digital audio broadcasting (DAB)  71, 176
  • Digital Economy Act, (2017 – UK)  95
  • digital single market (Europe)  159–160
  • digital technology
    • advent and growth  76, 288
    • European media  159–160, 161–162
    • future  72
  • digital TV  32, 76, 134
  • digital video discs (DVDs)  283
  • digital/web‐based media  81, 81–101
  • diplomacy, public
  • direct broadcast satellite (DBS)  50, 68, 142, 157
  • Discovery Communications  122
  • Disney, Walter  30–31
  • Disney (Walt Disney company)  112–114, 286
  • DNS (domain name system)  73–74
  • Doctor Who166
  • domains (Internet)  73–74, 86
    • name system (DNS)  73–74
    • top‐level  73
  • Dow Jones  107, 112, 217
  • Dr. WHO166
  • Dreamworks  110
  • drug smuggling and TV Martí  205
  • DTMB  76
  • Dubai  225, 227
  • DuckDuckGo  86
  • DVB‐T  76
  • DVDs  283
  • DW (Deutsche Welle)  167, 200–201
  • Economist, The119, 141, 186
  • economy (global)  2, 186, 275–277, 284–285
  • Egypt  227, 229, 229–230, 230, 230–231, 232, 233
  • Eisenhower, President  287
  • El Hafez, Salaheddine  229, 230
  • electronic books (ebooks)  82, 120, 121, 126
  • electronic colonialism (technological colonialism; ECT) viii, 11–19, 54, 274, 277–279, 283
    • public diplomacy and
    • world‐system theory and  23–26, 280, 280–281
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)  74
  • electronic sports (eSports)  150–151
  • embedded journalists, Second Gulf War  196
  • Endemol Shine Group  109, 141
  • English language  5, 7, 278, 279
    • Al Jazeera  233
    • on web, waning dominance  100
  • Enlightenment (c. 1600–1800) viii
  • Erdogan, Recep Tayyip  133, 148, 157, 167, 168, 174
  • ERT (Hellenic Radio‐Television)  165
  • ESPN  106, 109, 114, 151
  • ESPN+  113
  • eSports  150–151
  • Euronews  165–166, 187, 201
  • Europe  133–144, 152, 155–170
    • Korean cultural product export to  254
    • media  155–170
      • digital agenda  159–160
      • historical context  155–157
      • present climate  157–160
      • professionals  41
      • public/publically‐funded services  136, 157, 165, 197
    • recent issues  160–168
    • United States of  133–136
  • European Audiovisual Observatory  135
  • European Broadcasting Union (EBU)  139
    • Greece and  165
  • European Commission  94, 158, 159, 160, 161, 163, 165, 168
  • European Union (EU)  133–144
    • globalization  284–285
    • Google advertising and regulations in  267
    • initiatives  159–160
    • re‐colonization  17, 18
    • web‐streaming and  92
  • Eurovision (Song Contest)  157, 165
  • Executive Memorandum #403 (UNESCO)  61
  • expatriates see diaspora
  • “Facebook Girl”  231
  • Facebook  265
  • FANG (FAANG) companies  264–267
  • Fattah, Hassan  233
  • FCC (Federal Communications Commission)  70, 149
  • Federal Communications Commission (FCC)  70, 149
  • films (movies and cinema)
    • electronic colonialism and  14, 17
    • non‐US  149–150, 287
      • China  237–238
      • India  149–150, 244–250
      • Japan  239–244
      • Korea  252, 253–255
      • Latin America  5
      • Nigeria (Nollywood)  104, 150, 152
  • financial and business news  107, 112, 210, 216, 217
  • Financial Times107, 141
  • Finland’s president Urho Kekkonen  51
  • First World War (WWI) and electronic colonialism  13
  • Flash (Adobe)  75, 92, 99
  • Ford Motor Corporation  278–279
  • foreign correspondents  7, 8, 10, 35, 187
  • Fox (Fox Group; 21st Century Fox)  93, 102, 103, 105, 108–110, 116, 123
  • Fox Deportes  109
  • Fox News  185, 187, 195, 196, 207
  • France
    • Agence France‐Presse based in  211
    • Netflix and  124–125, 161
    • stakeholders  140, 143–145
    • Television without Frontiers Directive  158
  • France 24  168, 187, 206
  • Frankfurt School  14, 38, 41
  • free flow (data/information)  1, 9, 25, 34, 50, 51, 288
  • free press (independent press)  9
    • Africa  60
    • Soviet Union anti‐press agenda  64
  • Freemantle Radio  137
  • Freeview  162–163
  • functionalism  38–39
  • Gaana  172–173
  • gaming (online)  89–91
