Accountability, 139–140

Activist hedge funds, 62

Adidas, 195

Agha-Soltan, Neda, 44–45, 47–48

Agile organizations, 190–194

Alsop, Ron, 54, 11, 36, 135, 136, 156–158

American Customer Satisfaction Index, 166–167

American Express (AmEx), 15, 152–154, 160–167, 184–185

Antitrust laws, 56–57, 60

Apple, 29–34, 193

Asia, rise of, 194–197

B Corporations, 184

Balance, 114, 117–120

Best Companies to Work For (Fortune), 9, 16, 17, 69, 76, 94, 95, 110, 118, 163, 212, 240n2. See also Good Employer Ratings

Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, 15, 127–128, 148–149

Blake, Frank, 3, 4, 11, 20, 65

Blogs, 34–37, 40–41, 133, 158

Boudreau, John, 22

BP, 9–10, 131

BP oil spill, 177–178, 200, 202, 209

Bragdon, Joseph, 80

“Brand bullies,” 176

Brand coherence, 24

Brand identity, 175

Breen, Bill, 180

Brooks, David, 200

Burns, Scott, 3–5, 18

Bush, Jim, 152, 163

Buzzelli, David, 208

Callan, Scott J., 78

Capital equipment, 30

Capitalism. See also Free-market capitalism

democratic market, 201

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), 179

Carbon footprint, 170–171. See also Environment

Cascio, Wayne, 191

Chenault, Ken, 161, 162, 167

Chevron, 113

Chief executive officers (CEOs), 63, 98

compensation, 104, 176, 213

tax havens, 176–177

China, 30–31, 58, 154–155, 194, 197

Circuit City, 136–137

Clean Air Act, 58

Cleaning products, 170. See also Seventh Generation

Climate change. See Global warming

Clinton, Bill, 208

Communication. See also Disclosure; Transparency

with customers, 157–159

about ecological impact, 178–180

leadership and, 131–132

Communities, 172–173

commitment to, 172

Community service, 47

Companies. See also specific topics

factors pushing them to behave better, 5

life expectancy, 78–80. See also Goodness: and long-term survival

with whom you do business, assessing, 111, 114–121

Compassion boom, 47

Compensating employees, fairly, 140–141

Connected enterprise, power of the, 192

Connectivity, 111, 115–116, 192

ConocoPhillips, 113

Consumer desire, 23–26

Container Store, 142

Contribution, 47, 92, 99, 103, 122, 166, 213

Corporate charters, revoking, 204

Corporate citizenship, 17, 84, 167, 176

Corvington, Patrick, 47

Cotte, June, 83–85

Courage, 114, 120–121

Credit card companies, 161. See also American Express

Customer experience, improving, 25


putting them first, 24–25

respecting the privacy of, 160

de Geus, Arie, 78–79

Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 60, 177–178, 200, 202, 209

Developed economies, 32–34

Developing economies, 30–32

Disclosure, 202–203, 209. See also Communication; Transparency

Disclosure culture, 41–44

Disney, 17, 18, 22, 25, 110, 111, 177

Disney, Walt, 25

Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, 8–10, 16, 85, 179, 213

Downsizing, 191. See also Layoffs

Duke, Mike, 51–52, 181

“EA: The Human Story” (ea_spouse essay), 40–41, 43, 44

Eco-friendliness, phony, 9–10. See also Greenwashing

Eco-marketing, 7, 179. See also Greenwashing

Economic security focus, 26–29

Electronic Arts (EA), 40–43

EMC, 143–144

Emerging markets, 8, 30

Employee commitment, contributors to, 140–141

Employee referrals used to fill positions, 134–135

Employee relations, 172–173


autonomy and authority, 135–136

training, 142

traits of good, 24

values and priorities, 26–29

Employees First, Customers Second (Nayar), 70

“Employees First, Customers Second” program and ethos, 65–66, 130, 147

Employer(s). See also Good Employer

creating business intelligence for being a good, 144–146

good employers make good sellers, 163–164

Environment, 49–50, 99, 177, 213. See also Greenness; Seventh Generation; specific topics

