Be Inspired
innovative promotions that work
Creative firms as well as freelancers are beginning
to realize that the success of their brand begins with self-
awareness. Being honest about one’s abilities and offerings,
interests and aspirations, and core values and beliefs allows
one to build a foundation from a place of authenticity.
“Knowing where the passion reigns requires some conscious
effort to recognize the feeling, the atmosphere that exists
when doing the right work with the right clients,” acknowl-
edges Deb Koch of Red Canoe. “Staying true to the soul or
center of our work, our mission, is an ongoing challenge.”
Being authentic means having the courage to venture out
on your own creative path, attracting clients who share in
your vision. When in tune with the spirit within, happi-
ness and creative fulfi llment are abundant. Work fl ows in a
free and almost effortless way. Untouched by the distractions,
demands, and complexities of the outside world, the creative
spirit is the only true marker for navigation. Building an inti-
mate relationship with one’s inner voice generates a pathway
for creative aspirations to come to fruition.
Knowing what motivates, feeds, and nurtures the creative
spirit is essential for growth and stamina over the long term.
It is most important to stimulate both the mind and the body,
because they work in tandem. “I nourish my creativity by a
continuum of learning experiences, including literary, poetic,
and philosophical readings as well as listening to classical
music,” shares Nelida Nassar of Nassar Design. “I also go
to spas and immerse my being in stillness and meditative
silence.” Health and wellness nourish and replenish from the
inside out. This is important for team cultures as well as sole
proprietors. “At Spiral Design Studio, staff members are en-
couraged to expand their professional education and personal
wellness through company-fi nanced seminars, workshops,
and classes,” notes agency principal Robert Clancy. “They are
likewise encouraged to embrace their personal lives with equal
vigor.” The constant pressure to meet higher expectations with
increasingly tighter deadlines presents a tremendous amount
of stress, a depleting of energy and resources. Continuously
taking without replenishing can be very destructive and hard
to repair as time goes on. Creatives need to fi nd ways to refuel
their source on a daily basis in order to move forward from a
position of strength and vitality.
The constant pressure to meet higher expetations
with increasingly tighter deadlines presents
a tremendous amount of stress, a depleting
of energy and resources. Continuously taking
without replenishing can be very destructive
and hard to repair as time goes on. Creatives
need to fi nd ways to refuel their source on a
daily basis in order to move forward from a
position of strength and vitality.
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One way to make an impact on creative energy is to
restructure the environment in which one works. A studio
that has an open, collaborative philosophy along with an
ongoing means for stimulating thought is much more con-
ducive for creativity. “Our open-communication offi ce and
team culture allow for new and innovative ideas to be heard
and explored, fl owing freely and effi ciently to everyone,”
details Marcie Carson of IE Design. “Our team is encour-
aged to bring in and share what inspires them in their daily
lives, producing creative momentum. We also have an
inspiration board where we write quotes and sayings. It has
become a common place to visit for a quick fi x. These ideas
promote team building as well as fi ll the cup of creativity.”
An environment that allows for the sharing of ideas, opin-
ions, and resources will unleash a continuous fl ow of energy.
To evoke the senses, many creatives are surrounding their
studios with sources of inspiration from music and scented
candles to rare books and nostalgic objects that speak to
them, regardless of any direct purpose. The stimulation
sparks ideas and provokes thought. “Our entire team regu-
larly brings in old and new items of design, ranging from an
old chuck wagon metal lunch box to a gas station refrigera-
tor magnet,” says Robert Goldie of Rome & Gold Creative.
“Also, our extensive library encourages everyone to check
out books for as long as they like.” By immersing oneself
with elements that inspire and engage the senses, assimilation
into the creative process becomes ongoing. “If you surround
yourself with the things that interested you, those things will
seep their way into your work somehow,” adds Ucef Hanjani
of ceft & company. The working environment needs to be
an external expression of a fi rm or freelancer’s personality,
allowing the brand to live both inside and out.
To jump-start creativity, consider self-initiating a group-
inspired project for the sheer purpose of aesthetic explora-
tion. The Seattle-based design fi rm Belyea was up for the
challenge when they started their own internal art club. For
one year, the design team developed experimental artwork,
exploring materials and techniques outside their creative rep-
ertoire. At the fi rst meeting of every month, each staff mem-
ber presented a fi nished piece of art to the group. Excited
about what they had accomplished, Belyea held a gallery-like
exhibition in their offi ces, inviting clients and colleagues
to share in their vision. A series of notecards based on the
experimental project was produced as a keepsake. By focus-
ing on nurturing their source, the team at Belyea was able to
reach new heights creatively. The fact that the initiative also
sparked a successful promotional endeavor (see page 164)
was just icing on the cake.
Building relationships with artists outside your discipline
is another great way to infuse creativity. “Look at fashion,
textiles, fi lm, music, sculpture, painting, and architecture. It
will feed and enhance your work,” advises Hanjani. “If we
look at our own industry for inspiration, the work becomes
stale. Be open to new ideas and different ways of seeing.”
Collaborating with creatives in other arenas allows for a
different perspective, deepening one’s frame of reference
and expanding what is possible. “We try to collaborate with
people who challenge us to be better at what we do,” explains
Jason C. Otero of Art & Anthropology. “They help us look at
the periphery of a solution to fi nd new ways of visualizing.”
The dynamics of a multidisciplinary group endeavor create
an environment that is conducive for the pursuit of ideas
that are more innovative in approach. Creatives choosing to
join forces are establishing alternative ways to reignite their
creative process by continuing to learn and grow as artists.
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innovative promotions that work
innovative promotions that work
Instead of spending your budget on
a mass mailing, identify your best
targets and surprise them in a real
creative way. Use interesting tex-
tures and unexpected materials for
them to touch and discover.
—Orlando Facioli, Orlando Facioli Design
Chapter Two
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