Chapter 7

Improving Unsupervised Individual Learning


This chapter discusses many ways, in addition to Guided Cognition design, to improve unsupervised individual learning. The ways to do this fall into three categories: improving the student, improving the to-be-learned content, and improving questions and tasks such as those used in homework. Improving the student involves learning-to-learn. We review various approaches, including general methods that can be applied across a broad spectrum of content and targeted approaches that are for specific content. We consider the overall utility of various approaches and characterize what students need to do to be successful in applying them. Improving the to-be-learned content can be achieved through organizing it, by providing previews and organizers, by providing completed examples, and by using multimedia for presentations. Content can also be improved by spacing and interleaving practice. Improving questions and tasks can be achieved with Guided Cognition design and also by spacing questions over longer time intervals and by interleaving different types of problems or content rather than assigning them in blocks. Practice tests can be very effective, and appropriate adjustment of question or problem difficulty can facilitate learning. Embodying cognition by designing homework questions that relate to students' past experiences can also facilitate comprehension and learning of new material.


Advance organizers; Cognitive load; Content design; Desirable difficulties; Embodied cognition; Guided Cognition; Scaffolding; Interleaving practice; Learning from tests; Metacognition; Multimedia learning; Organization in memory; Question design; Spacing practice; Study skills; Test effects; Testing
The primary focus of this book is to report our experiments on Guided Cognition design and to demonstrate how Guided Cognition design can be used to create more effective, efficient questions and tasks for unsupervised individual learning (including much homework). There are several related areas of research that can contribute to improvements in unsupervised individual learning. Some are directed at improving the student. Others are aimed at improving the to-be-learned content. And still others, including Guided Cognition design, are focused on improving tasks and questions such as those used in homework.

Improving the Student

Many helpful books and articles are intended to “improve the student” by offering both general and specific advice about effective ways to study and practice. Common general advice includes outlining or highlighting content to help emphasize the most important ideas, organizing information to make it more memorable, spacing study of a topic rather than trying to learn it all at one time, and creating and answering self-tests about the content. Acquiring general study strategies such as these is often referred to as “learning-to-learn,” and such general skills are extremely important when students are learning on their own, that is, when they are engaged in unsupervised individual learning.
Some methods designed to “improve the student” offer a general formula that can be applied to a wide variety of content. A famous and longstanding example is the SQ3R method, which can be applied to many types of content, but is particularly suited for improving reading comprehension. The SQ3R method, still recommended by some universities, was based on psychological and educational research and was propelled by the need to rapidly train personnel for World War II (Robinson, 1978; originally 1946). The SQ3R name is shorthand for five recommended steps that are to replace simply reading: survey, question, read, recite, and review.
An example of a more targeted way to “improve the student” is by teaching specific skills that are useful for learning particular content (e.g., Palincsar & Brown, 1984; Pressley & Woloshyn, 1995; Segal, Chipman, & Glaser, 1985). The assumption behind specific-skill training is that a student can apply specific learning and metacognitive strategies to facilitate learning (e.g., Palincsar & Brown, 1984). For specific-skill training to be effective, teachers must teach the details of strategies and show students how the strategies apply to a variety of situations (McCormick & Pressley, 1997). To be successful, students need to understand why, how, and when particular strategies will work (Pressley & Woloshyn, 1995).
In addition to general how-to-study methods and specific-skill training, there are many important expositions, based on decades of cognitive and educational psychology research, about how people learn and about what students know or think they know about knowledge and skill acquisition. Some of these emphasize particular study skills that students can learn and apply or that teachers can build into their teaching routines (e.g., Pashler et al., 2007). Other publications provide such advice and also place considerable emphasis on metacognitive accuracy and on the metacognitive misconceptions people have about how they learn, and about their judgments of how well something has been learned (e.g., Bjork, Dunlosky, & Kornell, 2013; Brown, Roediger, & McDaniel, 2014).
A major challenge of methods for “improving the student” is that the student (or more generally, the learner) must first learn a variety of effective study techniques; then must be able to choose a technique to match a particular learning environment, content, and desired outcome; and also must be willing to invest the effort required to employ the appropriate techniques.
A prerequisite for “improving the student” is to determine, through research, which techniques are of most value for learning. Several commonly used study techniques have been reviewed in detail and have been scored for overall utility (or value) by considering whether they are suitable for use across a variety of learning conditions, student characteristics, materials, and tasks (Dunlosky, Rawson, Marsh, Nathan, & Willingham, 2013). Of the 10 techniques evaluated, practice testing and distributed practice were found to have the highest utility. Elaborative interrogation, self-explanation, and interleaved practice were rated to be of moderate utility. For a variety of reasons, summarization, highlighting, the keyword mnemonic, imagery use for text learning, and rereading were rated as having low utility.
In these ratings, utility primarily reflects the design dimension of usefulness, but the ratings for utility also include considerations of a study technique's usability and aesthetics. If a technique facilitates learning for multiple learning conditions, student characteristics, materials, and tasks, then its usefulness and therefore, its utility, would be rated higher. However, if a technique is difficult to implement for some learning conditions, student characteristics, materials, or tasks, then its usability and therefore, its utility, would be rated lower. If the technique is sometimes unpleasant (e.g., tedious or boring), its aesthetic success is poor for those situations, and so the technique's utility will be lower. Although the techniques that are rated highest in utility can be recommended for most situations, techniques rated lower in utility may still be effective for a subset of learning conditions, student characteristics, materials, and tasks. Consequently, a student needs to learn to identify the most appropriate techniques (as defined by the design dimensions of usefulness, usability, and aesthetics) to match the particular learning conditions, the student's personal characteristics, the to-be-learned materials, and the tasks. All of this requires the student to have a great deal of metacognitive awareness, as well as to have experience learning related content and doing similar tasks.
A large part of the student's challenge is to resist doing things that seem productive but that are actually not optimal for long-term retention. For example, the student must choose to self-test rather than to simply reread the to-be-learned content and also must choose to space practice over several days rather than to mass practice immediately before a test. Such choices require three things: having knowledge of what works best for learning, planning a study schedule, and applying self-discipline to follow the plan under typical time constraints.

