
accountability, 13, 22–23, 79, 103

acknowledgment, of good work, 91–93. See also recognition

active listening, 52, 65–66, 140, 141, 184–185, 224

analyzer (learning style), 127

annual appraisals, 149–158

alternate approaches to, 154–157

negatives of, 149–154

positives of, 150–151

use of, 156–157

See also performance reviews

annual goals, 3, 4, 23–24. See also goals

A players, 135, 202, 204, 205

aspirations, of employees, 103–105, 106

autonomy, 23, 93–94


expectations, 31–32

problem, 47–49, 68, 77–78, 137–143

body language, 65, 140, 223–224

B players, 201–206

breaks, 213–214

buddy mentors, 120

burnout, 53–54, 118, 207–216

causes of, 208–210

early signs of, 211–212

preventing, 210–216

career development. See employee development

career mentors, 120–121

career paths, 107–109

career plateaus, 101–102

cascading goal model, 22

challenge, 18–20, 94–95, 102

change, willingness to, 140–141

“cheaper, faster, better” rubric, 17

check-ins, 38–39, 40, 46, 79–80, 130, 153, 157, 196, 220

citizenship behaviors, 32, 159

closed questions, 64, 75

coaching, 71–81

agreeing on next steps, 78–79

agreement for, 73–74

to close performance gaps, 71–81

defining purpose of, 74–75

definition of, 71–72

employee’s perspective and, 75–76

goal of, 73

mindset for, 72

mutual trust and, 76–77

ongoing, 79–81

opportunities for, 72

underperforming employees, 139–143


appraising, 152

in goal setting, 33–42

measuring performance of, 152

in setting development plans, 126–130, 131


active listening, 52, 65–66, 140, 141, 184–185, 224

with remote employees, 219–220

See also conversations

compensation. See monetary compensation

connectivity, 212–213

constructive feedback, 58–61, 63–68, 187–189, 222–225

contingency plans, in goal setting, 36


coaching, 73–80, 139–143

conducting performance review, 181–194, 226–227

development, 103–106, 126–130, 131

feedback, 61–68, 222–225

“touchpoint,” 155–156

two-way, 63–64, 77–78

with remote employees, 218–220, 222–225, 226–227

corporate ladder, 107–109

corporate universities, 112

C players, 135–145, 196

criticism. See constructive feedback


high-performing, 18–19, 100

organizational, 32, 84

of respect, 84–87

cynicism, 207–208

decision-making discretion, 93–94

Deloitte, 5, 38, 154–155

Deming, W. Edwards, 53

development. See employee development

developmental network, 122. See also mentorship

development opportunities. See employee development

development plans, 125–133, 166, 196

development plan template, 132–133

dignity, 86

direct reports. See employees


of development plan, 130–133

of goals, 37–38, 40

of observed performance, 49–51, 221

of performance evaluation, 169–179, 193–194

of poor performance, 174–175

doer (learning style), 127

e-learning, 112

empathy, 65, 76, 220

employee appraisals. See performance reviews

employee development

aligning with employee aspirations, 103–105

aligning with organizational needs, 105–106

development plans, 125–133, 141–142

development plan template, 132–133

evaluating progress, 130, 131, 143, 144–145

expanding skill sets, 111–124

job redesign, 116–119

learning styles and, 126–128

manager’s role in, 100–103

mentorship and sponsorship, 119–123

overview of, 99–100

promotions and, 107–109, 186–187

resources for, 129

stretch assignments, 113–116

for struggling performers, 135–145

tactics for, 111–124

task delegation, 113

tours of duty, 115–116

training programs, 111–113

for underperformers, 135–145


aligning ambitions with organizational needs, 27, 105–106

asking for feedback from, 196–197

asking for raise or promotion, 185–187

aspirations of, 103–105

behavioral expectations for, 31–32, 168

causes of poor performance in, 52–56, 137–139

checking in with, 38–39, 40, 46, 130, 220

coaching, 71–81, 139–143, 153

collaborating with, 33–42, 126–130, 131

dialogue with, 63–64, 77–78

engagement of, 5, 84–87, 102, 207–208

empowerment of, 93–94

expectations for, 31–32, 55, 141–142, 168

firing, 136, 144–145

goals for, 13–20, 21–32, 195–196, 218–219

identifying strengths of, 106

learning styles of, 126–128

motivating, 83–96