abiding by the law, 177–178

communication and, 178–180

helping the planet, 181–182

moderation and the, 182–183

Environmental harm, minimizing, 180–181

Environmental rankings, 92

Environmental regulation, 177

Esty, Dan, 82

“Ethical” consumer products, 8, 83–85

“Ethical” consumers, 32, 88, 158, 165

“Ethical” economic behavior, 5

European Commission, 69

Evangelical Christians, 50–51

“Experience Economy,” 23

Facebook, 41

Fair price, 92, 98, 212

“Fair-trade” movement, 46

“Family-oriented” culture, 195–196

Fast-food firms, 159–160

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 203

FedEx, 12–13, 17–18, 110, 133–134, 147, 193

Fenton, Traci, 70

Fines, 93, 99, 104–105, 213

Fischer-Wright, Halee, 147

Fishman, Elliot, 116

Flat organizations and flatness as a management philosophy, 66, 67, 70

Food and beverage industry, 159–160

For-benefit corporations, 184

Foxconn, 31, 32

Free-market capitalism

dissatisfaction with, 28, 199–200

problems with and criticisms of, 58–59

Frey, John, 183

Friedman, Milton, 13

Friedman, Thomas, 67

FTSE KLD 400 Social Index, 77

Generation Y (Gen Y). See Millennials

Gilmore, James H., 23, 35, 92, 94–97, 212

Global citizens, 45

Global security, 44–48

Global social conscience, 46–47

Global trade, 29–30

Global warming, 12, 51

Globalization, 12

Goldman Sachs, 107, 110, 158–159

loses its good name, 118–119

Good Company Index, 7, 78, 106–107

categories of information used for, 92–93

data from, 9

good companies outperform in stock market, 112

grades for Fortune 100, 108–109

overview, 16–18, 90–94

scoring, 211–213

sources, 214

Good Employer Ratings, 92, 94–97, 212

for Fortune 100, 96–97

Good Seller Ratings, 92, 97–98, 212

for Fortune 100, 98, 100–101

Good Steward Ratings, 92–93, 98–99, 102–106, 212

for Fortune 100, 102–103

Good work, defined, 198

Goodness. See also specific topics

benefits to, through and through, 81–88

characteristics and elements of, 91–93, 198–199

doing well by doing good, 75–81

and long-term survival, 78–80. See also Companies: life expectancy

as a seller, 152–154

being a good seller doesn’t come cheap, 160–162

good sellers take center stage, 166–167

purpose and, 166

thorough worthiness reinforces, 162–166

Google, 145

Government regulation and oversight of the economy, 177, 200–204. See also Antitrust laws