    • multiplayer  89–91
    • Walmart and  126
  • “Gangnam Style”  250
  • Gannett  123
  • Gaza and Israel  226
  • geosynchronous/geostationary (GEO) satellites  77, 78
  • Germany
  • Getty Images  33, 145
  • GII (global information infrastructure)  79, 82
  • Global Commission on Internet Governance  73
  • global information infrastructure (GII)  79, 82
  • global positioning satellites (GPS)  79
  • globalization  235–259
    • European Union  284–285
    • objections  31–32
  • Globo  94, 145–146, 147
  • glocalization  132
  • GNP see gross national product
  • GoDaddy  74
  • Going Abroad Project  238
  • Google  118–119, 263
  • Google Chromecast  84, 119
  • Google Maps  86
  • government regulation see state/government regulation
  • GPS (global positioning satellites)  79
  • graphical user interface (GUI) browsers  89
  • Great Wall, The152
  • Greece and the EBU  165
  • gross domestic product (GDP)  33, 275
  • gross national product (GNP)  38
    • European countries  135
    • US  25
  • Group of 77 (UN)  49, 53
  • GroupM  267, 268, 271
  • growth, economic  35–38, 275
  • Gruner + Jahr  138
  • Grupo Cisneros  145
  • Grupo Globo  94, 145–146, 147
  • Guardian70, 218, 261
  • GUI (graphical user interface) browsers  89
  • Gulf Wars
  • Guttenberg, Johannes  12
  • Hachette  140
  • hacktivists, Anonymous  26
  • Hallyua (Korean wave)  250–257
  • Hamidi, Ibrahim  231
  • Happy Station167
  • hardware  286
  • HarperCollins  107
  • Harry Fox Agency  181
  • Havas  144, 210, 211, 266, 267, 269, 270
  • HDTV (high‐definition digital TV)  32, 76, 140, 141
  • Heikel, Mohamed Hassainein  232
  • Helal, Ibrahim M.  225
  • Hellenic Radio‐Television (ERT)  165
  • heterogenization (cultural)  132
  • high‐definition digital TV (HDTV)  32, 76, 140, 141
  • high‐throughput satellites (HTS)  78
  • history
    • Arab media  224–225
    • CNN  188–193
    • colonialism  11–13
      • electronic  13–15
    • European media  155–157
    • Internet and WWW  96–99
    • news agencies  210–215, 221
    • war correspondents  8
  • Home Box Office (HBO)  117, 118, 228, 228
  • homogenization (cultural)  132
  • horror films
  • HTML (hypertext markup language)  89
  • Hubert Burda Media  139
  • Hulu  110, 112, 123, 124
  • human rights  204
    • UN and
      • Human Rights Council  72, 87
      • Universal Declaration of Human Rights  14, 60
  • Hungary  163, 164
  • Hutton Report  199–200
  • hypertext markup language see HTML
  • IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)  74
  • IBOC (in‐band on‐channel)  71, 176
  • ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)  50, 69, 71, 73–74, 84, 100
  • IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)  71, 74, 74–75, 74–75
  • IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry)  175, 179, 180
  • IGF (Internet Governance Forum)  75
  • iHeartradio  173
  • IIC (International Internet connectivity)  72
  • illiteracy  37
  • imperialism, cultural see cultural imperialism
  • in‐band on‐channel (IBOC)  71, 176
  • INCD (International Network for Cultural Development)  15, 30
  • independent press see free press
  • Independent Television (ITV)  139–140, 162, 198
  • Independent Television News  165
  • India
    • data privacy  288
    • film industry  149–150, 244–250
    • Internet access  83
    • music streaming  172–173
    • news agencies  218
    • Star India  109
  • indigenous (aboriginal/native) people’s TV
    • Australia (NITV)  146
    • Canada (APTN)  146, 148
  • industrialized (developed and Western) nations
  • information technology see technology
  • InfoWars  216
  • initial public offering (IPO)  137, 178
  • Inmarsat  78–79
  • Intelsat  68, 78
  • Inter Press Service (IPS)  213
  • intergovernmental organization (IGO)  67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 78, 79, 80
  • International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC)  179, 180
  • international copyright agreements see copyright
  • International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI)  175, 179, 180