personal interests of, 26–28

preventing burnout in, 207–216

recognition of, 46, 91–93, 95, 189, 205–206

remote, 217–228

replacing, 136

requests for help by, 52

rewards for, 87–95

self-assessment by, 160–163, 226

treating with respect, 84–87

understanding wants and needs of, 99–100, 103–109

unique abilities of, 118–119

engagement, of employees, 5, 84–87, 102, 207–208

exhaustion, 207. See also burnout


behavioral, 31–32, 168

clarity in, 55, 141–142

versus goals, 31–32

mismatch of, 141–142

performance versus, 168

for remote employees, 218–219

“experience, exposure, education” (framework), 128–129

extrinsic rewards, 87–90

Facebook, 155, 171

facts versus opinions, in feedback, 64–67, 174


financial incentives and, 89–90

in performance evaluations, 155, 168–170, 225–226


constructive, 58–61, 63–68, 187–189, 222–225

versus coaching, 71

discussing, 61–68

facts versus opinions, 64–67, 174

importance of, 57–61, 153

from others, 48–49, 221–222

positive, 46, 58, 59

regular, 5, 7, 57–69, 153, 157

to remote employees, 222–225

“sandwich” approach in, 68, 188–189

specificity in, 67–68

360-degree, 4, 155, 162, 163–166, 168

time and place for, 62–63

timing of, 59–60, 62

as two-way dialogue, 63–64

types of, 58–61

when not to give, 56

financial incentives, 87–90

firing an employee, 136, 144–145

flexible work arrangements, 214–215, 217

follow-up meetings, 130, 143

forced-ranking model, 151, 170, 171

formal performance reviews. See performance reviews

Gantt charts, 35–36

General Electric (GE), 151, 155–156


aligning with organization, 25, 105–106

annual, 3, 4, 23–24

assessing, 24–28

assessing performance against, 167–169

attributes of well-defined, 14–15

cascading goal model, 21–22

challenging, 18–20

characteristics of effective, 14–15

collaborating with employees on, 24–28, 33–42

defining, 21–32

in development plan, 125–126

documenting, 37–38, 40–42

of employees, 103–105

evaluation of employees against, 3, 4, 167–169

versus expectations, 31–32

following up on, 38–39, 40

identifying new, 195–196

measuring progress toward, 29–31, 46

metrics for, 29–31

personal interests and, 26–28

plan for reaching, 33–38

planning session for, 23–24

qualitative, 30–31

reasonable number of, 28–29

for remote employees, 218–219

revising, 24, 34, 39, 40

sources of, 16–18

stretch, 18–20

template for setting, 41–42

time line for achieving, 35–38

unrealistic, 19

goal-setting template, 41–42

growth opportunities, 99–100, 102. See also employee development

high-performing culture, 18–19, 100

human resources (HR), 38, 49–50, 100, 112, 175

improvement plans, 141–142. See also development plans

incentives, 87–90

incivility, 84–87

industrial model, of performance management, 3–4

innovation, 3–4, 151

intrinsic rewards, 90–95, 99

job descriptions, 17–18, 166, 168

job redesign, 116–119

job satisfaction, 84, 99, 101, 102, 121, 208

knowledge work, 2, 3–4, 153

lattice model of career development, 107–108

lawsuits, 49–50, 150–151, 152, 175

learning styles, 126–128

life mentors, 121


for feedback discussions, 62–63

for performance reviews, 182–183


building trust as, 76–77

modeling of good behavior by, 86, 216

role of, in employee development, 100–103

role of, in underperformance, 54–56, 137–139

marginal performers, 190–193

massive open online courses (MOOCs), 112

mentors, types of, 120–122

mentorship, 119–123

merit pay, 152

merit rating system, 151

metrics, 4, 29–31

Millennials, 100, 153

monetary compensation, 87–90, 185–197

monetary rewards, 87–90

motivation, 83–96

culture of respect and, 84–87

rewards and, 87–95

understanding employees’, 104–105

mutual trust, 76–77

nanodegree programs, 112

negative feedback. See constructive feedback

Netflix, 4, 155

objectivity, in performance evaluations, 169–175

online classes, 112

open-ended questions, 63–64, 104–105, 221–222

opinion-based statements, in feedback, 64–67

organizational culture, 32, 84

paraphrasing, 65, 78

peer mentors, 120

performance appraisal. See performance reviews

performance, assessing, 167–169

documentation of, 49–51