rising, 57–60

Great Recession, 5–6, 19, 27, 45, 58, 69, 120, 133, 200, 209

Green Rankings (Newsweek), 16, 92, 99, 213

Greenness, 82–83

going green, 48–52. See also Environment

Greenwashing, 7, 9–10, 179–180

Gulf of Mexico oil spill, 60, 177–178, 200, 202, 209

Hannah’s Gold, 52

Harrington, John, 25

HCL Technologies, 66, 68–69, 147

Hewlett-Packard (HP), 95–96, 180–181, 183

Hiring practices, 134–135

Hollender, Jeffrey, 120, 170, 180, 185

Home Depot, 3–5, 11, 18–20, 107, 156

shareholder activism, 61, 64, 65

Honda, 209–210

Human capital analytics, 145, 146

“Human capital management” portfolios, 76

Human needs satisfied by employment, 198

Human resources (HR) factors, 80, 81

Hurd, Mark, 95

Hurricane Katrina, 49

Idealistic vision, 207–210

India, 194, 196, 197

Indian model of leadership, 196

Initial public offerings (IPOs), 80

Intel, 56, 69

Internet. See Blogs; Web 2.0 technologies

Investing, socially responsible, 85–86

iPods, 29–31, 33

Iran, 44–45, 47–48

Jackson, Mitch, 13

Job design, 135–137

Job security and job loss, 26–29, 129–130, 173. See also Layoffs

Johnson & Johnson, 104

Jones, Kimberely Howell, 133

Kaiser Permanente, 115

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 181–182

Kindle 2, 36

King, John, 147

Klein, Naomi, 175–176

Knowledge economy, 30

Kramer, Mark, 175

Kroes, Neelie, 56, 57, 60

Kuder, Ryan, 34–35, 37

Kull, Steven, 45

Lawler, Edward E., III, 68, 198–199

Layoffs, 27, 34, 127, 130, 173, 191. See also Job security and job loss

Leaders. See also Chief executive officers

behaviors, 132–134

Leadership, 131–134

Learning, 141–142

formal, 142–143

informal, 143–144

LeBreton-Miller, Isabelle, 79

Levy, Paul, 127–128, 132, 148, 149

Logan, Dave, 147

Market forces and goodness, 12

Markson, Mitch, 6, 81–82

MasterCard, 161

Matlin, Julie, 160

Mattel, 154–155

“Maximize shareholder value” philosophy, 146

McAlvain, Torry, 117

McBassi & Company, 9

McEntee, Gerald, 63

Michelins, 79

Millennials, 52–54

Miller, Danny, 79

Minerals Management Service, 202

Missions, substantive, 79

Moderation, 182–183

Montuori, Don, 83

MSN Money, 3–4, 11, 18–20, 107

Nardelli, Robert, 3, 20, 61, 64, 65, 156

Natural resources, 30

Nayar, Vineet, 66, 68, 70

Needs satisfied by employment, 198

“Noble cause,” 147

Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement, Bureau of, 202

Oil spills, 60, 177–178, 200, 202, 209

Organizational democracy. See Democracy, workplace

Otellini, Paul, 60

O’Toole, James, 68, 198–199

Paez, Jennifer, 165–166

Parker, Tom, 165

Party gone wrong, parable of the, 18–19

Patton, Gary, 65

Pearson, Polly, 143–144

Penalties/fines, 92, 99, 104–105, 213

People purpose, 146–147

Perez, Amilcar, 46–47

“Performance” vs. “family-oriented” culture, 195–196

Pine, B. Joseph, II, 23

Pink, Daniel, 147–148

Political imperative, defined, 56

Porter, Michael, 175

Posner, Richard, 58–59

Power sharing. See also Democracy, workplace

radical, 69

Precautionary principle, 171, 182–183

Pride, 240n2

Problem solving with core capabilities, 173–175

Probst, Larry, 43

Procter & Gamble (P&G), 174, 175

Product safety, 132–133, 154–155, 199

Protecting Futures, 174

Purpose, inspiring, 146–149

Quality, 92, 98, 212

Ramstad, Peter, 22

Rapaport, Dave, 185

Reciprocity, 111, 114–115, 155–157

Relationship Care program, 153, 162–165, 167

Restraint, 93, 99, 159–160, 175–177, 213

Riggs Bank, 137

Rule 13D, 62

Sartain, Libby, 35

Say on pay, 63

SC 13D disclosures, 62

Scherr, Scott, 120, 121, 208

Scott, Lee, 48, 49, 51

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 62, 118, 203

Security, global, 44–48

Self-managed teams, 67

Seventh Generation, 15, 172, 183, 184–185, 261–262nn52-57

Corporate Consciousness Report, 117, 120, 170

creating harmony amid discordant demands, 117–120, 171

employee involvement, 69

features of a good steward, 171

“Get Out of Hot Water” effort, 117–118

growth and sales, 118–119, 184, 185

minimizing environmental harm, 170–171, 180, 183–184

moderation and restraint, 171, 182–183

product ingredients, 117, 170, 182, 183

Shareholder activism, 61–65

problems with, 63–65

Smith, Fred, 17, 133

Social change and social causes, support for, 81–82, 92

Social media technologies, 35, 41–42, 45. See also Blogs; Web 2.0 technologies

Social relationships, need for supportive, 198

Social responsibility, corporate, 9–14, 17, 46, 78, 172, 175. See also specific topics

Social solidarity, march toward greater, 47

Socially responsible investment mutual funds, 85

Southwest Airlines, 114, 158

Starbucks, 23

Stewardship, 15, 172

and goodness as a seller, 164–166

takes shape, 183–185

Stock market, performance in, 75–78

Stora Enso, 80

Sustainability, 8–10, 48–49

“Sustainability 360” program (Walmart), 48

Sustainability Index Consortium, 181

Sustainable Asset Management (SAM), 10

Sustainable business practices, 87

defined, 87

Sustainable Development, Council on, 208

Sustainable Project Index, 181–182

Symphony Services, 134–135, 142–143

Tax havens, 93, 99, 103–104, 106, 107, 110, 176–177, 213

Tea Party movement, 12, 47

Technological change, 34–37

Temkin, Bruce, 25

Teter, Hannah, 52

Thomas, Janet M., 78

Thompson, Clive, 158

Toyota, 132–133, 138

Trade, global, 29–30

Transparency, 116–117, 135, 171, 180, 185, 196. See also Communication; Disclosure

about company strategy and performance, 29

consequences, 69, 106, 139

defined, 114, 116

technology-enabled, 35, 209. See also Social media technologies

trust and, 158

Tribal Leadership (Logan et al.), 147

Trudel, Remi, 83–85

Trust, 7, 92, 98, 212, 240n2

Turner, Lord Adair, 179

Turnover, 142

Twitter, 34, 35

Ultimate Software, 120–121, 208

Unemployment, 28

Unions, 69

United Nations Global Compact, 51

Unocal, 204

Value-creating organization committed to its employees, ingredients for a, 129–131

Vigilance (workplace conditions), 138

Virgin America, 23–24

Visa, 161

Volunteer service, 47

Walmart, 24, 86–87, 106–107, 177

going green, 48–49, 51–52, 86, 87, 181–182

Water quality, 259n27

Web 2.0 technologies, 35–37, 42. See also Social media technologies

Welbourne, Theresa, 80–81

Whistle-blowers, 44. See also Disclosure culture

Whitworth, Ralph, 61

Win-win exchanges, 14, 111, 153

Work environment, 134–141

conditions, 138

processes, 137

Workplace conditions, 138

Workplace democracy, 65–70

Workplace safety, 131–132


companies pushing each other in the direction of, 12–13

high stakes that worthiness wins, 197–204

meaning of, 13–16

meets the agile organization and emergent Asia, 190–197

Worthiness Era, 207

government policy and, 201–204

Worthiness imperative, telltale signs of, 7–9

wRatings, 97–98, 212, 244n2

Wright, Marian, 166

Yahoo, 34, 35, 37

Yelp, 42–43

Yu, Angel, 195, 135–136, 156–157, 173, 192

Zero-sum mentality, 156, 191

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