  • International Internet connectivity (IIC)  72
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)  37
  • International Network for Cultural Development (INCD)  15, 30
  • international organizations see conglomerates; organizations
  • International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC)  57, 62
  • International Telecommunication Union (ITU)  69–73, 79, 210, 273
    • World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)  9, 63–64, 71, 72, 75
  • Internet  26–27, 68–75, 82, 285
    • global access  83–87
    • governance organizations  71, 73–76
    • timelines  96–99
    • see also web
  • Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)  74
  • internet cafes  89–91
  • Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)  50, 69, 71, 73–74, 84, 100
  • Internet Engineering Task Force  74–75
  • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)  71, 74, 74–75
  • Internet Governance Forum  75
  • Internet Governance Project  71
  • Internet protocol (IP) addresses  69, 73, 74
  • Interpublic  267, 269, 279
  • IP (Internet protocol)  69, 73, 74
  • iPad  92, 120, 121
  • IPCD (International Programme for the Development of Communication)  57, 62
  • iPhone  99, 104, 121
  • iPlayer (BBC)  176–177
  • IPS (Inter Press Service)  213
  • iQiyi  92–93, 93, 264, 287
  • Iraq see Gulf Wars
  • Ireland and Apple  94
  • ISDB‐T  76
  • Israel
    • Gaza and  226
    • Lebanon and  228
  • Italy, stakeholders  140
  • ITN (Independent Television News)  165
  • ITU see International Telecommunication Union
  • iTunes  120, 121, 126
  • ITV  139–140, 162, 163, 198
  • Jabarti, Somayya  231
  • Japan  239–244
    • animation  239–244
    • globalization  239–244, 285
    • Korean cultural product export to  254
    • music  179
      • YouTube and  175
    • stakeholders  146–147
  • JCDecaux  267, 269–270
  • Jobs, Steve  75, 92, 97, 99, 114
  • joint ventures, multinational  152
  • Jones, Alex  216
  • Jordan, Vernon, shooting of  188
  • journalists see correspondents
  • Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna246
  • Kalima228
  • Kaplan, Rich  194
  • Kekkonen, Urho  51
  • Kessler Syndrome  78
  • Khatib, Nabil  226, 228, 230
  • Kindle  120
  • Kodi  95
  • Korea see South Korea
  • Kuwait, Iraq’s invasion  224
  • Last of the Summer Wine166
  • Latin (South and Central) America  4–7
    • Internet  83
    • left‐wing  5–6
    • media  4–5
    • stakeholders  145–146, 147
    • UNESCO meetings  51–52
  • Lauder, Ronald  164
  • Le Monde186
  • Lebanon, civil war  224
  • left‐wing in Latin America  5–6
  • legacy advertising  261
  • less‐developed nations see developing nations
  • LexiNexis  142
  • liberalization of media  24, 70
    • Korea  253
    • Middle East  229–230
  • Liberty Global  123–124
  • license fee, BBC  139, 199, 200
  • linear TV  158, 161, 162
  • Liquid State  179
  • Lisbon Strategy  159
  • local journalists in Arab world  228–229
  • location‐based marketing  269–270
  • low‐earth‐orbit (LEO) satellites  72, 77, 78
  • Lucasfilm  113, 114
  • Ma Huateng  264
  • Maastricht Treaty  157
  • MacBride Commission and Report  53, 55, 56, 57, 64
  • MacBride Round Table  65
  • McDonaldisation  6
  • McPhail’s Paradox  281–282
  • MAD  118
  • Madrid Declaration (2005)  138
  • Mann, Sargi  266
  • Martí radio and television  203–205
  • Marxism  5, 6, 7, 53
  • mass media  36
    • culture and individuals and effects of  131
    • research  11
    • state regulation see state regulation
    • streaming see streaming
    • UNESCO and draft declaration  53, 55–56, 58
    • world‐system theory and  20
  • massively multiplayer online role‐playing games  90
  • Matra  140
  • Matsuura, Koichiro (UNESCO Director General)  63, 64
  • Mayor, Federico (UNESCO Director General)  60–61, 62
  • MBC (Middle East Broadcasting Centre)  224–225, 227
  • M’Bow, Amadou‐Mahtar (UNESCO Director General)  53, 54–55, 56, 57, 58, 60
  • media
    • analog  76, 81, 87, 88
    • conglomerates see conglomerates
