
Congratulations! You’ve made it through a dozen work challenges, with dozens of stories and recommendations. This is the moment when I pass the baton. Thank you for receiving it. Your experiences facing challenges are as relevant and important as the ones in this book.

I’m no Pollyanna, and I’m not going to coolly lie that everything will turn out for the best. Things don’t always turn out as you expect or hope, but one thing is certain: if you don’t face your work challenges, it won’t turn out at all. You’ll use up energy working very hard not to face the challenge. Consequently, work will be duller and more stressful, your growth will slow, and you’ll feel stuck.

But that’s not going to happen. You are going to face your challenges, if only to experience more adventure at work.

Not ready? Things are changing so fast that you won’t ever be 100 percent ready. You’re ready enough, and that’s what counts. Run toward challenge. Sometimes you’ll succeed. At times, the pressure will feel overwhelming, you’ll make a mistake, or your review won’t be what you wanted. Somebody will make your life miserable or stand in your way. You’ll have to work hard to cultivate sponsors. Risk taking will make you feel anxious. Maybe being a superhero is not your thing. Perhaps work sucks, drags you down, or lacks what you need—now. These challenges all serve.

You know what to do. Start with deeper reflection on your hard questions. Get curious about your thoughts, feelings, mindsets, and what’s at stake for you, without judgment. Assess the situation, explore your choices, and consider your trade-offs. Reach out to bosses, mentors, sponsors, colleagues, friends, family, and even strangers who can help you. Make your decisions. Declare your intentions. Set some goals and plan your next small steps. Visualize them. You’ve got this.

There is only one thing left to do.

Whether you tell it to someone, write it down, or just live it, create your story.

Make it an exciting one.

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