Improving the To-Be-Learned Content

There are several ways to “improve the to-be-learned content.” A primary way is to organize and structure information to make it easier to comprehend and easier to remember (e.g., Dick & Carey, 1990; Goldman & Pellegrino, 2015; Thomas & Rohwer, 1993). Many experiments have shown that better organization of the to-be-learned content generally facilitates learning and memory (e.g., Mandler, 1972; Rabinowitz, 1984).
Another method of improving the to-be-learned content is to provide various sorts of previews and organizers that students can use to understand new material. For example, to facilitate comprehension of new material in a reading assignment, related but more general content can be provided as an “advance organizer” for the new content (Ausubel, 1960, 1968; Ausubel, & Fitzgerald, 1962). Within this vein, it has been shown that providing outlines and diagrams can improve learning from lectures (Bui & McDaniel, 2015).
Another important way to improve content design, especially in domains such as mathematics that emphasize problem solving, is to include several completed examples that show the exact problem-solving steps (Kalyuga, Chandler, & Sweller, 2001; Renkl & Atkinson, 2003; Sweller & Cooper, 1985).
When feasible, combining simultaneous complementary verbal and visual information to create multimedia content can facilitate learning (e.g., Mayer, 2004, 2014). If, however, there is redundancy in the visual and verbal information (for example, presenting a text summary of the auditory content), multimedia presentation can impede learning because of information-processing competition (Mayer, Heiser, & Lonn, 2001), so it is important that the contents of different modalities complement, rather than compete with, one another.
The positive learning effects of organizing and clarifying content have been explained by cognitive load theory which says, for example, that providing structure reduces cognitive demands imposed on students (Paas, Renkl, & Sweller, 2003; Sweller, 2016; Sweller & Chandler, 1994). In contrast, some examples of content design suggest that increasing cognitive demands can result in better learning. For example, McNamara, Kintsch, Songer, and Kintsch (1996) reported that text comprehension by students who had a strong background in the presented subject matter benefited in some ways from a less coherent text. The theoretical explanation offered is that students engage in compensatory processing to infer unstated relations in the text and that this additional processing results in better performance on subsequent measures of comprehension.
A related result, showing better retention after increased cognitive demands, comes from studies of learning-from-tests. In one experiment, initial recall of word pairs decreased as the initial test delay increased, but on a later second test, recall of the word pairs increased as the initial test delay increased (Whitten & Bjork, 1977). One theoretical explanation is that learners, in some sense, must work harder or process information differently to perform the more delayed initial retrieval and that this effort results in better long-term recall. Situations with such counterintuitive results, where increasing cognitive effort decreases immediate performance but facilitates long-term learning, have been described as “desirable difficulties” (Bjork, 1994). Other examples of such “desirable difficulties” that can be designed into the to-be-learned content include spacing instruction on a specific topic rather than massing instruction on that topic, interleaving topics rather than focusing completely on one topic at a time, and integrating multiple practice tests into the to-be-learned content (Bjork & Bjork, 2014).