    • digital see digital/web‐based media
    • Europe see Europe
    • Latin America  4–5
      • Chilean government overthrow and US media  6–7
  • Media City (Dubai)  227
  • MEDIA Mundus Program  158
  • Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM)  163
  • MEDIA Program/Sub‐Program  135, 158
  • Medialab  118
  • Mediaset  140–141, 143
  • mediatization of society  274
  • Meituan‐Dianping  262
  • mercantile colonialism  11–12
  • Mexico
    • Chiapas uprising  5
    • stakeholders  147
  • Middle East see Arab countries
  • Middle East Broadcasting Centre (MBC)  224–225, 227
  • military, US
  • military colonialism  11, 54
  • military coup, Chile  6–7
  • military‐industrial complex, Eisenhower’s warning  287
  • MMORGPGS (massively multiplayer online role‐playing games)  90
  • mobile phones (mobiles/cell phones)  68, 286
  • “mobilegeddon”  267
  • New York Post107, 282
  • Newell, Gregory J.  58
  • news (international/global ‐ and the press)  2–4, 27, 185–222
    • agencies and sources  33, 209–222
      • additional/new  215–221
      • traditional  209, 210–215, 221
    • aggregators, and social media  219–221
    • flow network  22
    • Western press, critics of  9
    • see also correspondents; press
  • News America Marketing  107
  • News Corp (and News Corporation)  105–108
  • News Corp Australia  106, 108
  • News International scandals  106, 218
  • News of the World hacking scandal  106, 185
  • newspapers (and newspaper industry)  210, 212, 215
    • transition and decline  29, 212
  • next‐generation access (NGA) networks  160
  • Nielsen  125
  • Nielsen Music  180–181
  • NIEO (New International Economic Order)  51, 53–54, 55
  • Nigeria
    • film industry (Nollywood)  104, 150, 152
    • Internet access  83
  • Nightingale, Florence  8
  • 9/11 (September 11) 2001 terrorist attacks  1, 214, 225, 276
  • NITV (Australia)  146
  • Nixon and Watergate  52
  • Nollywood (Nigerian film industry)  104, 150, 152
  • nonaligned movement  51, 63
  • non‐governmental organizations (NGOs)  15, 22, 31, 44
  • North America
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)  207, 290
  • North‐to‐South media flows  213
  • NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Administration)  74
  • NWICO (New World Information and Communication Order) vii, 8–11, 47, 48–50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64–65, 131, 273, 277
  • Overwatch90, 91
  • Pakistan  167, 206, 207, 227
  • Pandora  173–174
  • parachute journalism  10, 35
  • Paramount Holdings  116
  • participatory communication/development  44
  • pay‐per‐view TV  134, 141
  • pay TV see subscription TV
  • payment online  260, 263, 264, 266
  • Pearson  141
  • Penguin Random House  130, 138, 141
  • performance rights organizations  180
  • peripheral zones/nations  18, 20, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, 44, 127, 135, 151, 280
    • development journalism/communication  34
    • electronic colonialization and  278
    • illiteracy  37
    • UNESCO and  49, 53–54, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 64
  • Phoenix TV  237
  • Pinochet, General Augusto  6
  • piracy (digital media)  94–96
  • Pirate Bay  95
  • pirate radio stations  156–157
  • pluralism
    • Eastern Europe  163–164
    • press  60
  • podcasts, iTunes  121
  • politics
  • Pony Ma  264
  • poorer nations see developing nations
  • popular culture, Korean  250–257
  • Posta Telgraf Telefon/Posta ve Telgraf Teskilati  156
  • postal services  67, 79, 156
  • postmodernity  282
  • PR Newswire  219
  • press
  • Prince, Tony  176
  • print  25
  • printing press, invention  12
  • privacy (data)  18, 74, 119, 266, 288
  • privatization  24, 68, 133, 152, 157
  • Pro TV  164
  • professionalism  40–41
  • ProSiebenSat.1  122, 141
  • public amenity/toilet advertising  269–270
  • public diplomacy 
  • public/publically‐funded services (incl. TV)  24
  • Publicis  267, 270, 285
  • radio  33, 175–177
    • BBC see BBC
    • China  236
    • Europe  155
      • state regulation  156–157