as ongoing process, 45–56

performance evaluation. See performance reviews

performance evaluation form, 176–179

performance gaps, 46–47

in C players, 196

coaching to close, 71–81

employee’s perspective on, 75–76

productive dialogues on, 77–78

See also poor performance

performance inflation, 171

performance management

approaches to, 2–3, 5–6

of B players, 201–206

evolution of, 3–6

functions of, 1

importance of, 6–7

industrial model of, 3–4

introduction to, 1–9

motivation and, 83

as ongoing process, 45–47

of remote employees, 217–228

performance measurement, 29–31

performance metrics, 4, 29–30

performance-planning sessions, 23–24

performance problems. See poor performance

performance reviews

accuracy of, 151–152, 170–171

alternate approaches to, 4–5, 154–157

assessing performance for, 167–169, 225–226

conducting the discussion, 181–194, 226–228

discussing performance during, 187–194

documentation of, 169–179, 193–194

evaluating your approach to, 196–198

form template, 176–179

gathering information for, 160–167

logistics for, 182–183

for marginal performers, 190–193

negatives of, 149–150, 151–154

positives of, 150–151

preparing, 159–179, 225–226

ratings and, 170–173, 226

of remote employees, 225–228

self-assessment and, 160–163, 226

setting tone for, 183–185

for strong performers, 189–190

360-degree feedback and, 4, 155, 163–166

use of, 156–157

performance snapshots, 5, 154–155

personal interests, aligning with goals, 26–28

personal problems, 54, 138


for development, 125–133, 196

for reaching goals, 33–38

Pomodoro Technique, 214

poor performance

asking employees to address, 68

coaching to improve, 139–143

documentation of, 174–175

identifying cause of, 52–56, 137–139

progress checks on, 79–80, 143

reluctance to confront, 59–61

seeing in new ways, 77–78

positive feedback, 46, 58–59, 92–93, 174, 189–190

praise. See recognition

problem behavior. See poor performance

promotions, 107–109, 185–187, 225

public criticism, 86


closed, 64, 75

in coaching, 71–72, 75

for employee self-assessment, 161

open-ended, 63–64, 75, 104–105, 221–222

for 360-degree feedback, 166

yes or no, 64, 75

raises, 185–187, 225

recognition, 46, 91–93, 95, 189, 205–206

remote employees, 217–228

communication with, 219–220

documenting performance of, 221

giving feedback to, 222–225

goals and expectations for, 218–219

performance appraisals of, 225–228

performance management of, 217–228

self-assessments for, 226

tracking performance of, 221–222

virtual communication technologies and, 221, 223–224, 227

respect, culture of, 84–87

rewards, 87–95

extrinsic, 87–90

financial, 87–90

intrinsic, 90–95, 99

risk taking, 130, 131

“sandwich” approach, 68, 188–189

self-assessment, for employees, 160–163, 226

70-20-10 rule, 128–129

situational factors, affecting performance, 168–169

skill-training programs, 111–113

SMART acronym (for goals), 14–15

sponsors, 121–122

sponsorship, 121–123

strategic objectives, aligning goals with, 25

stretch assignments, 113–116

stretch goals, 18–20

struggling performers, 135–145

task delegation, 113, 131


to achieve goals, 35–37

delegating, 113, 131

introducing challenging, 94–95

Gantt charts for, 35–36

resources for, 36–37

variety in, 215–216


financial incentives for, 88–90

measuring performance of, 3–4, 152

preventing burnout on, 207–216

telecommuting, 215, 217

temporary assignments, 113–116

360-degree feedback, 4, 162, 163–166, 168

360-degree reviews, 4, 155

time demands, reining in, 212–213

tone, for performance review, 183–185

tours of duty, 115–116

training, 111–113

trust, 76–77

tuition assistance, 113

underperforming employees, 135–145, 190–193, 196

variety, in work assignments, 215–216

virtual communication, 219–220, 223–224, 227

virtual work arrangements, 217–228

watcher (learning style), 127

Welch, Jack, 151

work-life balance, 202, 209–210

workloads, 209, 210–211

work overload, 53–54. See also burnout

workplace stress, 207, 208–210. See also burnout

workplace tensions, 53

work processes, 53

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