Improving the Questions and Tasks

Guided Cognition Design

In our experiments, each question or task was enriched by including a cognitive event that was intended to elicit learning-effective cognitive processes. In contrast to “improving the student” and “improving the to-be-learned content,” Guided Cognition design requires neither learning a new way to learn nor restructuring the to-be-learned content. Instead, Guided Cognition design focuses on the structure and cognitive requirements of questions and tasks that will direct a student's thinking and, consequently, is a low-cost and versatile method to improve the effectiveness of unsupervised individual learning. Because the focus is on questions and tasks, Guided Cognition design is compatible with technology-based learning systems, as well as with traditional textbooks. The only requirement is to design questions and tasks that include cognitive events that will elicit learning-effective cognitive processes.
Guided Cognition design is one of several ways to “improve tasks and questions.” Many of the techniques that can be used to improve the to-be-learned content can also be used to create better questions and tasks that are designed to study that content. Here are a few:

Space Practice or Study

A wealth of research has found that, for a wide variety of content, ranging from verbal to mathematical to physical skill learning, distributed (or “spaced”) practice generally leads to much better retention than does immediately repeated (or “massed”) practice (e.g., Glenberg, 1992; Kang, 2016; Landauer, 2011; Melton, 1970; Roediger & Karpicke, 2011). Spacing practice or study via homework questions can be as simple as assigning questions on a particular topic over a number of days rather than on just a single   day.

Interleave Practice or Study

The idea of interleaving practice or interleaving questions on dissimilar topics is closely related to spacing practice. Alternating between two or more topics within an assignment increases the time between similar questions, thereby spacing them further apart. Interleaving practice most likely accomplishes much more than what simple spacing would do, however. Interleaving a variety of mathematics problems, ones that require different strategies for solutions, causes students to focus more on discerning appropriate strategies rather than mechanically applying the same one to a series of similar non-interleaved problems (Rohrer, Dedrick, & Agarwal, 2017; Rohrer, Dedrick, & Stershic, 2015). This discernment, in turn, likely results in better understanding of various strategies, thereby enhancing the ability to recall and apply them appropriately over the long term (Kang, 2017).

Include More Testing (Retrieval Practice)

Tests and quizzes are mostly used to assess learning. Recalling information from memory, however, changes or modifies the memory of that information and, in most cases, increases a person's ability to recall the information at a later time (e.g., Bjork, 1975; Whitten, 1974, 2009a, 2011a; Whitten & Bjork, 1977). Numerous experiments have shown that practice tests, rather than more presentations or rereading, result in reliably better long-term memory performance (Karpicke, 2017; Roediger & Butler, 2011; Roediger, Putnam, & Smith, 2011). Homework can be designed to take advantage of this “testing effect” and can combine the benefits of learning from tests with the benefits of spacing, by reviewing content with pertinent questions on successive days.

Adjust Difficulty

Spacing practice and interleaving practice can provide “desirable difficulties” that seem to slow learning but that actually result in better long-term retention. In addition, there are other methods to adjust difficulty to facilitate learning. Providing scaffolding, a notion made popular by Bruner (Wood, Bruner, & Ross, 1976) and most likely inspired by Vygotsky (1978), can be built into difficult questions and tasks. To help the student initially, for example, hints and directions can provide guidance for how to think about solving a problem or answering a question. Over time, for similar related problems or questions, part of the scaffolding is removed as fewer hints are provided. This process supports initial success but gradually requires the student to think more independently in order to answer questions and perform tasks, a process that should ultimately result in deeper understanding and better retention.

Embody Cognition

The theory of embodied cognition proposes that cognitive processes are based on neural and behavioral systems of action, perception, and emotion and that our bodies play an important role in comprehension, even when we are sitting quietly and thinking, because the structure of our thoughts is based on previous bodily encounters with the world (Glenberg, 2010, 2015; Glenberg, Witt, & Metcalfe, 2013). It follows from this view that questions and tasks that relate to physical experience will be more meaningful and will facilitate comprehension and retention. This prediction has been supported, for example, by experiments with college students who are learning physics. In these experiments, students who had a brief experience with angular momentum had higher quiz scores on that topic (Kontra, Lyons, Fischer, & Beilock, 2015). Designing homework questions that relate to students' past experiences should similarly facilitate comprehension and learning of new material.
These various methods of “improving the questions and tasks” are not mutually exclusive and in fact, can often be combined to create more effective and efficient unsupervised individual learning. Likewise, employing various approaches and techniques to improve students' study skills and to improve the design of content can also help learners succeed.
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