    • music  173
      • traditional  175–177
    • shortwave  166, 167, 176, 210
    • US international broadcasting  203–204
  • Radio Caroline  156–157, 157
  • Radio Free Asia  203
  • Radio Free Europe  203
  • Radio Liberty  203
  • Radio Luxembourg  137, 156, 176
  • Radio Martí  203–205
  • Radio Sawa  205
  • Radio Veronika  157
  • Random House (Penguin)  130, 138, 141
  • Reagen, Ronald, (and his administration)  4, 15, 58, 59, 157, 203
  • re‐colonization  17–18
  • Reddit  85, 220–221
  • Redstones (Sumber and Shari)  114
  • Reed Elsevier (RELX Group)  142
  • religious groups in Arab world/Middle East  230, 232
  • RELX Group (Reed Elsevier)  142
  • research (in communication)  38–42
  • Reuters  213–214
  • right‐wing in US  195, 204
  • Ring, The241–242, 253
  • Roberts, John (Canadian Secretary of State)  55–56
  • Roku  105, 147
  • Romania  164
  • Rostov model of economic growth  35–36
  • Royal Charter, BBC  199–200
  • RSS (really simple syndication)  219
  • RTL Group  137–138, 156
  • Russell, William Harold  9
  • Russia
  • SACEM (Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique)  181
  • Saddam Hussein  189, 193, 224
  • Sadoun, Arthur  270
  • Safari  266
  • Salama, Salama Ahmed  232
  • Samsung  146
  • Sârbu, Adrian  164
  • satellite and cable systems  22, 24, 48, 76, 77–79, 91
    • ABC News and Univision  149
    • direct broadcast satellite  50, 68, 142, 157
    • Europe  133, 160
    • low‐earth‐orbit (LEO) satellites  72, 77, 78
    • satellite launch organizations  77–79
  • Saudi Arabia  225, 228, 231, 233–234
    • Al Jazeera and  225, 226
    • Lebanon and  224
  • Saville scandal (BBC)  200
  • Schiller, Herbert I.  15, 35, 43, 131
  • search engines  85, 86, 119
    • most popular  85
  • Second World War see World War II
  • security (and cybersecurity)  72, 74, 75, 87, 160
    • digital/web‐based media  87, 94–96
    • see also privacy
  • semiperipheral zones/nations  18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 32, 49, 50, 72, 104, 127, 131, 135, 274, 278, 279, 280, 286
  • September 11 2001 (World Trade Center) terrorist attacks  1, 214, 225, 276
  • Services Sound & Vision Corporation (SSVC)  167
  • Simpsons6, 13, 24, 283
  • Singapore, digital piracy  95
  • Sky  93, 103, 105, 109–110, 124, 142–143, 167
  • social justice  281
  • social media  26–27, 219–221
    • BuzzFeed  216–217
    • news aggregators and  219–221
  • socialism (and socialist countries)  59, 276
    • UNESCO and  64
  • Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique (SACEM)  181
  • society, mediatization  274
  • Sofia (Bulgaria), UNESCO General Assembly in  59, 61
  • software  286
  • Somalia crisis  194
  • Sony (Corporation)  130, 131, 146–147, 177
  • Sony Music Entertainment  177, 178
  • SoundCloud  174
  • South America see Latin America
  • South Korea  250–257
    • internet cafes (bangs) and gaming  90–91
    • popular culture  250–257
    • stakeholders  146
  • South‐to‐North counterflow  213
  • Southeast Asia, Korean cultural product export to  254
  • Soviet bloc countries, former  163
  • Soviet Union (USSR)  1, 34, 64
  • SpaceX  72, 78
  • Spanish language
  • sports  106, 108, 109, 113, 114, 150–151
  • Spotify  93, 143, 171, 172, 174
  • Sputnik  88
  • SSVC (Services Sound & Vision Corporation)  167
  • stakeholders  44–45
    • outside US  130–154
    • US  107–129
  • Star India  109
  • Star TV  109, 150, 244
  • Starlink  78
  • State Department (US)
    • international broadcasting  202, 206
    • UNESCO and  58–59
  • state/government regulation and control  24, 55, 156–157
    • Arab World  229
    • Eastern Europe  164–165
    • Indian film industry (Bollywood)  247, 249
    • USSR  51
  • Storyful  108, 219
  • streaming (web‐streaming)  91–94, 171–175, 287
  • Street View  86, 119
  • structuralism  39–40
  • Studio+  143
  • subordinate zones  18, 20–21, 23
  • subscription (pay) TV  162
    • video on demand (SVOD)  140, 143
  • Time (magazine), Chilean military coup  7
  • Time Warner  102
  • Time Warner Cable–Charter merger  121–122
  • Times of India173, 218
  • Times Internet  172–173, 218
  • Tmall  263
  • Toei Animation  241
  • Tollywood (Telugu film industry)  149, 150
  • Tor browser/network  86
  • Toutiao  262
  • transborder/transnational/multinational activities and exchanges  4, 14, 152, 283–284
    • China–India exchanges  274
  • Treaty on European Union  157
  • TRT (Turkish Radio and Television)  148, 168
  • Trump and his administration  59, 72–73, 101, 110, 204, 225
  • Tunisia  63–64, 228, 230, 232
  • Turkey
    • EU membership application  133
    • Fox Channel  92, 102
    • Posta Telgraf Telefon/Posta ve Telgraf Teskilati  156
    • Prime Minister Erdogan  133, 148, 157, 167, 168, 174
    • TRT (Turkish Radio and Television)  148, 168
  • Turner, Ted  15, 186, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195
  • Turner Broadcasting  110, 118, 141, 186, 187–188, 193
  • TV see television
  • TV Martí  203–205
  • TV5Monde (formerly TV5/TV5 Europe)  168
  • 21st Century Fox see Fox
  • UK see United Kingdom
  • UKTV  163
  • UN see United Nations
  • United Arab Emirates  227, 233
  • United Kingdom (UK)  155–156
  • United Nations (UN)
    • Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) vii, 4, 9, 14–15, 44, 47–65
      • 19th General Assembly  52–53
      • 20th General Assembly  56
      • 21st General Assembly  57
      • 22nd General Assembly  57, 58
      • 23rd General Assembly  59
      • 25th General Assembly  60
      • 1970s  50–56
      • 1980s  56–59
      • 1990s  61–63
      • new focus (late 1990s)  62–63
    • Group on the Information Society (UNGIS)  72
    • human rights and see human rights
  • United Press International  212
  • United States (of America ‐ US/USA)  102–129, 202–205, 281–282
    • advertising companies based in  262, 271
    • Arab journalist views of American people  229
    • Broadband Commission  72
    • Chilean government overthrow and  6–7
    • CNN audience in  190, 191, 195
    • development communication  38, 41, 45
    • European attitudes to media from  161
    • film industry  21–22
    • future interests/needs  281–282
    • global scale influence of  151–153
    • gross national product  25
    • Indian music in  173
    • internet access  83–84
    • Latin America media and, comparisons  4–5
    • mass communication research  38
    • military forces in Middle East  196, 226
    • news services (global)  202–205
    • professionalism  41
    • public diplomacy and 
    • re‐colonization  17
    • stakeholders/multimedia conglomerates  102–129, 147
    • as superpower/global leader superpower  1, 52, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 281, 284
      • abdication of role  72–73
      • rejoining UNESCO  61, 62
  • United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM)  202–205
  • United States of Europe  133–136
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights  14, 60
  • Universal Music Group  143, 177, 178, 179, 269
  • Univisión  145, 147, 148–149
  • UPI (United Press International)  212
  • US see United States
  • US Agency for Global Media (USAGM)  202–205
  • VCRs (videocassette recorders)  68, 157
  • Veer‐Zaara246
  • Venezuela, Cisneros  145
  • Viacom  113, 114, 115–116
  • video (home), India  248
  • video cassette recorders (VCRs)  68, 157
  • video compact disc (VCD)  94
  • video on demand (VOD)  82, 109, 141
    • ad‐supported  122
    • subscription (SCOD)  140, 143
  • video‐streaming  91, 93–94, 170, 175, 279, 286, 287
  • Virgin Media  123, 124
  • virtual private networks (VPNs)  87
  • Visegrád states  163
  • Vivendi  130, 143–144, 178, 269
  • VK  85, 100
  • Voice of America  203, 204, 236
  • Vox channel  138
  • VPNs (virtual private networks)  87
  • Vudu  126
  • W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)  67, 68, 73, 75, 89
  • World Information Report62
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)  76, 179, 181–182
  • world music  172, 173
  • Zhao, Houlin  72
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